This S.O.B. System


Asher woke up to Lulu hungrily sucking his dick. The gray haired woman’s face was mashed down on his pelvis. He groaned as he began to unload down her throat. She hummed with each spurt, but never lifted her head up. When he emptied all the way she looked up into his eyes. She moved up his shaft slowly only to go back down. He didn’t stop her as she happily kept going.


Apparently she hungered for all kinds of sex. She was like a mythic succubus who grew stronger with cum. She liked having sex with the girls, but she practically begged him to have sex with her. Nsabita said the females gained more experience and strength from men. It didn’t take her long to fit in with the others. They had spent the entire day before just having sex in their room. They exited to eat food, and were soon back in the room. 

His cum had been treated like a sweet nectar by the monster. As soon as he filled the other girls up she was licking it out of them. Asher was the only one that could understand her. She spoke in one word answers that no one else could hear. He attributed it to his System. 


“Hey, me too,” Tiff said, waking up. She moved down and pulled the shoggoth off. Lulu whined but let Tiff take him to the base. She focused on the one part she liked and was quickly cumming. The Ero zone in her throat only made her orgasms stronger as it leveled. When she sputtered and came up for air Lulu was latched back onto his dick. 


“You’re going to have to assert your dominance with her,” Asher said. 


Tiff nodded. “I know,” she said. “I’ll enjoy it for now. Let me look into the Soul mana a little. I’m curious if its a problem to bind a monster higher level than you.” She grabbed the back of Lulu’s head and forced her to start face fucking him. The Shoggoth’s eyes widened but quickly accepted it as his dick grew and bulged. They did a lazy blowjob for him. Going slow and long. Tiff leaned forward kissing him as she used the monster’s hair to control her. 


When he was ready he nodded and Tiff slammed Lulu’s head down. Asher’s dick bulged in her throat as he emptied into her again. Her 2 tiny tentacles quivered as he kept cumming into her. Eyes crossing she sucked him down hungrily, spurt after spurt. With a groan he finished and she continued sucking. 


“How are you still going?” Nsabita asked, yet again. She had joined them the night before. Though she was hesitant around the shoggoth. When the monster had proven that Asher was in control she started to enjoy it. 


“How are you not?” Tiff asked. “I thought you used sex mana.” Asher groaned and started to cum again. His hand grabbed onto Lulu’s hair pulling her into him. She sucked and licked. Her tongue was it’s own strong tentacle that made him groan in pleasure. 


“I’ve seen plenty of sex mana people,” Nsabita said. “My first professor was an Incubus, and he had less of a sex drive than you lot.” 


“Sounds boring,” Tiff said. Lulu finally came up for air. She had drained all she could from him. 


“Lulu, stop,” Asher said. She had been moving her pussy to his dick. She frowned as she stared down at it. “Let’s work on our plan for today. We have 3 days left. Let’s hit the library and Communications. I want to touch base with everyone.”   


“Ok,” Tiff said. “After our morning fill-up. Go ahead Lulu.” The shoggoth smiled and slid down onto him. Asher groaned as she began to tighten her cunt on him as she raised and lowered. It didn’t take long after using Casanova to make her cum hard. When he filled her up not a drop of his cum escaped her. She absorbed and fed off of it somehow. Tiff took more than a few turns, by that time Zora and Joon woke up and accepted their load. Nsabita rolled her eyes, but she jumped on last. He made sure to make it extra special to make her cum hard and pass out. When she awoke he was filling them all again. It took a good hour to get out of the apartment. 


They found Gen hanging around in the main living room again. Asher hadn’t pushed her, but Tiff was slowly finding out what she had seen in her vision. She promised to tell him everything when she had the whole picture. Lulu was sated and shrunk down. Instead of her human form she was a small mass of tentacles that sat on his shoulder like a spider. The shoggoth was able to convey that she hadn’t had sex in years and was backed up. Her lust would calm down eventually like Eliffy’s had. He thought it would take a while though. 


Nsabita walked them around. She took them to the class level. Taking them from room to room most everything was pretty simple to understand. There were terminals to explain questions at random intervals. The floor had it’s own AI too. The classroom hallways had been like a maze at first, but he slowly understood that they were basically set up like city blocks. Rectangular, long on one side, short on the other. There were rows with numbers, and each room had it’s own number ID. 


After that they went to the communication area. Most students were blocked from contacting loved ones the first month, but since he was a professor they had special access. He had been given another ring that only professors had. They were all about their rings that gave access to certain levels. The girls too now had their own rings, but he had to sign approvals for them to go to their hotel floor with him.  


