Titans - March of Progress

Chapter 6 Part 1

Squished up against the wall, Sain stood in the corner of the cellar, and just tried to be small, unnoticed. The cellar was packed with mostly unfamiliar youths, all crammed into any space they could find, and pressed against various pieces of furniture, cupboards, shelves or other people. Sain couldn't even guess how many people there were inside, as many were blocked from his view by the rows of shelves that filled the cellar.

The general tone of the room was one of excitement, but from the hushed conversations, Sain could not guess why. Different topics were jumping around, and they ranged from changing gang lieutenants to a raid on another gang. Most conversations seemed to lean to the latter though from what Sain figured. It was hard to tell with the many hushed voices reverberating everywhere.

Hearing the door at the top of the stairs open, Sain looked up and saw three figures descending, the last of whom closed the door behind them. Sain squinted, and looked at the trio, trying to discern them in the dim light given off by the numerous lanterns hanging in the cellar.

All the noise from the people crammed in the cellar seemed to slowly die out just as Sain recognized the lead figure as Jalel, even as his name was whispered around those gathered. Jalel just stopped moving down the stairs, remaining standing halfway down, and looked out over the youths, his face seeming rather haughty in the dim light. Sain just saw the burly youth survey those gathered, a smirk appearing on his brutish face.

"Well, the last time I saw this many faces in one place was right before we fucked up the Andros crew. Here's hoping none of you shit your pants this time. Right Beckan?" Jalel called out and a wave of laughter broke out from those gathered, a number of heads turning to look at the person that was likely Beckan. Sain went up on tip toes and tried to see who it was, but the majority of the youths around him were much taller than he was so he could not see that well.

"If I do shit myself tonight, you won't know cause I wore my brown pants" came a retort from somewhere, followed by another round of laughter, and Sain looked back to Jalel who smirked even more. Instantly Sain felt as though the mood in the cellar had lightened, relaxed and even Sain felt less nervous and anxious now. He even cracked a smile.

"Good on you lad. Anyway, now for the real reason we are all here" Jalel stated and looked around again, sweeping his gaze over people, seemingly searching for individuals. Sain watched as Jalel's gaze fell onto him, and their eyes met. Sain just gulped as Jalel's gaze lingered, and his smirk lessened, coming close to looking like a frown. The moment passed though and Jalel looked back out over the heads of the gathered youths, who all stood silent, staring at him expectantly.

"Some of you may have heard before you came here, but the Horned Rats gang has been stripped of their endorsement by the Red Cobra Syndicate, and as of midnight tonight, their territory is up for grabs by the surrounding gangs. Of which we, the Blue Fang are one" Jalel said, his smirk returning. As he finished the words, murmurs broke out among the gathered youths, who started looking around, some grinning ear to ear, whilst others just looked worried. Sain swallowed nervously, remembering the streets on the way here. They had been far emptier than usual, and perhaps a gang being stripped of endorsement was the reason. The locals were expecting a turf war.

"So, we will be getting into a few positions soon, splitting into three groups. We are aiming to take over the entire warehouse district. I am certain we will be contesting the territory with two other gangs, the Belters, and the Hard Hats" Jalel said and once more looked around at those gathered. More hushed whispers sounded out and Jalel looked up sharply, gaze fixing somewhere up the back.

"What about the Sharks? The docks border with the warehouse district" came a question, shouted by someone Sain could not see. He looked back to Jalel and noticed the burly youth smirking once more.

"Don't need to worry bout them. I made a deal. I will cede them Allum and Bentley Street, with the shop fronts. We also won't fight them for more territory tonight. They won't fight us either. So, you see them, steer clear of them" Jalel replied, causing once more a breakout of murmurs. Jalel let everyone talk a bit and then after a short while, just lifted his hands and made waving motions, as if to quieten the crowd. After a few moments, it seemed to take effect.

"Now to the important stuff. Once it hits midnight, we will have until sunrise to take and hold territory. The Red Cobra has stated any territory held by a gang at that time is considered theirs. No further fighting will be allowed. From what I am told, the Cobras have paid off the police to ignore anything in the area until that time" Jalel let out and then paused for a moment, letting it all sink in. As he paused, he just looked around at those gathered, smirking.

"What about the Horned Rats members? Are they still there? We gotta fight them too?" came a question, called out from somewhere in the room. Sain sensed a few people around him shift, and he guessed they were probably looking for the person who had voiced the question.

"Fair question. From what I am told, the Horned Rats members have dispersed. Their leadership has been removed by the Red Cobra for ignoring warnings and continuing to break the rules. So, the rest of the members are leaderless. Once territory is established, the members will likely try to join whatever gang controls the area they live in" Jalel replied, and once again his words caused a murmur among everyone crammed into the room. Jalel let it continue for a minute or so and then spoke again, raising his voice over the noise.

