

-Five Minutes Later-

Well, after whatever the hell that was, I eventually made it to Valkyrie Bar. And as the sun set and the sky darkened, I could really tell what made up the allure of this place.

And I haven't even been inside yet!

Despite being called a 'bar' it was a club that was refurbished out of an abandoned church, with gothic-like (or at least this world's equivalent of it) architecture with grey and brown concrete walls and multi-colored glass windows that cut quite an imposed figure.

I almost couldn't look away. Almost.

Valkyrie Bar, I hope you look as good on the inside as you do on the outside.

You see, this place had a 'secret section' that was invite-only for the VIPs, while the other 'plebians' had to pay to get in.

And if I remember correctly, the Young Master had Diablo's invitation rescinded, so that when he brought his card only for it to be rejected, he would make a fuss at this moment and get his first 'face-slap'.

Honestly, as much as I am interested in our little Young Master, I would like to try out their drinks as well.

I'm not really what you might call an alcohol connoisseur, but the author went on about it so damn much that I can't help but want to try it at least once from this bar.

"Do you have a card?" One of the two bouncers that were shaped like two-meter tall fridges at the door asked me stoically.

After telling them no, I had to pay an entrance fee of 40 Credits to get in.

At this point, Diablo was supposed to throw a tantrum and beat the security guards to half-death, but I really couldn't give a damn about showing off and beating up two fodder-ranked meatheads over something petty as an invitation.

Hey, I care about face and reputation too, but these guys haven't looked down on me yet, so it's nothing serious as of now.

Maybe it's because of the nice suit that I'm wearing, who knows?

All I know is that this white and black suit was also made out of material so strong it could be used as a combat suit as well, so I fell in love with it.

Maybe they thought it was fashionable or something.

"Well, that went along swimmingly." I chuckled to myself after I paid the entrance fee.

Entering Valkyrie Bar was quite the sight to be honest.

The first floor was separated into sections that all joined together in the middle, where dozens of people were dancing the night away, and the second floor was an open space with even more amenities which also allowed you to see what was happening on the ground floor.

I was only on the first floor, but even I could sort of see the appeal.

Hmnn? Where's this Young Master? Is he not here yet?

Well, whatever. I'll just get a drink in the meantime.

Passing all of the midnight mingling, I nodded a greeting to a spiffy-looking bartender before I plopped myself down on one of the stools available for seating.

"So, what you're feeling tonight? Anything that comes to your mind?" The bartender asks.

"I need something sweet. Preferably tropical." I said. If I'm gonna poison my liver, then I'm gonna do it on my terms whilst enjoying the taste.

I swear, Paradise City palm trees were starting to get to me.

After a weird look, the bartender served me up something that looked like an angel and unicorn vomited in a tall glass while muttering something along the lines of 'He must've visited Paradise City for the first time' or something.

I think the mystery rainbow liquid's name was 'Vivicious'-Something?

It looked weird, but it tasted heavenly.

"Ahh, this tastes great! What is it?"

"It's 'Paradise Queen's Vivacious Rose Feathers', sir." The bartender answered blankly.

"Haha! That's some good stuff! I feel vivacious myself!"

"Glad to hear it, sir."

While waiting for something to happen, I decided to order some dessert. 

I've got a strong feeling that this Young Master is probably waiting for me to get piss-drunk before I get a little 'smash-happy' since he didn't show up at the entrance to this club, so I might as well enjoy myself.

But putting aside that goon, this club is really nice!

In the novel, this club had everything, and since I won't be able to return anytime soon after tonight I might as well try what I can.

"Hey Bartender. You got any Ice-cream? Oh, and can you tell me the name while you're at it?" My face only had a light smile, trust me.

I'm definitely not enjoying myself.

Trust me.

"...We do, sir. It's called the 'Sexy Saucy Demon Slayer Scoop', if I remember correctly."

"Alright, let me have it!"

"Yes, sir." The bartender sighed.

The bartender seemed resigned, but I honestly couldn't really care about it at the moment.

Because right now, I've got a beauty right next to me.

No, no. Not the redhead with the two large personalities that you would want to caress and fondle, but what was directly next to me.

What I was talking about was this... other beauty in front of me... With three large scoops with a banana lined next to each other... Chocolate-caramel drizzle and adorned with cuts of honey-coated nuts and diced strawberries.

This was the ultimate Sundae!

I didn't care if it was a lazy reference to another intellectual property in my former life, the 'Sexy Saucy Demon Slayer Scoop'...

Now this is beauty incarnate.





I was leaking...

Not from the lower eyes, but from my upper eyes...

It was heavenly.

