This S.O.B. System


With a groan Asher got up and answered the door. This time there was an elf on the other side instead of the high human he expected. 


“How can I help you?” Asher asked. 


“Mr. Whitmore, I was told to offer you an audience with Queen Aiysoyim,” the female elf said. 


“Whose that?” Asher asked. Eliffy was next to him instantly. 


“The Primeval Aiysoyim?” She asked excitedly. 


“The same,” the elf said. 


“Did she say what this is concerning?” Asher asked. He remembered hearing quite a bit about her in his Primeval class. 


“She did not,” the elf replied. 


“Can I bring who I want?” Asher asked. The elf nodded. “Anyone want to meet a Primeval?” Asher asked, turning around. Tiff, Zora, Genevieve, Siela, and Joon were the only ones that didn’t care to. The elves were especially interested. They stared at him with wide eyes as he offered. “Let’s go then.” 


Lyola and Tillie were quickly beside him. Eliffy in front she followed the elf happily. “How do you attract so many Primevals, husband?” Lyola asked. 


“Just unlucky,” Asher said. “I think Aiysoyim was the Ice Primeval right?”


“Yep,” Eliffy answered as they got on the elevator. “She’s also an elf, and runs her own sector.” 


“Cool it fangirl,” Asher said. “You’ll embarrass us.” Nsabita chuckled behind him. 


“What’s a fan girl?” She asked. 


“A fanatic,” Asher said. She stuck her tongue out at him, but he could tell she was excited. The elves too were more than ecstatic. Their quiet whispers to one another were indication enough of their nervousness. 


They went the opposite way from the high humans balcony and were soon at a new one. The elf knocked and was let in, she waved the group to follow. Inside was another group of elves. Everyone appeared female, yet again. They were all spitting images of the Roktai elves. Asher felt the mana of many level 100s as it assaulted him. But his eyes were drawn to an older elf. 


She wore a simple light blue gown that reminded Asher of Elsa’s in frozen. The elf appeared to be in her 50s. Some wrinkles on her face but not too many she eyed Asher up and down. The stare made him freeze for a moment. He could feel the power coming from her. Just a sense of it hidden behind a wall, but in her eyes there was all the confirmation he needed. 


“Lawful Good,” she said, breaking the spell. Asher put on his Regal Presence once more. Forcing himself calm he stepped forward. His party hesitantly followed. “Or would you prefer Asher Whitmore?” 


“Asher, please,” he said, extending his hand. The elves around her looked at his hand like it was a weapon but the ancient elf accepted it. Her hand was ice cold. “Queen Aiysoyim, I presume?” She nodded. “What can I do for you?”


“I was simply interested in the person that made Dea Tacitae resurface,” she said. “My old friend has been gone for a long time. I was beginning to think she really had died.” 


“She was alive and kicking when I met her last. Like 4 or 5 months ago.” 


“And was she well?” 


“She threatened to kill me more than once,” Asher said. 


Aiysoyim barked a laugh. The reaction surprised the elves behind her. “That sounds like her. She must like you. Never much for warnings, she tended to kill those she disliked rather than warn them.” She had a small smile on her lips as she studied him. “You know, she killed the first Lawful Good Hero.” 


“She said that,” Asher said. “I asked if she was collecting them or something, but she said no.” 


“My, she must really like you,” the Primeval said. 


“Maybe,” Asher said. He looked behind him. “This is my party.” Asher began introducing them one by one. They were all too tongue tied to speak. “And Eliffy, she’s a big fan.” 


“Oh?” Aiysoyim asked. “A dion? You do get around,” she said. 


“What can I say? I like to surround myself with strong and beautiful women,” Asher said.


“Yes, I noticed you bought the Nyron statue,” Aiysoyim said with a smile. 


“I thought that was supposed to be a secret,” he said with a frown. 


“It should be, but information is out there for those who know who to ask,” she said. “For instance, I know you all provided my new book.” She waved her hand and the Ice Age Skill Book appeared. 


“Oh, you got it?” Asher asked. “I assumed you would have been…experienced enough to have it already.” He almost stupidly called her old.  


“I wish I had been so lucky,” she said. “But now I have it, and I feel like my collection is complete.” 


“Gonna turn one of your planets into an Ice Age?” 


“Perhaps,” she said. “But I may simply put it on a shelf and forget about it.” Asher wanted to be able to blow a few hundred thousand Syscos one day and forget about it. The book disappeared from her hand. “Some strong skills shouldn’t be used.” 


“I agree with you there,” Asher said. 


She eyed him up and down. “You are not what I expected,” she said. “Normally when a human is a hero I dislike them.” 


“Oh yeah?” Asher asked. “High humans dislike me pretty easily. I must have a way with elves.” 


‘Yes, you must,” her eyes went to Lyola and Tillie. “You may step forward.” Lyola and Tillie did so quickly as if commanded. “A gift for you, for bringing Dea back to the world of the living. If you’ll have it.” She reached out toward the elves growing bellies. 


