Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

30 – Interview




By the time Samael caught up to Javik and Wrex, he noticed they were surrounded by familiar faces.

' Diana Allers, Emily Wong and Khalisah al-Jilani.'

Samael knew them from the games and from his past cycles. All three were reporters, with some liking more explosive news than others. In past cycles, he had a few one-night stands with Diana and Emily, but that is a story for another time.


Also, for unknown reasons, both of his hands started to tremble when he looked at Khalisah. Samael looked down at his hands with a small smirk. He then returned his gaze to the whole group,  and had a question in mind.


'Why are they interviewing them? ... Maybe is the scene we did at Chora's Den or they found out about Javik.'

Whatever the case, Samael would use them to show Javik to the whole galaxy. He would not say about the Reapers just yet, he wanted the Council to do it. Their words had more weight to it than his, as he was only an unknown person. Of course, if he said he was LD owner some people might believe him, but not that much.

After all, while LD has some influences here and there, it was still far from the Council level.

' Also, why the fuck did the guard let them pass?! Like, we are near the Council chamber my man, isn't your job to protect the area?'

With that thought in mind, Samael started to approach them when he heard the questions the trio of reports were asking.

'' How did you manage to ki- eliminate all those people like they were nothing? Also, how strong are your biotic powers?'' Diana was trying to sound respectable while also asking difficult questions. But, her nervousness was still exposed. It made sense too, as she was still very much a newbie.

She would eventually rise up the ranks, but that's in the future. Right now, she was a newbie facing people who killed others effortlessly. Based on that, she was doing a good job.

In the games, she was a 'romantic' fling you could have in Mass Effect 3.

Then there was Emily, who didn't care about anything and just wanted explosive news, '' Are you the new owner of Chora's Den? We have the footage of your fight and I must say, you guys made a mess!''

Emily was a complicated case, as she was an already established reporter of the Citadel, but she didn't have many connections to help her with the news. So she had to risk her life to get good interviews and try to gain some connection here and there. 

Khalisah was .... yes. '' Are you going to try and attack other bars in the Citadel?''

She was just like Emily, but she had more connections and was more pushing in the questions she asked. In the games, she was against the Council and pro-humanity. Also, you could punch her in the games if you want to. Samael had interacted with her before, in other cycles, and his hands always trembled when he was in her presence... for no reason at all. 

Samael had a neutral opinion of them, but he liked Diana more than the other 2. 

Also, it would not hurt to have connections with reporters, so he would say a few things here and there. Well, he would reveal a alive Prothean right now, so it would cause waves across the galaxy. But, again, it's not time to reveal the Reapers yet. That task is up to the Council.

So, he approached Javik and Wrex and nudged the Prothean, who looked at him with a 'finally' gaze. ' It seems the reporters took a tool on the Prothean.'

Ignoring that gaze, Samael took charge of the situation talking with the reporters, '' Wait, wait. We will answer exactly 10 questions for the trio of you, so ask carefully.''

The trio looked at Samael with displeasure but soon realized who he was: The last person in that footage, who killed some people too. So they put the displeasure away and turned their serious mode once more.

They looked at each other and almost telepathically, nodded to each other. They would ask some questions and then ramp up the intensity and the content of them by the end.

Diana, as a newbie, went first, '' First of all, can you please tell us who are you? The Citadel is a safe place and what you did in Chora's Den was something that rarely happens, as C-Sec normally acts first.''

That was true. The Citadel, true to the name of being the best place around the Galaxy, had very few fights. Of course, the ones that ended up happening were big, and they still dealt with corruption, but it was a safe place.

Compared to Omega, this was heaven.

Samael didn't hesitate for a second, '' My name is Samael, and my friends and I work for LD. We came here to have a meeting with the Council... but I guess you already knew that, seeing as you guys are here.''

The trio didn't knew that. They were very surprised and Diana and Emily's eyes shone when they heard they were LD people. If they could join them or gain their support, their career would be guaranteed.

Khalisah was also surprised, but she already had a job at a news station, so while surprised, she didn't have any motive to act another way. Sure, if she could get in LD good grace it would be a good thing, but she would not force.

Emily went right after Diana and asked, '' Based on the video we have of you three, you acted in self-defense. But is that really it? Can you say for sure you didn't want Chora's Den for yourself and baited them?''

Samael chuckled at that because she was right. But he would never say that out loud, '' If you saw the video, you know that we are just having a drink and they attacked us. What happened after that was just a process of self-defense. Also, while I did gain ownership of Chora's Den, I gave it to the rightful owner.''

'' Can we ask who?'' Emily asked, to the displeasure of Diana and Khalisah, as now they only had 7 more questions and she wasted in a somewhat dumb question.

'' One of the Asari who worked there is now the owner of the Bar.''

Khalisah then pushed Emily aside and asked, '' Can you tell us the content of your conversation with the Council? Is LD leaving Earth and establishing in other regions? Are you planning on leaving humanity's side?''

As LD now had its hand on various markets on Earth, if they suddenly left Earth, the results would not be good, so Khalisah was right to be preoccupied. Also, she was on humanity's side, not quite the level of the Illusive Man, but she worried about her fellow humans, so she asked that.

Samael looked at Javik, who noticed the gaze and took off the hood, revealing himself to the cameras.

Diana, Emily, and Khalisah were confused by that but they smelled a good history and focused on Javik's face, as they had never seen someone of this species before.

