Tinea and Leah [Cyberpunk, Alien Incursions, Murder and Mayhem, Girl’s Love (WLW)]

Chapter One Hundred Six – Squeak [R18. Even if it’s fluffy enough to give you diabetes. Yeah.]

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back.

Quick reminder: I'll take a week off after the last NSFW chapter, and will then continue releasing at two per week.

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CW: Sexual Tension

Chapter One Hundred Six - Squeak [R18. Even if it's fluffy enough to give you diabetes. Yeah.]

I'm going home
To see my wifey

I'm going home
No more to roam

– Random Love Letter No. 3, from Tinea to Leah, some time after they'd settled down together




I squealed. I properly squealed, as if my highschool crush had just confessed to me. I couldn't help it.

My hands trembled with giddiness, and warm elation was a wind in my soul and a storm in my torso. I couldn't hold still with all the fizzy energy and bounced on Leah's lap as tears flowed yet again.

Am I ever going to stop crying today?! I laughed and giggled wetly as I kept wiping my cheeks, while Leah held me by the waist so I wouldn't tumble off with all the bobbing and wobbling I was doing.

Then AI-I advised me that the hanging mat was done, and I wasted no time grabbing a grinning Leah and tossed her into it. Then I hopped on top of her before my antennae had time to do more than fluff her pretty eyes and leave her blinking.

Leah smiled at me being all wiggly and giggly on top of her, so of course I had to feather her with kisses and snoochies. I just really, really loved her.

And then I realized I hadn't actually said it, yet, and anyway, the excitement had shifted somewhat from raw sexual need, to something altogether sweeter.

So I pulled away with a last licking of her lower lip, and went back to caressing her face with fingertips. Eyebrows, cheeks, and soft, soft pillowy lips that smiled beneath eyes with corners crinkled in mirth.

She looked hella mussed and proper kissed.

Her hair was a messy halo of luxurious red escaping her bodysuit's cowl, the green of her living eye was brilliant enough to outshine my smile, and she generally just looked like a goddess blushing beautifully after some rather rigorous and intimate attention.

"I love you too, Leah."

She laughed softly and returned my facial affection with a few kisses of her own.

"I kind of figured that, yes."

Then I squeaked as Leah's hands suddenly traveled down my back and massaged my bum, and she smirked at me as I stared wide-eyed at her. She was really, really, uh, really exploring my backside. Completely unabashedly.

All-out kneadage of my ass cheeks.

It set me on fire again.

I felt dew gathering between my legs, and my breathing sped up as that buzzing in my spine came back. But Leah didn't do anything else. Didn't push me further. She just…lit me up with brazen hands and… Oh. She left the rest to me.

Left it to me to decide where, and how far, to take it.

A lot of the sudden tension flowed out of me and I collapsed on top of Leah again. My head landed on her shoulder, and I nudged the goopy fabric of her cowl aside with my nose, and buried myself in the crook of her neck, relaxed by her scent.

She'd become my home in a way. Not just somebody whom I was safe with in an intimate way, but also somebody who I trusted with…myself. With all the weird and broken facets of me.

But also somebody who I knew needed me. Who was, at least in some way, reliant on me to help her stay intact. Which…probably wasn't good.

That sounded a lot like dependence. Both ways. Like it'd be much easier for us to hold onto each other, instead of dealing with the…hurtful things. Or something.

This wasn't the stuff I knew very much about, or understood on a deep level. I just kinda had a sense of it, since I knew myself…more than most.

But maybe I could stop it from hurting us. At least, I wasn't completely unaware of, or even blind to, the dangers of this…dependence thing. I knew that I should talk to somebody about it.

I breathed in Leah's warmth and decided that'd be good enough. Perfection wasn't a reasonable goal. It was okay if our relationship was a bit wonky and rushed. Neither I, nor Leah, were the types to use the other as…baggage handlers.

No, that's what words were for, and a will to improve and forgive. We'd sort out whatever we'd have to. And if we tripped, we'd just reorient towards something better. As many times as it took.

Also, this wasn't the time to ruminate, was it? Not with Leah's hands turning my ass into putty.

I turned my snuggles into noshies and began to kiss and lick and suck on Leah's throat, slowly working my way up the side of her jaw, tasting every millimeter of her skin. Leah wasn't generally the most ticklish person, but she wasn't immune, and the goop suit didn't reach this high, either.

