This teenager is a bit aggressive

Chapter 24 Daydreaming

Chapter 24 Daydreaming

At the gate of Cascais Primary School, the notice was posted again.

Varsity final roster.

As soon as Pu Yisheng and Jessica got off the school bus, David ran over.

"Pu Yisheng, surprise."

"Your baby has been selected for the school's first team."

What a joke early in the morning, David probably didn't wake up, Park Yisheng's performance yesterday was not to mention horrible, and it was not quite satisfactory, scoring 50 points is barely enough.

If he can be selected for the first team, unless Bryant is blind.

"Fuck off, don't make fun of me."

"Damn it, if you don't believe me, go and read the announcement yourself." David looked serious, which made Park hesitate for the rest of his life. Could it be that David was telling the truth.

Pu Yisheng took a closer look, unexpectedly, his name was indeed on the list of the first team.

"Impossible!" Pu Yisheng said to himself, he really didn't believe it was true.

"How is it impossible? Don't forget that your baby scored a goal yesterday!"

"Own goals."

David laughed so hard that he didn't want to be beaten. This wave of sharp operations really left Pu Yiyi speechless.

Pu Yiyi is not the kind of owner who suffers from losses, so he asked mysteriously:
"Do you know why I was selected for the first team?"

David looked at Pu Yisheng blankly and shook his head.

"Because the young master is handsome."

As soon as this remark came out, Jessica and David rolled their eyes, and the two said in unison:

Then, David and Jessica shook hands, expressing their sympathy.

Play is play, play is play, class time is coming soon, the three of them hurried to the classroom.

Pu Yisheng, who was selected into the first team, feels that his walking steps are much lighter. Sure enough, people are in good spirits when they celebrate happy events!
For Pu Yisheng, the most relaxing thing every day is to go to class. Except for the Portuguese class, Pu Yisheng hardly needs to attend classes.

Before he was reborn, he could be regarded as a high-achieving student, and the teacher who taught them probably wasn't as high as his diploma.

Therefore, it's not surprising that Pu Yisheng didn't have the mind to attend lectures at all, just like a college student who asks you to memorize multiplication formulas, what are you willing to do?

Therefore, in class, Pu Yisheng was always thinking wildly, thinking about football.

Before his rebirth, he was a diehard fan of the Gunners. In the Premier League, Arsenal can be said to be unique.

As we all know, the Premier League is the most physically confrontational league among the five major European leagues, and many clubs are keen on long passes and rampage.

Arsenal is different. It is a team that plays very much like La Liga. Park Yisheng likes their delicate skills, fast passing and sharp breakthroughs, and they are very enjoyable to watch.

However, very helplessly, Arsenal is the only club in the five major European leagues that has not won the Champions League trophy but can be called a wealthy club.

The closest Arsenal came to the Champions League trophy was in 2006, when they went all the way through the European competition and met Barcelona in the final at the time.

This is a strong dialogue, but also a contest between Henry the Great and the football wizard Ronaldinho.

When Arsenal were sent off first and scored an advanced goal, they were reversed by Barcelona and missed the chance to win the championship.

At first, the fans were not sad. Although Arsenal lost in the European war, the fans believed that Arsenal, which has a luxurious lineup, will make a comeback next season.

Fans believe that the era of Arsenal is coming. They thought it was the beginning of Arsenal's peak, but they didn't expect it to be the end of the peak.

After the defeat in the European War in 06, the king of Highbury Stadium, the French star Henry the Great, left Barcelona with the infamy of a traitor.

Everyone knows that Henry left his beloved Arsenal club and was willing to play a supporting role in Barcelona just to win a Champions League trophy.

It turned out that Durant chose to join them if he couldn't beat them. He learned from Henry.

After Henry left, Arsenal's performance in all competitions was not very good, and the fans put the responsibility on Henry.

Many years later, Henry the Great, who was late in his career, was loaned back to Arsenal. For some reason, people chose to forgive the traitor of the year.

Probably because Henry gave Arsenal his best years.

Pu Yisheng vaguely remembers a monologue about Henry in a football game after Henry retired:
"The train of time drove slowly past the Emirates Stadium, and the 32-year-old Henry was there. His affectionate eyes looked at his 22-year-old shadow. It was the train that sent away the passing passengers with time. Quietly drove to another On a continent, 33-year-old Henry is there, and his 25-year-old appearance vaguely appears in his affectionate eyes. The expectations in the distance are beautiful, but the short stop of the train is more like a beautiful look back at the years."

"At that time, the light played the sound of nature, and the 35-year-old Henry was there. His affectionate gaze outlined the moving picture of himself as a 29-year-old. The ruts that were fading away silently took away the hustle and bustle of the four cities, but guided Follow the people along the way to pursue the lost time."

"When the years turned around quietly with tears, the 37-year-old Henry was there, looking at the past affectionately and trying to return to the original point. The platform where he set off remembered the 17-year-old appearance when he carried his luggage."

"At that time, there will always be a moment in the time tunnel that makes you unable to tell whether you are 32 or 22 years old. There will always be a meeting that makes you regret all the past, and there will always be a scene that makes you think that youth can come back. Once you look back, you can’t see your youthful appearance clearly. After walking out of the time tunnel, you finally suddenly see the light, and you are grateful to it for giving you five wonderful journeys and giving you the love of gunmen that you can’t let go of in your life.”

"When the fireworks rise, the era of Highbury King that once belonged to Henry will not pass away with the years, but will only be remembered often in the drifting years."

Today, Park Yisheng's biggest dream is to become a member of Arsenal one day, because Arsenal made him fall in love with football and choose football.

"Piao Yisheng!"

"Hey, nerd!"

"Go, let's change the jersey!"

"Why are you sitting here in a daze of youth!" David pushed Pu Yisheng, who was intoxicated in the world of Arsenal.

Pu Yisheng was a little carried away in his thoughts, so that he didn't even realize that after class, he was still intoxicated in his dream.


"Let's go!"

Pu Yiyi tidied up his textbooks in two or three strokes, stuffed them into his schoolbag, carried the schoolbag on his back, and ran out of the classroom.

David Shevchenko had already left, and the delay was not more than an hour. David didn't wait for Park's life, and he didn't show any brotherhood.

Pu Yisheng had no choice but to chase after him.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket for a new book!

(End of this chapter)

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