Titans - March of Progress

Chapter 1 Part 1

A peal of laughter broke out as Sain rounded the corner and laid eyes on his friends, sitting, standing and generally just loitering in the alleyway. The same alleyway as always. He lifted a hand in greeting even as he flicked his eyes around the space, taking in the mess laid out all over the area. The bottles and scraps of newspaper littering the ground, makeshift piles of trash nestled in the corners of the steps that lead to various doors of shops and businesses backing onto the alley. The vibrant colors of chalk and painted graffiti scrawled across every surface, such as walls, doors, and even the few cracked bits of stone path on the ground, somewhat exposed beneath many layers of dirt, albeit worn down by the passage of feet and the elements.

Another peal of laughter sounded out and Sain turned his gaze to the source, and as he latched his eyes on Rin, a flush washed over him and he stood straighter, puffing out his chest, even as the girl looked over at him, a slight flush on her own cheeks.

“Oh damn, why don’t you two stop staring at each other like it’s the end of the world, and just get a room already!” another voice broke out, loud and practically bouncing off the walls of the small alleyway. Sain spluttered and went bright red as he turned his gaze towards the person speaking.

“Shut up Ricky! You annoying turd!” Sain retorted, practically spluttering over the words. Sain approached the other youth, and raised a fist, cocking it back near his head as though he was getting ready to punch his friend. Ricky seemed to ignore it though and just pointed at Sain and laughed out loud.

“Now now, don’t get your panties in a knot bro, I was just messing around!” he declared, a shit eating grin splayed out over his face.

Sain just scowled and looked around at the other faces of those gathered, a total of a dozen other teenagers, some looking just sullen and angry, whilst others simply looked amused as they lounged on steps, boxes or against the walls of the alleyway. His gaze flicked to linger on Rin a few moments, noting her own bright red face. Sain gulped and tore his gaze away sharply, feeling like butterflies were going at it in his stomach.

“Yeah yeah... Whatever Ricky” Sain muttered and just dropped his hand from its cocked position, and instead swung off his leather shoulder bag, and placed it on a step. A moment later he opened it and ruffled through it. Looking up he saw Ricky had practically materialized at his side and was looking curiously into Sain's bag.

“So, what did you get? Anything interesting?” Ricky asked, his look of curiosity now mixed with excitement. Sain just rolled his eyes as he pulled out a book, old and leather-bound, with a scratched-up surface and frayed edges.

“My master gave me homework again. Told me to read some random chapters, practice the content and then brief him on it later. Reading practice, no doubt” Sain replied and just shrugged his shoulders, the book now held in both hands. He flipped it open though, balancing the spine in his left hand, as the right started to turn the old, yellowed pages. And of course he did it in a relaxed aloof manner, trying to appear all cool and in control in front of Rin.

“Man, I wish I could read. You got lucky getting a boss who teaches you to read and use magic. I gotta live with second-hand knowledge from some brat called Sain. He is a little turd” Ricky stated in a joking manner and just rolled his eyes as he let out a dramatic sigh.

“Hey, screw you man! I don’t have to teach you shit!” Sain snapped, totally pouting as he turned the pages to a specific area, a scrap of cloth serving as a marker.

“So, you want to learn some stuff or what? I need someone to practice with for this thing. Its magic manipulation for self-defense or something” Sain stated as his right forefinger was placed at the beginning of a paragraph, and eyes glided over the scribbled words. His mouth moved slightly as he muttered the words to himself, making sure he understood what was on the page. Sain sensed Ricky move closer to him suddenly, and turned his own head slightly, seeing Ricky’s head even closer now, only an inch or so from his own, craned over his shoulder.

“I mean totally dude. Like, just because you need help and stuff” Ricky stated, totally seeming like he wanted to be seen to be all aloof and non-chalant like Sain. Sain just smirked and stepped away from Ricky and stooped to place the book on the steps and then turned to face Ricky, stepping away even further to get some distance between them. He lifted both hands and tugged on his coat, straightening it even as his eyes flicked over the other youths gathered, all who seemed to be watching with eagerness. They had seen similar spectacles before, after all.

