This Junior Sister is a bit Introverted

Chapter 009 – Verdant Meridian Pill

The dense canopy of the Eldergrove Forest filtered the sunlight into soft, dappled patches on the forest floor.

Ancient trees with thick, gnarled roots stretched high above, their branches intertwining to form a living roof over Rinne's head. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the subtle fragrance of moss and wildflowers. It didn’t take long for Rinne to determine her exact location within the vast forest.

Using the memories she’d harvested from Elder Soryn, she had constructed a detailed mental map of the area, including the major landmarks and regions within the forest. The comparison was swift; she recognized a nearby rock formation that was unique to this part of the Eldergrove Forest. It served as the confirmation she needed to orient herself within the rugged terrain.

'Good, I'm not lost.'

With her position established, Rinne immediately began formulating a plan for the week ahead. There was no need to worry about food; the fasting pill she had taken before the second trial still kept her hunger at bay, and it would continue to do so throughout the entire trial. She could technically do nothing for the entire week and still secure a position as an outer disciple. However, since she was already here, she might as well make the most of the situation.

The first two days were dedicated to gathering herbs and poisons. The forest was a treasure trove of medicinal plants, and with her extensive knowledge, she identified several useful specimens. Her fingers worked deftly as she collected herbs, careful to avoid disturbing the environment too much. After harvesting, she set about processing the plants.

Using a simple alchemical method, she created a variety of poisons, each with different effects. Some were lethal, while others would only incapacitate or cause extreme discomfort.

She mused while grinding a particularly toxic herb into powder.

'Well, it's better safe than sorry.'

Rinne knew that, with her current mortal body, it would be foolish to engage in open combat. Despite possessing the knowledge of numerous martial arts and sword techniques, her body lacked the physical conditioning required to execute them effectively. Her muscles, untrained and unused to such strain, would likely tear or snap if she attempted any advanced maneuvers.

Moreover, most of the techniques she knew required the use of spiritual power, something she could not currently access. Thus, she resorted to methods she had relied on in the past—traps and poison.

Despicable? Perhaps. But they were undeniably effective.

As she worked, Rinne's thoughts drifted to the issue of cultivating spiritual roots. It was a problem she needed to solve if she wished to progress any further in this world. In her vast arsenal of knowledge, she had access to numerous unorthodox methods of cultivation. There was Gu cultivation, which she had already tried, but the risks were too great. The memory of the pain, the near-death experience—it was something she had no desire to repeat.

Transplanting someone else’s spiritual roots was another option, but that came with its own set of problems. The main issue was the fact that no doctor could operate on themselves. The process was too delicate, and even if she managed to acquire someone else’s spiritual roots, there would be the issue of rejection. It wasn’t all that different from her previous heart attack problem, just relocated to her spiritual roots.

The idea of enduring a similar pain, but in a different part of her body, was far from appealing.

Constant, agonizing menstrual-like pain during cultivation? No, that was not something she wanted to experience.

Alchemy, however, presented a viable alternative. Creating her own spiritual roots through alchemical means was the easiest and safest method available to her at this time. It would be challenging, especially given the limited resources she had at hand, but it was far less dangerous than the other methods. She could take her time, gather the necessary materials, and carefully craft the pill that would give her the spiritual roots she needed.

Among the vast array of knowledge she possessed, one particular alchemical recipe stood out—the Verdant Meridian Pill. This pill had the power to transform a person's meridians into wood-attribute spiritual roots, a crucial step in her cultivation journey. However, the path to creating this pill was fraught with challenges.

The ingredients required for the Verdant Meridian Pill were not just rare; they were nearly impossible to obtain, especially in her current situation. Rinne mentally reviewed the list of required materials, each one more elusive than the last:

    1. Thousand-Year Green Lotus:
      A lotus that had absorbed the essence of nature for a millennium, highly potent in wood energy.
    2. Jade-Leaf Vine:
      A mystical vine thriving in areas dense with wood elemental energy, for stabilizing and harmonizing meridian transformations.
    3. Emerald Heart Ginseng:
      A ginseng plant nurtured in wood-attributed soil for centuries, containing immense vitality and healing properties.
    4. Verdant Soul Sap:
      A drop of sap from the Sacred Verdant Tree, imbued with pure wood essence.
    5. Evergreen Pearl Mushroom:
      A mushroom that grows in the shade of ancient trees, filled with concentrated wood spiritual energy.

Looking at the list of rare materials, Rinne thought with a wry smile.

'Not exactly something I can find lying around,'

The forest around her was dense and filled with life, but the kind of life she needed was of a much rarer variety.