Asher was hesitant but the girls appeared excited. They moved closer, letting her touch the baby bumps. “Strong,” she noted. “Much Fate Mana courses around them.” Closing her eyes she used what appeared to be Ice Mana mixed with something else. Asher wasn’t quite sure. The mana flowed around their bellies for a little while, like some spiritual ritual it surrounded them then hardened. The mana was released as she drew her hand away. 


“Can I ask what that was?” Asher asked. 


“A simple blessing on you and yours,” the Primeval said. “Now, we tarry. I’m sorry that I must be going.” Asher wanted to ask more but Lyola and Tillie had wide smiles on their faces as they grabbed his hands and headed out with him. 


Exiting the room everyone was quiet as they walked away. In an unspoken agreement they stopped walking as one. 


“I cannot believe that happened,” Tyranis whispered, there was apparent awe in his voice. 


Millfadona clapped excitedly as Lyola and Tillie let him go and hugged her. “That was amazing. We actually met Queen Aiysoyim, and she blessed your children.” She kissed them both happily. Asher noticed tears in their eyes. Wylin and Fresneah too looked at the girls in awe. 


“I think I’m missing something,” Asher said to Nsabita and Eliffy. They too were in a daze. 


“From what I know,” Nsabita said. “Aiysoyim is considered royalty by all elves.”


“She’s more than that,” Eliffy said. “Queen Aiysoyim is considered the mother of all Elfen royalty. Everyone that has earned the Elvarian title can trace their lines back to her.”


“And she blessed your children,” Millfadona said to Lyola and Tillie. “I’ve only heard stories of her blessings. The ones I remember led to great men and women. It is often seen as a protection.”


Millfadona appeared to be on cloud 9 as she hugged the women again. As an Icemancer as well it must have been like meeting a legend in the flesh. 


“How about you?” Asher asked Eliffy. “Everything you hoped?”


“Oh my gosh, so much more,” she said, beaming a smile. “Did you feel the mana coming off of her? How did you even talk? I had trouble breathing.”


“I didn’t feel much pressure,” he said. Dea had released her mana on him and he had trouble being within 10 feet. 


“Either way. This will be an amazing story to tell,” Tyranis said. They started walking to the elevator once more. Of course they were stopped again as a blue woman stepped up. Tall, like Eliffy, her hair was gold and silver. Many tattoos littered her skin. Cut straight with no braids she didn’t have the side of her head shaved. It was easy to tell that she was a Dion. 


“Mr. Whitmore,” she said, stopping in front of them. Eliffy stiffened as she noticed the new dion. 


“Yes?” Asher asked. He was getting annoyed with all the requests for meetings. 


“King Sustutna would like to meet you,” she said with a wide smile. 


“Great,” Asher said. “Can I bring others?”


“Just his daughter Elifflee,” she said. His fiancé practically shook in fear. Asher had never seen her scared before. But from what he knew, Eliffy had practically had to escape from her father.


“I will meet him alone,” Asher said, stepping forward. 


“Don’t,” Eliffy said. Grabbing his arm he could see the fear in her eyes. Asher put his hand on hers. 


“It’s alright,” he said. “Stay here. I won’t be long.”


“King Sustutna would prefer his daughter come as well,” the dion said. 


“Wanting ain’t getting,” Asher said. “Lead the way.” The dion hesitated but started walking. The room was close and Asher was ushered in. Splayed around the room was one naked female dion after another. 


Cyan colored skin. Long hair or shaved heads. Large breasts. Most were covered in black or gray tattoos. There were a few that were the spitting image of Eliffy. He looked around until he found the man. Muscular, his skin was a little dark and his head was shaved. 


“Lawful Good,” he said. A woman was giving him a blowjob as he talked. 2 other dions kissed and touched him at his side. Asher could feel the power coming from him. He was not shy about being high level. 


“King Sustutna, I presume,” Asher said. He felt like he was saying the word presume a lot lately. 


“Where is my daughter?” Sustutna asked, looking around. 


“Which daughter? One of these women isn’t your daughter?” Asher asked, he knew the man didn’t mind practicing incest. The other dions ignored them as they conversed. Sustutna looked angry for a moment then calmed himself down. Asher could feel the Sex Mana swirling around the king. They eyed one another for a time. 


“You have something that doesn’t belong to you,” Sustutna said. 


“What’s that?” 


“The statue you bought. I want it,” he said. 


“That’s too bad,” Asher said. “I’ve taken a liking to it. If you wanted it you should have paid for it.”


He smacked the woman’s head that was in his crotch. She shot up and moved out of the way. Bowing her head to the ground. Asher noticed she had the least amount of tattoos of the women in the room.  


Sustutna shot up from his chair. Unashamed of his large dick flopping around. “You speak very confidently for someone so low level.”


