This S.O.B. System


Asher soared through the air. Landing on the thick black Elatium hull he found a side hatch. Dragon Slayer coming down hard he swung it at the hatch. The plate didn’t budge. Circulating more mana through his body his muscles bulged with increased strength. Dragon Slayer came down again and again, then finally something broke in the hatch door. The metal was pushed in. Putting the sword away his fingers slid in the gap of the door and ship hull. 


With only one arm he condensed mana around him with Mana Manifestation. The mana wrapped around the hull allowing him to pull harder. His feet pushing on the door he yelled as mana increased in his muscles and with one final crunch the door was pushed in all the way. The ship's lip was dented outward. 


He slid into the dark interior of the Resource Ship. Mana Sight in his eyes made the walls alight as he walked in. As he headed out he didn’t hesitate to kill the first Limax he saw. They were a very alien species. Humanoid with 2 arms and legs. Their skin was green or a deep blue. The limax could be slippery aliens, their skin was often coated in a thin film of sweat. They didn’t have hair, but thick tendrils over their head reminded him of tiny tentacles. 


It didn’t take him long to kill them all. They were only level 60 to 65. At level 99 their green and blue blood exploded with a punch. He kicked the double doors of the bridge in. Inside was a lone female Limax. She wore form fitting clothing that showed off a bust. Her hair tendrils were longer, and her pitch black eyes bored into him, like a shark. He would have thought she was kind of pretty if he hadn’t left that part of him dead with his family. 


Before he could stop her she moved the controls to point the ship downward toward the Earth. Asher cursed as he threw himself at her, her skin popped like a balloon. But it was still too late. They were too near the ground and the ship landed without stopping. 


It took Asher a few hours to dig himself out. When he did he was surprised to see an old woman staring at him. She had long gray hair, and as many wrinkles as she had years on her. 


“Finally,” she spat, staring at him. “You’re about 10 years too late. Better late than never, I guess.”


Asher was confused as she turned around and walked away. “Let’s go, boy. Much to discuss,” she said. Asher wiped the blood off of him as he followed. He cast identification. 



Leonora Hearn 


Level 65


“Get all the information you need?” She asked without looking back. He had never heard of the System name before. Asher couldn’t identify the mana swirling around her either. 


“I guess,” he said as he followed. They didn’t say any more words as they walked. Soon they were in a patch of trees. An old smooth silver colored trailer sat clean and neat at the center of the group of trees. 


“Sit down,” she ordered, stepping into the trailer. He didn’t take off his Berserker Armor as he willed out a chair. He sat and waited. 


She came out, threw a log on a fire and sat in her own rocking chair. “I’m Nora,” she said. “And I know who you are, Mr. Whitmore.” She began chewing on some old jerky. Her white teeth gnawed on it hungrily. “You know you fucked up our chances of survival right?”


“Which time?” Asher asked. He had failed his people too many times to count. 


“All of ‘em,” she said, taking another bite. “But you’re here now. There’s no reason you can’t help turn it all around.”


“I’m not doing that,” he said without hesitation. “We are leaving the planet. I was simply here killing time until my people were ready. Maybe get some more ships. But as you saw, that didn’t pan out.”


She let out a long sigh. “You still after your revenge?” She asked. 


“What do you know of it?” Asher asked. She had a Future System. Maybe it would tell her his chances of succeeding. 


“I do know your chances of succeeding,” she said, reading his mind. “You keep going the way you’re going. And you’ll have your revenge.” The words were music to his ears. He smiled under his helm. “But it will cost your life and everyone else’s lives that you bring with you.”


Asher’s gut clenched, he ignored it. Sacrifices would have to be made. Nora stared at him for a long time. Slowly she let out a long breath and leaned back in her rocking chair. “There’s no talking you out of it, is there? I was afraid of that. You know it’s never too late to turn it around here.”


“My life isn’t worth living,” he admitted. “It’s this path, or I let myself rot.”


She blew a raspberry at him. “Always so dramatic, Mr. Whitmore. Fine, I will give up for now.” Nora bit her lip as she thought. “If you do survive, you will come back here. Someday. In the past or future. You’ll come back and need something from me. And when you do, I’ll want something from you.” 



Asher woke up quickly. He hadn’t thought of his Roktai Trial in a long time. But after his thoughts yesterday, it wasn’t a big surprise to be reminded. After checking that his dick and left arm were still there he noticed the pile of women around him. 


Joon now laid on his chest. She must have finally arrived during the one hour he was sleeping. The other girls were laying around him in a tangle of arms and legs. Charlotte, Amanda, and Charlotte had woken up eventually and joined back in the fun. Asher had filled them all multiple times. The new additions weren’t able to keep up as much, his wives had much more practice. 


They struggled with his new powers and were quickly cumatose again, but it had been a fun night. Making certain he didn’t think of his plans for that day he let his dick poke Joon in the stomach. 


