Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

27 – Citadel (3)

'' ... Why I'm following you both again?''

Wrex was now following Samael and Javik around the Citadel. Their destination was the HQ of the C-Sec. To meet Garus and grab Fist bounty.

Right now, they were passing the Markets, heading for a nearby elevator.

'' I hired you, no?'' Samael asked with his head tilted.

'' For tomorrow only.''

'' Oh. How about this, walk with us, chat with Javik over there, and I'll pay for your food and drink all night long.''

Wrex looked at Javik, who was at the side a little far away from both. It was hard to think that that guy was the last Prothean alive.

Samael noted Wrex's gaze, '' He needs a friend. Well, I'm his friend, but more is better than less. What do you think?''

Wrex sighed and cursed his good (?) nature, '' Fine fine. I'll do it because I'm a good person.''

'' ... Then why are you buying so many expensive foods and drinks?'' Samael smiled with his eyes as he watched the Krogan shamelessly waste his money buying things left and right not the Markets.

He didn't care though, as he had more than enough.

'' This is for me to be good!''

The trio passed by RR in the Markets, who gave them a nod. Javik and Samael retributed while Wrex was confused why an android did that but he wasn't going to ask, so he just nodded back.

RR then continued her shopping spree while the trio continued to their destination.

They soon arrived at one Elevator and entered it. Different from the games, this one wasn't slower or faster. It was normal.

Yes, even the Citadel had an elevator. Dozens of them actually as the space station was big and had a lot of floors.

The music though, was bad. Like, Samael heard this at least 1000000 times and it already started to get on his nerves.

' I should ask someone to change those things... Maybe Tevos will help with that.'

Tevos was the person with the most political power in the galaxy, as she was the Asari counselor. While she normally doesn't listen to the Reapers' threat, she still has the authority to change the elevator music.

' Don't hurt to ask.'

The trio soon arrived at the C-Sec HQ, and after asking around for where the bounty place was, they went there. A few bureaucracies later, Samael had gathered Fist bounty and now was facing a newbie Garrus, who looked confused by the whole scene in front of him.

A smiling (?) Krogan was with a hoodied figure staying behind a human, who was smiling like a madman at him.

'' ... Can I help you?''

'' Of course, you can! Say, are you willing to join my crew as we roam across the galaxy, fighting crime and many more things?''

'' ...''

Garus had no idea what was happening right now.

Samael was a little bit emotional, as Garrus was his brother in arms - no, he WAS his brother. The times they faced death together were so numerous that he lost count. The times they won against her too.

Garrus was a Turian, son of a ex C-Sec Officer, and had a sister. While he might look a little grumpy at the beginning, when you get to know the real him, you will notice he has soft spots here and there. Also, very loyal to those who managed to win his trust.

' This time, let me help you from the beginning.'

Normally, Garrus would stay a few years in the C-Sec, until he met Shepard and decided to follow her. But, Samael wanted things to go differently from other cycles, so he would shake Garrus fate a lot.

Of course, all with good intentions. He wanted the Turian to succeed in life.



It took some time until Garus calmed down and forced the strange trio to leave. Soon after, he noticed it was time for him to leave his turn. He normally would go directly to his home but today, it seems he would have some visitors.

'' I said no!''

Garus shouted at the trio following him. That trio was now a quartet with him and it was attracting a lot of attention in the Citadel.

'' Listen! It will be good for you! You need experience right now! And I know you just started at C-Sec and you're already let down by the corruption of your supervisors!''

Garrus almost fell to the floor as the human screamed. Well, he wasn't lying per se, but to scream about C-sec corruption in the middle of the Citadel was crazy.

By now, if you didn't notice what C-Sec was, it was the police of the Citadel, maintaining order and security in the space station. But like all places, it had corruption.

And Garrus had already gotten into the wrong people's side, as he was too good for the C-sec. As he was raised by his morally bound father, who is also an ex-C-Sec officer who tried to change things but didn't manage to do it, he followed the same footsteps but was met with reality and shut down almost immediately.

So, the offer from that ... Samael was tempting, but he promised his sister Solana and his father he would last more than 2 months on the job... Though, a month and a half already passed so....

' No... I have to change the way of the C-Sec. There's too much corruption around here. The Citadel needs protection from the inside!'