"To continue, I will be splitting you up into three groups, led by Fust, Boney and myself. Each group is going to have certain roles, so listen for your name and leave the building once called. Make sure you have your colors on display too. And one final thing. As most of you know, Boney and I are close to turning nineteen, which means we will be expected to take up positions in the Red Cobra, so Fust will be needing Lieutenants when he assumes control of the Blue Fang. That being said, make sure you do well and catch notice for future promotions" Jalel finished with and smirked once more.

Jalel's words caused quite an excited murmur to break out among the youths, some quite loud. Sain just shrunk even more, practically crouching down into his corner as someone pressed up against him, a thigh pressing into his shoulder. It's a damned turf war! I do not want to be here. Clyde will dismiss me if he finds out I took part in a damned turf war! Sain thought to himself, his heart starting to race again.

"Alright alright, quiet down" Jalel called out and Sain heard the noise in the cellar gradually dissipate. He just remained crouching down in his position, really just trying to be small. Unseen. Unnoticed.

"Seth here will call out your names. Once called, go out front, and go to the group you have been assigned. Don't waste time" Jalel called out and Sain just shut his eyes and sort of hugged himself. His thoughts were running rampant again. What was going to happen tonight? What am I supposed to do if someone attacks me? What will happen if Clyde does discover I was here? So many things can go wrong tonight. Sain's thoughts vanished though as he heard movement on the stairs, followed by the door opening and closing, and then a noise like someone clearing their throat. Sain just gulped.

"Alright. First up, Aston, Chur, join Fust out front" came a different voice, a higher pitch than Jalel's. Sain could not identify it, but that was not a surprise. He did not know all of Jalel's goons. Sain sensed movement in the crowd, and guessed the people were pushing their way through. A few inaudible whispers sounded but that was it. Everyone remained silent. Before long, footsteps were heard on the stairs, followed by the door being used again, and then silence.

"Next, Salem and Ricky, join Boney" came the same voice and Sain felt his heart jolt. Was Ricky here too? He tried to push himself up and pressed into the people around him in the process. One of the youths pressed up against Sain shifted, a frown being seen on his face, and he just looked down at Sain. The frown turned into surprise though as Sain managed to stand, and then went up on tiptoe. He looked as best he could, and saw Ricky, his friend moving through the crowd, which sort of separated around him, letting him through.

Sain just watched his friend walk up the stairs, followed by another person, and then disappear through the door at the top, leaving it open this time, and Sain just gulped. He didn't realize Ricky was here too. But he should have guessed.

"Next, Minda, Sain, join Jalel" came the voice and Sain whipped his gaze to the one calling names and just stared. Then he sort of froze. Sain had known his name would be called eventually but had still sort of hoped it would not. After a few moments, he just steeled himself and tried to slip through the youth's practically crushing him into the corner.

"Um, excuse me. I need to get by" Sain muttered quietly, eyes downcast, and the same youth that had looked at him before shifted once more, and sort of moved aside, allowing space for Sain to slip through. After a few more repeats, Sain was let through to the bottom of the staircase. He looked up and saw Seth looking down at him, who just proceeded to indicate the door at the top of the stairs, left slightly ajar. Sain froze again, his mind going blank, for a moment before a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Move kid. We got shit to do" came a light feminine voice quite close, almost whispered in Sain's ear, causing him to jolt and unfreeze. The hand gripped his shoulder and pushed forward, and Sain just went with it, allowing himself to be guided up the stairs and then out into the entry room of the building. Standing by the door Sain saw Jalel who just stared at Sain with crossed arms and a blank look.

"Oh, you are finally here princess. Get your shit together. We got work to do" Jalel snapped and then stepped out into the street. The hand on Sain's shoulder just tightened and the owner just laughed, before pushing Sain out the door after Jalel. As he stepped out, Sain lifted a hand to brush the one off of his shoulder, his hesitation and uncertainty having been replaced by irritation. An irritation of being herded like some animal.

The hand let go, and Sain just turned to look at the person that had been pushing him with indignation on his features, and he looked up into the face of a young woman, perhaps seventeen or eighteen. She had light brown skin, with a few blemishes on her cheeks, set into a very angular, thin face. Her dark brown hair was cut short, hanging around her jawline in a messy manner, but was not unkempt. The whole look was set off by a pair of light green eyes and all Sain could do was stare at them, sort of lost in the youth's beauty. He got the sense that his mouth was just hanging open now, and she was clearly amused as she just looked straight back at him, a slight grin on her face.

"What's up kid? I am Minda. Let's get to work yeah" she stated and then just lifted a hand to pat Sain on the left cheek, before stepping around him and following Jalel.

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