Once done touring classes they headed to a lower level. They all piled into a room with sofas and seating. One of the walls was an EtherComm that could connect to anyone. Once they had arrived back on Earth they were able to figure out the Earth date then program their Comms with the Earth calendar based off of the System Standard Dates. The Comms knew the System Date though they were in Spatial Storage, so now they knew Earth times and dates. It was currently about 7pm back on Earth. Asher typed in the Starburst’s ID first. It rang but soon Wayne answered. 


“Finally,” he said, staring at them. “You guys caught me right before I left.” 


“Hey Wayne,” Asher said. “Sorry it took so long to contact you. There were some issues, but we made it to Prime.” 


“Good, any idea how to stop it from blowing up?” He asked. 

Asher cringed, he really wished he hadn’t said that outloud. “What?!” Nsabita yelled at the question. 

“Wayne, I’m not sure how secure this line is, we were keeping our quest a secret for now,” Asher said. “We will tell you later, Nsabita.” She still had a shocked look on her face. She threw out a silencing charm that she said prevented people from listening in. 


“You will tell me now,” she said. Asher rolled his eyes but nodded. 


“The System gave us a red quest to prevent Prime from blowing up,” Asher said. 


“That-That’s impossible. No one could destroy Prime,” she said. 

“The System seems to think it could happen,” Tiff said. “And for some reason, it thinks Asher can stop it. That’s why we are here. Now are you going to keep this a secret and we discuss this later, or do I send Lulu at you?” The siren flinched with the warning. The small tentacle monster was on the top of Tiff’s head. With her name called her tentacles began to wiggle. Nsabita was still skittish around the shoggoth. 

“Sorry guys, I assumed you would be asking locals for help,” Wayne said. 


“No problem,” Asher said. “I plan to tell them eventually, but we have almost 200 days. I was hoping to get to know people, make sure they weren’t trying to blow it up.” Wayne nodded. “Anyways, big news. We are all signed up for the League version of Hogwarts. They made me a teacher, and we have full access. I’m hoping we can all learn some skills. I’ll try to bring back more skill books and items when I’m done.”


“See if you can find a way past these current skill books enchants. Would be a lot easier if we could just print our own.” Asher nodded. They had tried copying them word for word, but after a few pages an enchant took effect and words became jumbled. It was some kind of anti-piracy thing that was more than a little annoying. 


“How did the conference go?” Joon asked. “Sorry I wasn’t there to drop people off.” 


“It went ok. Kind of died down after you did that to the Pierre guy. But after you left a couple of women from his guild came forward and backed up your claim. People stopped grumbling after that,” he said. 


“Really?” Genevieve asked. Relief was in her voice.  

“Yeah,” Wayne said. “I took over. We did tours on the ship. Batman and Aneela were a big help. We dropped the people off that you couldn’t teleport, Joon. We are back at the guild hall. A few really wanted to see the multiple gravity enchant in the training room. The Ethership is still doing well it’s about 3 quarters full on MP. We are letting it rest.” 


“Cool, we have a lot going on here. Let’s synchronize to call you every 7 days okay?” They agreed and were soon disconnecting. 


Asher called Eliffy’s Guild Ether Comm. Since normal comms didn’t have the power to send/receive long distances, there were bigger ones available. She had been a part of a guild for adventurers and he could call and leave her messages on it. Eliffy had said she was checking out a dungeon so he wasn’t surprised when it went to the voicemail or whatever. She would get it when he returned. They told her they were on Prime and to contact Lyola for more information. 


After that they called Lyola and Tillie. One of the guards at her palace answered and ran off to go find her. It didn’t take long for Lyola and Tillie to come running in. 


“Husband, what is the issue?” Lyola asked out of breath. 


“Sorry, there is no issue. I know this isn’t our normal time, but we wanted to call and update you. We are currently on Prime,” he said. 


“Prime?” Lyola asked. “League Prime?” Asher nodded. 


“We got a quest to come here, and the System guided us to portal jump straight to Prime,” he said. 


“The System?” Lyola asked. “Husband, please start at the beginning.” Asher gave broad strokes. “So you could be on Prime for the next 200 days?” 


“Thats about the gist of it,” he said. “I will tell you the contents in person. But I am currently a professor at the League Academy.” 

“The Academy?” She asked like that was a bigger shock. “But you’re-” She stopped herself. “No, you are at the right age,” she said. “And you’re a professor?” 

“This Primeval Yevus guy asked me to be the Sex Mana Instructor since the last one’s dick broke,” he said. “I have full access to their library. And I should be able to send you both 3-day passes.” 

Lyola and Tillie looked excited at the idea. “What about Earth, husband? Were you not supposed to be taking it over?” 

