These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 13: A ‘date’ in the rose gardens

Ren Xiyang couldn’t be less worried about the upcoming lineage test.

What was curious was the prince’s reaction to his comment about major outbreaks of diseases and the mention of Angio Kingdom. Perhaps the prince was already quite conscientious about population health, and that there were deep current tensions between Angio and Sedaveria? Regardless, Ren Xiyang didn’t dwell on it.

Unlike Rian’s complicated thoughts, Ren Xiyang had been merely testing to see if the prince was a good candidate to delegate some work to. In the book, the eldest prince had been a diligent person who cared for his kingdom, and it seemed that the prince was already responsible at age twelve.

Feeling that his delegation had been largely successful, Ren Xiyang returned to his planning notes for the estate and fief.

After all, there would be no surprises for him at the lineage testing. By tomorrow evening, he will officially become the Earl Rosewood.



Rian had met with Ayden Rosewood while Count Aegean was having his afternoon nap. Rian had been hoping that Count Aegean wouldn’t hear of his activities, but unfortunately…

Later in the afternoon, not long after his nap, Count Aegean walked into Rian’s suite, papers in his hands and a frown on his face.

“Good afternoon, Count Aegean,” Rian said warmly.

Count Aegean was not moved by the innocent act. “Why did you go to meet with Ayden Rosewood? Do I not give you enough work to do? Are you bored of following the Investigators now? Perhaps we should return to the Capital.”

“Isn’t it nice to speak with the only other boy around here?” Rian replied, brows pinching together slightly in aggrievement. He, unlike Ayden Rosewood, could act cute.

Count Aegean narrowed his eyes. “…What did you speak to him about?”

“Master Rosewood is interested in healing,” Rian said seriously. “Maybe he encountered something in the past. He seemed worried that a future disease outbreak might occur.”

“The Goddess has always granted Sedaveria a Saintess during dire times,” Count Aegean said. “You should know that after reading through History part one and History part two.”

Rian nodded. “Maybe Master Rosewood doesn’t know because he doesn’t have you as his tutor.”

Count Aegean narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

“Look, I’ve drafted some letters that my Imperial Mother could send to invite some Angio nobility,” Rian said, passing his papers over.

Count Aegean felt like he was forgetting something, but his eyes caught the words on the papers and found some mistakes that he just had to correct right away.

Rian’s eyes curved slightly.



In the evening, Kel bought dinner to Young Master Rosewood.

“Young Master Rosewood, for dinner, the chefs have prepared tofu with chilli sauce and rice, as per your instructions. In addition, there are roasted vegetables, bread and butter, and a glass of milk.”

“Thank you, Kel.” Ren Xiyang focused in on the beautiful tofu on the plate. It was very close to what Ren Xiyang had wanted.

Unlike the rice which looked more like risotto than the rice Ren Xiyang had wanted. Still, rice was rice. As long as he didn’t look directly at it and pretended it was porridge, then it was fine.

He picked up his fork and cut into the tofu. It had been lightly seared on the outside, still soft on the inside. The soft texture and light flavour made it the perfect vehicle for the chilli sauce. The sauce itself wasn’t as spicy as it could be, but it was still an enjoyable departure from the not-spicy flavours he had since transmigrating here.

“Young Master Rosewood, is there any adjustments for next time?” Kel asked hesitantly.

“For my personal chilli sauce, add in twice as many chillies. For those new to the taste, this level of chilli is sufficient,” Ren Xiyang said. “Otherwise, please send by appreciation to Mrs. Cooks.”

“Yes, Young Master,” Kel said, not showing the confusion in her heart. More chilli? But it was so hot already!

“Tell Mrs. Cooks to make a tofu stew for lunch tomorrow. Include chilli, anchovies, some pieces of meat, mushrooms, and other vegetables.”

Kel nodded. “Yes, Young Master.”

After Ayden finished dinner, Kel carried the tray back to the kitchen.

“He likes it!” she announced before Mrs. Cooks could ask.

Mrs. Cooks sighed in relief. “That’s good!”

“He said that the chilli sauce needed twice as many chillies!”

The servant who had accidentally eaten a whole chilli looked at Kel in disbelief. “Twice?!

“He is a fire mage,” another servant said. “Maybe fire mages are better with the heat?”

“Right, Young Master also said the current chilli level is good for those new to chilli,” Kel said.

Mrs. Cooks smiled in an embarrassed manner. She was the one slowly adding a little chilli into the sauce before and quickly stopping when it was getting too hot for her. But now that she knew the Young Master’s taste in chilli, she could adjust appropriately.

“Can we have a taste now?” one of the servants asked. They always made large portions of everything, and there was a lot of the tofu and chilli sauce left over.

“Hey, go wash your hands with soap first!”

A word popped into the servants’ minds—GERMS—leading to a quick scramble to the sink to wash their hands.

“Now, grab yourself a plate,” Mrs. Cooks said.

“I have some milk ready!” said the servant who had eaten an entire chilli earlier.

The servants gathered around as Mrs. Cooks cut up the tofu into pieces for everyone and ladled the sauce on top.

“The tofu doesn’t taste like much…but the sauce is really good!”

“The chilli sauce really makes you want to eat more.”

I think I could have a spicier sauce too.”

“This soft tofu might be good for my old parents to eat.”

“That’s a good idea. I think my little nephew might like it.”

“The chilli sauce should be good for my father, he complains that he can’t taste much anymore.”

The servants chattered, coming up with many ideas for the tofu and the chilli sauce. The two dishes were so versatile, their Young Master knew so many things!