But Sain only had eyes for one of the youths. Rin. And he totally flicked his eyes to her and then looked away sharply, standing up straight again and puffing out his chest.

As Ricky got himself ready though, Sain focused on him a moment, but could not help darting his eyes back to Rin repeatedly, taking in her features. His stomach fluttered whenever he saw her. She was so pretty, a slight, pale skinned girl, with pale blonde hair and the bluest eyes he had ever seen, set into a slim and angular face. She bore a perpetual, cheeky smile and seemed to be a bastion of laughter, pulling in everyone around her, and making them laugh at even the smallest things. And then there was Ricky, who now stood straight, puffed out chest as well, and quite aware of Sain’s focus.

“Come on bro, when are we doing this? Like, what am I even supposed to do? Explain it to me” Ricky snapped, a little terse and Sain swiveled his eyes back to him, taking in his jet-black hair, and rather brutish looking features. Ricky was tall and lanky. He bore the frame of a youth who would one day grow to be a huge man but had yet to fill out. He was nearly half a head taller than Sain as it was, and he was younger by a year. And clearly saw Sain as competition when it came to Rin.

Sain just scowled, centering his focus on his friend and rival. He let go of his coat, realizing his hands had just been unmoving, holding the opening of his coat. Then he just rolled his shoulders a little.

“Yeah, yeah ok, let’s get on with it then. So, it’s supposed to be pretty simple. Gather your energy into your palms and visualize an attack. Just keep it small ok. I don’t want to die. Enough to maybe put me on my ass if I screw up ok. I am going to block it. Or try to” Sain answered and could not help but grin somewhat, his excitement bubbling up. He saw his feelings mirrored in his friend’s gaze as well, the glint of excitement evident in Ricky’s eyes.

“Ok, got it! I have attacked stuff before remember” Ricky replied, complete with an eye roll before he took a stance, widening his legs to shoulder width apart. Then he raised his hands before him, and clawed them, trying to look all dramatic. Sain would have scoffed had Ricky not started mumbling under his breath, bringing up his magic in chants. Sain responded, breaking into incoherent mumbling himself, and reached for his own magic, centering his mind's eye on his core, his magical repository that sat around his solar plexus.

Sain pulled energy from his core even as Ricky launched, swiping his right hand in Sain’s direction, in quite the dramatic gesture, alongside a shout even as Sain directed his energy in front of him, to create a wall. And he failed miserably. Ricky’s energy burst straight through the wall Sain had attempted to make, and scattered the energy in a shimmer of light, right before the blast crashed into Sain’s chest.

Sain let out a loud gasp as he fell backwards from the strike, air rushing from his lungs and leaving him winded. He just toppled over, landing heavily on his ass in the alley, a puff of dust and dirt rising into the air around him. He let out a wheezy groan even as sounds of laughter exploded around him, as all the other teens expressed their amusement. Sain sat up best he could and looked at them all, still wheezing and coughing somewhat. That was when he saw Rin looking at Ricky, laughing as well. That was a kick in the guts, and he stood up, teeth gritted as he sucked in a few breaths through his nose.

“Alright, let’s go again!” Sain spluttered out his voice wheezy. Hands rose to pat down the front of his coat, brushing off a few puffs of dirt and dust as he glared at Ricky. The guy was not even looking at Sain, and only had eyes for Rin, and was totally posing, puffing out his chest, with hands on hips. Sain felt a jab of anger and scowled, thinking Ricky had hit harder than he should have, clearly wanting to show off. So, Sain scowled even more.

“I said let’s go again!” Sain yelled out, repeating himself his voice clearer this time, and Ricky turned as all the others hushed, their faces still displaying amusement at Sain’s expense. Ricky just grinned at Sain and nodded, positioning himself once more, same as previously. Ricky just nodded yet again, his grin turning into a smirk and Sain felt that stab of anger once more. Ricky was a friend, but still an asshole.

