Top Management

Chapter 223

Despite the late hour, the pocha was brightly lit up to the second floor. The tables were filled with production company and entertainment agency representatives, actors, and journalists. It was a gathering to enjoy after the press screening of "Supernatural."

“Is the awards ceremony over there not finished yet?”

The executive producer checked his wristwatch.

“Over there?”


Director Cha Jaeho snorted.

“Who cares about that.”


Everyone seemed to be holding back the urge to say that.

Wherever the names of "City Jungle" and Jung Sunwoo were mentioned, Director Cha Jaeho would roll his eyes. No one was unaware that he was conscious of that side. Even the youngest journalist with barely dry ink on his press card knew.

“Senior, but why does Director Cha dislike Jung Sunwoo so much?”

“You don’t know? Jung Sunwoo criticized Director Cha.”

“I know that. But surely it’s not just because of that.”

“No, it’s just because of that.”


The journalists around snickered.

“How dare a greenhorn criticize me? Do you know who I am? You bastard, you won’t be able to work in this field from now on! This is how the elders in the industry talk, and usually, people avoid it out of fear or disgust. But Jung Sunwoo just went for it.”

“Really living life as he pleases. But was he always like that?”

“He’s grown up a lot now, that’s what. Jung Sunwoo has grown a lot.”

A journalist with horn-rimmed glasses threw a chicken bone into a stainless steel bin.

“But in the movie industry, it’s tough for Director Cha. 'Supernatural' might reach nearly ten million if lucky? The content is a bit obvious, but it’s a blockbuster tentpole, so it’s a safe bet.”

“How many viewers do you think 'City Jungle' will attract?”

“About two million with Lee Songha’s pull?”

“What has Lee Songha shown in movies that it’s her pull? Maybe in dramas. I think about 1.5 million? But still, it might break even.”

The topic was the same at the table where the entertainment agency managers sat.

“With this, Seo Hyun can add a ten-million movie to her filmography, right? But really, why did Jung Sunwoo criticize it? She’s the lead actress.”

“She criticized it because she’s just a sidekick. It’s a role overshadowed by Kakyung.”

“Overshadowed what?”

Seo Hyun’s team leader squinted his eyes.

“No, but is Jung Sunwoo saying she won’t include her actors unless it’s a top or co-leading role? She’s not even at Son Chaeyoung’s level, and she’s pulling this kind of business with kids who are still growing? W&U has lost their minds.”

“Bold business, what, isn’t this industry a major corporation? Only the small ones suffer.”

“The major corporation is a plague. They also boasted that Baek Hansung was a pioneer in opening the American market and all that, but it all fell through. It was covered up by selling Jung Sunwoo’s image.”


The atmosphere turned uncomfortable.

As Baek Hansung’s name came up, those who had been freely gossiping and mocking others suddenly shut their mouths.

Soon someone coughed awkwardly.

“Anyway, Jung Sunwoo really does things strangely. It’s not a loss for Nam Joyoon to have debuted as a lead with 'City Jungle,' considering the scripts he got were all similar, but for Lee Songha…”

“I would have chosen 'Supernatural' too.”

“Lee Songha isn’t at a level to take risks yet. Nowadays, if one top-tier project fails, they say it was overrated, or the career is ruined, that’s the kind of world we live in.”

“That’s right.”

“If a synopsis goes beyond Lee Songha, it’s thank you for us.”

They clinked glasses in unison.

Just then, the producer got up with a flushed face.

“Come on, everyone, let’s have a toast. To our family who has worked tirelessly on great projects… Have we done this?”

“We have.”

“Okay, to our family, the actors, the journalists, and to our captain of the 'Supernatural' team, Director Cha Jae-ho, cheers!”


In the midst of the noisy atmosphere, a journalist sat next to Director Cha Jaeho.

“Director, may I ask for a brief interview?”

“I’ve been doing interviews all day, and now you want one in front of the dinner table?”

