Top 10 Classic Battles: The opening play of the Top War

Chapter 081

Pirate World.

Straw Hat Pirates.

“Is Kaneki Ken about to break out?”

Luffy’s expression also became uplifted from the previous gloom.

Thinking of the Draco he saw in the Chambord Islands, it was almost the same as this guy in the vision.

The same cruelty and tyranny, not taking human life seriously.

His heart had long hoped that Kaneki would break out quickly and take out that perverted bastard.

“He’s different…”

Solon on the side also came to the spirit, staring straight at Kaneki’s figure.

In his feelings, Kaneki’s whole person seemed to have completed his transformation.

It’s hard to believe that the calm and calm Kaneki now is a person from before.

“Such a pervert should clean him up fiercely!”

Choibaba gestured his hand and said with the same anger.

For a doctor, it is really difficult to control the anger in his heart when he sees such a guy playing with human life.

I can’t wait to go to the fantasy world now and beat the gecko to death!

Karp: “Forced the child to look like this…”

Sengoku: “This kind of scum should die quickly!” ”

Ace: “Kaneki, come on!” ”


Ultra-dimensional platform.

The giant Heko behind the gecko swung and attacked Kaneki.


There was a sound of being bombarded by Hezi around, and Kaneki’s figure tossed and turned, easily dodging Hezi’s attack.

Then he kicked in the air, but was grabbed by the gecko’s ankle instead.

“I won’t let you go.”

The gecko said with a fierce face, and the strength of his hands could not help but increase.

But something shocking happened, and I saw that Kaneki actually twisted his leg by himself.

The body rotated in the air, and the calves were instantly twisted into a twisted shape.

Then the other kick kicked out fiercely, kicked the gecko’s head, and kicked him far away.

Then a twisted foot appears in the picture, and with a burst of rotation, it returns to its original state.

Kaneki Ken, who has a strong recovery ability, recovered from such injuries in an instant.

But what made people’s eyes widen was that he twisted his calf alive and felt very painful when he looked at it, but Kaneki didn’t even have a trace of change in expression.

“I’ll go, it hurts to watch!”

“Kaneki has changed so much, such pain is actually silent.”

“Compared to the previous torture, this pain is nothing…”

“That pervert created a monster with his own hands!”

People in all dimensional worlds were taken aback by this scene in front of them.

The face twisted his calf without changing color, and Kaneki changed too much.

“Do you think I still feel pain at this level?”

Kaneki looked at the gecko in the smoke in the distance and said softly.

“Kill you, kill you, kill you, eat you!”

The crazy roar of a gecko came from the smoke, and he snapped his fingers hard.

As his figure appeared, his form also changed dramatically at this time.

The two huge tentacles that originally grew from his waist melted into a ball like liquid.

Immediately afterwards, the red liquid spread down his torso, enveloping half of his body and head in it, turning into something similar to armor.

At the same time, the gecko’s body has been greatly strengthened, both in speed and strength.

With a roar, he rushed towards Kaneki Ken, and the two instantly began to fight.

But not long after the fight, he who maintained his ordinary form was suddenly grabbed by Hezi’s giant arm, which was attached to the gecko’s arm.

The whole person was held in the huge palm transformed by Hezi, unable to move.


Kaneki, who was wrapped in Heko, was thrown out violently, flying upside down like a cannonball, and hitting the wall of the blood-colored cage.

The huge impact smashed the walls into a large hole, rubble flew and a large amount of smoke filled the surroundings.

The gecko in the distance gasped, but seeing this scene, the corners of his mouth still showed an excited look.

But his smile didn’t last long, and it was taken back in the next second.

I saw Kaneki Ken’s figure come out of the smoke, and the gecko’s attack did not bring him harm.

“Next, it’s my turn!”

The corners of his mouth grinned, and four huge red tentacles grew out from his waist, spreading out in the air like wings.


He also made the same movement as the gecko, and squeezed his fingers hard.

The four tentacles behind him instantly straightened, pointing like spears at the gecko in front of them.

Immediately after that, he suddenly exerted force under his feet, turning into a black shadow and rushing over.

The gecko is now in the form of a half-heter of the Kaoru species, and its strength is far above that of ordinary Kaoru species.

In the face of Kaneki’s attack, he was naturally undaunted and also rushed over.

The two quickly fought, the tentacles behind Kaneki attacked wildly, and the gecko’s arm was constantly swinging.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The battle between the two produced a lot of destructive power.

One big hole after another was blasted out of the ground, and everything around it was destroyed.

Rocks flew and a large amount of smoke completely submerged the neighborhood.



In the smoke, I vaguely saw two black shadows moving rapidly, accompanied by a gecko’s roar.

At the moment when Kaneki jumped into the air, the four shots behind him suddenly unfolded.


From top to bottom, it violently pumped towards the gecko’s body, and suddenly a large amount of smoke filled again.

As the smoke cleared, a pit appeared in the ground beneath the gecko.

And his body was lying in the center, and he was very embarrassed.

Kaneki took a few steps forward, and suddenly a tentacle suddenly stretched out and pierced the gecko’s arm.


The pain hit, and the gecko couldn’t help but open his mouth and shout.


Kaneki looked at him coldly, stretching out his hand and constantly breaking his fingers.

He didn’t suffer any injuries on his body, and it didn’t seem that it took him much strength to defeat the gecko.

“How much is 1000 minus 7!”

His voice sounded faintly, but it made the eyes of the gecko lying on the ground widen.