Her occasional twitches and giggles brought a smile to my lips, and when I'd arrived at the highest point of her chin, I rose up to lean on my elbows and look at her.

Leah returned my smile as she always did, and that thought struck me too and filled me with a warmer, gentler giddiness. I could scarcely believe the drastic changes in my life.

How'd this all happen? How come I found this beautiful, wonderful girl? After all that time of being alone?

Or what about suddenly being a woman? So completely and just…wholly?

The hands smushing my bum started jiggling it instead, and I returned to Earth.

Leah arched an eyebrow at me with a wry smile and asked, "Welcome back. Where'd you wander off to?"

I ducked my head and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry. Just being a bit…gobsmacked at the ridiculousness of my recent fortunes."

Leah giggled and reached up to kiss me softly.

"You're so cute sometimes, Tinea," she said, smiling at me. Then gave my butt a particularly deep massage. "But you're lying on top of a perfectly good woman who's begging for sex. Think later. Fuck now."

Leah's randy words surprised a fire into my loins and a chortle out of me. I supported myself on one arm above her to throw her a sloppy salute.

"As ordered, ma'am!"

I went back to kissing her and tickled a trail down the underside of her chin, to the hem of the goop at the base of her throat. A tug revealed that the thing was very flexible in a slightly goopy way—the fabric within gave the whole thing shape and support, but it really, really stretched and it didn't want to rebound on its own.

Which was awesome. It felt like I was unwrapping a gift, somehow, as I gently traced Leah's collarbones and slipped one edge off of her shoulder.

Leah was blushing beautifully, with just a bit of a shyness to her from my attention. We'd spent plenty of time naked together, but this… This was something else. There was intent to my revealing her, to my seeing her.

Everything was quiet, and my focus was fully on Leah's breathing. How it sped up or deepened, how she panted when I kissed my way down from her shoulder to where the swell of her breast began. How every one of her reactions buzzed through me.

My antennae were gently swaying above me, in the breeze caused by Leah's exhalations. I also realized that maybe we wouldn't be eating anything but samurai food ever again—my sense of taste and scent were too sensitive now and just hints of bad odor or sickness would be an actual problem.

But right now all I could taste was the electrifying mint from the boosters, the remaining savouriness from the broth we'd eaten, and the sweetness of the juice we'd drunk.

And a touch of saltiness on my tongue as I slowly dragged it across Leah's nipple, whose entire rib cage met me on a feathery breath that didn't know if it wanted in or out. Her hands were suddenly at the back of my head and pushed me harder into her chest, while her hips were digging into the mat. Her thighs clenched together and her knees rose up until only her toes touched the silk.

It was an incredibly sexy set of motions to be resting on top of. Her skin scorched me and lightning buzzed across the sensitive skin of my belly as her lifting thighs caused me to slide across her body. I drew my knees forward under Leah's arms and used every last bit of my rather considerable flexibility to continue licking and sucking on her nipple despite basically sitting on her tummy.

Yay Vanguards! Praise the body modifications!

I chuckled under my breath with mirth at a random mental picture of myself jumping off the hanging mat to do a Y-pose.

But instead, I took Leah's breast in hand and pushed it up a little so I could…osculate her breasts easier. Leah shuddered under my palms and I heard and felt her gasp for breath.

Then I nipped her nipple, and the dam broke.

Leah's sudden moan strangled itself as she jerked and bounced me. My hands landed fully on top of her boobs to catch myself before I fell face-first into hers, and her nails clawed at my back as her eyes popped open and she shuddered beneath me.

Her mouth was open as she stared at me with wide eyes, but no sound came out for several seconds. Eventually the chaotic shivering of the muscles in her belly under my butt eased, and Leah's lips closed.

But she kept staring, and as I stared back—completely transfixed by her out-of-control, messy expression that screamed I am banged!—every one of her exhalations was accompanied by a tiny whine.

We kept staring at each other and my thoughts were a little sluggish—and steamy with lust.

That…was. An orgasm. Wasn't it? Just from her nipple? That quick? Isn't that…a bit much?

My right hand went back to caressing her face, petting her lines and contours, smoothing the intense experience away, as she slowly relaxed and calmed down again. And then, because I couldn't help it, I kept stroking those softly swollen lips.

I kissed the tip of her nose softly and asked, "Are you, um, okay?"