“In this kind of after-party atmosphere, we’d also like to hear the director's true feelings…”

“Go ahead and ask, then.”

“Yes. The 'City Jungle' team is scheduled to return home tomorrow, Director.”

“Senior, senior.”

Suddenly, the youngest journalist grabbed his arm.

“What? I’m in the middle of an interview with the director.”

“My boss called, he said you should switch quickly.”

“What? Sorry, Director, just a moment…”

The turned journalist received the call with an annoyed expression.

“I’m right now, what? 'City Jungle'? What about it?”

It was as if the mute button had been pressed; the noise abruptly stopped. Director Cha Jaeho, who had been acting disinterested in 'City Jungle,' was now glaring at the journalist with explosive interest.

“Is the awards ceremony over there done? Ah, why is it so noisy, I can’t hear a thing, what? I’m at the 'Supernatural' press screening after-party right now. Yes… Yes?”

While the other journalists were trying to grasp the situation with their phones, the journalist quietly turned on the recorder and said.

“So… Director.”

“What? What happened?”

Director Cha Jaeho leaned in urgently.

“Oh, that, the 'City Jungle' team just received the main trophy in the notable gaze section at the Cannes Film Festival.”


The journalist avoided Director Cha Jaeho’s gaze as he asked.

“How do you feel about that?”


“That, how do you feel right now?”



Baek Hansung, the representative, sat in his darkened study.

The pale light from the monitor crawled over his skin.

"Ah. I'm watching."

On the screen, there was a breaking news article. His glance, which had been drifting downwards, halted on a photo vividly capturing the moment of award acceptance.

-"Goodness, what's this. They actually brought this? This..."

"That's right."

-"No, this lucky guy..."

The director's voice faltered, becoming muffled.

Baek Hansung was still looking at the screen. The photo showed Director Jung Sunwoo and actors and staff from the City Jungle team gathered together, in an unexpected moment of glory, with faces showing no surprise.

"This is something..."

He muttered.

His voice held a mix of enjoyment and difficulty.

"This is big."


[Breaking News] City Jungle team returns in triumph, winning a notable award at Cannes!

[Foreign media, praises from Lee Songha, Nam Joyoon...]

[City Jungle pre-sold in over 160 countries, recouping production costs even before release]

-"Really? Really? Why can't you believe it when I say we won an award?"

-What triumphal return? I thought it was some grand prize or something. There are so many people praising it without knowing, the Palme d'Or is the real prize and this is a second league award. Why make such a fuss over it?

└People like this even treat only gold medals as worthy at the Olympics, ignoring the athletes who won silver and bronze.

└What we've received is still impressive; the Palme d'Or is unthinkable.

-Lee Songha's foresight is insane. Cat Guardian Ghost, Alive, Royal Family back-to-back-to-back home runs, and a first lead role movie winning at Cannes. Has there ever been an actor with a more dazzling career at her stage?

└The foresight was all Jung Sunwoo's doing; Lee Songha should bow down to him.

└Lee Songha's fans are already preparing a pig's head to offer to Jung Sunwooㅋㅋ Around their neighborhood, Jung Sunwoo is practically a folk deity.

└Pig's headㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Did they lose their mindsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-But what's City Jungle really about? There's hardly any buzz. Usually, there would be talks from those who went to the previews. Didn't they hold any?

-It's probably under embargo.

-I hope the movie is good. I have a million won invested in itㅋㅋ

-But will it really do well at the box office? Are there any movies that won at international film festivals and also did well commercially?


We really did win an award.

It finally felt real when I saw the cameras lined up at the arrivals hall. I don't even remember what the director and actors said on the award podium. I think they gave an acceptance speech.

After finishing a chaotic set of interviews, I found the company car in the parking lot. The actors were going home, and the managers were headed to the office. There were heaps of work waiting, no time for jet lag.

