This S.O.B. System


The weekend passed by quickly. They made it to the library eventually. After checking out some books they were working on their own assignments. Tiff was adamant about mixing Mind and Sex. He had full faith in her. They were her strongest affinities, and the only known Sex Mana Synergy was his Coupling. 


Lyola began working on Fire. Joon redoubled her efforts on learning Rift. Tillie decided to learn Sound mana since her affinity was at 75%. Genevieve continued working on her Creation Hardening skill and was also working on an Elasticity one for it. She really only bothered with webs. But with the skill she could make whatever she wanted. 


Zora surprisingly wanted to learn Sex Mana. He couldn’t blame her. She grabbed one of the books from the library called Lustful. It apparently made a person very horny. Asher was a little curious what it entailed. After some talking with Nsabita she really wanted to raise her Sex Mana skills. 


She had focused on Hydro. Somehow she had an enchanting skill that used the mana she wanted. But now she wanted to practice with her sex mana more to try to help make his sex toy empire possible. Lyola was all for the idea since their money making scheme wasn’t sustainable. She’d rather they make a lot of businesses that would ensure their kids had an income. All of the girls liked the idea of enchanting his skills into toys. They did their best to let Nsabita practice her skills on them.


The following week went by smoothly. Tiff was close to finishing the Soul Bind skill book. There was a whole section in the book about awakening Soul mana. But it required hundreds of hours of channeling mana in a certain way until the book was satisfied. Digging into how skill books were made was one of many priorities. 


Sex mana classes went well. Lulu started patrolling around the classroom. She was agreeable for the 1 hour every other day. Moving in her small tentacle form around the class a few of the girls let her jump on them. Not all, but they were getting there. Asher would push for her to be in human form next week. Class consisted of talking about sex and mana. Also he encouraged the girls to check out books in the library. 


Zora was nice enough to admit she was learning a Sex mana skill. Maybe it would help a few make the decision. The girls still hadn’t figured out how to stop cumming. Or they refused to try. Either way class usually ended in screams. 


Now the crew was ready for their dungeon run. As a professor he could take 5 people with him. Zora, Tiff, Joon, Gen, and Nsabita volunteered. He said it was training for his class so Nsabita was allowed. She had become more comfortable around them. Since Asher liked to go on his own, the 5 girls would be a good team. Lulu was left behind for this trip. He wasn’t too worried about her. They only planned to be gone for 2 days. After they told her that she curled up in her tentacle form and went to sleep in the sun…or at least the hologram form of the sun that their hotel floor had.


They bought tickets down to Central from the same terminal they had landed on Prime from. As they waited at the airlock there was another man waiting.


“How’s it going?” Asher asked. “You’re Professor Pureliev right? My wife is in your class.”


The tall high human looked up from a book. He appeared to be in his mid-thirties, but he was probably hundreds of years old. He was about 7 feet tall towering over Asher. He wore a set of white robes. With each slight movement Asher could hear the clink of armor underneath. 


Slowly he registered Asher then looked around. His eyes caught Zora behind Ash. “Zora, of course,” he said with a genuine smile. “I did not realize she was your wife.” He spoke with a very monotone demeanor. The words he said sounded like they should hold more emotion, but his facial expression never changed. “Awakening holy and Blessing mana so early is rare. I’ve only met a few Paragons before. And to have one in my class has been a treat.”


“Paragon?” Asher asked. 


“Of course,” he said. “Like your Hero System, those with 2 named Systems are called Paragons.”


Asher was a little surprised he hadn’t heard of that before. “Is that a common term?”


“Oh no,” Pureliev said. “That is simply the academic label we have begun using as of late. Oftentimes with so many planets it takes years to agree on a term through all the academic circles.”


“Are there more academies out there?” Asher asked. The high human had no emotion in his voice, but Asher preferred it to the annoyed tone high humans typically addressed him with. 


“Very many,” Pureliev said. A smile breaking out on his lips. “There’s the Highgarden sector that is made up of Hethos. They spend centuries gathering data. I believe the Champion Trial from your planet was conducted by one of the Hethos. Lethelle I believe.”


“Green guy? Big forehand? Tall?”


“I believe so,” Pureliev said. “They have the largest library in existence. Their people have an average Intelligence and Wisdom stat of 15.”


“Woah,” Asher said. 


“But their Strength, Agility, Dexterity, and Endurance stat are a base of 8,” Joon said stepping up. 


“It is?” Purelieve asked. “I didn’t know that. Who told you that?”


“A hethos I know. Name of… Reeksh,” she said as she remembered the name. 


“Wonderful,” Pureliev said. “Not many would want to admit such a thing.” The professor pulled out a book and began writing in it. 