"A-Are you okay, sir..?" The bartender asked in a half-exhausted and half-worried voice.

"I'm fine." It was all I could say as I wiped the sweat from my eyes.

"This right here... Now this is amazing. Tell me, who names these things anyway? I need to give them a kiss or two. With consent, of course."

To see what goes on in their head I'd sure like to chat with them, even if it's for a bit.

"Well, well, well. You seem to be enjoying yourself, aren't you?" A cool, yet seductive voice rang through my ears.

But with my superior hearing, I could pick up a slight, near imperceptible tone...

It sounded sorta like... Embarrassment, if not irritation for being ignored.

"Well, well, well. Good evening to the three of you. Nice tits by the way. They seem really heavy, do you mind if I hold them?"


Calm yourself, Diablo. Now is a bit too early to get kicked out of this fine establishment.

At least wait until I've finished this Sundae first, okay?

"Good night to you too," I answered offhandedly. "And as for me enjoying myself, well I sure hope I do. It's a pricy bar after all."

I just spent nearly all of my credits on both entering and on these two items, so cheap was the furthest thing away from whatever prices this bar could have.

And from what I could tell from the corner of my eyes, she had flame-red hair and golden eyes sparkling with naughtiness, as if she'd seen something that caught her eyes.

Speaking of golden eyes... Or just gold...

Well... She wore lots of gold. From her necklace, to her earrings, and then her bracelets. You name it.

And speaking of gold again...

Well, not eyes or gold again either, sorry. But my eyes struggled not to look at her great personality that threatened to burst through her blood-red dress that she wore with a fur coat over it.

Simply put, it took great strength to not look at her bosom, and even greater strength to look her in the eyes, but I did it regardless.

Thank you, Sundae.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the bartender was about to say something before he was stopped by this woman as she put her index finger to her red lips, shushing him.

It seemed as if she didn't want to alarm me just yet, as if she wanted to see my face when I eventually found out, but it was pointless since I already knew who she was.

The beauty in front of me whose name was surprisingly left unchanged was Scarlett Pendragon.

Owner of Valkyrie Bar, and the Head of one of the strongest gangs in all of Paradise City: Red Queen.

She is also one of the heirs of a multi-conglomerate business empire owned by the Pendragon Family: The Pendragon Conglomerate.

The only reason she's in Paradise City now is because of the fact that she fled from a bloody succession battle for the seat of the Head of the Pendragon Family in order to live her own life her way instead.

And after a couple of years, she built herself up to the point where she now is the Head of one of the biggest forces in this city, and the owner of this illustrious bar.

In the Original Novel, Scarlett would probably be one of the heroines Diablo would eventually conquer by saving her and helping her out with her gang activities and family problems, thus birthing loyalty and a hint of romance.

In the Villain Novel, however, she would be one of the burnt bridges that would be inaccessible to Diablo thanks to the Young Master's machinations.

And what did I think of that?

-Damn, that's real tough pal.

It sucks, but what I'm going to be doing in the future might not really need her help at all, so it's no skin off my back if she's already in the Young Master's camp.

If you decide to go against me though...

Well, we'll tell that story when we get to that book.

"That being said, why don't you take a seat?" I gestured right next to where I was sitting

It was her bar which meant that any seat was her seat, so since she was going to sit uninvited anyway, I might as well speed things up.

"Don't worry, I won't bite, unless you want me to."

"Cheeky one, aren't you?" Scarlett gave me a once over as she fixed her expression into that of a knowing smirk. It was one of her charms in the original story, the whole delinquent archetype with a soft spot for those she cares about.

What was it... Moe-Gap?

"What can I say?" I sipped my drink slowly. "How about... 'I aim to please'? Let's go with that."

"And you've got a mouth on you too, huh?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow as she leaned in slightly.

Due to how close we were, I could practically take in her scent as I stopped myself from peering into her vast mountainous valleys of fun.

Floral. It was definitely a floral scent, but I couldn't quite put my name on it.

Whatever scent it was though, it was intoxicating for sure.

"Now that I've got a good look at you, you don't seem from around here, now are you?" She leveled another seductive grin my way, but I was ready to play along with her using our words anyways.

"Wow, not even gonna introduce yourself first before you ask questions, Mystery Lady?" I mimicked her, leaning in as I raised an eyebrow of my own. 

"Well damn, where are my manners? You can call me Red." Scarlett, no, Red decided to give me the alias she used in Paradise City with a smile on her face.

"Alright, that's more like it! The name's Diablo Malvados. I just moved back here for work." I scraped the inside of the glass bowl they gave me as I motioned to the bartender.

