Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

40 – Omega (3)

Samael looked at Wrex and nodded at the Krogan, who understood right away.
You might think the big, scary Krogan was the biggest threat in the ring, but no, it was the Prothean. They were literally a small version of a Krogan, but stronger, faster, and had better biotic power and output.
So, with an unspoken conversation, human and Krogan made an alliance at the moment. They would take the Prothean down and then fight each other.
'' Oh? So this is how it is, huh?'' Javik also noticed the unspoken alliance and snorted, '' It will not be enough.''
While Javik and Samael had spared before, it was a spar. This was a real fight, so things would be different.
'' We will see about that.'' Wrex finished saying that, and Samael immediately launched himself at Javik.
Javik snorted and was about to launch a biotic attack—not so powerful to kill, but it would send Samael flying away. Before he could do that, though, Wrex also joined the charge.
Immediately, Javik changed the target and attacked Wrex, who was sent stumbling away. But that was a mistake, as Samael attacked Javik's legs with a sweep.
The Prothean tried to dodge it by jumping, but Samael predicted that, and when he missed the sweep, he used the same leg and did an uppercut kick, hitting Javik on the head.
Javik stumbled a bit, giving Samael a chance to get closer and try to finish the task. Alas, the Prothean recovered faster than what the Samael anticipated and caught his punch.
The human tried to use his other hand, but Javik caught that one too. Human and Prothean stared at each other for a moment when Samael suddenly headbutted Javik.
The attack worked too well, and both got away from each other, with Samael even bleeding from a cut he gained. With a shake of the head, they recovered soon after.
Javik was going to attack again, but a sudden tackle from behind made his biotic powers dissipate, and a Wrex pinned him on the ground.
'' Stay.'' Wrex smiled at the Prothean.
Struggling a little, Javik said, '' Not a chance!'' He then launched a biotic surge at the ground, making him and Wrex stumble away. It helped him get up from the ground, but Javik was tired already.
Spitting a little bit of blood, Samael prepared himself again, '' Come on, that was just the beginning!''
Javik ignited his biotic powers once more, '' COME!''
After a gruesome 10 minutes, where Wrex tanked most of the biotic powers and Samael used the chances because of that to try and defeat Jaivk, they finally did.
Samael had put him in a chokehold, and the Prothean passed out.
It took a while, and the already battered Samael, who fought 40+ times before fighting them, was close to his limits. But he would not let that dictate what he would do.
Getting up from the ground and after putting Javik in a place where he was 'safe' in the ring, Samael faced Wrex, who was also panting slightly, '' So...''
'' So...''
''I would suggest an arm wrestle, but I would lose.'' Samael was trying to get some time to recover some of this energy. The problem was, that Wrex was recovering too.
Wrex snorted, '' I would break your arm.''
'' You would.'' Samael didn't deny that. A Krogan was way stronger than a human, and the only way for them to start to compete with them in strength was the serum Samael would make. But he didn't have it yet.
However, Samael had won against Krogans before. He could do it again.
'' So, it only leaves one option.'' Wrex got into a position to fight.
'' Yup!''
Human and Krogan were ready, but no one attacked. Samael knew what Wrex was capable of and was waiting. Wrex knew, from the short time he spent with Samael, that the human was strong.
He is not strong in the sense of having super strength, but in the way he fights. He could make even he, a Krogan, feel a little bit of apprehension.
So, both opponents studied one another, waiting for a signal.
The first one to attack was Wrex. He charged ahead, trying to grab Samael and pin him to the ground like he did to Javik.
Samael was prepared and rolled to the side, dodging the attack and at the same time leaving a leg behind, so the Krogan would trip.
Alas, it didn't work, and Wrex almost stepped on it. 
No words were exchanged anymore, and both returned to studying the situation.
It was a stalemate. Wrex had superior strength but knew it would not mean much in front of Samael, who could find openings easily.
Both continued to circle around the ring, waiting for a chance.
' Fuck!'
Samael was cursing his luck. He was out of gas—a single hit from Wrex, and he was sure he was out. 
The problem was, that Samael didn't like to lose. He had done a lot of that in past cycles, and he swore up and down he would not lose if not necessary.
And this time, he wanted to win a lot. Of course, Tali and Liara's presence helped with that sentiment, but the human was out of options.
He could not attack Wrex without thinking, and he had no energy to defend himself. His luck was that Wrex was, for some reason, fighting defensively.
If he had just attacked Samael, he would have won.
So, with time not on his side, Samael decided on a crazy plan, ' The chances of failing were big... but I'm on borrowed time anyway. I have to try.'
Taking a deep breath, Samael charged at Wrex at full speed. It was akin to a suicide attack, but he had no other option.
The Krogan was taken by surprise by the sudden charge but soon smiled, '' Come!''
Samael jumped as high as he could and tried to punch Wrex, but the Krogan caught it easily. Not only that, with the other free hand, he caught Samael in a bear hug.
Wrex smiled, seeing his victory, '' A shame you're so tired we didn't have the chance to fight seriously. Alas, maybe ne-''
The Krogan had to stop talking as Samael headbutted him pretty hard, and a bone breaking was heard.
It was from Samael, who probably fractured his skull to some degree, but that didn't stop him.
Of course, a Krogan has high resistance, but Wrex was fighting Javik, so he was tired too. The headbutt did some damage, and he groaned a bit, but he was still up and hugging Samael.
