Tinea and Leah [Cyberpunk, Alien Incursions, Murder and Mayhem, Girl’s Love (WLW)]

Chapter Ninety-Four – Tease! [Maybe a little R18. TW: Lethal Doses of Sexual Tension, no Sex]

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back.

Content Warning: You may not wish to read THE SECOND HALF of this chapter if you have an issue with reading sexual tension. There's no actual sex, but there's loads of heat.

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Chapter Ninety-Four - Tease! [Maybe a little R18. TW: Lethal Doses of Sexual Tension, no Sex]

"This is, clearly, a Wand of Increase Brownian Motion."

– Said a nerd at a sex-toy shop, 1827 or later




Leah sidled up until our hips bumped, pretending to be all sneaky. I decided to play along and worked to suppress my laughter, until only chaotic little giggles escaped me.

When her fingers started trailing up my far side, excited hiccups joined the giggles. My entire being was focused on the little touches and on her tall presence next to me. It was a rush.

Being a woman was awesome! So many different things! Such feels! It was kind of completely overwhelming, to be honest. But, yup! Worth it.

I kept jumping and twitching with every touch, but I was totally immersed in playing along as she kept looking ahead, pretending she wasn't doing anything to me. Leah's fingers reached my ribs and poked once or twice at the softness of my boob between tickles, even teasing touches towards the nub pushing through the silk before traveling on, further upwards, leaving me a hiccuping, excited, giggling, and blushing mess.

Tease! I leaned into her for stability as we walked. I was a shivering, panting, wreck.

Her fingertips kneaded the soft skin at the top of my armpit, at the back of my shoulder, and my breath stopped. I didn't realize that could be an…an exciting zone?! Her fingers wandered on further up, and I inhaled a shivering lungful.

She tickled up and down the side of my neck, and my eyes fluttered closed against the tingling buzzing through me. The world turned dark and became a space of slightly fuzzy obstacles, eddying air currents, and quietly echoing sounds. Happy little mumbles bumbled from me as each stroke nudged my head a little more sideways, and I held onto Leah's torso, tucked in underneath her arm.

The tickling fingertips turned into a full hand petting me with rhythmic caresses, and cooled me down slowly. I probably would've grown drowsy if we weren't still walking. I felt so very sweet that an unceasing smile played around my lips. Everything happening had me emotionally full and satiated, so very much that I didn't know what to do with all the happiness.

I was being loved! I was being touched! I wasn't alone!

Part of me seemed stuck in ongoing surprise, joyfully unbelieving. How did this happen? What did I do for things to turn out this way? How come?

Another part of me was desperately soaking it all up, hopelessly hungry for all the love and togetherness, and begging me with tiny bites of anxiety to shackle Leah to myself and never let go. I coddled that part, and stilled her softly with the memories of everything Leah had said to me and made me feel, until the pricks of worry calmed down.

But most of me was just basking under Leah's attention, enjoying the frissons her touches sent through me, and giggling breathlessly at the way the experience involuntarily locked up my lungs again and again.

My tail had wrapped itself around Leah's closest leg, one antennae swished lightly against her back, and the other kept combing the air and telling me the shape of things nearby. There was a big, huge, smile plastered across my face and it just wouldn't go away.

After a while, when my breathing had stabilized and Leah's touches felt just soothing, rather than exciting, her fingers picked up their little trip again, and wandered further north.

An ear got tickled and I twitched again with a giggle. But the fingers kept going, nails lightly scratching my scalp, making me shiver and whine quietly as they drew closer to that zone around the base of my antennae.

My back arched and I stifled a moan with my palms as a single finger tip drew a line of fire across the soft curve at the bottom of my antennae, where the skin of my scalp grew the first of the tiny, tiny scales of my antennae. My spine bowed from the intense sensation, but the finger didn't linger. It kept rising along the stem, ruffling my scales there ever so slightly, until it crossed from danger territory to slightly safer territory.

It slowly continued its exploration a few centimeters further up, where it suddenly disappeared. A protesting whine slipped from me.

Just as I was about to complain and pout at Leah, a guitar-string was plucked somewhere right above my head, and the total incongruity of it smacked me in the gob and knocked me for a loop.

"Uh?" I asked dumbly as my hands wandered up and covered my head from above, while Leah's shoulder shook from my expression. My fingers touched slightly sticky silk and a hard longish object. Also her hand, finger resting on more silk string.

The muffler thingy. I'd gotten so used to it being there, that I'd forgotten about the ridiculous contraption I'd woven between my stems. I'd long stopped noticing the mild deadening of the air it radiated.

My antennae had done their job of keeping the raggedy net stable and tensioned and away from my hair so well, that I'd just…forgotten it. I glanced at Leah from the corner of my eye and she caught me. She had been waiting for it!

With a grin, she plucked another three strings, and the discordant vibrations sounded through my skull, sending a screechy shiver down my spine. I stuck my tongue out at her and moved the tip of my tail up to dissolve the silk.

As a punishment, I did so without unwinding the top loop of it around her thigh. That loop slid a little higher. Just a teeny-tiny bit. Not quite far enough. But the fluff on my tail did interesting things while I moved it this way and that, to properly get at all the silk.

I definitely wasn't moving it extra, though. Nope.

Leah blushed and bit her lip as tickly things happened to her goop suit down there, the one that was quite sensitive to things that moved rather than poked, and it got me all hot and bothered to see her get all hot and bothered.

Smiling, I stashed the loose muffler in my cleavage, which Leah absolutely didn't miss, then I took her arm with both of mine, linked my fingers with hers, and forced her to walk again. Without moving my tail.

