This lord is very scientific.

Chapter 20 [Truth Researcher] Auf

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Lin Ke knocked gently on the door.

"Little guy, come in."

You would never know from the voice that such a gentle Auf is actually a social phobia.

Lin Ke gently opened the door and took John and Nix in.

He had come here to see the study of that bastard father.

This world, or rather the Azann territory, currently has no glass, but the windows are made of wooden doors that can be opened and closed, so it is extremely bright when opened.

However...this teacher Auf closed the window tightly, and then lit the oil lamp, and the fire illuminated the entire large study.

It was very much like the fat young man who draws the curtains and turns on the lights in broad daylight.

Lin Ke didn't say much, and bowed as soon as he entered: "Hello, teacher, I am Lin Ke Azann, it's an honor for you to come to our castle."

Then Nix and John also simply bowed.

But Aofu didn't say anything. Lin Ke was concentrating at this time and vaguely heard Aofu talking to himself:

"It's okay... It's okay... It's just a child..."

"Yes, there are three people, that's right, Aofu. Although it was said at the beginning that there were two people, it's okay to have one more, um, it's okay..."

"Strange, why do I want to use "Thunder Destroying the World" now? No, it's against the laws of the kingdom for high-level professionals to kill ordinary people, um, and this is that kid's child..."

Thunder Destroying the World? ! ?

Lin Ke, who was listening attentively, was horrified for a moment.

Damn it! Speak quickly! Otherwise you'll die!

"Hey, that... Teacher Aofu, why don't you come and see if I can enlighten you first? I know that Butler Billy sent you a message with the Kuku bird to tell you about the situation."

Lin Ke smiled and gestured to the two people behind him not to move, and try to turn into statues, no, into air.

This social horror is too deep.

"Yes, I told you to come over... No, just stop there, good, very good, good kid, stand still." Aofu's voice was still gentle, but he just asked Lin Ke to stand ten meters away.

Ten meters!

Lin Ke was shocked.

How could such an old social phobic person stay? ! And for five months...

Money, beauty, feelings...

Hmm... Why not just throw him into the dungeon? I think Aofu would like the environment of the dungeon.

"Children, let me introduce myself. I am Aofu, a level 19 [Truth Researcher], and I am also a level 11 [Enlightenment Teacher]."

Aofu was still smiling as before, and Lin Ke realized that Aofu's smile was a little fake, like a stiff smile.

WTF? !

A level 19 professional? !

Lin Ke's heart beat a little slower, and he didn't notice Aofu's smile at all. He was just shocked when he heard the level.

They couldn't beat two level 2 tigers, and they needed three hundred guards.

Level 19...

No wonder his magic was thunder destroying the world, not thunder destroying the castle.

"Then, let me create a quiet environment first."

At this time, Aofu stood up and stomped his staff on the ground.


A light sound.

Then countless "sizzling" electric snakes emerged from the bottom and top of his staff, quickly spreading around and enveloping the entire study.

Lin Ke was startled and a little afraid of electric shock, but he resisted and did not move.

"Don't be afraid, I'm creating a relatively comfortable space, which is more conducive to your enlightenment."

Aofu's gentle voice echoed in the space: "Of course, it's silent here, and it can also block some prying eyes."


Lin Ke looked at this magical scene and felt a little excited.

Sure enough! The power of magic!

Not flames!Not generators!


Aofu stood ten meters away and did not come forward, but pointed at Lin Ke with his staff: "Child, let me see if your body is suitable for enlightenment."

Lin Ke nodded.

A small soft purple electric current, as soft as water, suddenly shot out from the top of Auf's staff. It was only the size of a thumb and looked like a living thing.

The electric current shot at Lin Ke's face before Lin Ke could react.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The sound of the electric current sounded, but Lin Ke did not feel numb at all, but felt cold instead.

The electric current quickly moved through his body, staying longer in the heart, waist, head and other places.

After dozens of seconds, the electric current rushed back to Auf's staff.


After the electric current returned, Auf seemed to be feeling and listening, and he still had a smile on his face.

After more than ten seconds, he said: "Very good, you can already enlighten your bloodline."

Then, he tested John and Nix, who were motionless, and got the same answer.

"I will first explain to you the matter of the enlightenment bloodline, and then I can enlighten you."

Ofu smiled, waved his staff lightly, and a human figure composed of purple light spots appeared in the air, and then he gently said: "Focus!"