“Hey babe,” he whispered. She wordlessly slid herself up and impaled herself on him. 


“Sleepy,” she said with a big yawn. But still her body moved up and down on his dick. She was Korean with long dark black hair. Her face was wide, but her D cup breasts jiggled in his face with each movement. 


“You missed some fun last night,” he said. 


“I see that. Got caught up with preparations. I already dropped my people off.”


“You gonna be able to get everyone?” He asked.


“Everyone that needs it, yes. I have another couple Portalmancers in my Comm that are helping,” she sped up as she woke up. Asher pulled his arms out from 2 of the girls as his hands moved to her tits. 


“I missed you,” he said. He double checked he was infertile. She had no interest in kids yet, and she couldn’t remember if they had any. Since she was from the future she only knew certain things. Since he had changed so much in this timeline her information was becoming obsolete. 


“Missed you,” she said. “How did the doctor go?”


“Good, don’t mention it,” he said. “Doc said we are all fine, but girls are worried. I have a plan to figure out the problem.”


“What’s that?” She asked, leaning in. Asher checked Tiff, she had no Mind Mana leaking from her head. 


“Ever heard of someone with a Future System?” 


“No,” she said, surprised. “Just Future?”


“Yep,” he said. “I met someone with that. She told me I’d come to see her again during the Roktai Trial. I didn’t believe her then, but I do now. I think she will have the answers.”


“Where is she at?” Joon asked. 


“Neo-Europe,” he said. 


“Don’t call it that,” she said. “They hate that.” With the Tier increase of the planet the continents and oceans changed. Earth was about 9 times the size it was pre-Initialization. Every continent was larger, and there were 2 new ones. Europe had been squished together, so now England and Ireland were part of the mainland. Africa and Europe were far apart. And there was a new continent between America and Europe. The other new one was South of India, between Australia and Africa. 


There were people and monsters everywhere. Though most people had been spit out of the tutorial near where they were teleported from, not everyone was. Now people on the new continents were laying claim to them. 


“The Future System lady was outside of France,” Asher said. “Which just so happens to be our destination. Do me a favor, and keep the girls busy while I try to find her?” 


“Anything for you,” she said. “Or I can help with my portals.”


“I can’t remember exactly where she was,” he said. “If she is even there now. Give me some time. If I don’t find her during the conference, I’ll ask for help.” She nodded. Asher started humping into her. Cycling mana through his dick it began to lengthen and shorten instantaneously, making it vibrate. She gasped as he sped up, waking the others. 


“Dibs next,” Tiff said as she woke up. Asher laughed as the woman’s hungry eyes stared at the 2 of them having sex. He increased his Pheromones. Asher really needed to redouble his efforts on making a clone or at least another dick. “Yes, please,” Tiff said with a smile as she moved to kiss him. 




“All ready?” Wayne asked as he stepped into the mess hall. He was flanked by Henry Krollic, Joan Davis, Scarlett Brooks, Arnold Yueler, and Anthony Prescott. 


“Think so,” Asher said. Tiff, Zora, and Charles Turck were also coming. Zora was still part of the Junak guild out of Denver, but they would be picking up her group on the way. 


“Joon is already grabbing the people that don’t have a ride,” Asher said. “We are getting the reps from the Seven Sins guild, Junak, and Northern guild. Old Glory declined out offer.”


“You trust so many in the ship?” Henry asked. 


“Starburst’s AI is pretty good. Besides, it’ll take us maybe an hour to grab everyone,” Asher said. Soon he was moving to the Bridge, Tiff and Zora sat at the controls. The others would keep an eye on the passengers. 


“And this is the fun button,” Tiff said. Zora was on her lap and Tiff's hands were moving up her skirt, trying to play with her.


“Stop, I’m here to learn,” Zora said shyly. 


Asher laughed, she really wanted to learn how to fly the ship as well. This was their first time taking it out. The whole ship ran off of a Mana Heart. The Mana Heart would absorb ambient mana to replenish what they used. If they used too much they could lose power in the Heart, and have to wait a long time until they could drive again. They tried to save it for special occasions. 


Asher sat at the main controls. “Let’s get this party started.”


Asher flew them to Las Vegas first. It was the headquarters of the Seven Sins Guild. There was never a better location for such a guild. Their guild had grown since the tutorial ended, and was now boasting over 10,000 members. It was run by one of Asher’s oldest friends. Doug Triant used to have the Pimp System, but had come out of the tutorial with the Wrath System. Asher hadn’t seen him much, but was excited to catch up. 


He called Doug and they were quickly coordinating a pickup outside of Vegas. The place was still a little lawless, but they were slowly getting control. The Starburst was capable of speeds never seen before. As the shuttlecock shaped ship raised up it took a mere 15 minutes to arrive outside Vegas. All continents had become much larger, but the ship was fast. They had to wait another 10 for the Seven Sins leaders to get on board. Asher locked the bridge just in case, but Wayne told him when everyone was boarded through Comms. 