She drew in a shocked breath, glanced at me, flushed hotter, and looked forward again as she took another unsteady step. Her tacit submission tugged on my lips, and I decided to reward her by rolling her fingers with mine.

"You know, Leah, I've been thinking a bit about prepping the facility again, yeah?"

Her eyes flashed to me again, trembling. "...Mhm," she said with a breathy pant that had an antenna licking her lips and my tongue licking mine. "...What's the plan?" She barely put any voice behind the words, too busy breathing through the sensations.

"You know how the kidnappers are likely too smart to have anything reachable for hacking, right?" I said as I moved us another step.

She shivered, nodded, but her head didn't come up quite as much after the nod, and the moonlight did not reach her face in the night's shadow anymore.

That wouldn't do. She was far too pretty in the lunar illumination.

I clenched my tail's spinneret and closed the shield of the inorganic members around the sensitive organic ones, then, careful to tighten the loop of my tail around her thigh just a little more, tipped her chin up with a small tap of the spinneret's metal parts.

Her wide eyes jumped at me. With a gentle smile and a friendly squint, I lightly shook my head, and she obediently kept her chin raised, even as my sensilla kept stroking across her lips. I twisted the fuzzy loop around her thigh a touch to reward her, enjoying her quiet gasp and the way the pale silvery light played over her features, and let the end of the tail dangle in front of me.

"Since we probably can't hack them, can't chase them down physically, we decided to contaminate them via an idea, right? The pulvinophages in the food jars to kill Antithesis. Make them come to us if we can't go to them."

I kept leaning into Leah and squishing my boobs against her arm, forced her to bear part of my weight against the tiny, tiny teasings between her legs, and unwound my fingers from hers so I could strip the harness from my tail.

Leah was a quiet girl when submissive, apparently. The thought of making her moan had me shift my own hips with liquid heat and sent my right antenna to explore her throat underneath that raised chin. But I'd have to leave that for later, wouldn’t I? For when we'd gotten home.

I'd promised her I'd help her reach her Littles sooner rather than later, after all. Wouldn't do to break my promise and delay us, would it? No.

I'll enjoy your silent reaction, though, yes I will, I thought with a satisfied smile, glancing at Leah who was dutifully keeping her chin up, blushing from the feathery attention of my antenna, trembling every time her steps forced the fluff of my tail to stroke her.

"Well, Leah? Do you remember?" I asked her, as AI-I commanded the harness to loosen up so I could slide it past the tiny plug-tanks feeding the spinneret.

Leah shivered and nodded, remembering to raise her chin properly again, afterward. I hung the metal rope over my shoulder and stripped the sock right after. The tug, well, tugged on my tail, and Leah bit her lip hard as she forced herself to step at the same time.

I smiled as I continued, “Well, I figured we’d want to make sure they’d want to come and check things out, right? Preferably soonish, before the place is all run over with Antithesis again.”

Leah nodded again, kept her chin up, and I fluffed my tail vigorously. The sock had matted it slightly. The lovely, breathtakingly hot lady next to me gasped, her legs buckled, and she caught herself on my arm.

Her heated breath flowed down my front and I delighted in the teasing swirls against my skin, not at all shy to moan under my breath. At the sound, Leah’s eyes snapped open again, her hands tightened around my arm and shoulder, and she stared at me as she went through a full-body shudder.

Oh my. Had I made her orgasm? Just a little?

With a very smug smile, I kissed her on the lips and held her eyes as I laid my tail against her womb from the outside. I skipped the direct touch against her vulva, letting the fuzz continue to tickle her there. But I pressed into the dipping curve of her pubic region, upwards over and past her womb, past her belly button, and between her breasts, where my tail’s anatomy was thick enough to experience a nice bit of warm, enveloping squishiness.

Leah was spellbound, panting through an open mouth, caught up with everything, and staring me in the eyes.

“So, I thought that we should make sure any satellites in range to record us, which there definitely are, will get a nice, clean picture of both of us leaving this place. Preferably in a very samurai vehicle. Which you will provide, yes?”

Leah didn’t react, still caught up. But her eyes had dipped to my lips as I spoke, and even though we weren’t walking, her thighs kept rubbing each other.

I tilted my head a little, smiling as her eyes remained locked on. A lack of attention for her Mistress’ words, hmm? Too occupied with her own needs? No, no, that requires punishment.

I continued my tail’s press, past her boobs, curling the last bit around her throat and strangling her very, very lightly. I slowly forced her to stand straight with the limb’s strength, and let the tip of it swish back and forth underneath her jaw to remind her of the posture I demanded from her.

Leah closed her salivating mouth and raised her chin like a good little girl as she swallowed, and I rewarded her with another brush of fuzz below. She shuddered deliciously, but I immediately forced her into another step forward, enjoyed her stocking breath, and took one of her arms between my own breasts. 

I leaned into her once more, forcing her to stabilize both of us against my rhythmic brushing of her vulva, and fished for her other hand from behind her back. I linked the fingers of our hands there and drew them behind her and a little down, which, along with the curve of my tail, made her push out her breasts at eye level.

But before I let myself study them with enthusiasm to attract one of my antennae to, hmm, explore, I spent a moment checking our location, saw that we still had about a kilometer to walk, and pushed Leah a little to move faster, which she reacted to with harder shudders and deeper panting.

There is also more planning to do, yes.

We had a full kilometer to do a lot more planning, indeed.

But meanwhile, I let my eyes wander wherever they wanted to explore.



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