Instantly, a force spread.

[Enlightenment Teacher] Skill - Concentrate!

Lin Ke felt that all his mind was attracted to him, and subconsciously began to concentrate on looking at Ofu and listening to Ofu's speech.

This is also extraordinary power!

"Bloodline, this is something accumulated and passed down from generation to generation..." Ofu began to talk.

In short, bloodline is similar to a discovery and inheritance.

It is no longer known who discovered and excavated the original bloodline, perhaps it can be traced back to ancient times.

However, the inheritance path is very clear, the son inherits the father's business, the father inherits the father's business, and so on.

As for the role of bloodline...

For example, if a person has the "thunder and lightning" bloodline, he will have a special affinity for thunder and lightning, and this affinity will increase or decrease with the strength of the bloodline's talent.

The better the talent, the stronger this affinity, and there are even some special bonuses.

At the same time, the difference between the "thunder and lightning control" bloodline and the "thunder and lightning violent" bloodline may be the different emphasis on control and burst.

And when a person is enlightened by the bloodline, he can take up one or more professions on the bloodline.

For example, a person with "thunder and lightning" bloodline is suitable for professions such as [Thunder Warrior], [Thunder and Lightning Priest], etc.

But he can also take up [Water Assassin], [Ice Warlock], but after taking up the job, the bloodline is almost useless.

Bloodline is like a bracket, on which you can place professions, but if you place too many, the bracket will not be able to support it.

Generally speaking, you can take up 1-3 professions, mainly depending on the situation of your personal bloodline.

According to Lin Ke's understanding, the relationship between blood and profession is the relationship between charger and battery.

The charger is blood, and the battery is profession.

Blood absorbs and transforms various energies in the air, and then stores them in profession, and profession releases the energy at the right time.

Free energy → blood energy → profession energy!

As for those various magics, it is like releasing electricity to mobile phones to display software with different functions.

As long as these software with different functions are built in advance, and then the electricity is filled into the software, various functions can be formed, that is, various magics can be formed.

"... Of course, magic is an ancient thing, and we generally use 'skills' now."

Aofu explained softly, and Lin Ke and the other two listened attentively.

It turned out that this is the magic system of this world!

Lin Ke felt that it was right to wait for Aofu to tell the story. This teacher Aofu explained this matter in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Even the two children behind him understood it.

"... Generally speaking, every time you reach a certain level, you can add an extra skill to your profession, for example, you can add an extra skill every two levels."

Ofu continued: "When you have more skills, you can also try to combine them, which may be more powerful or less powerful."

In addition, the skills of the ancestors may also become the bloodline of the descendants!

For example, a certain ancestor has the bloodline of "thunder and lightning", and a skill engraved on the profession is "thunder and lightning explosion".

Then it is possible that his "thunder and lightning explosion" skill will be passed on to the descendants.

When the descendants awaken their bloodline, they may awaken the "thunder and lightning explosion" bloodline!

By analogy, it is like Lin Ke's mother in his previous life was an accountant, so he may have awakened the "accountant" bloodline.

In addition, bloodline is not a substantial thing, but should be the embodiment of some information.

According to Ofu, a profession is a combination of some characteristics.

For example, the characteristics of [Shield Warrior] are "shield", "defense", "perseverance" and "combat", which are all some information.

As long as these information characteristics of [Shield Warrior] are engraved on the bloodline, and these characteristics are integrated together, it becomes the [Shield Warrior] profession!

Even these characteristics may be passed on to future generations, and future generations may also enlighten the bloodline of "shield", "defense", and "perseverance"!

The skills, professions, and professional characteristics of the ancestors may all be inherited by future generations.

This is also the foundation of the nobles in this world, bloodline inheritance.

After all, many farmers have not enlightened their bloodline for generations, let alone employment. It is possible that people from generation to generation have the same bloodline.


"This is really a colorful world..." Lin Ke admired slightly in his heart.

If such a world was placed in the previous life, it must be a world of career explosion, and it might enter the global career era.

"Knowing the bloodline and profession, I will talk about the things you should pay attention to when you enlighten..."

PS: There were many friends who rewarded and voted yesterday. I won't say much to thank you. I will express my gratitude with explosive updates after the release! !

Let's just say, it seems that there are final exams recently? I wish you all a minimum score of 60 and a maximum score of 100!

(Actually, 60 is enough. One more point will make you feel less tired.)

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