Top Management

Chapter 225

- Director Cha Jaeho’s live broadcast gaffe: "How old is this guy!", "Nowadays, everyone and their dog is a critic."

- Critic Kim Hwanju’s post surfaced on SNS.

└What did he say?

└That he’s thirty-nine LOL. Crazy LOL.

- A true master has appeared LOL. Enjoy your great movie to your heart's content.

- Look at Heo Kakyung's face LOL. Looks like he wants to kill the director LOL.

- Hey, this is going to be a historic achievement in the history of Korean cinema.

- Just seeing that tells you what kind of person the director usually is, feels like seeing that asshole team leader from our company, almost got PTSD.

- But why is "City Jungle" considered a movie by Jung Sunwoo? The director is Oh Hyunkyung and the leads are Lee Songha and Nam Joyoon, totally random that it’s a Jung Sunwoo movie LOL. What’s the story between Jung Sunwoo and Director Cha Jaeho? It's really hilarious LOL.


"Mr. Reporter, wouldn’t it be funnier what I might say in this situation? It’s already, you know, like that."

It wasn’t just a fierce criticism.

The marketing team leader, Park, gasped over the speakerphone.

The division chief across the couch tried to hold back laughter, his belly wobbling.

“But they say he’s doing alright?”

- Director Cha Jaeho? He has cancelled all remaining publicity appointments and is refusing interviews. The production company says it’s due to health deterioration, probably stress.

Park team leader suddenly stood up, bracing his hands against the back of the sofa.

“Anyway, I’m not commenting on this.”

Director Cha Jaeho’s slip of the tongue went viral, turning the unrelated "City Jungle" into my movie.

When you search the movie, the director, actors, and even my name pop up together as related search terms. No interest in fueling the fire further. The promotional effect is already more than enough.

After placating the disappointed reporter, the call ended. Immediately, Park team leader and the division chief burst out laughing, nearly to the point of sobbing.

“What can we do, really? What a disaster for our marketing team.”

Park team leader finally calmed down.

“We might have blown about 3 billion on supernatural marketing, all for it to go to waste because of one interview. How can you not feel bad? Should we send a wreath or something?”

His face showed no sympathy.

The division chief paused from cleaning his pants and retorted.

“Isn’t a wreath for someone’s death or a celebration?”

“That’s my point.”


Park team leader burst out laughing again, his mouth almost tearing to his ears.

Due to several fits of rage sparked by supernatural marketing strategies, Park team leader was thoroughly enjoying this moment.

And me······.

I dug up Director Cha Jaeho’s number, which I had previously blocked, and sent a text wishing him a speedy recovery.

No reply came.


[Total production cost 5.5 billion ‘City Jungle’ hits domestic sales of 550 billion··· how far will it go?]

[VC industry picks ‘City Jungle’ as this year’s most unexpected blockbuster.]

It was a tumultuous success. Everyone connected to "City Jungle" was screaming.

Out of joy, or because of stomach aches.

The director of JJB Investment, who had invested 900 million in "City Jungle," was of course happy.

“When we first met, I wasn’t really feeling it. But talking with team leader Jung Sunwoo, somehow, I felt like I’d regret it later if I missed out. It was like getting a signal from an ancestor. So I just pushed for it.”

“The incentives must be huge.”

“Isn’t it getting a good response overseas too?”

Those with stomach aches clicked their tongues.

“We also had the project proposal. Should have grabbed it then.”

“We cut it during an internal meeting. Jung Sunwoo has been hitting blockbuster after blockbuster, now he seems to be going for art, we said, so we opposed it with ‘let him show off,’ and the guy who opposed can’t even peep now.”

People seated around the lounge table threw in their remarks.

Among them, a man with a pale face gripped his coffee cup tightly.

He was Director Hwang from Ant Capital, who had been the main investor in "City Jungle" before withdrawing due to Jung Sunwoo and SBE Film’s involvement.

“Ah, it’s a shame, Director Hwang must feel it the most.”

“Wasn’t Ant Capital the first to propose investing in 'City Jungle'? If you had gone in as the main back then, imagine the dividends now?”


Director Hwang fixed his gaze on the Han River visible through the full-length glass window,

 responding only by sipping his bitter coffee.

With the frustration of a cousin buying land that was once his, it was like his innards were being wrung out. Since the release of "City Jungle," life had been tough for him.

“But really, how does Jung Sunwoo do it?”

“Even gods couldn’t make movies like this. Did he choose a good burial site for his ancestors? At this rate, instead of making celebrities, he should be starting an investment firm.”

“Any idea what his next project is? Anyone know?”

“Choosing one must be a job itself. With this atmosphere, pretty much every domestic script and screenplay would be pouring in.”

“Now there’s even talk of the 'Jung Sunwoo premium.'”

No one fails to fall.

It’s just a question of falling big or small.

This industry is not just about meticulous prediction and planning, but also about riding vast, uncontrollable currents.

In such an environment, Jung Sunwoo was continually hitting jackpots without failure. His eye for detail was now beyond doubt — if not him, the phrase 'Midas touch' should not be used lightly.

“It’s no joke, if W&U were a public company, the stock would fluctuate every time Jung Sunwoo made a move.”

The conversation shifted.

“When will W&U go public? It’s the only major agency not listed yet, right?”

“Baek Hansung hates being micromanaged. He’d rather have the cash from the overseas business he closed up, probably going to take it easy for a while.”

A significant portion of W&U’s equity was held by CEO Baek Hansung. With almost no shares appearing in the over-the-counter market and the company’s value continuously rising, many were eyeing it covetously.

