Titans - March of Progress

Chapter 29 Part 2

As the feminine voice pierced the air, Kasui snapped her gaze toward its source, and locked eyes on a woman at the back of the group in the elevator. She just stared, realizing she had not noticed the woman earlier. Like the woman had almost been hidden from view, her presence invisible. A sinking feeling settled in her stomach and she drew on more magic from her core, seeing it depleted by two thirds from her continued use. This was bad.

The woman stepped forward, her gaze locked on Kasui, a light, mischievous smile tugging on the corner of her mouth. Kasui just took in the woman's visage, her appearance quite unique. The woman was quite tall, perhaps six foot, and was built in a sturdy and strong manner. Her face was strong, but with pronounced cheek bones and full lips, with sky blue eyes that seemed to pierce what ever they looked like. The woman's complexion was of a pale but healthy tone, and a smattering of freckles ran over the upper portion of her cheeks and nose. And to set it all off, the woman's face was framed by cascading hair, the color of a dark red ruby. Simply put, Kasui had never seen a woman like her, and felt like the woman's very appearance was hypnotizing.

"I have decided that I don't want to go this lab. Seems like a waste of time with how poorly it is protected. So open the gate and step aside" the woman declared, and gestured to the man that had just closed the elevator gate. Every person on the elevator seemed to remain silent a few moments, before the tall dark haired man made a noise of annoyance.

"Tch, Lady Asher, that is your choice. But don't be dramatic about it. You are only here as a guest per my brother's request remember" the man snapped irritably and Kasui flicked her gaze to him a moment, picking up on a hint of nervousness or apprehension in his voice. She felt the magic in the air continue to twist around her, though not being guided to a purpose, and she pursed her lips wanting the youth on her shoulders to stop whatever he was doing. Perhaps it was a blessing he was not chanting while manipulating magic.

"Of course Prince Bradley, I will refrain from the dramatization" the red haired woman, Asher replied before she took a simple step forward, not even looking back at those behind her. Kasui's heart leapt into her mouth as she heard the woman speak of Bradley, her eyes locking on him once more. She felt the youth on her shoulders tense as well, and she just tried to compose herself, her heart now feeling like it wanted to leap from her chest. Then she heard the gate being opened once more and a shuffle of feet, so she turned and saw the soldier stepping away, the gate to the elevator now wide open and unblocked. So Kasui took advantage of it and moved fast, going through it and starting to walk away. She was not wanting to hang around for the rest of the conversation. So she moved as fast as she could without having to actually jog or run, as that would likely lead to discovery. As she moved down the tunnel, she saw the light at the end of it, opening out into the outer facility.

"Now now, no need to be in a rush. I will help you out you see" came a quiet voice from Kasui's right and she snapped her gaze to it, seeing the red haired woman less then a meter from her. Her heart once more leapt into her throat in surprise. This woman was quiet and able to hide her presence as though she was invisible. The woman just bore that same mischievous smile as before, sporting it effortlessly.

"Just follow me, and I will take you to my carriage before you pass out from magic loss" she stated and Kasui just stopped moving. The game was clearly up. This woman knew she was here. It was not a fluke.

"How can you see me? And why are you helping me?" Kasui asked, her voice hard and suspicious. The woman just smiled wider and then offered a light chuckle.

"You both intrigue me. Thats why. Now, no more questions. Just follow" the woman stated, and then just walked onwards, not looking back. Kasui just grimaced and focused her senses on the magic around her, feeling the youth no longer twisting magic around himself. That was something. So, Kasui just followed after the woman, keeping her eyes locked on, still not sure if this was a trap or not. She guided her minds eye outwards, and tried to sense the magic around the woman, and instantly saw a barrier held in place. The barrier was so close to the woman, and seemed almost like a second skin, enveloping limb, hand, finger, foot and toe. Nothing like the barriers every other caster she had met made. Even she could not maintain such a barrier, as it would need so much fine control, having to be readjusted with every movement. And this woman was doing it like it was nothing. Kasui just swallowed nervously, wondering who the hell this woman was to command such control of magic.

Continuing to follow after, Kasui kept a healthy distance, eyes constantly scanning the tunnel before her, the light at its end quickly approaching. After a few moments, the light washed over her, and she stepped out into the cool air, squinting her eyes and casting her gaze around the area that was lit up by the rising sun. Right at the entrance was a small yard ringed by three walls, the middle wall having a single small closed gate. Inside the wall flanking the gate was what looked like guard posts, complete with four armed guards, all looking at the ready, their eyes locked on the red haired woman as she approached them.

"Open the gate. I am leaving with the Princes authority" Asher stated, and flicked a hand imperiously. Kasui watched the woman closely, for any hint of betrayal, but the woman's hands just now hung limply by her sides. The guards looked at each other briefly, before two moved to the gate and removed the locking bar, and pushed the gate open before stepping aside. Then Asher simply marched forward, and Kasui hurried after her, not wasting a moment even as she pulled up a small amount of magic from her near empty core, and formed a light barrier around her, just in case.

