This S.O.B. System


“Alright, that’s enough,” Tiff said. Eliffy grumbled moving away from Asher’s crotch. Grabbing her hand he pulled her over to drape his arm over her shoulder.


“We have plenty of time,” Asher whispered in her ear. 


“But I’m only here for 3 days,” she pouted. “And you said you’ll be gone to a dungeon next weekend.”


“I’ve got it,” Tiff said. “Just don’t leave the hotel.” 


Eliffy’s eyes widened as she thought about it. Asher shut it down. “No, we need to focus on school. What happened to your dungeon?” 


“It was boring,” she said. “Highest level there was 65, I was barely getting any XP.” 


“Alright, I’ll try to get you a longer pass,” Asher said. “But no promises.” The dion clapped excitedly. “For now lets worry about the auction.” They were at the Portal Sector waiting outside the port from Elantontrin. Asher had been able to swing enough passes for everyone important. The Prime Auction wasn’t for a few hours yet, so the elves wanted to check out the other sectors as well. 


Finally Tyranis stepped through the window portal. Millfadona, his first-wife, followed. She was almost the spitting image of Lyola, just more mature. Long blonde hair and her ears at the side she eyed the large group. Reeleah, Tyranis’ other wife, followed, she was a nymph elf with lime green skin and dark green hair like Nsabita. The only big difference was their ears and body type. Reeleah was quite buxom. Tyranis’ last wife, Kalfeer was next. She was a dark elf with gray skin. She too was full bodied. All 3 gave off the sexy older woman vibe that was hard to ignore.  


Lyola finally stepped through with Tillie. Both held their hands on their bellies as they quickly rushed over to them. Fresneah and Wylin came in after. Fresneah was Reeleah’s daughter, and they were spitting images of one another with their green skin and hair. Wylin was Kalfeer’s son, he had the same gray skin and hair, but it was noticeable how much younger he was. Wylin had only recently awoken his System. 


“Husband,” Lyola said, walking up. They kissed and she moved to his other arm. “I see you finally got our messages, Eliffy.” 


“Came running as soon as I heard,” she said unashamedly. Asher let the girls go and began passing around the rings that acted as their passes. 


“Lawful Good, I see you’re in the thick of things as ever,” Tyranis said with a slight smile. 


“Lyola tell you about my quest?” Asher asked. 


“She did not,” Tyranis said. 


“We should talk about it then, but not here,” Asher said. “I thought we could check out the Academy before the auction.” 


“Oh yes,” Millfadona said. “I’ve always wanted to see it.” Wylin and Fresneah appeared excited as well. 


Soon they were heading back to the Sector pods. Having to take one of the larger ones it fit them easily. “From a friend,” Asher said, passing a letter discreetly to Fresneah. The nymph elf excitedly took it and made it disappear. Nadir had given it to Asher before leaving Earth since they hadn’t been able to talk. Now that Nadir was back with his wives he could make more decisions and maybe see where things went with the nymph elf. 


“How did you manage to become a professor?” Wylin asked. Asher told the story as more than a few conversations went on. Tiff showed off Lulu who scurried over to Lyola and Tillie. They may have had some fun with the shoggoth the last time they were there as well. 


“Any news from Tiberion?” Asher asked Tyranis as they stepped out of the pod. 


“None,” Tyranis said. “The Tier IV raid they are in is supposedly quite large. There was another team that tried it a few years ago, but they were never able to finish it. He could be in there for a year at least.” 

“As long as he’s having fun I guess that’s fine.” They went up to the Academy level. Asher signed them in and toured them around. Showing them the classrooms they didn’t run into too many people. Of course there was the main reason that he brought them there. 


“What’s this?” Tyranis asked as they entered the room. The large red orb sat still, and the ever faithful guard was next to it. Asher was curious if he could put the stone in his ring and walk out. 


“This is an Affinity Stone,” he explained. “If you put your hand on it, the stone will tell you your mana affinity percentages.” There were more than a few gasps as they studied it. Asher walked up and negotiated another bribe. The guard turned around as everyone excitedly used the stone. Excited whispers escaped lips as Eliffy, Tyranis, Millfadona, Reeleah, Kalfeer, Wylin, and Fresneah used the stone. 


“I had no idea,” Tyranis said, stepping away from the stone. “This would have helped me immensely in branching out from my System’s main mana.” 


“That’s what we assumed,” Lyola said. She hummed happily hanging on Asher’s arm. Giving him a kiss she thanked him again. Asher was more than happy to help them. 


“We may have to keep our eyes out for more items now,” Millfadona said happily. Asher knew she was an Icemancer because she learned the Ice Age Skill. The Extinct skill was the main reason they all got tickets to the auction. For putting up one of the most expensive items for the auction, they were treated very well. 


