Three Kingdoms: I am the Holy Son of the Yellow Turbans, my father is a wise and good teacher

Chapter 194

After the summoning, Zhang Fu also accompanied Liu Bowen, Yao Guangxiao, Li Shanchang, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Jia Xu, Xi Zhicai and others to prepare for their own ceremony of becoming king.

Zhang Fu directly took out the imperial seal, Jizhou Ding, Liangzhou Ding, Qingzhou Ding and the twelve golden men from the system space. Then he personally put them in different locations and hid them.

During the period of preparing for the ceremony of becoming king, these treasures hidden by Zhang Fu were also discovered by the people one after another.

On a sunny morning, a group of people were working in the city and suddenly heard a noise. They walked curiously in the direction of the sound and saw a group of people gathered together and talked.

"Look! What is that?" Someone shouted, pointing to a high platform in the distance. Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and saw a golden object placed on the high platform.

When they got closer, they found that it was a huge seal with mysterious patterns and words engraved on it.

"Is this the legendary imperial seal?" someone asked in surprise.

"It looks very similar! It is said that only a true king can own it." Another person echoed.

At this time, an old man came over, observed carefully and said: "Yes, this is the imperial seal. It seems that our lord is really the man of destiny!"

After hearing this, the people knelt down and shouted: "Long live my lord!"

At the same time, in another place, a group of fishermen were fishing by the river.

One of the fishermen suddenly felt that the fishing net became unusually heavy. He pulled hard and actually fished out a large bronze tripod.

"Wow! What is this?" Other fishermen gathered around to watch.

"This seems to be the legendary Jizhou tripod!" An experienced old fisherman exclaimed.

"Hasn't the Jizhou tripod been lost for a long time? How could it appear here?" Someone asked in confusion.

At this moment, a dragon roar came from the sky, and a giant dragon circled by. Everyone was terrified and knelt down to worship.

"Is this the will of heaven? Let our lord become the master of the world?" A young fisherman said excitedly.

As time went by, more and more treasures were discovered, such as the Liangzhou Ding found in an ancient tomb and the Qingzhou Ding found deep in the forest.

Every discovery of a treasure caused an uproar, and people's awe of Zhang Fu became deeper and deeper.

At the same time as these treasures were discovered, some rumors about Zhang Fu began to spread.

Some people said that Zhang Fu was the reincarnation of an immortal in ancient times, so he could get these precious treasures; some people said that Zhang Fu was the son of heaven and was destined to become the king of the world; others said that Zhang Fu had magical powers and could call the wind and rain and save the people.

These rumors became more and more magical, making Zhang Fu's reputation soar.

The people's love and loyalty to him became more and more firm, and they firmly believed that Zhang Fu would lead them to a prosperous future.

In this process, Zhang Fu was not idle. He used the discovery of these treasures to further consolidate his ruling position.

He sent envoys to various places to publicize his destiny and authority. At the same time, he actively carried out agricultural production, water conservancy and other work to benefit the people.


Although there were New Year's Day during this period, the people of Hebei seemed to be more interested in the upcoming ceremony of becoming king, so this year was a bit perfunctory.

However, Zhang Fu did not ignore this important festival. He specially arranged for people to send some meat to every household under his rule as a benefit before becoming king.

The day came to the fourth day of the first lunar month. The sun was shining, the wind was gentle, and the sky was as blue as a gem.

Zhang Fu's ceremony of becoming king finally kicked off. The atmosphere was solemn and warm. At the same time, the national treasures discovered during this period, such as the Twelve Golden Men, Jizhou Ding, Liangzhou Ding, and Qingzhou Ding, were arranged in different positions of the ceremony.

Under the guidance of the great scholar Yan Zhong, Zhang Fu wore a gorgeous royal robe, a golden crown on his head, and walked steadily onto the high platform.

His eyes were firm, full of confidence and majesty, as if he was ready to take on the responsibility of a king.

First, Yan Zhong announced loudly: "Today, we are gathered here to witness the grand ceremony of my Zhang Fu becoming king!" Thunderous applause and cheers suddenly rang out from the audience, and people were looking forward to this moment.

Then, Zhang Fu ascended the throne and sat on the golden dragon chair.

He swept his eyes across the audience, and then slowly said: "My dear ministers, I am here to become king today, and I am willing to rule the country with benevolence and righteousness and create a peaceful and prosperous era!"

Then, Zhang Fu accepted the worship of civil and military officials.

They came forward one by one, knelt down and saluted, and shouted: "Ming"Long live the king, long live the king!" The voice resounded through the sky, expressing their loyalty and respect for the new king.

Under the guidance of the etiquette officer, Zhang Fu performed a series of sacrificial ceremonies, praying to the heaven, the earth, and the ancestors to bless the country's prosperity.

Each ceremony was solemn and dignified, making people feel the weight of history.

Next, Zhang Fu personally lit the torch symbolizing the royal power, and the blazing flame illuminated the entire square.

He announced loudly: "From now on, I am the Ming King, the country is named Ming, and the Ming Dynasty is officially established!"

At the same time, the people cheered and celebrated the birth of the new dynasty.

Finally, Zhang Fu issued the first imperial edict: "After I ascend the throne, I will change the reign title to Hongwu, which means to create the Hongwu rule, so that the people can live and work in peace! "

At the same time, the imperial seal was also used to seal it. This was the first imperial edict of the Ming Dynasty and it was officially issued, and it was announced to the five states of the Ming Dynasty.

So far, the ceremony of enthroning the king has ended successfully. Zhang Fu left the high platform and returned to the palace under the crowd. Those heirlooms will also be moved to the palace for placement.

Along the way, the people lined the streets to welcome him, offering flowers and blessings.

This grand ceremony of enthroning the king not only marked the Becoming the new king of the Ming Dynasty also demonstrated his prestige and strength.

In the days to come, he will shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the country to prosperity and write his own glorious chapter.

Yue Fei, Xu Da, Yao Guangxiao, Liu Bowen, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Jia Xu, Xi Zhicai, Li Cunxiao, Gao Chong, Yang Zaixing, Huang Chao, Cheng Yaojin, Gongsun Zan, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Huang Zhong and other civil and military officials stood in two rows and shouted in unison: "Long live the Ming King, long live, long live!"

Amid the cheers, Zhang Fu slowly stood up, looking at the people in front of him, with a surge of ambition in his heart.

He knew that from now on, he would lead these loyal ministers to create a powerful dynasty together.

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