The gecko gritted his teeth and looked at him hatefully, as if he couldn’t believe that he would actually lose?


At this moment, Kaneki’s other tentacle jerked out and pierced into one of his legs, blood splattered.


The pain hit again, and he couldn’t help but shout again.

“I ask again, how much is 1000 minus 7.”


“How much is 1000 minus 7.”


Every word of Kaneki was accompanied by the screams of geckos.

Kaneki tortures him using the same way a gecko once dealt with him.

Such a cruel scene, people in various dimensional worlds did not bear it, all with happy expressions.

“To deal with such scum, let him also taste the pain.”

“Torture him slowly, let this pervert taste this feeling.”

“Kaneki Ken did the right thing, torture him slowly…”

What geckos did was outrageous, and such a result could be accepted.

Cruel and perverted guys, no matter what kind of means are excessive!

Ask yourself, after seeing Kaneki being tortured, not a single person sympathized with the gecko.

If it were himself, he might be even more cruel than Kaneki.


Kaoru World.

“Impossible, impossible, how could I lose to such a guy.”

Seeing the scene in the illusion, the gecko’s whole person fell into madness.

Tentacles stretched out from behind him, constantly destroying everything around him.

As the things around him were constantly destroyed, it seemed that this was the only way to vent the anger in his heart.

He is an S-class species, and even if it is Shendaili himself, he is not afraid at all.

How could he lose to a guy who had just become a kaoru, and he was easily suppressed by the other party in the state of a half-herth.

“You actually dare to use that way against me? I’m going to kill you, Ken Kaneki! ”

Especially after hearing what Kaneki said, isn’t this exactly the means he used?

Does he mean that the identities of both sides have shifted?

Himself changed from hunter to prey?

How can geckos accept such a thing!

Countless viewers in the world were shocked when they saw this scene.

The Elder species that can be transformed into a Hyun species is definitely the strongest of the Therto species, and can defeat a gecko in the form of a half-Hirsch in the form of an ordinary Jiao.

Kaneki Ken’s strength is definitely an existence above the SS level, is this the horror of the one-eyed Kaoru?

“Is this the strength of the legendary one-eyed species? It’s terrible! ”

“Gecko, this guy is kind of overturning… Ha ha! ”

“The last time I saw this Kaneki Ken, was he actually a Kaoru?”

“The clerk at the antique coffee shop is actually Kaoru?”

With the broadcast of the super-dimensional projection, Kaneki Ken’s identity was finally recognized.

Many people who have seen Kaneki Ken are afraid for a while.

That little brother with a gentle smile is actually such a powerful breed?

Many people think of other people in the coffee shop, and since the seed is hidden here, then the rest of the coffee shop…

People who think of this, their hearts are even more plopping.

Anyone who thinks that the place where they go to drink coffee every day, there is actually a group of seeds in it, will be shocked!

In this world, Kaoru is always the greatest danger for mankind.

So as soon as possible, many people reported the existence of antique coffee shops to the CGG organization.


Superdimensional projection.

Feeling the pain of Kaneki tentacles piercing his body again, the gecko’s eyes constantly flashed with a struggling gaze.

“Nine hundred… Ninety… Three. ”

He suddenly gritted his teeth and slowly spit out the answer from his mouth.

“Nine hundred… Eighty… Six. ”

Before Kaneki could ask again, the gecko himself began to calculate downward.

Surprisingly, tears actually flowed from his eyes?

Does this cruel and perverted madman actually shed tears?

“Nine hundred… Seventy… Nine. ”

The sound of the gecko counting was still ringing, and Kaneki Ken sat on his back.

“Nine hundred… Seventy-two. ”

“Originally, you planned to eat me, so even if you were eaten by me.”

“That’s helpless!”

Kaneki reached out and patted his head, breaking his fingers with his hand again.

Something creepy happened, and I saw that he actually took out a long centipede from his ear.

Hasn’t the previous centipede been taken out yet?

Such a scene made many people shiver.

Even so, Kaneki Ken did not show the slightest expression of pain, how powerful was his heart now?

As he spoke, he opened his mouth, and with a chewing sound, the picture ended.


Pirate World.

“Ken Kaneki… Did you eat that pervert? ”

Karp said with some shock.

He has lived for so many years, and as a naval hero, he has never seen any scenes.

But the scene in front of him, to be honest, even his heart appeared terrified.

“Is this the dragon slayer warrior who will eventually become a dragon?”

The Warring States standing beside him still had a fine cold sweat on his head.

Stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat on his head, and said with a long exhale.

Although Kaneki Ken’s approach is somewhat cruel, Sengoku has some admiration for Kaneki Ken in his heart.

After such horrific torture, physical and mental destruction over and over again, it is not surprising to do such a thing.

“It’s not that Kaneki Ken who is wrong, but the garbage who treats torture and abuse as fun!”

Karp said slowly, and his eyes slowly recovered from the shock.

“And this kind of cannibalism, even in this world…”

“Hey, Karp, watch your words!”

Sengoku turned his head to look at him, and he instantly understood what Karp meant.

He was of course referring to the noble Draco of the world.

Only he dares to speak so brazenly, and if another person is discovered, it is estimated that he will not be far from death.

“Got it, got it.”

Karp waved his hand, but apparently did not take Sengoku’s words to heart.

“What will happen to Draco in the future?”

Karp did not speak again, but thought to himself secretly.

What Draco did was no different than a gecko.

Holy Mary Joa, how many unimaginable things happened in it, even he does not know.

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