“We have some time yet before the auction,” Asher said. “Let’s go check out the rooms and get everyone settled. Tomorrow there is a shopping district to check out.” With that they headed to their floors of the Professor hotel. Asher waved at a few high humans he recognized, none returned the wave. 


“I see that the high humans are still very hesitant around you,” Tyranis noted. 


“Yeah, they hate me,” he said. “But a few are coming around.” Classes had been going well. No one intentionally missed any. They grew excited with the idea of throwing a party. Currently Joon’s team was in the lead, but just barely. 


They stepped into the lobby only to be stopped by reception. “Mr. Whitmore,” Raimy said. “You have a visitor.” She nodded over to a purple skinned girl. 


Asher recognized her from class. She was a Limax, her skin was a deep purple. It was shiny and smooth, like a balloon. Her hair, if you could call it that, was long tentacle-like extension of her skin. Wearing a black dress that was mostly tassels she nervously sat at one of the sofas. Asher had fought a few limax in his Roktai Trial, and hadn’t really noticed her in class until recently. 


“Professor stuff,” Asher assured everyone. They all headed up to the floor except Tiff and Nsabita. “Bezel, was it?” 


“Yes, Professor Whitmore,” she said standing up. Nervously she extended her hand out. “Bezel Arcturus.” Her hair tendrils swayed with her head. He was curious if they could be moved or were they similar to hair. 


“Asher, outside of class,” he reminded. Her skin was smooth and almost rubbery. But there was strength in her grip. Asher knew that all non-high humans that went to the Academy were well off. “How can I help you, Miss Arcturus?” 


“I was hoping to take up your challenge,” she said. “With Lulu.” No one had taken them up on the offer yet. Lulu was now happily roaming the class. She stayed on the desks and most every girl extended their hands to her. Lulu happily ran along them and then moved on. The Sex mana part of the challenge was what scared most everyone. 


“You’re on my team right?” Tiff asked excitedly. Bezel nodded. “Sweet.” They had quickly admitted that no one would want to take the challenge in class, so Tiffany offered to host people trying at their place. 


“Normally we would have been fine with it today,” Asher said with a frown. “But we are entertaining in-laws. Are you free in 2 days, on Melday?” She quickly nodded. “Tiff, how about you share Comms with her, and we can work out a time.” They did and Bezel was soon rushing out of there. “That was interesting,” Asher said. “I was starting to think no one would take the challenge.”


“You did start using some of the extracts on yourself to show effects, the No-O was especially funny,” Nsabita said. He had drunk it and allowed Tiff to use Nerve Control on him while clothed. Despite how good it felt he just wouldn’t cum. It took an hour for the stuff to wear off. When it did he had required all of their help to relieve the blue balls. 


“She’s got a lot of lust, that one,” Tiff said watching her leave. “What was she?” 


“A Limax,” Asher said. “I’ve only seen a few, but I know the Aartiliak Empire is made up of them.”


“You think she’s from there?” Tiff asked as they headed up the elevator. By the time they arrived everyone was sitting around on the sofas. They had been sure to cast Cleanliness on everything and already assigned rooms to the newcomers. Tyranis and his wives surprisingly decided to share a room. Asher knew that back on Elantontrin they had worked it out where each wife spent a day with Tyranis. Maybe Ash’s relationship with his wives had awoken something in them. 


Zora sat on his lap as Tillie and Lyola sat at his sides. Tyranis told stories to Zora about their time on Elantontrin. Wylin stared out the windows. Fresneah read her letter with a smile on her face. It was an interesting moment. 


Asher explained their quest. Tyranis was more than a little surprised, but agreed he should keep it secret for now. It wasn’t long until they were getting ready for the auction. 



Asher wore his tailored navy suit. Most of the women wore their dresses. Tillie was the only one in leather leaf-etched armor. Her belly was growing every time he saw her. It was hard to keep his hands off of her and Lyola’s baby bumps. Tiff, Zora, Joon, and Eliffy too were all over them. Getting them water, sitting next to them to rest their hands on their bellies. It was interesting to see, and of course it made him want them all the more. But he needed to be able to control his lust. 


They stepped out of the Sector Pod to one of the Portal Sectors. Asher recognized it as the general area of where he had his Trial in. People streamed in, all heading in the same direction. The group stayed close as Asher stared at species after species. Faeries, elves, friars, dwarves, bofin, gnomes, beastkin, steons, dragonkin, ursas, ursines, auraes, enthaos, and every species Asher knew of walked around them. All in fancy armor or clothes. 


“We need lingerie like that,” Tiff said to the girls. Pointing at the faeries they floated in the air in thin diaphanous white clothes that streamed after them. They were practically naked. 


“Yes, please,” Asher said. “You ok?” He asked Eliffy next to him. 


