Titans - March of Progress

Chapter 18 Part 1

Passing by people coming out into the night air to investigate all the noise, Sain made his way down the darkened streets and alleys, bells and police whistles loud in the distance as they rushed towards the scene. The noise had clearly attracted the police, considering it was not a gang sanctioned fight.

Sain ignored everyone he encountered, most not even shooting him a second glance. Eventually he came to an area he recognized, and gulping, Sain looked around for the direction of his home. Finding a landmark, He started jogging and stumbling back towards his home, a hand coming up to grasp at his chest, at a heart that felt fit to burst from the emotions roiling through him. It wasn’t long before Sain found his house and made his way up the stairs and inside. He burst into the house, causing his father and brother to look up with bewildered looks as they huddled over some candles that they were trying to get alight.

Sain sped past them both into his room and slammed his bedroom door shut before throwing himself down on his bed, gulping hysterically as tears erupted even more, streaming down his cheeks. He had killed people, and the worst of it was that it had been so easy. Lost in the moment he had fought back without any thoughts of the consequences, and now he would be hunted and chased wherever he went in the city. Jalel and the mob would not let him get away with such an insult to them. And that was if the cops did not get him!

A thin strip of light was exposed and then it disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared as his door was opened and then closed. In the darkness of the room, Sain could not make out who had entered. Feeling a slight pressure as someone sat on the edge of his bed, Sain lifted himself to a sitting position, his back against the wall and his head resting on his knees as he hugged them to his chest, sobbing haphazardly, and quite loudly.

“What happened Sain?” the simple question asked by his brother was spoken so softly and with such tenderness that Sain erupted into an even louder round of sobbing, snot starting to run freely from his nose.

“I fucked up Niall, I fucked up so bad. I went for a fucking walk, and I killed some people. I fucking killed them! I am a murderer!” Sain exclaimed as he hugged his knees tightly, his sobbing continuing.

Instantly Niall edged closer and wrapped his arms around his sobbing brother’s shoulders, his expression hidden by the darkness. After a few moments he spoke quietly.

“Tell me everything Sain, don’t leave anything out” came the hushed words, yet in his tone was a hardness, a conviction to do something. Sain just sobbed again and leaned into his brother’s embrace, his head resting on Niall’s shoulder. Niall just sat there, seemingly waiting patiently for Sain to talk.

"I went to a warehouse... because I was curious at the noise. There was a slave fight, and people were paying to watch... and betting. Jalel was there" Sain stammered his sentences broken by sobs and hiccups.

"Jalel and his followers... they chased me and trapped me. Jalel said I had to die... because I failed him... and it was my fault people died in the turf war" he continued, trying to keep it together. He stayed silent a few moments more, sniffling as he tried to compose himself. Still shaking in Niall's grip, he continued.

"They attacked me Niall... and I killed them... but some fled. So did Jalel... I don't know what's gonna happen now... What I have to do" Sain let out and sobbed again.

"The... the worst of it though... it felt good to... let my power out and hurt them... It was intoxicating, and powerful... I... I loved it, and I am ashamed of that.... I didn't want to hurt them! Why could they not leave me alone" Sain blurted out, his voice loud, and somewhat erratic.

Niall just sat there, comforting his brother as best he could, remaining quiet as well. Sain just leaned into him even more, sobbing still. Niall probably hates me now. Thinks I am a monster. I am a monster. After a time, Sains sobs subsided and finally, Niall spoke in a quiet tone, his voice bringing small comfort to Sain.

“That's a lot to take in Sain. I... you did not have a choice. It was self-defense. Don't feel ashamed. I wish I could tell you what else to feel, but I can't. I have never killed anyone. People say it sticks with you though, and you learn to live with it" Niall said awkwardly, trying to help. All it achieved was to get another sob out of Sain.

"Well, we don’t have to worry about the authorities coming for you, I can name a dozen magic crimes worse than this that had witnesses, and they didn’t do anything about those cases” Niall added.

“The real problem is the mob, they won’t let this pass, that’s a certainty. Tomorrow, I want you to go to your master and act like nothing has happened, stick to him like glue though, from what I hear, he has many connections in the underworld, and no one will be able to harm you in his presence. This seems to be too big to handle easily, so I’m going to see if I can get you and dad out of this city. There are quite a few people back in Gestonia that owe me favors, and I’ll have them pay up. For now, whenever you go out, try to stay in areas with lots of people. If these people are set on you, they may still come after you, but it is less likely” Niall added, his tone grim and his demeanor even more so. He let out a sigh and Sain felt Niall pat him on the top of his head.

“You did the right thing Sain, you acted in self-defense, and you have nothing to be ashamed of” Niall repeated and stood up from the bed, the bed springing up a bit from the loss of weight on its frame. Sain looked up and saw Niall turn to leave. Sain then watched Niall leave the room, abandoning Sain to his distress and anguish. Sain just hiccupped and broke out into another round of sobbing as his brother closed the door, leaving him in darkness, both mental and physical.

Hearing voices though, Sain sniffled and lifted a hand to rub at his nose, trying to compose himself, and listen to the words outside his door, despite the feelings running through him.

“What’s happened Niall, what’s going on?” Regas asked, his voice muffled by the wall separating him from Sain. Sain felt a stab of shame though and hiccupped, as he picked up a sense of worry from his father’s voice.

“Nothing much dad, he just got into a fight on the street and is very upset about it. I’d recommend just leaving him be for now” Niall replied, his voice muffled as well as rather strained. Sain heard a rattling noise and hiccupped once more. It was the noise of the coat rack by the main door, its fixtures being quite loose.

“Where are you going Niall?” questioned Regas and Sain felt alarm spread through him. Was Niall leaving?

“I’m going into the city. I must see if I can stay a few more days, to sort out a problem. I don’t know if I’ll be back tonight or not. Also... I think you should pack up some stuff, as we might have to leave the city for a bit” Niall stated. Hearing the main door open and then close, Sain just sniffled in misery, his mind in turmoil. He lifted both his hands up and cupped his face, breaking out into a new wave of tears. Then he just let himself fall sideways, sinking into the comfort of his bed as he cried himself to sleep.

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