“I bet not,” Asher said. 


“Professor,” a voice said. The group turned to see Mael Whitegrace walking up. The high human gave Asher a sneer. The duo hadn’t seen one another since their duel. 


“Mael, oh good. I was worried you would be late,” Pureliev said. 4 more high humans walked up after him. 2 men and 2 women. Asher recognized 1 of the women as his 6th sexiest student. Siela Fulbright. Her toned muscular thighs were hidden underneath thick metal armor. Everything but her head was covered. She noticed him and blushed. Asher let out a wide smile. Maybe he was getting to her. None of the other high human girls from class responded like she did. By that time he had made her cum near 100 times without touching her.  


“Oh, you all are doing dungeons as well?” Asher asked. 


“Of course,” Mael said. As if it was the most obvious thing. 


“We are signed up for XL545,” Pureliev said. 


“Us too,” Asher said. “Guess we will have to agree on hunting spots so we don’t step on one another’s toes.”


“Oh yes,” Pureliev. “I hadn’t thought of that.” Asher was starting to think that the Holy Professor was booksmart. And not much else. The ship finally arrived. The groups stepped onto the ship. Neither intermingled but Asher thought that he caught a few glances from Siela. 


There was idle chatter but not much. Gen and Zora were a little nervous about going to a higher level dungeon but Asher had all the confidence in the world in them. 


The ship dropped them off at the nearest city to the dungeon portal. The group jumped on their Gliders. They had stopped at the mall sector when Lyola and Tillie were there. Asher was guilted into buying Nsabita and Genevieve Gliders. The duo had paid him back of course. Sexual favors were still a common currency in the group. A nice double blowjob from the inexperienced girls had smoothed over any issues he had. 


Nsabita picked a mustard color one, like the gown she had bought. Gen picked a purple color that matched the underarm area of her ghost spider suit. Joon drove her black one, Zora her white, Tiff her blue, and Asher his red one. He was ready to start his own street/air gang. 


Central itself was a beautiful planet. Not too many cities. And the few they had seen were small. The scenery was all mountains and trees. They found the dungeon at the base of a large 200 foot tall tree. 


Once inside he picked to the right of the portal. Pureliev picked to the left. The planet itself was a high Tier 2. There was 1 sun. But they were rather close to it so the air was hot. The annoying part about the planet was everything had a purple hue to it. Not dark purple but more of a pink purple. It quickly started hurting his eyes. 


He and the girls used the Gliders to get a lay of the land. It was mostly canyons and barren rocky terrain. Everything was magenta, but they were quick to find their first monsters. 


Floall Roo

Level 37


Floall of course was the planet name. Asher wasn’t sure why the high humans designated the planet with an ID. Either way their Roo was very similar to a kangaroo. Except for fir covering their bodies they had thick carapaces like bugs. It was interesting to see them jump in the natural purple armor. 


“Ok,” Asher said. “We all ready?” There were a good 20 Roos in a canyon below. 


“Ummm no,” Tiff said. “What’s the plan and formation?”


“We talked about this,” he said with a sigh. 


“I wasn’t paying attention,” she lied. The girls are nervous, she amended for him. 


“Sorry,” Asher said. “Zora, you're our tank and heals. Everyone else is dps. Joon, you know your part. Crowd control if they get off Zora. Genevieve you too. I want your webs hitting and blocking paths. Make sure you’re charging everything with Powerstrike. This is a Tier II planet so mana recharges quickly. Nsabita use your Hydro mana how you see fit. Tiff fly around and set stuff on fire.”


The girls were still nervous. Taking a deep breath he forced himself to slow down. He was all ready to go on his own and start leveling again. It had been months since he had been in a dungeon he could gain experience in. That was causing him to get ahead of himself. 


“Let’s do the first one together,” Asher said. “I tank all but 3. Zora you aggro the 3 off of me. You focus fire on them. Then grab another 3. If you feel comfortable with it, grab more.”


He noticed a few signs of relief with the offer. This was the right decision. Asher put on his Guts armor. He had his game face on already. Casting a Physical heavy Sex Bomb the Roos stopped what they were doing and ran at him. 


Asher was able to keep aggro on them with Sex Bomb after Sex Bomb. Better at the job than his Intimidation, the Sex Bomb caused damage and made them angry enough to ignore the girls. He had become very experienced at directing the flow of the mana so it didn’t hurt the others.


Zora did a good job grabbing aggro. She had her own taunt skill. At first she only got 2. By the time she pulled them away from him they were already dead. Next time she got 3 and they widdled the group down. When there were only 5 left they simply killed them all. 