Next they went to Denver and grabbed Zora’s people. And finally the reps from the Northern Guild in Vancouver, Canada. An hour later they were stepping out of the bridge. 


“We are here,” Asher said. There were a good 40 people in the Mess hall area. They stopped their talking as they looked at him surprised. 


“What?” More than one person asked. 


“We are in Paris,” Asher said with a smile. “Everyone can now exit the ship, and we can be on our way to our own guild conference.”


“But, we didn’t move,” the vice-guild master of Northern said. She had a System called Kombat. Asher had a guess what it entailed. He was excited to see it first hand. 


“We did. I assure you. Trust me, we were going slow for the ship,” Asher said with a smile. “I’m glad you could all make it. You will each have your slotted times to tour the Starburst,” he promised. “We will do walkthroughs and explanations at that point. The ship doesn’t have infinite battery life, but can be used now and then for short bursts like this.”


A few people talked amongst themselves. The guilds gathered around one another. Wayne did his best to intermingle with the guild masters. Asher did a quick scan of them all. The Northern guild was a mix of men and women. The only girl that caught his eye was the blonde vice-guild master. She was strong at level 39. 


Zora was talking with the other women from Junak guild. There was only one young boy, and a tall bulky man with them, the other 7 were women. They had been in the tutorial with demons who killed most men they found. 


The Sevens Sins guild was last, they stared around the Mess Hall. There were only 7. Ash guessed they were the seven sins. Their levels were too high for him to see their System names. Doug was talking with Wayne, but Asher recognized one of them. It was a buxom woman that leaked Sex Mana. He could tell she was the Lust System. Ashley Tilda tried to catch his eye, but he ignored her. 


Someone else caught his eye in the group. He was an older man, shorter. His head was shaved, but as Asher stared at him he began to remember him slowly. 


Asher ignored others trying to talk to him as he walked up to the older man. “Terry Nova, the porn king,” Asher said with a sneer. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”


“Asher Whitmore,” the man said. Though Asher towered over him, he didn’t appear nervous. “Or should I call you Quinten Hardly?”


“Asher is fine,” he said unemotionally. His fingers cracked as he clenched his fist. “I’m surprised you’re still alive.” People became quiet around them. 


“Same to you,” Terry said. Asher used ID, the man was level 37. Not bad at all. 


“Let me guess,” Asher said, looking around to the other Sins. “You’re Greed.”


“Good guess,” Terry said with a chuckle. Asher could tell he was right. The man had always been greedy. Blackmailing others into porn, he was once Asher’s boss. If you could call it that. The older man had tried to use Asher for more blackmail. Asher hoped he would never see Terry again. 


“I see you found Zora,” Terry said. Asher’s hand was around the other man’s throat instantly. Mana fell into his arm in waves as he lifted the man and pushed him to the wall. 


“You never say her name again,” Asher warned. 


“Hey! Do we have a problem?” Doug barked. He was over to them in an instant. His strong fingers gripping Asher’s forearm. 


Asher considered breaking the man’s neck. Nothing around him existed but staring Terry down. His fingers flexed, but slowly he went through their interactions. The man had blackmailed and used people. But he had never really hurt anyone. Not that Asher knew of anyway. Taking a deep breath he exhaled slowly. 


“You never say her, or any other woman’s name around me,” Asher said. He let go of Terry’s neck, the man took a deep breath. His face had been turning purple.


Asher ripped his arm from Doug’s grasp. “I’m sorry,” he said and walked out of the mess hall. The room was silent as he left. Asher went down the hallway. Breathing heavily he wasn’t sure why he was acting this way. Every fiber of his being said to kill the guy, but he had no real reason to. 


“You ok?” A man’s voice asked. Asher had expected Wayne Tyler, but it was Arnold Yueler. The Predator System user was the father of Daphne’s kid. 


“I don’t know,” Asher said. The man was quiet like usual, but stayed there with him for a moment. Asher heard Tiff coming down the hall toward him. “Daphne ever tell you how she and I met?” Arnold slowly nodded. Daphne was pretty open about things, and was like Tiff in the fact that she had no shame. “That was the guy that blackmailed her.”


Arnold wasn’t much for expressions, but his face hardened in anger. “Do we kill him?” 


Tiff walked up to them. “Not yet,” Asher said. “I’m not gonna stop you, but talk to Daphne and Anita. See what they say.” If anyone had reason to kill him it was those 2. The once porn king had blackmailed both of them. Since they did porn back in the day Terry had threatened them with making their videos resurface until they did what he said. Asher’s mother had been in porn as well, but he didn’t want Arnold asking her. She would say no to killing Terry. Arnold nodded as he pulled out his Comm. 


“What’s up? Why we killing that guy?” Tiff asked. Asher laughed. She really didn’t need a good reason as long as he wanted something done. “Damn straight,” she said, reading his mind. He kissed her. 

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