He grew up listening to his father's stories and how he wanted to change the C-Sec for the better. So, he vowed to try his best to change the place, but reality was making him see that it would not be easy.

But he would not stop trying.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Garus said to Samael, '' How could I even trust you? I mean, you came out of nowhere and tried to recruit me to your crew without warming. Something is weird about this whole situation.''

The Krogan, Wrex, nodded behind the human, something Garrus was quickly to point out, '' See? Even the Krogan agrees with me.... And I never thought I would say that out loud.''

'' HEHEHE.''

Samael glared at Wrex, then suddenly took a business card out of nowhere and passed it to Garrus, '' I work for LD and we are really looking for special people, like you, to join our ranks. Money and protection is not a problem, what we want is the best the galaxy has to offer.''

Garrus was surprised at the mention of LD. That was a human company that was making wave after wave across the galaxy with the products they launched.

First, it was the Med Gel, and a few days ago it was a revolutionary ship that almost every species was going crazy trying to buy, including the Turians.

The Turians engineer who managed to get their hands on it says it was a product ahead of its times and should be the best the galaxy has to offer right now and for a long time too.

'' We have eyes in every corner of the galaxy, and we find you have a lot of potential. Don't let it go to waste working under those corrupt people.''

While Garrus was thinking about the situation, Wrex suddenly said to Samael, '' ... Hey, why I didn't receive a business card like him?''


Samael silently passed Wrex a business card.

The Krogan smiled widely at that, '' Thanks!''

It took some time for Garus to recover. He said after putting the business card away, '' Can I think about it for some time?''

'' Sure.''

'' Thank you!''

Garus then was left alone as he went to his place... Or so he thought.

'' Why are you guys still following me!?''

The trio didn't leave his shadow until now, even when he was close to his apartment.

'' We want to chat some more with you. You know, getting to know your employer earlier is good.''

'' I'm still thinking about the offer.''

'' I know people think better with food and good drinks on their belly. Right, Wrex?''

'' What he said, 100%.''

Garus sighed. He knew he met his match today. The worst thing was, the trio really didn't seem to have bad intentions. They just wanted to chat with him.

Ever since he arrived at the Citadel, making friends was difficult. While he had colleagues from the job, some didn't like him as he put his nose where it didn't belong and the rest treated him like a child.

He had also heard from other officers that this trio annihilated a lot of people in the lower part of the Citadel in self-defense. Garrus was inclined to believe they were good people, as they didn't seem dangerous and the people they killed were scum, based on their records.

So, a few drinks and food with others didn't sound so bad.

'' ... I know a place.''

'' Good! Led the way.''

The trio now turned quartet, made their way toward Garrus's favorite bar.

'' By the way, how much did we drink today?'' Samael asked Javik and Wrex.

'' 10.'' Wrex lied naturally as he breathed.

'' More than 40 bottles.'' Javik told the truth.

Garus almost collapsed right then and there.

'' Really? That's too little! Let's aim to triple that number!'' Samael shouted while walking.

Javik just smiled faintly while Wrex got animated.

Garus only had one thought in mind.

' What mess did I get myself into this time...'



'' ... Do I want to know what happened yesterday?'' Garrus asked the trio, who was sprawled out in his living room.

By the way, even he doesn't remember what happened yesterday. They went to the bar, got some drinks then... blank. No memories.

'' I think it's better not to.''

Only Samael was awakened by now, and he got up to greet Garus. After all, while he knew the Turian for ages, this was the first time they met in this cycle. While he was being extremely forceful, he still had morals.

Greeting the host who let you sleep on his floor was just etiquette.

'' I will follow your advice.''

Garrus then ignored the passed-out Krogan and the unknown figure, and went to the kitchen, followed by Samael. He then rapidly made some two cups of coffee and passed one to Samael.

'' Thanks.''

''Don't mention it.''

The duo then drank in silence, their mind in different places.

It was Garrus who took the initiative to talk, '' So, are you serious when you said you wanted to recruit me?''

Samael tilts his head, '' Why would I lie about that?''

Garrus sighed, still not managing to wrap his head around this whole situation, '' I'm not special. I'm just a turian who has a good moral sense and doesn't know how to stop.''