Nsabita had a nice water attack skill. It reminded Asher of Water Gun from Pokemon. Since the monsters were a little lower level than her she was able to do some major damage. Tiff was skilled enough fighting level 50 monsters. She grabbed 1 in the air with her telekinesis and set it on fire with Pyrokinesis. Joon was somehow more skilled as she sliced through the Roos with her sword. Gen was the most hesitant to step on toes. But her web attack was a nice ranged skill since she could charge it with mana now. She became more confident with every monster. 


Asher was the most impressed with Zora. In her all white armor she was a little taller, but she was able to keep focus on the monsters easily. Covered from head to foot her armor from the Honor Trial of her tutorial provided some nice buffs to stats. He hadn’t seen anything too crazy, but he was curious what she could do as a Paragon. 


At one time a Roo got away from her and ran at Joon. Zora used a Space mana skill to intercept. The skill was called Teleportation. It was a white knight skill that allowed her to intercept danger for others. 


After the fight the bodies disappeared and they moved on. Next they found a weird zebra monster. Instead of black and white they were pink and purple stripes. Zora tanked half of the group of 15 and he the other. She lost aggro a couple of times, but the Zebras were dead by the time they got close to one of the DPS. 


For the next group everyone acted like he wasn’t there. Tiff pulled them with her telekinesis. A few monsters came away from their group. Zora did the tanking and it was their quickest fight yet. 


“Very well done,” Asher said. “Do you think you’re ready to be on your own for a bit?”


“And where are you going exactly?” Genevieve asked. 


“I’m gonna go seduce that high human,” he said. 


“Please do,” Joon said with a bark of a laugh. Gen didn’t like that answer. 


“Joking of course. I’m going to see if I can’t find any bosses. And stuff closer to my level,” he said. “I’ll plan to meet up with you tonight. But if I get too far I might stay where I’m at.”


“You always do this so I’m used to it,” Joon said. “Guess you never really do change.”


“Can’t help it,” he said. “Been forever since I leveled. I think I’ll get a new skill soon.” He would get one at level 59, which was getting closer and closer. 


“Ooohh please,” Tiff said. “But I will need a top off from your healing touch.”


“What do you mean? We just-“


“4 hours ago,” she said. “It only lasts for 12. What will we do if we get into trouble and don’t have all the HP per hour possible? Also the buffs from your Empower.”


“You got me there,” Asher said. “How do you want it my dear?”


“We all need a top off,” Tiff said. “And you have been working hard.” She began to think. “Blowjob?” She asked. 


“Fine with me,” Joon said. “But I want it huge.”


They found a boulder. Asher disrobed and laid on it. Extending his dick to 14 inches he cast Cleanliness. They didn’t say to make it quick, so he didn’t plan to. 


Tiff and Joon started on his glans. Tiff slammed her face down to about half way. With a few small thrusts she gasped and came from her Ero Zone. Then Joon was taking him in. She choked on it but got it the same distance down. She locked eyes with him as she did so. 


“You 2, on the balls,” Tiff ordered Gen and Nsabita. They didn’t voice a complaint. Widening his legs the small girls took the large balls in their mouths and began gurgling them. 


Joon came up for air and Zora joined the 2 at the tip. Instead of taking him in their mouth they licked the mushroom head. Their wet tongues explored every inch of it. Tiff’s extra long tongue licked the top as it went into Joon or Zora’s mouth. Joon was on his left, while Tiff and Zora were on his right. Nsabita and Gen were between his legs and he was in heaven. 


5 tongues focused on his dick at once made him groan in pleasure. The trio up top dueled with their tongues at his glans. The duo at his base stared at him as they sucked or slowly licked a large testicle. It didn’t take long for his balls to pull in. The duo sucked on them harder as he began to spurt. 


The trio continued their tongue movements. Some of them catching thick globs on their tongues. But most went on their faces. Ashe groaned under the stimulation as his waist bucked up. When he was eventually done the trio's faces were covered. Tiff had trouble opening her eyelids there was so much. 


Using her fingers to wipe the thick globs off she sucked them down. Then she began to lick along Zora’s face to get it all. When Zora’s face was clean she licked it off Joon. Then they both licked it off Tiff. Hungrily they sucked in the ambrosia flavored cum. Gen and Nsabita still sucked on a ball staring up at him as their lips moved across his skin. He shivered in pleasure. When they were clean he was still rock hard from the show. 


“Your turn,” Tiff said to Gen and Nsabita. “Switch places.” They didn’t end quickly. After they took his cum in orally they weren’t sure it was enough so they had to take it in vaginally. Asher didn’t mind. He ate pussy and fingered the girls while one rode him. It was nice to have sex outside without worrying about being watched. 


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