Top Management

Chapter 227

At the W&U Jung Sunwoo's team after-party.jpg

└Why isn't Son Chaeyoung here?

└It's just Jung Sunwoo's team gathered for this party, seems like a team dinner?

└What’s with the pictures that look like they were taken by a foot?

└I bet my left and right limbs, even my neck that Jung Sunwoo took those photos

└If you bet all that, what’s left of you?

└No filters and the angles are crap, but look at those surviving faces

└Does W&U just hire based on looks? (They do have skills, I know)

└Song Inho is going to be even more famous, his face is truly mesmerizing

└These kids really seem to get along, especially Neptune and Pretty Girl

└Neptune is like family, 60 years later when members get married, they'll all go to the wedding to catch the bouquet and sing congratulations

└In 60 years, it shouldn't be a wedding but something else

└Honestly, they might not renew their contract and disband... because Lee Songha is too popular

└Isn't Im Joowon's position a bit awkward in Jung Sunwoo's acting pool? He seems not to get as much support from Jung Sunwoo, maybe they don’t get along?

└Sort out your ambiguous life first


Neptune's dorm was bustling all morning.

It was the day of an informal screening organized by SBE. The event, held for the cast of City Jungle, friends, and families of the actors, was set to be attended by Lee Songha along with her fellow group members instead of her family.

With her bangs rolled up in curlers, Im Seoryeong hummed, excited about the rare group outing, chattering and following the other members around.

“So, the senior said he would get a car for Sunwoo oppa...”


Lee Songha burst out of the bathroom. Im Seoryeong jumped at her waterlogged appearance.

"Hey! You're dripping water everywhere! Dry it off with a towel or something!"

“What about him?”

The voice asking back dropped in tone.

“Why would the senior buy a car for oppa? Are they that close?”

“No, it’s not about being that close, but the senior made a huge profit investing in City Jungle. He wouldn’t have even read the script or thought about investing if it weren't for oppa, so he mentioned it out of gratitude.”

“I made a bigger hit and I’m more grateful, it should be me buying him a car.”

“Then you buy it! Why ask me! Am I the neighborhood fool!”

Stunned by the interrogation, Im Seoryeong shouted back.

Lee Songha then said, “I guess I should.”


“I should buy it first.”

With a refreshed face, she shook her wet hair.

Im Seoryeong slightly twitched her mouth.

"Really? For real? You... you must be rich. Really rich."

Lee Songha was indeed wealthy. Since her debut, her popularity and market value had skyrocketed, significantly inflating her personal fortune.

As Im Seoryeong's gaze returned to normal.

Lee Songha said again.

“How’s this apartment?”


“I was thinking of moving, found this place. Lots of celebrities live there, it’s secure and close to the company.”

She then showed pictures stored on her phone, displaying the luxurious exterior and interior.


Im Seoryeong creaked like she was broken. While getting ready to go out, Lee Tahee and Eljay joined the conversation, and the four of them huddled over the apartment photos for a moment.

Recovering from her confusion, Im Seoryeong asked.

"Hey, are you planning to live alone now?"

"What? Why would I live alone? I have my sisters."


With a strained smile, Im Seoryeong forced down her twitching lips.

“Then why are you looking at houses?”

“Let’s ask the company to move our dorm. It’s too cramped here, and the security’s not great.”

“Dorm? Did the director say he would move our dorm?”


Lee Songha calmly said.

“I’m going to ask to move it. Gotta pick the house first.”

Once again broken, Im Seoryeong scanned Lee Songha up and down. Her gaze was like seeing something unfamiliar.

“You... something’s off about you?”

“Is that so?”


Watching quietly, Eljay commented.

“It feels like the brakes are off.”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“Lee Songha, you might cause an accident behaving like this.”

“Hey! Don’t say things like that! Words can become reality!”

Alarmed, Im Seoryeong screamed. At that moment, Lee Songha’s phone rang.

The caller ID read 'Mom,' causing Lee Songha to furrow her brows.