“I know,” Asher said. “But this quest was unavoidable. Besides, everything is boring until the Guild Trial. The guild has things in hand. Joon told us about the Academy and said it is too good of an opportunity to pass up.” 

“Yes, I have heard that there are no better resources,” Lyola said. 


“Also, if this takes long enough maybe we will be there for our son’s birth,” he said. She let out a wide smile at the idea. They talked logistics. He would set it up for them to get passes the following weekend. She would let Eliffy know if she made contact, and they would see them soon. All in all Asher was excited to be on Prime.


“Anyone else we should call?” Asher asked. 


“Dea,” Tiff said confidently. Dea was their Primeval sponsor. A few hundred thousand years old they had met a copy of her in their 3rd champion trial. The copy gave the Primeval memories she had been lacking and to pay them back she promised to sponsor them. They hadn’t been in touch with her since the offer of sponsorship. 


“We don’t have a way to contact her,” Asher said. “She said she would get ahold of us in a year or so.” 


“Yeah, but she’s a Primeval, and we are on Prime. There has to be a way to call her,” Tiff said. Tiff had treated Dia like her daughter back in the trial, and the feeling kind of stuck. Asher had kept her at arm’s length, but Tiff’s feelings had only gotten stronger. Asher wondered if maybe they were stronger now since she wasn’t getting pregnant like she wanted. If Tiff saw her like a daughter, then Asher felt like he should too. 


“Know anything on how to contact her?” Asher asked their siren friend. 


“Are you seriously talking about Dea Tacitae in normal conversation?” Nsabita asked. Her eyes were wide as she looked between Ash and Tiff. 


“Yeah, she's our sponsor.” 

“I didn’t know that,” Nsabita said. “How could she be your sponsor? I thought she was dead?”


“Nope, my Dea is alive and kicking,” Tiff said with a smile. She picked Lulu up off her head and moved the shoggoth to her lap. 


“I only know rumors from my own Primeval History class. But Dea was thought to be dead after a falling out with the other Primevals. They shut off the portal from her home planet, and she hasn’t been seen since.” 


“Well she filed my sponsorship with the League somehow,” Asher said. 


“Then you’ll have to talk to the Dean or something,” Nsabita said. 


“Whose the Dean?” Asher asked. “Is it not that Primeval Yevus guy?”


“No, Yevus is like the Dean’s boss. He doesn’t bother with the day to day. The Dean is Zaddon Resurrection, he used to be the Life Professor. I think he still teaches now and then,” Nsabita said. “There should be a meet and greet with all the professors coming up. I’ll see if I can’t find out when. Maybe you can ask him.” 


After that they headed to the dungeon sign-up board. There were spots already taken, but there were a good 80 dungeon options. Central wasn’t hurting for Syscos, and they allowed most all of the current dungeons on their planet to be exclusive to the Academy as long as they didn’t complete the clear quest. 


The group signed up for a spot in 2 weekends on a level 45 dungeon. It would be a great place to power level Zora and Gen, while he still got experience. After that they headed to the library. 


The library itself took up a whole floor. The enormity of it made Asher think of the library of Congress on steroids. There were dozens of levels filled with books. Bookcases galore, the place was mostly empty of people. Nsabita showed them around to the skill books. They could each take 1 out at a time. 


There was even a very small Sex mana section. They had 5 books. There was a hypnotism skill that he didn’t feel comfortable with. Then some love and lust skills that he felt like he already had. He and Tiff didn’t bother with them. He was surprised that they didn’t have the Celibacy book. Asher had received it as a trial reward but gave it to Azya Burill. Now he wondered if it was rare. If sex mana beasts were an issue for women, then maybe it would be a skill for them to learn. He would have to think on that later. 


Asher looked through the Physical skill books next. The only one that he was interested in was the Shield Charge, but all that did was charge mana into a shield. He could do that currently, and his fighting style didn’t require a shield. For his Holy Mana there was a healing skill, but he was getting better at Healing Touch. There were no good skills for Dragon. He still hadn’t fixed being damaged with every attack anyway. 

Tiff found a Soul Bind book. She would try to bind herself to Lulu. Zora found a Blessing book called Protection. It provided a shield to everyone in the group. She had a blessing skill already that she had assumed was holy, but apparently she had awoken the synergistic mana at some point. 


Geneveive found a Creation skill called Hardening that would make her created items stronger. Lastly, Joon found a Rift Slash skill. She too needed to awaken the affinity, but he trusted it wouldn’t be a problem for her. 


