This is My Heroic Path

Page 63

Knowing too much would do him no good.

Although Vortigern defeated Queen Uther and disappeared inexplicably, the foreign race still occupied most of Britain's territory. Fish are also implicated.

So this matter... the fewer people know about it, the better.

Chapter 46 Morgan's Provocation

After handing over the knight equipment to Kai, the two started today's training by the sea.

Spears and swords collided, the pleasant sound of weapons colliding stimulated the eardrums, and the sound of waves came from the blue sea not far from him. An Zhiyu raised the spear in his hand and stabbed at Artoria.

He didn't use the red gun because he was afraid of accidentally injuring him.After all, this is just training, and that kind of weapon should be used on the battlefield. After all, once the red gun stabs the enemy, it is not as simple as bleeding.

call out!

When Artoria avoided the attack, An Zhiyu raised his spear and slashed towards Artoria's head. The girl turned sideways to avoid An Zhiyu's attack, and stepped back with the long sword in her hand. count steps.

After a fierce battle, she began to pant slightly, "Your strength is getting stronger and stronger."

Artoria raised her head and looked at An Zhiyu with admiration in her eyes.

In the past, the reason why she was able to defeat An Zhiyu was that her magical power and physical fitness were superior, but now that three months have passed, An Zhiyu's strength is faintly showing signs of catching up with her, which is really puzzling.

"Why do you look very happy?" Artoria suddenly noticed the happy expression on An Zhiyu's face, and asked in puzzlement.

"Almost cut off some of your hair, but luckily you avoided it..."

Arturia just shook her head, "It's normal to get injured in battle, so don't worry about it."

An Zhi Yuxin said that if the slash just now hit your stupid hair, it would be gone immediately, it doesn't matter...

The complaints belonged to the complaints, but on the surface he said seriously: "Well, but it is better not to be injured if it is not injured."

Arturia nodded slightly.

"However, it's strange that I can beat you today. It feels like you're absent-minded, but you can't beat me... Is there any trouble?" An Zhiyu continued to ask.

"Did you see it? Sorry, being so distracted in the battle is a kind of disrespect to the opponent, and I will be serious." Artoria said.

"What are you worrying about?" An Zhiyu asked.

Arturia hesitated, she didn't know whether she should explain to An Zhiyu.

In the past two months of getting along, she and An Zhiyu have become very close, and most of the things can be talked directly, but this kind of thing is her trouble after all. Will she tell others about this trouble? Trouble?

"Come on, anyway, if you tell me, I may not necessarily help you, and I may not be able to solve your troubles, but it will make you feel better if you say it." An Zhiyu comforted.

"That's why I said before, it would be great if you could change the way you comfort people." Arturia sighed softly, looking at the sea in the distance, the light reflected by the sea water reflected in her emerald green eyes .

"After becoming a king, can I really bring happiness to the people?"

An Zhiyu was startled, and glanced at the blond girl beside him.

It turns out that the girl who will be called "King Arthur" in the future also hesitated before drawing her sword?

Can it bring happiness to the people... An Zhiyu narrowed his eyes and looked towards the sea ahead.

"There is no doubt that if it is you, there will be absolutely no problem." He said, "You have been training since the age of five, in order to sit on the throne one day and bring happiness to the people, right?"

"Is that so..." She just whispered to herself, and her green eyes gradually became firm.

An Zhiyu glanced at the girl beside him, and sighed secretly.

According to Morgan's plan, he doesn't want Artoria to become king, but can history really be changed?And...she will train so hard every day, isn't it for the day when she becomes the King of Knights?

If she is denied, is it also denied along with her past efforts?

Sometimes An Zhiyu also thinks, if Morgan Le Fay is in power, is it really impossible?

In fact, it’s not the case, it’s just that King Uther appointed Artoria.


After training for a day, An Zhiyu returned to the Kingdom of Shadows.

The next evening.

As usual, Scatha practiced with An Zhiyu in the open space in front of the forest. The boy on the opposite side held a spear tightly in his hand and attacked towards her, but Scatha easily avoided An Zhiyu's attack and raised his hand. He raised his right foot and kicked An Zhiyu's stomach.

He flew upside down, but immediately got up again, wiped the dust off his left face, his face was full of seriousness, and rushed towards her again.

Really grew up a lot...

Looking at the energetic Anzhiyu, Skaha had a gratified smile on his face.

Compared with before, the current apprentices are much more energetic.

She is responsible for this, and of course, the woman is also responsible for most of it.

—Morgan Le Fay.

He must be still watching, that goddess of death.

Probably the apprentice was kept in the dark... Whether it was her or Morgan, they both knew about the other party's existence long ago, and they just reached a consensus without discussing it.

That is to raise Anzhiyu well.

An Zhiyu's body has some kind of sealed magical power. If it is fully activated one day, it will almost be a large-scale magic power extractor.

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