To Love, Once Again

Chapter 28

Sera remembered reading in the paper once about the therapeutic effects of animals interacting with patients in a hospital.

She could add her own testimony to that theory. She'd never had a pet. But this experience, hearing the rumbling purr of a cat, so soothing in her ear, and the whiskers tickling her neck. Why wouldn't she be soothed? Her nose picks up a sharp, medicinal scent, and she knew it was Lois' poultice on her rib.

Cracking an eye open, her eyes meet with an old woman's who looks at her with an half-exasperated, half-annoyed look. The same wrinkled, soft palm, pushing down on her forehead to keep her from sitting up.

"Now, keep your head down. You've strained your rib again! Didn't I warn you enough times to take good care of it?"

Sera gives a small smile. "I'm-" she shrugs "sorry?" She didn't regret getting hurt again, if the other girl was safe. If someone was in trouble, she would help. Because that's what humans do.

Lois sighs, and, shaking her head goes back to tinkering with leaves of different herbs spread out on a cloth next to Sera on the bed. They're in a small room, a simple cot like the ones you'd use in a tent and a rickety wood table with boxes of the medication Lois had brought in.

"I got your message, by the way"

Glancing up, she continues- "But if I wasn't here, you would be in a lot more pain. It was a good thing the head butler's wife is giving birth soon-"

The weight on Sera's shoulder disappears as Lucien picks up the unwilling cat by the nape of its neck, strides to the door, and drops it outside. He makes sure to shut the door, cutting off the cat's meows to be let inside.

Sera hadn't realized he was here.

"Now, now, your majesty" Lois waggles a finger at Lucien. "That's no way to treat a cat"

He shrugs. He doesn't think it was a big deal. Gazing at the pair, 'Two peas in a pod aren't they?' Lois thinks. These two might not know it, but they'd both adapted each other's mannerisms to some degree.

2 heavy raps, and Icaros enters the room. "The ministers await you, My Liege"

Lucien doesn't move from his seat on the worn-out chair next to Sera's cot. He looks like he's rooted in place, with how still he is.

A metallic sound fills the room as Icaros pounds his armored chest in a salute.

"My Liege, there is still much to be done"

"Have the advisors deal with the ministers. They only need me to stamp the seal" Lucien growls.

"The advisors are busy enough as is. What with the wedding preparations and all in addition to the responsibilities you've been shirking."

Lucien doesn't have the decency to look even a bit sympathetic. Sera was at loss. She'd accompanied him, and watched him hard at work this morning doing his kingly duties. Yes he did keep glancing at her more than a few times. But for Icaros to call that shirking?

"...........I have something planned after this" Lucien's eyes spark, glinting with an animalistic ferocity.

"If it's tracking down Dorne, our shadow guards have already done so, your majesty."


Icaros sighs. "Sire, only the King can stamp the royal seal."

"You can be King then"

From Icaros' madly twitching fingers, Sera could almost tangibly feel his urge to pull out his own hair.



Icaros looks pleadingly to Sera for help. Her eyes slide away from his. What could she do?

Help comes unexpectedly in the form of an elderly woman.

"Off you go then. She won't be going anywhere for a day or so." Lois makes shooing motions at Lucien.

Taking out a small vial from her pouch by her ample waist, she pushes it into Lucien's hand.

"Don't forget to drink this."

Icaros looks relieved, the nervousness loosening on his face.

Lucien's body slowly unfolds itself from the chair that looks like a miniature supporting his towering body.

He turns to her before stepping out the door. Sera and Lucien's gazes lock. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. Sera's not sure what to say. They weren't lovers, their relationship too complicated to call friendship either.

She lifts her palm in an awkward wave.

Lucien reluctantly leaves the room, escorted by Icaros. Icaros follows after him, one hand behind his back in the gesture Sera taught him, so long ago. He'd probably been crossing his fingers for luck even before the door opened. He shuts the door.

The chair creaks under her weight as Lois settles herself back down by Sera.

"I see why you were so interested in the King at my cottage..." She waggles her brows. "He's not my cup of tea, all scary and intense-"

Sera can't help interrupting her.

"Is he 'a cup of tea' for the other women here?"

"Who, the King?" tapping her chin, Lois pauses for a moment. "He's handsome, alright. But it's been hidden under the beard and hair for so long, I'm sure most girls don't remember what he really looks like"

This was true. From their first meeting to the last time Sera saw him before her departure, he'd always been clean shaven, with hair cropped close to the head. She'd seen plenty of appreciative looks sent his way by all the women who thought she wouldn't notice as she stood by his side. She'd noticed alright.

"Like I said, he's much too scary and intense now. Anyhoo, I'm much too old for this talk"

Lois clams up after that statement.

No use asking Lois about something like this now. What was even the point? Sera needed to use the rest time she had now for more important things. Things like what do small 5 year olds like to do? What kind of foods did they eat? What time should they sleep?

There were so many things she wanted to learn.

They talk while Lois works. Her hands are always busy combing this potion with that, or grinding a herb, or writing prescriptions at the desk.

Sometimes, a servant would stop by with a light knock on the door, here for their medication or to ask for advice.

Lois is a treasure trove of knowledge on children and medicines. Sera can feel herself growing more confident as she learns.

Sera wished she could share this moment with her mother too. The three of them would've had a blast trading stories and small home remedies.



"Thank you."

Lois' face wrinkles into a sweet smile.

"It's my pleasure, child"

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