“I was level 30 the last time I fought someone over level 100,” Asher said with a smile. He had made Tiberion bleed, he felt like he could do more to this man. “I’m much stronger now than I was then.”


The king stared at him. He was taller and bigger than Asher. Slowly he smiled then was laughing loudly. The girls around them began to laugh too. Asher could feel the strong spell they were all under. Practically slaves to this man’s every feeling and whim. Asher wondered which one was Eliffy’s mother. 


“You have 2 things that belong to me,” Sustutna said. “The statue and my daughter. Next time I see you, I expect both.”


“Prepare to be disappointed,” Asher said. “Eliffy will be my wife.” The king’s mana rose. Ash felt sick to his stomach but then made his Pheromones rise. Keeping the mana in his body the skill acted as a strong defense to whatever Sustutna was trying to do. 


Asher stood unmoving. Sustutna looked a little upset, then faster than Asher could react he was punched in the face. It was like a freight train hit him. Asher flew through the air, crashed through the door then his head bounced off the hard metal of the wall. 


His head was swimming as he got up bringing out his mana in full force. Ready to take him on he was stopped as 2 high humans ran over. They helped him up and stood between Asher and the Dion. 


“It seems the Lawful Good hit his head,” Sustutna said. 


“Is that what happened sir?” A high human asked. Asher forced himself to calm down. 


“Yeah,” he said. “The dion offered to suck my dick and I couldn’t get out of his room fast enough.” Asher could feel the mana rise in the king. Asher started walking away. That would start some rumors about the king. They were seen as sex crazed anyway. 


It wasn’t long until he was back at the elevator. Eliffy was pacing back and forth as she chewed her nails. She noticed him and ran over. “What happened?” She asked, her eyes wide. Studying where he was hit.  


“Nothing, just a love tap,” he said. “Let’s go.” Putting his hand at her back he walked her to the others. 


“You alright?” Tyranis asked. 


“Yeah. Your dad hit harder than him,” Asher said. Which was true. 


Tyranis barked a laugh. “Yes, he would probably like to hear that. Was he upset you denied his sponsorship?” They got into the elevator. Asher grabbed Lyola and Eliffy’s hands. 


“Didn’t come up,” Asher said. “He was the one that wanted the statue. It might be more important than I thought.” Eliffy rested her head on his shoulder. She had calmed down but he could feel the fear from her. “Let’s get out of here,” Asher said. 


They nodded coming up to their room. He wasn’t too surprised to find Tiff, Zora, Joon, Genevieve, and Siela in a state of minor undress. They straightened clothes and hair as they stood. 


“Let’s go home,” Asher said. 


“And the final item is a real treat,” the auctioneer said. “A recent addition. I believe everyone will be interested in this.” The group turned to look at the screen. “At long last one of the Celestial Keys has been found.” 

Asher heard a roar of commotion sound from the screen. The elves moved to the sofas as did most everyone else. Asher, Tiff, Joon, Zora, Lyola, Tillie, and Eliffy eyed one another. They had been lucky enough to find 3 of the Celestial keys already. Amber, Emerald, and Onyx. Asher had the Amber key on him, the Emerald key was hidden on Earth, and the Onyx key was with his sponsor Dea. 


“What’s a Celestial Key?” Wylin asked as the commotion died down. 

The auctioneer answered for them. “The Celestial Keys are beyond ancient. There are 10 in total that are made in 10 different gems. Amber, Emerald, Sapphire, Onyx, Opal, Ruby, Rhodonite, Amethyst, Malachite, and Alabaster. Every 80,000 years or so the Celestial Gate is opened. 


When all 10 keys have been found and brought close together they will open the Celestial Gate, allowing entrance into the Divine Realm. The Divine Realm is where all those with Divinity Mana reside. The gate leads to a massive dungeon, filled with Mythic Rarity gear that are God-tier. It has been some time since the last time it was opened. We do not know what is inside, but it is commonly thought that if you can get to the end of the dungeon you will be granted a wish.” 


Eliffy shook in excitement as she heard the story again. Asher too began to look forward to the possibility of such an adventure. With the explanation over someone walked out with the key. More than one camera was focused on it. The key had a pink color, with black speckles inside. 


“The first to be found was the Rhodonite Celestial Key. Bidding will start at 500,000 Syscos,” she said. Asher let out a whistle. The amount quickly shot up and up. 

“Could you imagine?” Tyranis asked. 


“I can try,” Asher whispered. 


“1,245,000!” The announcer yelled as the bidding continued. Everyone stared with wide eyes. Eventually it ended at 1,315,000 Syscos. The group was more than a little speechless. Tyranis’ side of the room from the amount, Asher’s side because they could have over 3,000,000 Syscos in their pockets. 


“How much were planets selling for?” Asher asked. 


“500,000 Syscos or so,” Tiff said. Asher could have bought a lot of planets with the price of his keys. That was an interesting idea to have. 

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