Fortunately, Rinne’s soul search technique didn’t just capture memories; it also absorbed the epiphanies and insights of those whose souls she had harvested. The knowledge she held was not from a single person, but from many, each contributing their unique understanding of alchemy.

Among the vast pool of knowledge she possessed, there was a particular insight that proved invaluable: material substitution. This concept revolved around the use of common or lower-quality ingredients to replicate the effects of rare ones, provided they were used in larger quantities to ensure the necessary potency.

After poring over various pill recipes and alchemical material information stored in her mental library, Rinne devised an alternative recipe that could work with the materials she had access to in Eldergrove Forest:

    1. Hundred-Year Spirit Grass (Substitute for Thousand-Year Green Lotus):
      While not as potent, it could be harvested in larger quantities to match the required wood energy.
      — Quantity Required: 15 stalks of Hundred-Year Spirit Grass.
    2. Ironbark Creeper (Substitute for Jade-Leaf Vine):
      A vine commonly found in dense forests, containing a moderate amount of wood elemental energy.
      — Quantity Required: 20 meters of Ironbark Creeper.
    3. Mountain Root Ginseng (Substitute for Emerald Heart Ginseng):
      A ginseng plant found in mountainous regions, with decent vitality properties.
      — Quantity Required: 105 plants, each at least 15 years old.
    4. Wood Essence Resin (Substitute for Verdant Soul Sap):
      Resin extracted from trees with a strong wood elemental affinity, though less pure.
      — Quantity Required: 250 drops of Wood Essence Resin.
    5. Mossy Cap Fungus (Substitute for Evergreen Pearl Mushroom):
      A fungus that grows on the bark of ancient trees, holding wood energy, though less concentrated.
      — Quantity Required: 48 Mossy Cap Fungus.

She quickly decided, her mind already racing with the next steps.

"This will have to do."

Of course, there were also recipes for transforming meridians into other attributes—fire, water, earth, and more. But given the current trial location in the forest, the wood attribute was the most convenient choice. For Rinne, it was simply a matter of practicality and resource availability.

'If this trial were in the volcanic mountains, I'd go for the fire attribute spiritual root instead.'

Gathering the necessary materials was one thing, but preserving their efficacy required proper storage. With her current resources, Rinne needed to craft makeshift containers to hold the ingredients. Her knowledge wasn’t limited to alchemy; she also had a solid understanding of craftsmanship.

With a knife she got from a junkyard, she cut down many bamboos and trees using the simplest sword skills.

Using bamboo, she fashioned many rough bottles to store the Wood Essence Resin, and carved small wooden boxes from tree logs to hold the other materials.

The process of crafting the containers was swift. Her hands moved with practiced efficiency, the memory of countless hours spent honing such skills guiding her actions. Within a few hours, the containers were ready, and she resumed her herb-gathering efforts with renewed determination.

The only problem was how to bring them back, but the low-grade spatial bag has solved that problem.

As the day drew to a close, the forest around her began to shift, the light of the setting sun casting long shadows among the trees. Rinne found a suitable spot to rest, a small clearing surrounded by thick undergrowth that would serve as a natural barrier against any curious creatures. She set up a simple trap around her chosen area, more as a deterrent than anything else, and settled in for the night.

On the second day, Rinne continued her methodical gathering of herbs and poisons.

The day was spent in the same focused manner as the first, carefully selecting and storing various ingredients that would be essential for her alchemical endeavors. The forest was alive with creatures—wolves, snakes, rhinoceroses, and other low-level spiritual beasts—but none of them approached her. She had taken the precaution of sprinkling her clothes with herbs that emitted a scent repellent to beasts.

As she moved quietly through the dense underbrush, Rinne noticed several other participants scattered throughout the forest. Most of them weren’t from Elaria Town, and she knew better than to reveal herself. Each time she saw someone approaching, she quickly hid, whether behind a thick bush or up a sturdy tree, avoiding their sight with the practiced ease of someone used to moving in the shadows.

Rinne watched as some of the participants teamed up, forming temporary alliances to hunt spiritual beasts.

She observed one such group from her hiding spot, concealed behind a thick cluster of leaves. Two boys and a girl were quietly discussing their strategy. One of the boys, who appeared to be the leader, whispered.

“Focus on its legs first! If we cripple it, the fight will be over before it begins.” (Boy 1)

“Got it, I’ll circle around and attack from the back. Be ready.” (Girl)

The girl responded, gripping her weapon tightly.