' Maybe LD discovered another species, so that's why they talked with the Council?'

While that was on the mind of the 3 reports, Samael dropped a bomb, '' In one of LD excavation on a planet, we ended digging a Prothean base. There, we found a cryo pod, and inside was Javik, this gentleman here.''

Diana, Emily, and Khalisah's jaws dropped, but the camera on their omni tool continued filming.

'' Javik is the last Prothean alive. Also, answering your other question, no, we are not leaving Earth and will always be on humanity's side.''

The trio completely ignored that last part, as they now wanted to know more about Javik, all while thinking this was the interview of the year.


'' Can you guarantee he is a Prothean?! How sure are you?''

'' When will you reveal the location of the base to the galaxy? Others need to know and study too.''

'' Javik, can you show us some of your powers?!''

Diana, Emily, and Khalisah forget the 10-question limits and start to ask nonstop. Who could blame them though, as they could win reporter of the year just from this interview. Lucky for the trio, they were the only people who knew about this and the only ones with the footage.

' We got lucky!'


Samael suddenly whispered into Javik's ears, '' Don't reveal about the Reapers yet. This is the Council job.''

Javik nodded at that, as he understood Samael's reasoning. After all, the Council words had more weight than theirs, even though he was the last Prothean alive and had LD at his side.

Javik then started answering the three reporters the best he could, while hiding the Reapers existence per Samael's request.

While this was happening, Samael was thinking about the Council reaction to this interview.

' They will not like this, as they most likely wanted to keep this a secret for some time... Well, I like when they don't like things.'

Leaving Tevos out of the equation, as while she was a hardhead, she usually comes around when push comes to shove. She was the best out of the three councilors.

The other two... are useless. No, worse than useless, they are a burden. Don't listen, don't act, and worse of all, almost in all cycles act in favor of their own species and forget the greater good, always inflicting damage to the morals and numbers of the last war.

' They should be grateful, as we will not speak about the Reapers now.'

Samael then continued to answer some questions, while the original only 10 questions turned into a full interview for a full hour. By the end of it, Javik and Wrex are tired as fuck, as their strength lies in fighting, and the trio of the reporter was focused on asking difficult questions, something the duo wasn't accustomed to.

Of course, Wrex almost didn't answer much because almost no one asked him anything, but Javik ... the poor Prothean was left in shambles when they finished the interview.

It was Samael who intervened in their favor. He appeared in front of their Omni tool, shielding Javik from them, '' Ladies, this is enough. We just had a conversation with the council that lasted an hour or so, and then we answered more than 10 questions. It's time to let us go.''


He looked at Khalisah with a 'please, continue bothering us so I can punch you with no repercusion', but no such luck.

Diana, Emily, and Khalisah knew Samael was right and Javik truly looked tired, but they simply couldn't get enough of this. The outcome of this interview would boost their career to unknown levels, so they wanted more.

But, Samael predicted that, '' Listen, whether you like or not, we will leave right now. If you want to stay in our good graces and get our contact, you better not follow us or ask more questions. I know well how important this interview is but think about it, you just need to step away now and you will gain the contact info of a Prothean, something VERY few people have.''

That made the trio pause and think about it. Samael was right, while they would gain a little more fame if they continued asking questions, the contact information of a Prothean was way more valuable.

So, they had no choice but to relent. But, Diana still said, '' Can you give us a goodbye or something along those lines?''

Javik, even though tired, nodded. He looked at their 'camera', '' I hope your leaders listen to what we told them and act on it. If they don't ... I fear the future of this cycle.''

The content of what Javik said was weird and because he didn't say anything about the Reapers, odd. But the way he spoke transmitted the seriousness of the situation, even if they didn't know what it was.

Diana, Emily, and Khalisah then said their goodbyes, while having gotten Javik, Wrex, and Samael numbers.

By the way, the way Emily was looking at Samael was very suggestive, but he ignored that for now.

When the trio of reports finally left, Wrex let out an exhausted sigh, '' Finally. I almost stayed like a statue and I have no bateries. I can't imagine how you both are feeling.''

'' Like I need a drink. Or two.''

'' Or three.''

Javik and Wrex nodded at Samael's words.

'' Let's go drink and watch how the galaxy reacts to this interview.'' Samael looked at Javik, '' You're about to be famous.''

Javik sighed, '' I don't want to be famous, I just want them to prepare... Are you sure it was good not to talk about the Reapers?''

Samael nodded dejectedly, '' Yes. It would only cause turmoil if we said that. We need the Council to do it as they have the authority to deal with the repercussions.''

'' The kid is right. It would only cause problems while not fixing anything. Let the Council take the charge, as we still have some years to prepare anyway.'' Wrex then looked at Samael, '' We still have a lot to discuss about the genophage and the cure.''

'' How about we talk at Chora's Den? I heard they already remodeled the place.''

Javik was a little surprised, '' How? It was less than 24 hours since we literally destroyed the place.''

'' You would be surprised by how good the Asari are when dealing with things like this. Come, let's go... Also, the owner said they would give us free drinks for life.''

Wrex's exhaustion suddenly disappeared from his face, and he also faded from where he was standing, almost like he blinked right in front of the elevator, '' What are we waiting for then!?''

Javik shook his head at the Krogan while Samael silently went to the elevator. 

All of the three ignored the repercussions the interview would have in the galaxy.

Well, they would not care anyway.


Thanks for the support and see you in two days!

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