Before she knew it though, Kasui was through the gate and heard it close behind her. Then she looked around once more, her gaze moving over the various buildings, warehouses and structures that made up the outer facility. It was hard to tell how many buildings there were, as they all ran downwards, flanking a road that ran through a valley. She found herself standing on a cobbled road that ran down that same valley, having a somewhat gentle incline. Hearing a cough though, Kasui snapped her head to the side and saw the red haired woman standing patiently next to one of two carriages, its door open. The woman's gaze moved away from Kasui, attention moving to a man atop the carriage, sitting with the reins for the horses in his hand, his gaze now on Asher.

"Ma'am, are we departing now?" the man queried and Asher nodded.

"Yes, take me to the lake. I will be returning to base" she stated and stepped away from the carriage door. Kasui just moved fast then, and slipped into the carriage, instantly placing the youth down on a couch inside the cramped interior before pulling all the carriages curtains shut to block vision inside the transport, right before she let go of the magic hiding her and the youth from view. Kasui sat, just as the woman stepped into the carriage and pulled the door shut, latching in closed. Then the carriage lurched and started to move.

Kasui just stared at the woman now, who had taken a seat opposite her and the youth, and was just looking at them with a slight smile and a twinkle in her eye.

"Absolutely fascinating. How do you make yourself unseen like that?" the woman queried and Kasui just bridled.

"I won't be answering that. Why would you think I would?" Kasui retorted in a snappy manner, and then ground her teeth a little. Calm down, don't bite the hand that saved you.

"I mean, it's not something I share with anyone" she added, her tone less grating. The woman just raised a brow, appearing amused.

"That's fine. I am sure I can figure it out one day" she stated and then turned her gaze to the youth, and Kasui did too. She saw him glaring at the woman, a look of hatred on his face. Kasui furrowed her brow at the look. Did they know each other?

"Now now lad, no need to stare daggers at me just because I stopped you from attacking Bradley. That would have been foolish" she stated and then turned her gaze to Kasui. Kasui perked a brow, and pursed her lips at the woman as she was surveyed.

"And you, you must be from the Union. I won't stop you from leaving with the youth. Just make it snappy. I will stop somewhere on the road for you to get out" she stated and offered a smile. Kasui could not help but remain suspicious though. Imperials did not just help people.

"Why are you helping us? It is quite clear I am not Imperial" Kasui queried, her suspicion quite evident.

"Because you intrigue me. That's all" the woman stated and leaned back, folding her hands in her lap, her gaze still on Kasui. Kasui just remained silent then, not quite sure what to make of the response she received. The silence lengthened, becoming minutes, and then continuing to stretch. She just stared at Asher, wondering who this woman was, to so casually speak to a Prince of the Empire, and escort a spy out of a secret facility. It made her nervous, and question if this was a trap. But then, there had been other opportunities for the woman to out them. Kasui sat there, the thoughts running rampant in her mind, for what seemed like a half hour, before the woman shifted, and lifted a hand to rap on the back panel of the carriage. A muffled sound came from the coachman, and the carriage seemed to slow before coming to a complete stop.

"This ought to do it. I suggest you get moving. And good luck" the woman stated, offering Kasui a bright smile, perfect, white teeth being displayed. Kasui just nodded, a sinking feeling in her stomach as she reached for the youth, and stood up, once more pulling him over her shoulders. Her entire body shook at the effort, and she groaned as her muscles damn near refused to work. The exhaustion was catching up. A grunt escaped her as she got him into position though, her legs shaky, and she pulled on her magic from her core, seeing it basically empty. She was pulling up dregs really. And she weaved it about her, coating herself and the youth in a sheen of rippling energy. Her gaze flicked to the woman and she noted an amused expression. Kasui scowled at that.

"Absolutely remarkable" the woman muttered and just leaned forward, and undid the latch on the carriage door and opened it. Kasui moved then, climbing out of the carriage and stepping onto the road. She looked around, and noted she was on the bend of a road, flanked on both sides by dense forest. She did not hesitate, and just lunged forward, bursting into the forest undergrowth and jogging further in. She did not stop for some time, skirting around the most dense areas of the undergrowth, trying to follow animal paths.

Putting even more distance between her and the carriage, Kasui eventually came to a stop, her magic faltering and then finally dissipating completely. As her invisibility broke, she just collapsed to the ground, the youth rolling off her shoulders and over her. She just lay there then, groaning. Everything hurt. Her heart beat hard in her chest, and she tried to steady her gasping breath. Rolling over onto her back, Kasui looked up through the canopy of the forest. She looked at the sun streaking through the branches and leaves, clear skies just visible. Letting out a groan, she covered her eyes with her right arm, and closed them, just listening to the forest around her. She could hear the sounds of birds, chirping and tweeting in the trees. The sound of a creek, warbling between rocks, the sound of the branches swaying in the trees. Normally she would find this peaceful. The quiet serenity of a western forest versus the danger of the jungles in her homeland, teeming with snakes, spiders and other creepy crawlies.

"Gonna take a breather kid. If you hear anything, grunt or something" Kasui muttered, and got some sort of grunt in return, as she just closed her eyes and drifted off almost instantly into an exhausted sleep.

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