The second boy nodded, holding a talisman in one hand.

"I’ll create a barrier if it charges. Just be quick." (Boy 2)

The group moved in unison, their coordination and teamwork evident as they engaged the spiritual beast—a large, horned wolf. They executed their plan with precision, and within moments, the beast was incapacitated and then slain.

The leader said, a rare smile crossing his face as they collected the beast core.

"Good work! This should be enough to get us through."

Rinne remained still as they passed by her hiding spot, unaware of her presence. She knew better than to interfere or make her presence known. Group dynamics like that reminded her of her past, alliances forged out of necessity, but often ending in betrayal.

'Trust is a luxury I can't afford.'

She thought, waiting until they were out of sight before continuing her gathering.

Of course Rinne didn't pass by the carcass of the spiritual beast they left behind. The carcasses of spiritual beasts actually had value as materials, but they only took the cores. This was truly a wasteful act.

Such a scene did not just happen once or twice, and each time, she gratefully collected the carcasses. Gradually, she collected many spiritual beast carcasses of various species.

As the day progressed, Rinne encountered a different scene, one less cooperative. She was climbing a tree when she heard the sound of hurried footsteps and strained breathing. From her vantage point, she saw a lone boy running through the forest, clutching a low-grade spatial bag to his chest. His eyes were wide with fear, and it didn’t take long for her to see why.

A figure appeared behind him, a taller boy with a cruel smile on his face, moving swiftly to catch up.

"Give it up! You can’t outrun me!" (Bandit Boy)

"Please, just let me go! I need this!" (Victim Boy)

The fleeing boy stumbled, his desperation evident as he clung to his bag.

His plea was met with laughter.

"Need? What you need is to learn your place. Hand it over, and maybe I’ll let you leave with your limbs intact."

Rinne’s eyes narrowed as she watched the scene unfold. The victim hesitated, his grip tightening on the bag before he finally gave in, tossing it toward the robber. The taller boy snatched it up, smirking as he inspected the contents.

The robber sneered, casually waving the boy away.

"Good choice, now get lost before I change my mind."

The victim, his spirit crushed, turned and fled. The robber, content with his loot, didn’t even bother to look back.

Rinne's gaze following the fleeing boy.

The forest was a place where the strong preyed on the weak, and she had no intention of becoming a victim. As soon as the robber left, she descended the tree and resumed her work, ever vigilant.

By the end of the day, Rinne had collected all the materials required for the Verdant Meridian Pill, safely tucked away in her spatial bag.

As darkness enveloped the forest, Rinne decided it was time to find a secure hiding place for the night. She navigated the dense underbrush, her senses heightened, her heart steady. The soft rustle of leaves and distant calls of night creatures filled the air as she made her way to a natural cave nestled behind a waterfall, a location she had scouted earlier. She had memorized the path, ensuring she wouldn’t get lost in the shadows.

She knew that the interior of this cave would remain unseen by the mirror viewing platform due to the way it functioned. The platform relied on a spiritual bird’s vision that spread across the trial site, but these birds couldn’t enter the cave, allowing her a unique sanctuary away from the eyes of others.

Once inside, Rinne felt a wave of relief wash over her. The darkness enveloped her like a comforting blanket, and here, she was free to do whatever she wished without the prying eyes of the elders.

'Finally, a moment of solitude to think and prepare.'

The problem of gathering materials was solved, but now there was the matter of actually making the pill.

Rinne knew the process well—she had the knowledge and the skill—but the lack of an alchemy cauldron was a significant hurdle. Without cultivation, she couldn’t even start a fire to begin the process. But she wasn’t one to be easily deterred.

'If there isn’t a cauldron, then I’ll just make one. And if there isn’t a fire, I have a fireball talisman… though it might take some trickery to activate it properly.'

The thought of creating the pill here and now tempted her.

The sooner it was made, the sooner she could use it, after all. But she hesitated, weighing the risks.

'Is it worth the effort? What if I ruin all the materials trying to make it now? Perhaps I should wait until I join a sect and use their alchemy room… the success rate would be much higher.'

She bit her lip, considering her options.

Time was precious, and she couldn’t afford to waste it. But neither could she afford to waste the precious materials she had gathered. After a few moments of indecision, Rinne finally made up her mind.

'I’ll make the cauldron first, then decide whether to continue or not. I can’t afford to be careless, but I also can’t afford to wait forever.'

With her resolve firmed up, she began planning how to create a makeshift cauldron from the materials at hand. The decision to move forward, however cautiously, was made. Time, as always, was of the essence.

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