This Female Celebrity Comes from the Cultivation World

Chapter 83: The Change

Chapter 83

After driving the car back home, Song Jixing immediately closed the door and didn't come out for several days.

During this time, Shen Feixian and Qi Yun took turns delivering meals to him at regular mealtimes, but the door never opened.

Cultivating techniques behind closed doors takes a long time, depending on the individual.

It's like students in a class solving problems. The top student gets it with one look, while the poor student doesn't understand no matter how it's taught.

It took Song Jixing three days to "solve this problem".

Before leaving the room, she looked in the mirror at her own eyes, very bright, brighter than if she had put on eye-drops.

Next came the time to verify the results.

Song Jixing didn't need to go to the Spirit Gathering Formation. Just standing in the small courtyard, she could see the spiritual energy particles gathering like a dragon tornado in the sky, dazzling her eyes.

Song Jixing activated her techniques to lower her vision a bit and took a closer look at the Spirit Gathering Formation.

It was the same as the spiritual energy over there, nothing special, just ordinary.

However, as the spiritual energy increased, not only did the tree in the formation have spiritual energy, even the surrounding plants were tinged with some, a faint, ethereal transparency amidst the lush green.

Song Jixing shared everything she saw with Shen Feixian next to her.

Shen Feixian had a look as if he had known all along, "We've been plucking leaves from this tree every day, almost stripping it bare. It's thanks to the other disciples digging up spiritual herbs to fertilize it that its crown remains so green."

Song Jixing looked over the already sparse tree.

The tree had tried its best, otherwise it would have gone bald already.

If the Spirit Gathering Formation could be expanded, the gathered spiritual energy would definitely increase.

But right now, Song Jixing didn't have that much spiritual energy to lay down the formation.


Song Jixing tidied up briefly and drove out with Shen Feixian to go for a spin.

Of course, it wasn't just for sightseeing, they were surveying the spiritual energy.

Song Jixing opened up a map of Y City and circled several places where spiritually awakened creatures had appeared before, planning to follow this route.

Driving along, Song Jixing could clearly sense the difference in spiritual energy concentration between the city and scenic areas.

Steel and concrete didn't absorb spiritual energy, but certain organisms living and breeding rapidly within did attract some spiritual energy.

Almost everyone was dim and lusterless, but there were some exceptions.

For example, Song Jixing saw a baby stroller, and inside a hospital they passed by.

They were the first in this world to have spiritual roots.

Even though they hadn't yet drawn in spiritual energy, the same type of spiritual energy that matched their spiritual roots floated around them, displaying intimacy.

Apart from cities and forests, what worried Song Jixing the most was the coast.

Y City was coastal, the deep blue sea gathered even more spiritual energy, a color that could somewhat rival the Spirit Gathering Formation next to the steel factory.

Although human cultivators firmly controlled absolute power in the cultivation world. But for a period before human cultivators stood up, this power was held by non-human cultivators.

Although spirit beasts cultivated slower than humans, they could absorb spiritual energy into their bodies without guidance, and adapted extremely quickly.

Song Jixing ceaselessly described everything she saw to Shen Feixian next to her.

Shen Feixian, in the passenger seat, seemed to be pounding his keyboard to death.

The car stopped by the seaside for a long time.

Many tourists who had come to see the sunset were still reluctant to leave even after it finished, only slowly heading home after the stars fell asleep.

Shen Feixian's work was finally completed as well.

"Hawoo!" Shen Feixian yawned and passed over the laptop, handing it to Song Jixing next to him.

Although divination could solve some problems at certain times, now with everything flourishing and competing for this opportunity, even divination symbols couldn't explain it very clearly.

So Shen Feixian volunteered and created a mathematical model.

After all, divination required spiritual energy, modeling didn't.

"Junior sister, take a look!" Shen Feixian said, opening the car door and standing outside to stretch.

Song Jixing swiftly glanced over the data, memorizing it all in her mind.

Then a new mail icon suddenly flashed in the bottom right corner, the title seemed to be a thank you for fixing the video.

Song Jixing didn't look further and put the laptop back.

On the drive back, Shen Feixian openly told Song Jixing about earning quite a bit of money from repairing videos.

Shen Feixian: "At this speed of spiritual energy restoration, I believe we'll soon be able to eat belly-filling meals. Junior sister, you don't need to work so hard."

"Senior brother, you work hard too!"

The senior and junior made some perfunctory compliments to each other.

Song Jixing spoke again, "Senior brother, before we can return, if you didn't need to earn money, have you considered doing something else?"

Shen Feixian nodded, "Yes! I already thought about it early on! I haven't fully grasped the computer knowledge here yet."

"If I have time, I plan to read more books and bring this entire internet system back to Qingyun Sect. Communication between fellow sect members will definitely improve a lot then!"

When talking about his future goals, Shen Feixian's brows were completely relaxed.

Song Jixing nodded and committed it to memory.

Later when they were no longer undocumented, she would definitely send senior brother to university.


After five days of fire safety inspections across the city, all closed scenic spots had resumed normal operations, but visitor quotas changed.

The film and television city had the largest reduction, limiting daily visitors to within five thousand.

The original daily visitor flow including tourists could reach over a hundred thousand. Reducing it to five thousand meant only crew members could basically enter, and some smaller crews couldn't even get a spot.

In addition, the daily visitors to parks was also limited to one thousand, split between morning and afternoon.

Not only that, shopping malls and other venues also had restrictions.

All these actions seemed to be limiting people going out.


The issue of Y City residents having no entertainment when going out quickly topped the hot search charts.

Song Jixing sat in the dressing room, letting the stylist behind her dress her up, while listening to some gossip.

"Luckily our crew is filming in a town, otherwise we wouldn't be allowed in either!" a young girl complained.

"I heard that some virus was detected at customs that can spread through crowds, so now going out is discouraged."

"What are all those patrolling police doing on the streets then?"

"I don't know, maybe because it's getting cold, the holidays are coming up, maintaining order?"

"The New Year is still three months away!"

Everyone chattered on and on, voicing some sighs over life's trivial matters.

Song Jixing looked up at herself in the mirror, only 60% similar to her original appearance now.

Less aloof, more tender feelings and grief, very fitting for her character in the script.

Song Jixing had to compliment, the stylists in Director Shi's crew were truly skilled!

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