On the next day, in the late afternoon, Ren Xiyang dressed in black clothing, picking out a coat that now had the Rosewood crest embroidered on it. He placed his prepared papers on his desk, before going down to the front doors of the Rosewood summer manor.

He could feel the distant collection of heat sources rapidly moving closer.

The Rosewood guards noticed the Young Master’s odd behaviour. “Young Master Rosewood, is there a problem?”

“A group of people are approaching,” Ren Xiyang said. He gazed into the distance. “They should be here in five minutes.”

The guards’ eyes widened. They quickly called some more guards to come and take up formation.

After five minutes, on cue, a group of carriages passed through the manor gates.

There was one carriage with a small Rosewood crest upon it and two carriages with the very large symbol of the Imperial Council, an open book with a dragon and a phoenix on either side and a crown on top.

From the Rosewood carriage exited one senior manager, one junior manager, and one senior lawyer under Rosewood employment. From the Imperial Council carriages was an Imperial Council member and two mages.

“Welcome to the Rosewood summer manor,” Ren Xiyang said.

Manager Gregory frowned at the young black-haired boy, annoyed that Ayden Rosewood was letting the servants wear the Rosewood crest now. “Where is Master Ayden Rosewood?”

Ren Xiyang said coolly, “I am Ayden Rosewood.”

Manager Gregory’s face turned startled, then dark. So, this ‘Ayden Rosewood’ had black hair, how could anyone believe he was an actual Rosewood? There was no point testing at all!

Before Manager Gregory could dig a bigger hole for himself, the front door opened and the three Investigators and Prince Rian and the Royal Guards came out.

“Imperial Councillor Blewitt, welcome,” Lead Investigator White said. “You have been troubled coming out this far.”

Imperial Councillor Karl Blewitt had faded blue hair that was turning white. He had a faintly imperious expression on his face. “I am here to officially oversee the lineage testing of Ayden Rosewood on behalf of the King and the Imperial Council.”

“I understand,” Ren Xiyang said. “Please come inside. Kel and Maria, please take our guests to refresh themselves after their long travel.” He stepped aside so that the group could enter.

“This way, Imperial Councillor Blewitt, Masters, and Mages,” Maria said politely.

Kel and Maria ended up leading the new guests along with the Investigators to a large visiting guest suite on the ground floor. Other servants quickly went to bring out refreshments.

Ren Xiyang turned towards the prince who had remained at the front door. “Your Highness, how can I help you?”

“We have time while those adults converse. Escort me around the gardens,” Rian said. Importantly, Count Aegean wasn’t here.

Ren Xiyang’s eyebrows rose slightly. “Very well.”

While Ren Xiyang had gone through the farming fields, he hadn’t walked through the rose gardens himself. Alyssa’s memories were more like a faded movie than his personal memories.

The two ‘young boys’ walked side by side towards the closest path in the rose garden.

“The rose gardens are tended by a group of diligent gardeners,” Ren Xiyang said. While red roses flanked the main paths, in the rose garden there were many roses of different colours.

“They’re beautiful,” Rian obligingly praised.

“I’ll pass on your words to the gardeners, Your Highness.” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian glanced at Ayden. “I forgot to mention, but your new black hair looks very good.”

“Your Highness would also look good in black hair,” Ren Xiyang replied evenly.

Rian smirked. “Do you think so? Count Aegean has explicitly forbidden me from changing my hair colour.”

“Then that’s my benefit for not having a Count Aegean of my own.”

At that, Rian laughed. Rian himself had short white hair, so black hair would be a drastic change. But growing it a bit longer like Ayden wouldn’t be so bad…

Ren Xiyang glanced at him.

Rian grinned and said, “Master Rosewood, if I let you borrow Count Aegean, would that require a favour on my account or your account?”

“I’m afraid it might require favours owed to Count Aegean,” Ren Xiyang said drily.

Rian nodded seriously. “I’m afraid neither of us will be able to pay the price.”

“I’m very poor. We’d have to split the costs unevenly in such a situation.”

Rian perked up. “Wait a moment.”

The two of them stopped.

They happened to stop at a small focal point of the gardens. The path had veered to the side, opening up to a large circle of white paved stones, with a white bench set up against the edge. The roses transitioned from white to pink. There was an arch over the bench with vines and climbing white flowers. It fit very well with the romantic fantasy genre of the novel they happened to be in.

Rian beckoned to the nearest Royal Guard. “Hand me my wallet.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” The Royal Guard passed it over, inwardly confused. There wasn’t anything to buy here in the middle of the rose gardens!

Rian turned to Ayden, pulling out a handful of gold coins. “Master Rosewood, this is in appreciation after you explained to me about the four-crop rotation system and other improved farming practices.”

The Royal Guards stiffened. This kind of offering and accepting money was below Master Rosewood’s station, let alone His Highness’s station! Why would His Highness pay Master Rosewood for talking to him? If anything, it should be the other way around! Of course, Master Ayden Rosewood wasn’t going to accept that—

Ren Xiyang took the gold coins and directly dropped them into the pockets of his coat. “Thank you very much, Your Highness.” Words were cheap, but money was real. The corners of his mouth almost went up.

“Shouldn’t I be thanking you?” Rian countered with a genial smile. “Your knowledge has the potential to change the course of the kingdom. Perhaps I have even underpaid you!”

“You can always send me more money in appreciation in the future,” Ren Xiyang said.

“That I could,” Rian said with a serious nod.

The Royal Guards with no sense of existence and whose thoughts couldn’t affect the plot: “…” Their preconceptions about Prince Rian and Master Ayden Rosewood were being broken, they needed to mourn in silence.





I definitely had to have a scene with people tasting chilli sauce for the first time, it’s obligatory for transmigrating-to-ancient-times danmei!

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