As I was about to get into the minibus, dragging my suitcase, the road manager, Park Seungho, quickly stepped out of the driver's seat and took my suitcase as if snatching it away.

"You should take this car, I think."


I looked in the direction Park Seungho was awkwardly gesturing towards and saw a familiar car. A black Rolls Royce that somehow reminded me of its owner, imposing and somewhat inaccessible. It was Baek Hansung's car.

Why is that here?

"Ah... I just remembered, I have something left to discuss with Nam Joyoon, I'll drop him off at his house and head straight to the office."

"I'll see you there in a bit."

Kim Hyunsup and Lee Kwanwoo quickly climbed into the minibus. Left alone, I hesitated for about ten seconds before approaching the Rolls Royce. As I was about to knock, the passenger window rolled down.

Baek Hansung was sitting there, with a City Jungle pamphlet spread out like a newspaper on the steering wheel. He still wore a suit, but his hair was slightly tousled, making him look a bit more relaxed than usual.

He folded the pamphlet and motioned with his eyes for me to get in the passenger seat.

As soon as I awkwardly buckled up, the car smoothly started moving.

"You've worked hard."

"...Yes, I'm back."

I realized my voice was hoarse only after speaking. I cleared my throat, and Baek Hansung's lips twitched into a smile.

I had been in and out of the CEO's office countless times since becoming a manager, and it wasn't the first or second time I had

 a one-on-one with Baek Hansung. Yet, being in front of this man still made me feel like I was back to my first day at the company.

"I said something like that before, didn't I?"

He suddenly spoke.

"If this went wrong, I'd be very disappointed in Manager Jeong."

"...You did say that."

I vividly remember that day, that hot summer day at the chicken soup restaurant.

The day Baek Hansung said not to touch City Jungle because it had a high chance of failure. When I asked what he'd do if I persuaded him with my judgment, he had replied, 'Then I would be very disappointed in Manager Jeong.'

I still remember how much that weighed on me.

My obsession with City Jungle wasn't just because I wanted to test my foresight; I also had a strong desire to prove myself to Baek Hansung.

The word 'disappointment' coming from him was that heavy.

"My judgment was wrong."


"You were right, Manager Jeong."

His fingers tapping the steering wheel looked a bit awkward.

"You've pushed hard on your own."

His hand briefly patted my shoulder and then fell away.

I was about to say something but instead rubbed the corner of my mouth with my finger.

You've worked hard, congratulations, I've heard enough of that yesterday and today to last a lifetime, but hearing it directly from Baek Hansung made it feel different.

Baek Hansung smiled in a way that was uncharacteristic of him.

"You know, actors have that time. When someone who's always been the lead gets offered the role of a parent of the lead. It's not about whether they act well or not; it just happens."

He shrugged lightly.

"And there are actors who refuse to accept it and insist on only playing leads, and some who quit acting altogether. The brighter their prime, the harder it is for them to accept that their time has passed."


"I've wondered how it would feel when that time comes for me."

He trailed off, glancing at me.

"...It doesn't feel as hollow as I thought."

He seemed almost happy.

"It feels like a turning point. I'm inclined to try new things again. Despite being busy, it's quite fun these days."

This was new. Baek Hansung had always given the impression of a perfectly executed A-cut, but now it felt like I was seeing a more personal side of him.

"...Actors have a lot more flexibility these days. So many works are pouring out, and genres are diversifying."

Baek Hansung looked at me with a surprised expression, then chuckled without saying much else.

Sitting uncomfortably comfortable in the seat, I thought about the person Baek Hansung.

Initially, he was just an ideal role model. Information heard from future foresight, mixed with various rumors I heard around, his impression gradually became vague and confusing.

Is he trustworthy or not?

Is he on my side or not?

I still don't know.

But I hope he is trustworthy. I hope he is on my side.

Otherwise, my life will become very, very complicated.

When I glanced at Baek Hansung, he suddenly said,

"Ah. There should be a gift at the office."

A gift?


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