This Childhood Sweetheart is a Little Sweet

Chapter 78: Sitting Still

Chapter 78

The pungent smell of disinfectant instantly rushed into the nostrils, the distinct scent of a hospital.

Coach Wu followed behind a group of paramedics as Yi Ming lay motionless on the stretcher, still unconscious. He seemed to sense the stinging odor, his eyebrows barely twitching.

"Yi Ming, Yi Ming..."

Coach Wu called out his name, feeling powerless, his heart wrenched as he recalled the harrowing scene.

This was his most promising student, his hope and pride. But this once proud young man now lay deathly pale and silent on the stretcher, like a blank sheet of paper...

How could he explain this to Yi Ming's parents, to the school, and... how could he explain this to his girlfriend?

Yi Ming was wheeled into the emergency room as Coach Wu slumped onto a nearby chair, head hung low in anguish...


Based on the timing, Yi Ming should have completed the first race round.

Jiang Wei sat in the library, flipping through pages of a book, yet her mind remained blank.

It was strange.

Coach Wu had taken away Yi Ming's phone, but to ensure ease of contact in case Yi Ming's family, school, or teammates needed to reach him, Coach Wu had shared his phone number with everyone on the potential contact list for the team members.

Jiang Wei was one of the names on Yi Ming's list.

Coach Wu had previously sent messages to update everyone on the race results for some team members.

But as Jiang Wei waited for a text that never came, the uneasy feeling in her heart grew and swelled. After contemplating, she got up and hurriedly left the library, carrying her books.

Finding a quiet corner, Jiang Wei immediately dialed Coach Wu's number.

"Hello," she said softly and politely.

"This is... Yi Ming's friend Jiang Wei. I'm sorry to bother you, but has Yi Ming's first race ended? Where is he now?"

As soon as Coach Wu heard it was Jiang Wei, his heart sank like a heavy stone.

"Jiang Wei... Yi Ming, he..."

"What happened to him?"

Jiang Wei gripped the phone tightly, forcing herself to remain calm and steady her trembling fingers.

For some reason, since this morning, she had felt like something was about to happen. She had been distracted during class, trying deep breaths to alleviate the oppressive feeling, but to no avail.

"Coach Wu."

After a long silence, Jiang Wei's voice grew quieter. "Has something happened to Yi Ming? Where is he now?"

The young woman's calm and composed tone made Coach Wu feel ashamed.

At this very moment, Jiang Wei must be extremely panicked and worried, yet she was able to remain as calm as possible.

It was he who...

Coach Wu let out a deep sigh, his voice cracking as he slowly told Jiang Wei over the phone, "Yi Ming fell off the racecar and is now unconscious at XX Hospital, undergoing emergency treatment..."

Undergoing emergency treatment...

Jiang Wei stood frozen, those few words echoing repeatedly in her mind.

Her mouth opened and closed, trying in vain to say something, anything, but it was all futile.

She couldn't utter a word, only large teardrops suddenly fell, one by one, dropping onto the grass and disappearing without a trace.

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