"Oi, Bartender? Can you get two more of these sundaes? One for me, and the other for Ms. Red over here!" I handed him the empty bowl.

"Well, Red? Now that we're acquainted with each other, you gotta try these things Red, they're genuinely heavenly." I made the motion of patting my chest. "Don't worry, it's on me."

"I-Is that so? Well, it won't hurt to try." Scarlett looked at me incredulously, which I obviously ignored with my thick skin.

"...Right away, ...sir." The bartender looked like he was going to fall out seeing me address his boss so casually, but after seeing Red's nod, he sighed in defeat as he prepared to make two more sundaes.

"Now that's the spirit! So, Red. Tell me about yourself. What brought you here to this bar?" I asked as if I didn't know who she was.

"Now, now, I asked you first, didn't I?" She countered. "You're not gonna go back on your word, now are you, big guy?"



A brief silence passed over as we both locked eyes with each other, with none of us budging.

Does she know me, or...?

Okay Diablo, three choices.

One; Either she just does this to anybody she feels like doing this to, and you're the biggest narcissist in this club thinking that she's after you...

Two; you're a genius and she actually knows who you are...

And three; She wants to know what the first letter in my name Diablo stands for...

Either way...

"You've got beautiful eyes by the way." I said with a smile. I could stare at those shiny gold gems that look like they'd dance in the light for hours.

"You've got a nice pair as well. A steely grey, but with lotsa life in them. I like it." Red replied. Something other than my knowledge of the plot tells me she was the competitive type who really hated not having the last word and losing in general.

"Here is your order, miss... sir..." The bartender returned with our orders, causing both of us to look up at him.


"Alright, alright, I yield." I raised my hands in mock surrender, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. "But honestly, there's not much I could tell you though..."

"Oh, how about this?" I squinted my eyes, trying to act mysterious. "Returning traveler/worker looking to settle down in his hometown? The rest is a secret, you see."

"Oh? Well, aren't you mysterious?" Red snickered.

"What can I say? It works wonders with the ladies," I stopped to look Red straight in her eyes, "Case, and point."

"Case, in point you mean." Red countered as she rolled her eyes, ignoring my insinuation.

"I know. But it sounds better." I retorted. "The phrase may be misheard or just plain wrong, but you can't tell me that it doesn't roll off the tongue easier."

Sarcasm dripped from each of her words as Red replied. "And stubborn as hell too. Definitely a winning combination, huh?"

I looked at her and cracked a cheesy grin, "As they say in the big leagues: 'Go big, and go home'. And between you and me, after you go big, there's no place like home sweet home."

"You got it wrong again Malvados, that's definitely not the phrase." She said.

"Now, now, Red. I might be wearing a suit, but there's no reason to call me Mr., especially when I don't have my sunglasses on." I said. "It's an important thing to never forget, y'know?"

"Now you're not making a lick of sense... Diablo." Red sighed exasperatedly.

"Atta-girl! That's more like it!" I cheered, ignoring the bartender's horrified expression and Red's incredulous one.

Whilst I jokingly chatted up Scarlett Pendragon Red whilst she not-so-secretly sized me up in order to to even more about me, I felt like I remembered something that I almost forgot.

Oh, the Young Master.

There's no way that he would miss an opportunity as easy as this, so he's bound to come.

But if he doesn't show up, then there's no hard feelings anyways.

I mean, chatting with a babe whilst eating Ice-Cream is infinitely superior to hanging out with some dude that wants to end you.

Well, all's well that ends well, I guess?

Hmmn, sure. Why not.

But as I chatted with the beauty that ran Valkyrie Bar, little did I know...

There was a certain Young Master who arrived at Valkyrie Bar a while after I went in.

And Confused would be the name of whatever emotions he's feeling, since his first ploy didn't go exactly the way he wanted it to.

It might not seem as much now, however...

It takes a snowflake to turn into a snowball...

And a snowball to turn into an avalanche...

An avalanche that would crush any of his plans against me...


Well, I dunno. I'm in the Bar right now, so I wouldn't know if he's actually outside or not.

But since I've always wanted to do one of those foreshadowing speech endings, I just went ahead and did it.

But what if he was?

That would be crazy, wouldn't it?

Speaking of crazy... He's now entering this place.

Now things are getting spicy, aren't they?

One question though...

What's with that expression on your face?




Thanks for reading this chapter!

So the plot kicks off, with not much cooperation from Diablo...

I wonder how the Young Master feels right now...

It's not like the POV might change at the beginning of the chapter so we could know his thoughts...


Anyways, I hope whoever reads this can at least get a bit of enjoyment from it.


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