“There’s talk of W&U starting a new business?”

Someone casually mentioned.

“Something big.”


Im Joowon leaned his arm on the driver's seat window frame and looked outside.

The staff bustled around the PBS broadcasting station parking lot. It was a special episode shoot, so there were many unfamiliar faces. They wandered around with bewildered expressions, searching for the car with the 'From Now On, We' sticker logo.

A rookie actor approached with his manager in tow.

"Senior, I hope for a good shoot today."

"What's there to hope for? Just be comfortable."

"Yes, I'll do my best!"

After bowing his head to each person individually, the rookie actor moved to another car and repeated the same actions.

"What’s he doing now, greeting us only at this moment?"

"Crazy fool, there's a camera."

The curly-haired person in the passenger seat pointed out. A man in the backseat wearing a beige Oxford shirt looked around the inside of the car with an embarrassed expression.

"Joowon, are we filming now?"

Im Joowon checked the camera attached to the dashboard.

"Not yet."

"Wow, you scared me."

The man rubbed his chest and said.

"Hey, but aren’t we a disappointment for the special episode? They probably expected actors like Lee Songha or Nam Joyoon, since we’re from the same agency. Ah, and Seo Jijoon too…"

"It's harder to match his schedule."

Curly hair cut him off and asked Im Joowon.

"Joowon, is it okay to talk about our foodie group during the shoot? Pretending to be close to you might get us more screen time."

"Do whatever you want."

Im Joowon replied nonchalantly. He enjoyed mingling casually and receiving attention, so social gatherings were nothing new to him.

The man in the backseat rested his forearm on Im Joowon's shoulder.

"Was that really a foodie gathering? Wasn’t it more of a bar? But why are you so quiet these days? No calls to hang out. Are you dating?"

"I’m just taking a break."

Im Joowon shrugged off the arm from his shoulder.

The man smacked his lips and withdrew his hand.

"But are you close with Lee Songha? She doesn’t seem to hang out much. It’s hard to get to know her."

"I barely see her too."

"Yeah? Well, with 'City Jungle' being a hit, she must be busy. A great project can change an actor’s life with just one work."

He tapped Im Joowon’s shoulder.

"Why doesn’t Team Leader Jung Sunwoo get you projects like that? It’s not like he’s discriminating. You need a big hit too."

"What are you talking about? 'Royal Family' was a hit."

Curly hair interjected again.

"That was almost a supporting role. After the drama took off, all the big ads went to Yoon Taekyung. At your level, you really need to be the lead to break out."

"Joowon did well in his last lead role too."

"Not like that, a really big one, like, ah, he should’ve done 'Cat Guardian Ghost'…"

Im Joowon furrowed his brows.

"Shut up."

"Yeah, drop it."

Curly hair awkwardly smiled and stepped in.

"Joowon still gets mad when that comes up."

"It’s frustrating, right? It was a complete sensation. It went wild overseas too. Seo Jijoon’s value shot up after that film. If I were you, just seeing Seo Jijoon’s face would annoy me, being in the same company…"


Im Joowon cut him off. His head tilted slightly.

"Get out."


"Get out, you're annoying."


Small bulbs dangled plentifully above.

I soothed a persistent counterpart amid the romantic lights.

“No, Director, it’s not that the script is bad... you know the screenwriter is talented. I regret it too. But if we're shooting in the latter half of the year, Songha’s schedule is just too tight. She also has to prepare for the Neptune album.”

A lukewarm breeze of midsummer night brushed against my neck. Perhaps due to the drinks I’d been continuously taking, there was a slight buoyancy in my mood.

It was only after a considerable groaning that I finally managed to end the call.

“Shooting in the latter half of the year?”

Team Leader Park from the PR department approached, holding cocktail glasses in both hands.

“It’s not like she can’t free up her schedule. If it’s too precious to give to someone else.”

“The project isn’t great.”

Park Team Leader chuckled and handed me a glass.

“But you look really tired. Maybe you should go in and rest.”

“What about the team party? What if I’m not there?”

Initially, I had planned to simply enjoy a hearty meal of beef with the hard-working team members. However, with so many people keen to celebrate the success of 'City Jungle' and have a drink, it had turned into a grand rooftop party.

“Team Leader, is it okay for Joowon to keep taking selfies?”

Two employees from the PR team hurried over.

At the far end of the terrace, Im Joowon was busily taking selfies with other actors in the background.

Park Team Leader squinted his eyes.

“That’s not okay, tell him to get approval before posting anything on social media. These days, even a single photo can stir up all sorts of trouble.”

“Exactly. Comments about someone's intense look or bad relations between two people.”

“At least the men and women’s teams are sitting separately. If they were mixed, it would be a constant 'they're flirting, they're an item'... Just the thought of it is horrifying.”

The employees said with disgusted faces.

“Horrifying? Try it when they really have bad relations and are flirting. That’s truly horrifying.”

Park Team Leader snickered and turned to me.

“When you group celebrities like this, needless rivalries and romances spark fights all the time. It’s astonishing how peaceful our team is.”


I looked over at the lively party crowd. They were laughing, relaxed, excited, faces brimming with vitality. With each eye contact, I took a sweet sip of my cocktail. Even the wind seemed to carry a hint of the alcohol.

My team.

My people.

“That’s right. Team Four has a strangely familial feel to it.”

“Is that why it feels a bit empty to think of anyone leaving for another company after their contract ends? Don’t you think?”


To another place?

My buzz dissipated instantly.



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