Ricky started mumbling like earlier, bringing forth his magic, and Sain did so as well, and raised his hands, splaying them out flat before him. He wasted no time in bringing forth his magic to form a barrier in front of himself, a slight sheen of light displayed before him. He remembered the words in the book in an instant, which described the visualization required. It was to form a solid wall before him, to imagine it as immovable, like a brick wall. He saw it in his mind’s eye, and focused, imagining it, solidifying it.

His thoughts disappeared in an instant as Ricky struck once more, and the energy crashed into Sain’s imaginary brick wall. A burst of light appeared as the two forms of energy met and sounds of awe came from the onlookers. Then the light rippled along Sains magical wall for a split second, and then disappeared just as fast as it had appeared, leaving only the barely discernible sheen of light created by Sain's barrier. He just grinned and stared at Ricky with a smirk on his face and dropped his hands to leave them hanging by his sides. Ricky scoffed and lifted a brow, before relaxing and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Right, looks like you got it. So now it is my turn. What do I need to do?” Ricky asked, with an apprehensive look forming on his face. Sain suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to return the earlier favor and knock Ricky right on his ass. The guy deserved it right? With a sigh though, Sain decided not to and just lifted a hand to cuff his nose, letting his anger slip away.

“It’s actually pretty simple. Just visualize a brick wall in front of you, and do not let go of the energy. There is more to it than that, but I am sure you will figure it out” Sain stated somewhat arrogantly and lifted his right hand to splay out before him, and then turned it upwards, palm flat.

“Um, ok. Sounds easy enough I guess” Ricky replied and rolled his eyes before taking a stance once more, clawing his hands before him, and narrowing his eyes as he seemed to concentrate. Ricky then started to mumble, giving his magic form.

Sain watched as a sheen of light formed in front of Ricky, flickering in and out of view as Ricky tried to maintain its form, and Sain just waited, the urge to just strike bubbling up. It looked like Ricky had some control of his wall of magic, so Sain started to mumble and pulled up his own magic and twisted his right hand in the air. He imagined a small ball being formed in his palm, and then after a moment’s hesitation, threw it at Ricky in a lazy motion. The ball of energy flew forward, and collided with Ricky’s wall of magic, and simply blew straight through the flimsy barrier, scattering the wall of energy in a brilliant flash of light, right before the ball of magic slapped into Ricky’s right shoulder.

Ricky let out a low cry as his shoulder was hit, and he was forcibly spun around, staggering heavily. Sain stared in surprise as he watched Ricky recover his footing, only to look up and glare, face near purple with anger. Sain just blinked, having thought he only used a small amount of magic, barely enough to hurt a fly. Ricky stood up straight, and seemed to emanate rage, even more so as sounds of laughter and even a few rounds of applause sounded from the others watching. Ricky appeared to become even more infuriated by the reactions of the other youths, and took a single step forward, and Sain felt an ice-cold feeling run down his spine.

Did I use too much magic? And go too far? Sain took a single involuntary step backwards and raised his hands, wanting to form another magical wall between him and his friend. Just in case Ricky did lash out.

All noise seemed to stop in an instant though, and even Ricky came to a halt, the look of anger vanishing from his features, his gaze now cast beyond Sain. Sain saw his friend just gulp, and he felt dread come over him. He just turned slowly dropping his hands, to look behind him, and he laid eyes on a person he always dreaded to see.

The tall broad youth standing there was a thug, and his visage reflected that in a dirty blond, cropped haircut and a wide heavy jaw, complete with a showing of facial hair just visible along his jawline. Even his nose appeared to be wide and flat, reminding Sain of a pig snout. The youth stood confidently, his large muscular frame betraying his habit of fitness, and he just stared at Ricky and Sain, an impassive look on his face as he lifted a hand to point to each in turn before speaking in a deadpan tone.

“You two, come with me. I have a job for you.”

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