The flyer-strewn telephone poles lined up like a row of trees in a village of studio apartments.

Nam Joyoon's studio, usually as silent as an empty room, was bustling with relatives who had come from his hometown.

"Are you going to leave looking like that?"

His cousin sized him up and down. Nam Joyoon was dressed casually in jeans and a loose t-shirt, his face rough and unadorned, as if he had stayed up all night watching movies.

"I thought you'd seem like a whole different person by now, famous and radiating that movie star vibe. Just... just the same old brother? How can an actor not have clothes? Even if not a walk-in wardrobe, shouldn't there at least be a closet? What do you even wear?"

"When I have schedules, Sunwoo sends me outfits. I just wear those."

"And otherwise?"

"I hardly go out, except to the cinema or the gym."

Nam Joyoon said nonchalantly.

His aunt surveyed the palm-sized studio apartment and asked.

"Don't you feel claustrophobic staying in here all the time? What do you do by yourself?"

"Sunwoo sends me scripts, so I read those..."

Instead of a wardrobe or dining table, a small desk was piled high with scripts like a tower. Nam Joyoon's father had been carefully circling it, curiously inspecting.

Upon opening the refrigerator to store the side dishes brought from home, his mother's eyes widened, then she clicked her tongue knowingly.

"I wondered why there was actual food in the fridge. All this..."

"A nutritionist has planned my meals, and I get daily deliveries. I need to get back in shape before starting a new project."

"The manager?"

Nam Joyoon nodded.

Beside him, his cousin muttered.

"At this rate, it's like you're being domesticated."

"Ugh, what are you even thinking about all day, or do you think at all?"

His mother slammed the refrigerator door with a loud thunk and sighed.

"We're your parents, so we have no choice, but what sins did the manager commit in a past life to be stuck looking after you? I wouldn't do this even for my own child."

His uncle lightened the mood with a laugh.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you don't have to worry about Joyoon anymore, what with him winning big awards abroad. Only good things left to come."

"That's right. Soon, you won't have to worry about the nonsense people talk. When you go to the movies, you'll see your son's face plastered everywhere. Lately, I've been envious of brother and sister-in-law; they're the luckiest in the world."

"When will the family freeloader ever amount to something?"

Suddenly grabbed by the nape, his cousin snorted.

"What are you talking about? It took Joyoon ten years to make it. Wait ten years, and see. I'll be successful and pull up in a Lamborghini."

"We'll see about that."

The cousin looked out the window and caught his breath.

"Mom! A celebrity van's coming, a celebrity van!"

A sleek van was entering the dimly lit alleyway, not the usual minivan Nam Joyoon drove but the flashy white express known as a 'celebrity van.'

"How exciting! Brother, can I take a photo inside it later?"

"I'll ask."

"Huh? It's not the manager, but Manager Jung who's come?"

The cousin's eyes sparkled as if seeing a celebrity. The others quickly turned their heads to look down from the window. Jung Sunwoo, dressed in a neat suit, was stepping out of the driver's seat.


"Oh my, you didn't have to come all this way when you’re so busy."

"I came because it’s been a while since I greeted you leisurely."

As soon as the door to the one-room opened, Nam Joyoon’s mother grabbed my hand. The already cramped one-room felt suffocating. If I went in, someone would have to come out. It was really time to look for a new house.

"Did you have a lot of trouble because of Joyoon? You look half the person you used to be."

Looking at me with eyes full of pity, mother brought a shopping bag from over the sink. It was meticulously wrapped in a cloth-like material.

"This is honey directly harvested by our neighbor, it's medicinal, truly medicinal. Not a speck of sugar in it. It's good for you, so keep it at home and take a spoonful on an empty stomach every day."

"It’s too precious, you should have it, not me."

"We take care of ourselves well enough without it. To not die, you know."

"Then I'll leave it here, and I'll have it with my brother. Thank you."

"That guy? If it weren’t for the mold, it would be a miracle. He doesn't even care to eat his meals."