The question was a little…awkward, and a blush rose on my cheeks as Leah giggled against my thumb, still a bit breathy. Her chest continued heaving and that was distracting. So much softness. Leah was a tall girl, and even if she didn't look very curvy, she actually had rather big ones. They just kinda didn't pop out as much against her statuesque physique.

So. There was a lot of comfy flesh to rest my chin on, while I waited for her to speak. And for myself to feel a bit more settled.

Leah's hands started petting my head as she smiled down at me. I loved the way the corners of her eyes crinkled when she was happy. They were really doing that right now, even as she was still coming down from whatever that orgasm was.

Oh god. I was gonna…unpack her more, later. And I already knew how she'd taste down there after having come.

I shivered just from the memory.

Or, actually. It was my turn first. Yeah. Definitely. I wasn't prevaricating at all. Nope!

Now, Leah giggled, and my eyes jumped back to hers. She'd been watching me, and her expression yelled You're too cute! at me.

Which was something that required an answer, obviously.

I moved up again and kissed her deeply, my chest resting on the swells of hers. I took her head in both my hands and made her hold still while I munched on her. Then I kept going and turned her this or that way while exploring her mouth, until she begged release by patting my backside and laughing into me.

My hips wanted to press down on her tummy, to grind myself against her. I shivered with the tension of holding myself back. I wanted that particular bit to be more…special? Not a side dish.

Uh. Side dish. Course. Main course. …Tongue.

Oh god.

My brain went fuzzy and there was a fluttering in my belly from the mental image.

I kissed Leah harder.

Her hand went back to kneading me gently and started patting me until I stopped asphyxiating her orally, but she was giggling under her breath and they were shaking her frame. Light as I was, I didn't dampen any of it. Which, being jiggled like that made me giggle too. Which caused Leah to giggle a bit louder, and suddenly we were both laughing our asses off.

But that wasn't really what I was here for. So, I let my head drop down next to hers, nose nuzzling into her hair, and went back to nibbling on Leah's ear.

"It's always been like that."

"Hmm?" I asked, confused for a moment.

"My nipples."

"Oh. Yeah?"

"Yeah. They're sensitive. Stupidly so. But only when I'm already, uh, excited."

"Huh… That's unusual, isn't it?"

I felt Leah nodding against my face. One of her hands was stroking across my bum, back and forth, while the other was leaving trails of warmth along my spine.

"I'm pretty sure it is. At least none of the women I've been with have experienced the same, and nobody I've talked to about it has it happen."

"Wow. What's it like?"

"A little…strange. It's not like my nipples get more sensitive than my clitoris, for example. But, they, uh. Make me come. Instantly, with sharp enough stimulation. I don't know why. And teeth will do it every time."

Her hands paused.

"Tinea. Don't…abuse it please. I can't not orgasm when you do that. It's…nice if it's a bit. But too much, too often in a row and it turns painful. And it kind of locks up my body. I lose a lot of motor control during those climaxes."

I lifted myself up on my arms, again, and looked down at Leah. She steadily met my eyes and looked quite serious, even with the beautiful blush of sex still on her cheeks and with her lips still red and pillowy from my intense kissing.

So I nodded.

"Alright. I'll make extra sure to pay attention to you, okay? To your expression and stuff."

Leah squeezed me and pulled me back down to lie on top of her again. She really was wonderfully soft and I found myself breathing deeply of her scent, and relaxing against her as the vibrations of her voice hummed through me.

"I never doubted it, Tinea. You're one of the most lovely and caring people I've met."

Oof. That was high praise. It made me dig my nose into her and hide my face in embarrassment, and there was that giggle from her again that told me how cute I was being.

Which was kinda nice, even if it made me blush harder. I'd learned to read some of Leah's giggles hadn't I? What they meant, what they said, without words.

Aww. Happy.

I dug my arms between Leah and the mat, and squeezed her hard enough to go ooph, too.

Then Leah's hands spread my thighs and I almost started vibrating when her fingers suddenly stroked the wet and sensitive skin almost all the way at the top. Very high. Not quite high enough.

"Speaking of clitorises, Tinea. Have you…touched yourself yet?"

There was an incredible amount of fire in the velvet of her tone. And the fingers kept gliding over the moist skin, only centimeters away from my most sensitive areas.

I squeaked.

I definitely squeaked.



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