After that Nsabita reminded him that he had a class to teach in the next few days. He stopped by the classroom to look through old notes. There wasn’t much going on. He was starting to think the last teacher had just improvised it. 


He found the inventory for the Sex Mana beast extracts. They had a resistance extract that helped stop people from cumming. One called No-O that didn’t let you orgasm until it wore off. There were aphrodisiacs and paralyzers. Nerve increasers and love potions. There was a relaxation one that had to be monitored because druggies liked it. There were hallucinogens and premature ejaculation cures. The most interesting of them all was one that slowed down time and one that completely negated the refractory period between orgasms. 


The others had gone back to the rooms to relax. Now it was simply him and Nsabita. Someone had already cleaned up the mess Lulu had caused. The classroom itself was like a lecture hall. Way bigger than he expected there were levels to it with desks looking down on him. Asher leaned in a chair thinking about what to do as Nsabita picked up some stray papers on the floor that had been left during the last semester. 


“Where should we start for class?” He asked. 


“Wherever you want,” she said. They had been throwing around ideas for a while. 


“A giant orgy with the students it is,” he said. 


“Good luck with that,” Nsabita said. “Lawful Good or not, parents would kill you if you touched their kids.” 

“What about my consent forms?” He asked. 


“It’s one thing to have consent, it’s another to go through with it.” 

“Ehh, whole league already hates me. Might as well bang their daughters,” he said. She laughed. “Does this room have sound dampening?” 

“Some minor enchants,” she said. A thought struck Asher. 


“Hey, you ever used a dildo?” He asked. 


“You literally watched your wife stick one in my ass last night,” she said. She blushed after saying the words. The once virgin was quickly coming around.  


“No, I mean. Crap, just come here,” he said. She rolled her eyes but did. Asher coated his fingertips in Casanova mana. He stood up and stuck his hand in her pants. 

“Ash-” She tried to stop him, but halted as a smile split her face. 


“You feel that?” He asked. 


“Ha, yeah, it’s uh, its good,” she said. 


“I’m barely touching your clit,” he said. He increased his Casanova. Without moving his fingers he let her breathing do all the motions. She began to cum in 10 seconds. Her hands grabbed his arm as her body began to shake. Her sharp teeth bit into his shoulder with a loud moan. Nsabita breathed in and out heavily, then her body shook as he didn’t stop using mana. 


“Sensitive,” she said, trying to push him away. His arm grabbed her. Pulling her pants down she gasped. Turning around she bent over and guided herself into his crotch. His pants disappeared and he was slowly entering her. 


She groaned, he never stopped playing with her clit. “Do you feel that?” Asher asked. “My skill increases pleasure. Erogenous zone or not.” Asher slowly raised his hand. His glowing fingertips moved along her chest, up her shirt he squeezed her breast. Her tight body shivered causing his dick to be squeezed. Asher grunted in her ear. 


“What if you could enchant a dildo with this feeling?” He asked. His dick began to glow with Casanova. “All of them vibrate, why not channel Sex mana?” She gasped as her pleasure increased. She didn’t move on him, simply soaking she shook more. 


“You’d need uh someone with Sex mana and an enchanting skill,” Nsabita said. 


Asher’s dick began to grow. “I’m inside such a person. Tell me, my siren. How much would you pay for a dildo that could make you feel this good?” She gasped as she began to cum. He poured all of his Casanova into his dick. He knew she was lost for now. Asher began pounding in and out of her quickly. His strong hands wrapped around her tiny waist. Nsabita began to shake, one orgasm after another hit her body full force.


Grunting in her pointy ears his arms wrapped around her chest as he pulled her to him and thrust one final time. He came into her as far as he could. Each spurt caused her ass to shake in his crotch. When he was empty he leaned them back until they were sitting in his chair. 

It took her time but when she recovered she asked, “What were you saying?” 


“How I understand enchanting,” he started again. “You charge mana in an item. That mana does something specific. Like my armor blocks pain with Mind Mana. Or my Pristine Necklace uses ambient mana to make oxygen and keep you warm or cold. What if we made dildos, but instead of vibrating they released the same sex mana that causes you ladies to feel increased pleasure.” 


“I mean it’s an idea,” she said. “I’ve never seen it done. Usually vibration is enough.” 


“I’d like to look into it,” he said. “I’m already known as a sex crazed maniac. Might as well play into it and sell sex toys.”

Nsabita laughed. “You are a sex crazed maniac. But damn it feels good,” she said. Asher chuckled. Kissing her cheek he began casting Casanova again. It didn’t take her long to start bouncing on his dick. It was interesting how quickly virgins turned into shameless sexaholics. Asher sure turned into one quickly. 


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