Tokyo Ghoul: Fanfiction

Chapter 25

It had been around a month since I started going to the university again, there was not much difference in my routine just that I started spending my daytime hanging out with Hide and Nishiki more often.


Nishiki became quite friendly with me and especially Hide a few days after that incident. I also have reduced my hunts, reducing them to 2-3 kills in a week. The reason for that was the lack of ghouls having the courage to attack humans due to the increased Dove surveillance in the ward.


During this time I also started taking Nanami along with me during the hunts, initially, I did it just to feed her once but I discovered that the girl had a good brain cause she was able to observe my fights and create countermeasures for all the attacks in her mind which I got to know when she asked me some questions related to my fights.


 As a result of it, I started taking her with me during all hunts so that she can learn more by observing and so I can also discover more insights on my fighting tactics. Which also lead me to trust her a bit more. When she first saw my Kagune she was very amazed by it and after seeing me use it was filled with questions and ideas.


One such idea piqued my interest, which was to try combining the two knives butts and trying using it as a double blade. Initially, I had this stupid thought of taping the two ends of my knives with tape, even though I knew it was a stupid idea I tried it anyway but to my surprise, the moment the ends of the knives met they started squirming without me doing anything and then joined. 


So now I had this black double blade in my hand, seeing my former knives like this I had this idea which I immediately put into practice. I mentally ordered the double blade to levitate and then ordered it to start spinning.




The speed of rotation was faster when compared to spinning a single knife and also controlling this was much easier for me. While controlling the two spinning knives exhausted me in 15 mins, I can go on for 45 mins if I use this method. Lastly, due to it being a double blade, spinning attacks were a lot more lethal as a result now I had more confidence in dealing with contingencies.


Few days later.


I was returning from the university like usual, it was about to be 3:30 PM, While walking I suddenly noticed pedestrians in the front running back towards me while talking about some ghouls being captured by the investigators ahead.


I felt this faint feeling welling up in my mind that I should go and check out what’s going on. This feeling soon took over my mind and hence I decided to enter a nearby alley. I opened my satchel and took out my mask and wore it. I’ve been taking this with me all the time because of the frequent rounds of doves during these past weeks, so if there comes a need for me to act then I would be ready anytime. 


I did a few jumps and soon reached the top of the building, I then went towards the direction from where the people were escaping from and soon I reached the spot. I saw a girl crying while running away while a woman was being surrounded by 4 men. I remembered this scene from the anime. The one who ran away was Hinami while the woman who was now surrounded was her mother who managed to let Hinami escape safely from their clutches.


The ghoul investigators included Amon, Mado and other two peeps whose names I didn’t bother remembering. Amon was now fighting with Hinami’s mother Ryouko Fueguchi. Well, I want to save her if I”m being honest with myself but I can’t just rush in there.


 I might end up injured and be unable to help her if I act like that. So I observed the fight while making preparations. I made my Kagune into a double blade and started spinning it. I was looking for a chance to make a move that would deal them the maximum damage. I soon found an opportunity and made a move.


“Shall I listen to your last words?” Madu asked Ryouko san who was now kneeling on the ground defenceless while grinning in a sadistic manner.


Then without giving her a chance to say anything he raised his Quinque and slashed it to behead her but before it could reach her the movement stopped.


Ryouko san looked up a bit to observe why the movement stopped and soon noticed a shocked expression, an expression very different from the earlier perverted one on Mado’s face. He slowly looked down and soon enough blood started leaking from his stomach region.


“I can’t d..die...n.not before…” , those were the last words Mado said before his legs gave out and his torse separated from him and fell beside his lower body.


“MADOO SANN!”, Amon went crazy almost in tears but he still noticed my attack and used his Quinque used it to quickly deflected the double blade attack I sent him, that’s what I wanted. My Kagune cut his Quinque in half like a piece of tofu and soon he was defenceless.


He soon noticed me as I finished dealing with the other two guys who were very easy to handle. They both were now lying unconscious on the ground with few broken ribs and a couple or more fractures in other regions. 


“You!!” Amon yelled and came to attack me with his broken Quinque, I easily dodged the attack and then sent him a light punch to his face, which was enough to make him fall unconscious. Well, I can kill him now but welp he’s a likeable character and he was my favourite character after Kaneki in the anime.


After doing all this I turned to look at Ryouko san who was now staring at me wide-eyed as if she can’t believe that all of the things that were happening right now was real or not. She had prepared herself for death today but was fortunately saved by this stranger.


“Thank you!...Thank you very much for saving me!...H-Hinami she won’t be left all alone now...she still has me..”


Without her noticing tears started falling from her eyes and her voice became lower and lower and before she realized she was lying on the ground unconscious...well I’m not surprised considering all the injuries she’s covered with right now..


I carried her on my back and left her in the alley behind Anteiku, I knocked on the back door loudly a few times and then left for my home quickly without letting anyone notice my presence.

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