Three Kingdoms Star System

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030
Sanada Yukimura and Nagao Jinghu stepped forward together, ready to kill Wenyang, but Wenyang ignored it at all, and continued to rampage in the Japanese army. After adding 15 "Baqi Snake Spear", the combat power is even more powerful. Although the force value added to this weapon does not reach the horror of 20, it has the characteristic of "lonely courage". The effect of this characteristic is: "When facing multiple times the enemy's attack, one's own combat power will be increased. If the besieged enemy is twice as much as one's own, one's own force value will increase by 5 points. When the enemy's force is five times that of one's own, one's own force value will be increased Increase by 10 points, when the enemy's force value is 10 times that of your own, your own force value will increase by 15 points, if the enemy's force is more than 30 times your own force, or when you single-handedly challenge a team of more than 20 people, your own force value will increase by 20 points, The maximum value of increasing force value is [-] points."

Now Wenyang is riding alone against tens of thousands of Japanese people, and is specifically killing the core of the Japanese military camp. This fully meets the conditions for the "lonely" characteristic, so the combat power value has been directly increased by 20 points. He can reach three levels without any improvement. He killed Seishiro Itagaki in more than ten rounds, and now he is naturally more brave after increasing his force value by 20 points. The Japanese soldiers have no enemy in front of them, and they can only hear the screams in our camp, and there are heavy casualties. The team of ten thousand people was actually disturbed by a Wen Yang.

So it's not that Wen Yang was afraid of Sanada Yukimura and Nagao Jinghu, and really didn't have time to deal with them, or that he didn't even bother to challenge them specifically. Although the many prizes he killed were not as good as these two guys, but because of the large amount , but more deterrent.

Sanada Yukimura and Nagao Jinghu chased behind Wenyang for half an hour, but they did not catch up with Wenyang. Instead, they watched Wenyang kill more than a thousand Japanese soldiers, including more than fifty second-rate generals. People, more than [-] first-class generals, including some prestigious generals in Japan, such as Abe Kihide, Matsui Iwane, Terauchi Shouichi, Maeda Keiji, Ishida Mitsunari, Tachibana Michiyuki, etc., and even a super-class general Umezu Yoshijiro.

In just one hour, Wen Yang, riding alone, killed no less than a hundred Japanese generals, including more than [-] first-class generals. Such a record was enough to dazzle the past and present. It cannot be said to be unprecedented, but it is definitely unprecedented.

After an hour of fighting, Wen Yang had long been regarded by the Japanese as a god of war. Even those who regarded themselves as warriors looked away after seeing Wen Yang's figure from a distance, and absolutely did not dare to fight with him. In a head-on battle, even Sanada Yukimura and Nagao Kagetora were awe-inspiring after seeing Fumiya's performance, especially after seeing Fumiya kill the super-class military general Umezu Meijiro like a chicken, they were even more shocked. This This makes them even more difficult to get off, making them extremely embarrassed.

Before, the two boasted in front of their master, saying that they wanted to kill Wenyang, but now they found that the opponent's combat power was really amazing. Even if the two of them fought together, they would definitely not be opponents, but since they uttered big words, if they retreat now , Then it will definitely become the laughing stock of the whole army, what face is there to show people?
The two people looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and said together: "If you die, you will die. Even if you die, you must not live in the ridicule of others. What's more, we don't believe it. With the fighting power of the two of us, is it possible? Still can’t get this Wenyang?”

Sanada Yukimura and Nagao Kagetora kept their luck and continued to chase Bunyang. They thought that even so, it would take some time to catch up with each other. Who knew that Bunyang had already lost his patience when he saw that they had been chasing behind them? After stopping, he actually took the initiative to turn his horse's head around, came to them, and shouted sternly: "I wanted to let you go several times, why don't you know how to cherish your life? In that case, today I just went on a killing spree and killed you two. Let the world know about my bravery, Wenyang!"

After finishing speaking, Wenyang waved the Yamata snake spear in his hand and stabbed Sanada Yukimura and Nagao Kagetora respectively.

The two of them didn't expect Wen Yang to deal with them directly, let alone the spear in Wen Yang's hand so quickly, so they hurriedly avoided after Wen Yang launched the attack.

However, Wen Yang's shot was like a shot, and he stepped up his offensive against them. In this case, the two peerless generals of the Japanese country were only able to parry, and had no power to fight back. His bones were soft and tendons were crisp, and he was sweating all over. He felt like a solitary boat in a storm, and was in danger of sinking at any time.

Sanada Yukimura knew that if he persisted, he would definitely die, so he said to Nagao Jinghu: "Nagao, hold this guy alone first, and I will launch a sneak attack when he can't distract himself, otherwise we will both die it's here."

Nagao Kagetora didn't know that this was Sanada Yukimura's escape plan, so he agreed with a "yes", and then launched a counterattack against Fumanyang regardless of his life. Even though it was only in the blink of an eye, he had already suffered more than ten wounds and blood was stained all over his body. But when he thought that Sanada Yukimura would attack Wenyang immediately, he was still very calm in his heart. Even if he had to die in exchange for the injury or even death of Wenyang, it was still worth it.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, Sanada Yukimura only heard shouting from the side: "Nagao, grit your teeth and hold on, please rest assured, I, Sanada Yukimura, will definitely avenge you in the future!"

After saying that, Sanada Yukimura turned around and ran away.

"Ahhh...hateful Sanada boy, you are so unfaithful, don't wait for me to go back, otherwise I will beat you until your mother can't even recognize you." Although Nagao Kagetora is highly skilled in martial arts, his IQ is somewhat low. , only then did he realize that he had been fooled, and he immediately cursed at Yukimura Sanada.

However, Sanada Yukimura had already escaped at this time, and Wenyang didn't show any mercy at all. When Nagao Jinghu was distracted and scolded Sanada Yukimura, he stabbed him in the chest, and then pulled Nagao with all his strength. Jinghu picked it up into the air, and then threw it violently on the ground, only to hear a muffled sound, and the long-tailed Jinghu fell hard to the ground, his tendons were broken and his bones were broken, and he died instantly.

Wenyang looked coldly at Yukimura Sanada who was escaping, then he rushed forward and cursed loudly: "You little thief, quit, you are so treacherous, deceiving your companions to die in order to escape, such shameless people deserve to live in this world." ?Suffer death!"

After finishing speaking, Wenyang directly stabbed Sanada Yukimura with the spear in his hand.

When Sanada Yukimura saw Fumiya coming, he knew that he was no match for him, and because he felt guilty, he could not escape. He sighed deeply, closed his eyes and waited for death.

At this time, I heard someone beside me shout in a deep voice: "If you really want to die, why not die on the battlefield where you are killing the enemy? There is no need to die in vain."

Then the person who heard it said: "Boy Wenyang, I really didn't expect you to grow to this stage. If I had known today, I should have killed all the people related to Wenqin, but it doesn't matter. As long as this crown prince takes action himself, he can kill you on the spot!"

(End of this chapter)

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