“Yeah,” she said, coming out of her thoughts. “I just was a little surprised by the affinity stone.” 


“Learn that you have a cool mana type?” He asked. 


“Yes,” leaning in closer she whispered, “Havoc.” 


“Woah, really?” Asher asked. “What percent?” 


“100%,” she said. 


“That’s awesome,” he said. 


“I guess. I always heard that it was unruly.” Chewing her lip as she thought he could tell she wasn’t too excited. 


“It can be. Did you see my fight with the Demon Lord in my second trial?” He asked. 


“A little.” 


“He used Havoc. It can be quite strong, should we try to keep our eyes out for a skill book for it?” 


“Maybe. I’m a little worried it will affect my future skills,” she said. 

“We can talk to this professor friend of mine on Melday, maybe he has an idea,” Asher said. She nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The halls became a little thinner, but there were still hundreds of people walking all around them. 


“What about you?” Asher asked Joon. She had been biting her nails as she looked around. Jumping from his question she waved him a little closer. 


“I noticed some people that we should really get rid of,” Joon said. 


“Like who?” Asher asked. 


“That guy,” she said, pointing to a newtrallie lizard man. He had green scales and looked more lizard than man. “He’s secretly part of a smuggling ring. We used his services once and he double crossed us.” 

“Then her,” Joon said, pointing to an elegant dark elf. “You sleep with her and she tries to kill us. She’s some sort of black widow assassin.” 


Asher bit his lip. “What do you want to do?” 

“Kill them,” she said. “But I don’t think I'm at a high enough level yet.” 


“Could they have bounties on their heads?” Asher asked. 


She began to think on it. “Maybe? But I don’t know about proof. And a guard isn’t going to just arrest them for nothing.” 


“Who knows, we might get lucky,” Asher said trying to think. “Worse comes to worse we could Roleplay.” 


“What do you mean?”


“We kind of know where all these auction items are,” he said. “Do our magic, pretend to steal something valuable. It teleports to us, and we plant it on them.”


“That’s brilliant,” she said with a wide smile. “I’m gonna do some recon and see if I can find exactly where stuff is stored.” Casting a portal in front of her she jumped through, appearing far ahead. Prime was able to restrict long range portals. They said it was for safety, but Asher thought it was more to profit from the sector pods. Short range portals still worked at least. 


“What’s she up to?” Tiff asked. Asher took off his mindguard and told her quickly. She eyed the dark elf black widow. “Damn, she’s hot,” Tiffany said sadly. Asher chuckled, kissing her cheek. He took her and Zora’s hands in his own. 


“Let’s keep our eyes out for the good stuff,” Zora said. She acted more than a little excited as they drew closer to the auction house. 


“What are our funds looking like?” Tiff asked Lyola. 


“200 at the moment,” Lyola said. 


“I have another 60,” Asher said. “And with luck we will get more with the book. Does anyone have a catalog for what they’re selling?”


“I have one,” Tyranis said. “But there are always additions at the last minute to increase hype. We can get an updated one in our booth.” They branched off from the group as Tyranis led. Taking an elevator they were brought to a much less populated level. Tyranis at least knew where they were going as he walked them around. Eventually they came to a door, Tyranis waved a ring in front of a pad and they stepped in. 


Asher had expected the fish bowl platform of the League Trial. This time it was a luxurious room with thick red carpeting. Chairs all around there was a mini bar, a small buffet, and curtains at the far end of the room. 


“Nice digs,” Tiff said looking around. “All the rooms like this?” 


“I wouldn’t know,” Tyranis said. “In the past I had to sit in the audience with the rest of the people.” Asher moved to the curtain and opened it to see the audience. 


The rest of the people were in a room similar to an auditorium. A wide stage at the front with curtains there was a massive audience. Asher counted rows and columns and estimated there were over 100,000 seats taken up. All around the walls were openings like theirs for the important people to watch. There must have been sound enchants placed around them to mask the chatter that was going on below. 


“I wonder how they keep them all from fighting,” Zora said as they looked around. These were supposedly the strongest and most influential people in the League. All were ready to spend the next few hours trying to blow their Syscos on interesting items. 


“There are plenty of cameras,” Tyranis said pointing up. “And security at Prime is top-notch. Also no one wants to be kicked out or reprimanded. These are most likely the same people that meet up for conferences every 30 days or so, and violence is rare. Typically only when war is declared between them.” 


“Makes sense,” Genevieve said. She had been more than a little quiet as they walked. So many people around, Asher guessed her nerdy nervous side was showing. He gave her a wink and she blushed. 


“Let’s check out that catalog,” Tiff said excitedly. Moving back into the room there were 3 thick binders. All 3 were different. “Holy heck this is a lot of stuff.” 


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