The Krogan looked at the human and said, '' That was good, but it's over. I won.''
Samael was preparing to do another headbutt, but Wrex squeezed him harder than before, and he lost strength.
'' ARGHHH!''
Samael shouted in pain, but the fire in his eyes was still there.
Wrex recognized that look and knew the human would not give up unless he was passed out, so he decided to do just that.
Just as Wrex was going to knock out Samael, a biotic attack hit him on the side, making him lose a little of his balance. Nothing much, but it distracted him and gave Samael an opportunity.
When Samuel looked at the side, he saw Javik smirk on the ground with his hands up, meaning he was the one who distracted Wrex, '' Finish him.''
Samael thanked the Prothean on his mind and proceeded to headbutt Wrex once more. That made the Krogan drop him on the ground, and Samael started attacking him from all angles, using his last bit of strength.
A few good punches, kicks, and for last, a sweep on the legs, ended the fight.
Finally, Wrex fell to the ground and didn't get up again.
Javik closed his eyes once more when he saw that.
The last one still standing was Samael.
He had won.
Samael raised his hand, and cheers erupted around the fighting ring.
The fight was over, and the fighters were escorted out of the ring and to where their people were.
As the trio were from the same crew, they received treatment at the same time. 
Wrex and Javik were still a little out of it, and were receiving treatment from Clare, the crew's doctor. She said they were okay, with no true damage.
Samael was as awake and normal as he possibly could be after fighting a Krogan and a Prothean. 
'' Well, that was something,'' Miranda said to Samael as RR, using her Android body, was looking for any injuries he might have in the fight.
'' I'm glad you liked... ouch.'' Samael flinched a little as RR applied Med Gel to his injuries.
'' Done. No lasting damage to your bones, and you have a little trouble with your skull, thanks to the continuous headbutt, but nothing permanent. You'll probably have headaches for a few days, but nothing more.''
'' Thanks.'' Samael put his clothes back on. He then said to Miranda, '' Where are our new recruits?''
'' Oh, you mean your new fans over there?'' Miranda looked at a place, and when Samael followed her gaze, there were his loved ones.
' Tali and Liara.'
'' How do I look?'' Samael asked Miranda.
Miranda gave him a weird look, '' Bloddied and stinking.''
Samael smelled himself, and sure enough, he was smelling a little bad, '' I will take a fast shower and meet them. Then we can talk about other things later on.'' He knew Miranda had a lot to talk about, but his conversation with Tali and Liara came first.
'' Also, everyone is free to have fun around Omega. We will leave in a few days.''
'' Another vacation so soon? The crew will get complacent with so many vacations in so little time.''
Miranda was referring to the fact that the crew of the unnamed ship was in the galaxy for less than 2 months and already had 2 vacations. Of course, the number of days in those two vacations was small, but still, her point remains.
But Samael knew better.
'' It's better to have time now than not do it later. Remember our final goal. Stop the Reapers. To do that, we need everyone in their best spirits, and a little vacation here and there helps with that.''
Miranda had nothing to say about that logic, '' You are the boss.''
''You're the boss too. You'll learn more with time, just don't be too hard-headed... We both really have a lot to discuss, huh.''
Samael sometimes forgets that Miranda was just 18 years old and didn't really have time to learn a lot of things, even if she was a genius.
On top of that, he let her take charge of LD, and now Cerberus too. He probably should lend her RR or EDI, and teach Jack some more things, to help her.
'' We do. But, as you said, let's enjoy the little free time we have, then we talk business.'' Miranda smiled a little, repeating what Samael had just said.
'' See, you're learning.''
After saying goodbye to Miranda, Samael went to take a shower, to make sure his first impression was nice. 
Alas, his first impression was good, he just didn't know that yet.
'' By the Goddess! What did I just witness?'' Liara was thoroughly confused and excited. The thing she just watched was too good.
A human somehow won against a Prothean and a Krogan. Granted, both human and the Krogan took out the Prothean first, but still, the point remained. He won against the odds.
'' ... '' Tali was just staring. She never saw anything like that. It was a miracle.
'And that is my Capitan... amazing.'
The fight they watched planted a small seed in both hearts, something not even Samael predicted.
Samael got out of his shower, struggled a bit, thanks to his injuries, to put on his best clothes, passed a perfume, and asked RR, who was now with her android form (her drone was sent to the unnamed ship), and the stiil-in-a-drone EDI. '' How do I look?''
RR gave it a thumbs up. EDI did her best to compliment too, '' I would fuck you.''
Samael stumbled a bit and stared at RR. He knew his AI must have influenced EDI a lot.
RR shrugged, and Samael sighed, '' Thanks, EDI.''
'' No problem.'' EDI was happy even in her drone form.
'' Now, if you excuse me, I have a date.''
Samael then left to meet with Tali and Liara.


I struggled a lot with this fight scene because we have on one hand, Samael who faced countless cycles before and definitely has more experience than both Wrex and Javik combined, but he had the limitation of having a human body.

On the other hand, we have Wrex, a dinosaur with a body capable of tanking a few shots point blank and getting away from that situation with nothing but a scratch, and Javik, a Prothean that had biotic powers above almost everyone else.

So, I did an Iron Man x Cap & Bucky, and I think it went okay. I really wanted to write more but that was the best I came up with.

Thanks for the support and see you in two days!

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