'' And that is exactly what my crew needs. Someone who knows what is right and will do his best to follow his ideals. Again, you don't need to answer right now, the offer will stay for a long time.''

'' How long?''

'' Years. While it would be good to have you on my team now, I also know you have your own objectives here on the Citadel. So, think about it, train yourself, then answer me in a few years. LD will do its best to support you along the way.''

Garrus had nothing more to say. The offer was very good, but he really didn't want to leave the Citadel right now. While he met resistance, he still thought he could change things for the better if he tried for long enough.

Only time would tell if he was right.

'' I still don't know what you saw on me but ... thanks for the help. I'll gladly accept it.''

Who really knows if he will join this crew in the future. But, he would accept their resources, as it didn't seem it had strings attached. Of course, they wanted him to join them, but it seems they would not force the issue if he said no.

So, he would gain powers in exchange for basically a promise. He was inclined to agree to join them right now, but only time will tell what his decision would be.

He had years to think.

'' No problem.''

Samael was just glad his friend would now have enough resources to train his knowledge of guns and combat far earlier than normal.

' I'm excited to see what he becomes in the future.'

In the games, Garrus rose to the top with only his strength. Now that he had LD support, the things he could accomplish were almost limitless.

The duo then continued drinking their coffee.

After some time in silence, Garrus didn't manage to hold his curiosity back and asked again, '' ...Can I know what happened last night?''

Samael just smiled faintly, '' You really don't want to know.''

There were a few flashes of memories in Samael's mind. He smiled inside, knowing the young Turian would not do those things while sober.

Then, time passed and it was time for Garrus to head to work.

'' I'll wake both up and we will leave.''

Garrus nodded and went to dress to work.

After that, Samael then went toward the still passed-out duo and woke them up.

The duo asked in a still sleepy tone, '' What happened?''

'' The meeting with the Council is in a few hours. Let's get ready.''

Javik seemed to sober up instantly at that. After all, the conversation he would have today might actually be the starting position of the whole war effort for this cycle.

Wrex too got up, '' Do we have some coffe?''

They heard Garrus scream from the inside of his house, '' I made some for you and Javik. Feel free to drink as much as you want.''

Garrus, by now, was familiar with Wrex and Javik. Well, he knew their names based on the few memories he had from last night.

'' THANKS!''

Wrex screamed and went to the kitchen, followed by Javik. They had a quick breakfast and then headed out with Garrus to the elevator.

'' Where are you guys going today?'' Garrus asked to make some conversation.

''Didn't we tell you? Oh well. We will visit the Council today.''

'' ... What?''

'' Yeah, we can't say why though, as it's secret. But I guess you will know in a few days.''

Samael smiled mysteriously, while Garrus was even more confused by the whole situation.

I mean, he really said they were from LD, but a meeting with the Council wasn't something money allows you to have at any moment. They must have some explosive news.


Just then, the elevator arrived at the C-Sec HQ floor. He looked at the trio and offered a handshake, '' It was a pleasure meeting you three. I'm hoping we still maintain this ... friendship the next time we meet.''

Wrex laugehd and said, '' Of course!''

Javik just shook the Turian hand in silence.

''Don't forget, you're now sponsored by LD. If you need anything, just call that number and we will provide it to you. Remember, you have a lot of potential, don't waste it.''

Garrus nodded at that, '' See you guys later.''

The elevator door then closed, and the trio continued up to the last floor, to meet with the Council.

Samael thought while waiting for it to arrive.

' Let's see how well this meeting will be this time.'

While he had met the Council earlier in the timeline in other cycles, it was never this earlier. So, a lot of things could happen today.

Either good or bad. They could believe them, give them full support, or treat us as lunatics.

Whatever it was, Samael was prepared for either outcome.

Nothing would stop him from doing his best to stop the Reapers.

Not the Council, not even the whole galaxy.

Garrus was introduced on this chapter but he will have his own in the future. I plan on doing individual chapters to all crew members from the games, the ones I like of course, so don't worry if you felt that it wasn't enough of Garrus.


Also, SSV Phoenix won by the large majority, so Samael ship will be named that starting from chapter 40 ( I'm currently in the middle of writing it) onwards. 


Thanks for the help and see you in two days!




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