Three Kingdoms: I am the Holy Son of the Yellow Turbans, my father is a wise and good teacher

Chapter 21

In just half a day, Xu Wei had recorded thousands of complaints from the people, all kinds of crimes.

Even Zhang Fu was stunned for a moment. This group of noble families had basically committed all the crimes in the laws of the Han Dynasty. They really deserved to be punished.

The next day

"Yang Zaixing, Shan Xiongxin, and Fu Cunshen, each of you will lead 10,000 Yellow Turbans to capture Changping County, Jundu County, and Guangyang County, and then act directly according to the plan!"

Now there are only these three cities left in Guangyang County. As long as they are captured, Guangyang County will belong to Zhang Fu.

As for the plan, it is naturally a way to destroy the noble families in Ji County and Anci County.

In short, if you have not committed the crime of genocide, you can live peacefully for a while, but if you have committed it, you will die.

No one will be wrongly accused, and no one will be let go. Just like in Ji County, although thousands of charges were collected, there are still two small families that are safe.

"Yes, Holy Son!" Yang Zaixing, Shan Xiongxin, and Fu Cunshen immediately took their people and set off after receiving the order.

After they left, Zhang Fu arranged for Huang Chao, Xu Wei and others to arrest people according to the charges, and to exterminate the clans and confiscate the homes of those who should be arrested.

After a whole day of arrests, the people of Ji County were happy and cheerful, and the cancer was finally eliminated.

At night, the patriarchs of the two small families also came to Zhang Fu with a lot of money and food.

"Haha, you are very good, there is no need to do this. You have neither occupied the land nor harmed the people. These are all earned by your hard work. Take them back."

"In the future, Ji County still needs us to work together to govern it. Don't worry. You know that the information in Anci County is probably not complete."

"There are still two or three noble families in Anci County. They are the same as you. They have not committed any major crimes. As for the minor ones, they are gone."

Zhang Fu knew that they might be because they were small noble families. The family power must be weak, so they lived cautiously and did not commit any major crimes. Of course, they lived much better than ordinary people.

Of course, it is also possible that they are good people. But no matter what the reason is, they survived this wave of cleansing. Whether they can survive in the future depends on whether they are obedient.

"Thank you, Saint Son. The two of us will definitely assist you in governing Ji County!" The two family heads said in unison.

The attitude was very good. As for the money and grain, they did not take them back when they left. This made Zhang Fu feel helpless. He really did not care about the money and grain.

After all, after raiding so many noble families, the money and grain problem had been solved long ago, and there were still wealthy ones.

At noon the next day, because the charges had been investigated, only two or three people were false accusers, and the false accusers were also arrested and escorted to the temporary execution ground.

Batches of people took turns to be beheaded, and the executioner prepared several batches of people to take turns to behead, otherwise the nearly two thousand people would be exhausted to death.

The people cheered loudly below, and they were very relieved to see their heads fall.

"What are you going to do next?" Zhang Bao looked at Zhang Fu on the execution platform. Now the three brothers are led by the eldest nephew.

"Of course, we should govern Guangyang County well, and then expand outward, but it may be difficult to expand outward. Once this matter is spread, those noble families will definitely help defend the city with all their strength."

"Of course, it is also possible to choose to abandon the city and flee like Guangzong City, but that is ultimately a minority of people. The ancestral foundation is here, and most of them will not run away."

"So before expanding outward, what needs to be done is to train soldiers and reclaim land. There is really too little land reclaimed in Youzhou."

"There are a lot of wastelands outside Jixian City alone that have not been reclaimed. Reclaim them and distribute them to the people, win the hearts of the people, and then train soldiers and horses to enhance combat effectiveness."

"At this time, we can go out to fight. There are generals like Yang Zaixing, Shan Xiongxin, Huang Chao, and Zhou Cang in the Yellow Turban Army. As long as the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army can keep up, it will be easy, but if it can't keep up, it will be difficult."

Zhang Fu was also a little troubled by this. His subordinates were either originally the Han army or the local rebel army, and they were all defeated by him, so it was easy to train.

But it is very difficult for the Yellow Turban Army to train them in a disciplined manner. If it were possible, they would have started training long ago. There is no need to wait until now.

"Well, we have thought about training the Yellow Turban Army before, but they joined the Yellow Turban Army just to survive. Simple training may be enough."

"But it is impossible to train them to have any combat effectiveness in a short period of time. If we followI'm afraid that more than 80% of the people in the Qinglong Army can't stick to the training. "

Zhang Bao is well aware of the existence of the Yellow Turban Army. The total number of Yellow Turban Army in the world exceeds one million. It is useless even if half of them are young and strong. The combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the Han army.

All they know is to pile up heads. It looks scary, but it's actually very easy to deal with.

"Then we can only select the best from the best. Start training first, and then slowly eliminate people. This Guangyang County will soon belong to our Yellow Turban Army."

"Those eliminated Yellow Turban Army will directly become ordinary people. At that time, they will be arranged to reclaim wasteland, and then they will be allocated land to farm."

"And it will be very simple to be able to stick to it in the end. We can become a truly iron-blooded strong army. Such talents are what we need."

"Now that we have begun to take shape, it is impossible to use numbers to fight with others. That would be too hurtful and waste food. "Xu Wei said.

Xu Wei had been thinking about this problem when he was trying the case. Although there was no difference between saying this strategy and not saying it, he still had to say it.

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to do it now. We can't keep them forever. We have to make arrangements for the elderly, the weak, the women and the children. Wen Chang, you and my second and third uncles should do this together."

Zhang Fu felt that they should have a tacit understanding after a day of cooperation, and it would be easy for them to continue to arrange the affairs of the elderly, the weak, the women and the children in the Yellow Turban Army.

"Yes, Holy Son! "Xu Wei accepted the order. The only difficulty was to allocate them housing and wasteland for them to cultivate. Apart from that, there was no difficulty.

After all, considering the image of Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang and the Holy Son in their hearts, this matter was still simple.

It took one or two hours just to chop off the heads in turns. Zhang Fu was numb watching it, but the people were excited and cheered for two hours.

"Now the people of Ji County and Anyi County have already been with us. The rest depends on the people of Guangyang County." Zhang Liang said with a smile.

He was also very excited. They were all a bunch of termites. He should be happy to kill them.

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