Despite my telling her not to bother every time, she always grabs my hand and gives me something. Last time it was kimchi. Before that, it was pine mushrooms. All these things piled up on my shoulders as a pleasant burden.

People often say celebrities under the same management eat from the same pot. I used to think it was just a cliché, but at times like this, it feels literally true.

It was about time I prepared to leave.

Nam Joyoon's younger cousin grabbed at his mother's blouse.

"Auntie, your blouse got wrinkled in the back. Brother, don’t you have an iron?"

"Search around here if you need one."

Instead, mother smoothed out the wrinkled part with her hands.

Was there a steam iron in the car?

I was about to go down to check when Nam Joyoon’s father grumbled.

"See, I told you. Joyoon even gave you a card to buy nice clothes from the department store, not to pick up cheap stuff."

"How is this cheap? This blouse is from a branded store, it cost a hundred thousand won."

"There are prettier and better things in the department store, especially for today..."

"This guy's full of hot air again."

Father lamented with a face full of regret to Nam Joyoon.

"Your mother walked into the department store, saw the price tags, and walked right back out."

"Then buy that four hundred thousand won one? With the money your son struggled to earn?"

"No, I mean... If the kid buys clothes and goes out, everyone will say, 'Look, that kid is doing well to be able to buy his mom a dress.'"

"Really... can’t even act your age!"

Nam Joyoon watched his bickering parents. His gaze lingered on their attire but soon turned to me.

"Sunwoo, do you have time to stop by the department store on your way?"

"I do."

I recalled the location of the nearby department store when mother waved her hand dismissively.

"Never mind, never mind. What department store. Save your money."

"It's fine. I have the advance payment and the previous movie’s fees."

Nam Joyoon spoke more forcefully than usual.

He had a reason. He seemed indifferent outwardly, but he was actually very affectionate.

A man who couldn’t give up acting, practically throwing his life into it. And yet, he had no regrets about his choices. The one thing that had always prickled his conscience like a thorn was making his parents worry for many years.

"I should look for a lease house with that money. How long can you live in a one-room? If you spend freely whenever you get a lump sum, it’ll all disappear soon. Actors don’t have a steady monthly salary, so save it when you earn it."


"Later. You can buy it later when you earn more."

Mother turned around as if there was no more to discuss.

Nam Joyoon licked his lips, searching for something to persuade her. And I asked him in a low voice as I watched this standoff.

"Does mother's statement seem a bit... odd?"


As if saying, 'What are you talking about?'

Hold on.

"Are you acting like you've never heard of it? You agreed to a running guarantee when you signed for 'City Jungle.'"

"...Ah. Right."

"I'm losing my mind."

Nam Joyoon’s rarely flustered face spoke.

"I forgot. I’ve been thinking about nothing but movies."

"It’s weird, isn’t it? That you forget something like that..."

"Running, what’s that?"

Nam Joyoon’s father approached with a puzzled look. I explained instead of the clueless party


"It’s a contract method that adds an option to the fee. Simply put, if the movie succeeds in breaking even at the box office, then the guarantee keeps accumulating after that."

At the time, no one really expected 'City Jungle' to be such a hit, so it was a possible option.

I even went to the investment meeting and sold my name and image in exchange for this option, but if this movie had been expected by the distributor, they would never have given Nam Joyoon such a contract.

Father cautiously asked.

"Additional, then...?"

"Looks like it’ll be around 700 million by now."

My words dropped like a bomb in the one-room.

Nam Joyoon’s mother blinked slowly.

"How much?"

"It’ll probably increase by the time we settle. There’ll be taxes and all, but the advertising fees have risen significantly, and just shooting the scheduled commercials..."

As mother’s mouth opened wider, she coughed as if she was choking. It seemed like the reality of having left the house had finally returned. The younger cousin covered his mouth with his hand and muttered 'jackpot.'

And father, with a dumbfounded expression, said.

"...Shall we go to the department store?"


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