Time Travel Female Channel: The opening routine of the beautiful female villain

Chapter 369

This big lobster actually called me Lord Evil God? Also welcome?

Lu Chengming was a little confused, but he could only make a mistake, smiled and nodded.

"My name is Burton and I'm the director of the Paradise Island project! Lord Evil God, please here, I'll show you around!" Bolton quickly got into the groove and followed the reception process.

An open-top sightseeing bus was called to allow guests to board and explore the island.

Lu Chengming hesitated slightly, but still pulled Luo Qianxue into the car together.

At the same time, he gave Zhu Biao a look and pointed to the helicopter.

Zhu Biao was concerned and immediately ran to find someone to refuel the helicopter....

The sightseeing bus soon started and drove into the forest path.

Along the way, Bolton told in a very professional tone:

First of all, this "great" paradise island was created by Boss Jin!

Boss Jin's ideal is to build a new world where demons and humans "live in harmony"!

It can be described as magnificent, far-sighted, shocking, and shining in the past and the present... A whole bunch of compliments!

Of course, Lu Chengming guessed that the owner of this big lobster is Jin Boyan!

Who would have thought that he was crooked and actually crashed into Jin Boyan's mysterious stronghold!

Next, Burton talked about the planning

of the entire paradise island: paradise island is the prototype of the future world and the test place of the optimal social mechanism;

At present, the area that has been completed and put into use is also two test areas;

Area A, also known as Paradise Zone; Zone B is the hell zone.

As for the testers, they were the ones captured from Kowloon Island a while ago, a total of twelve thousand people!

"Hiss... It turns out that everyone is here! Lu Chengming couldn't help but be stunned.

In fact, after several monster attacks, more than 100,000 people were missing on Kowloon Island;

Most of them should be dead, eaten by monsters... The body could not be found at all....

The 12,000 people tested here should be survivors....

"This Evil God Lord, do you have any questions?" Burton is indeed professional and will interact with visitors to receive feedback, "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask!" In

its opinion, Lu Chengming was much smarter than those evil gods before!

He has a human shell, and he carries a woman... It is estimated that like Boss Jin, he has fully integrated into human society!

Lu Chengming pretended to be interested, and only said: "The situation of those two test areas, tell me more specifically..."

In order to be able to retain customers, Burton knows everything!

If you want to realize Kim Boyan's grand plan, you can't do without the support of other evil gods around the world;

They must be convinced! Attract them to join!

There are many people and great power, and the evil gods of the world are united! Omnipotent! This is all taught by Kim Boyan....

Okay, here we go!

"Next, let me first introduce Area A, that is, the Paradise Zone..." As the

name suggests, life here must be very good.

Housing is allocated for free, as is education and healthcare!

Hearing this, the evil gods will inevitably have doubts...

Boss Jin wants to captivate humans and provide them with shelter and medical care, so why should he provide education?

Because the functioning of the whole society cannot be separated from skilled producers!

Without enough productivity, how can you feed a huge population? You can't let monsters grow crops for humans, can you!?

In the same way, without a certain level of knowledge, who will practice healing !?

Therefore, the Paradise Zone provides basic education to ensure that human beings will not degenerate into fools and can be self-sufficient!

In addition, education has a very important role, that is, brainwashing!

Through education, let the new generation learn to obey, obey, and no longer resist...

As long as education is done well, the new world will be extremely stable!

"Well, in this paradise zone... Human beings still have to go to school and work..." In order to show that he was really interested in this project, Lu Chengming asked at the right time, "It's not much different from living in Kowloon... It's not heaven, is it?

"Hehe, the difference is big!" Bolton waved his hand, and then revealed the essence of society:

with the current level of productivity of Kowloon people, it is completely possible for everyone to live a comfortable life without worries about food and clothing....

And yet –

99% of the wealth is exploited by the 1% of the capitalists!

Ordinary people can't afford to buy a house of their own even if they work 996 for a lifetime!

I was overwhelmed by loans every day, what kind of good life to talk about!?

But in our paradise zone -

housing is free! No loans!

Everyone only needs to work two or three days a week, five or six hours a day, to ensure the stable operation of the entire society!

Because the wealth here is distributed rationally!

There is no exploitation, there are no more poor and rich, all beings are equal!

Everyone can eat, drink and have fun!

"Got it? Capitalists are the root of all evil! Speaking of this, Burton excitedly raised his plier-shaped left hand, "Evil God-sama! Join us! Join us in bringing down all evil capitalists and building a wonderful new world! Lu

Chengming listened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Luo Qianxue's face was also not very good-looking.

Yes, they are "evil capitalists"....

"Lord Evil God, is there anything else you don't understand?"

"Ahem... This, this..." Lu Chengming rubbed his face, "I still have a puzzle... Is this heavenly zone model you have established really able to provide enough energy sources for evil and evil gods?

"Of course you can! The so-called full of lust! Our Paradise Zone encourages humans to engage in a wide variety of activities! "

It turns out that in the paradise zone, there is no institution of marriage and no family model.

You can indulge all your desires and associate with anyone!

Managers also organize group activities! The more you play, the more perverted you get, and the more rewards you get!

Plus, the more children you have, the better your life!

The best breeders can even be blessed by evil gods and have a longer life!

Everything, just to breed evil!

"Gee..." Luo Qianxue listened, and couldn't help but sigh, "This place is really suitable for you..."

Before Lu Chengming could say anything, Burton echoed: "Of course!" This place is definitely suitable for the Evil God-sama!

"Ahem, it sounds pretty good..." Lu Chengming could only agree, and then raised new doubts to change the topic, "It's just... How to examine the efficiency of this model? Is it really more efficient than the current Kowloon? Can the evil thoughts generated be quantified? "

To be honest, the current Kowloon is chaotic enough and evil enough!

In addition to not having enough children, there are really many evil thoughts generated every day!

Burton patiently explained: "Although Jiulong Island is chaotic, the vast majority of people are oppressed and emaciated, and there are almost no other activities except going to work to earn money, and the evil thoughts generated every day are really limited... In contrast, the situation in the Paradise Zone is much better! We have set up evil thought detectors in every neighborhood, which is actually a kind of mutant tumor head water moth... By observing the growth of the moth, you can judge the amount of evil thoughts produced in the neighborhood... From the data collected so far, we can determine that the efficiency of the Paradise Zone is higher than that of Kowloon! At least fifty percent higher! If the population is a little more, the effect will be good!

"Good fellow! Really quantifiable! For Jin Boyan's ingenious design, Lu Chengming also obeyed.

"In fact, as the main contrast, it is still the hell area... Evil God-sama, please see, there is ahead! "

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