These Side Characters Have Companies to Manage!(These Side Characters Modern Day AU)

Life Update!

TL;DR: On my way to getting better, the break will, however, continue, due to personal reasons. I'll be building a stockpile of chapters, and I'll start posting again sometime during either September or October. Also, some ideas I have bouncing around about future arcs at the end.


Heya fellas! It's Anti-Re here again.

Update on my situ as of late, my recovery is going well, enough so that I'm actually able to write this down without being in pain! It's still hard to get up though, due to my chest stitches. It's hard for me to breathe when I'm walking around and stuff, but aside from the chest pain and such, I'm fine.

Of course, it's not all good news, as great as that would be. My hands aren't nearly as responsive as they once were, so it's taking me a while to type this out. As of now, it's taken me an hour to write this much from scratch, but I'll admit it, most of that was me writing and rewriting everything, lol.

So uh, yeah, how's your guys' lives doing? I hope you guys are doing well, at least better than I am right now. I hope you guys are enjoying your break (if you're on break right now), and if you guys are still sticking around, then I thank you for being here with me right now. It makes me happy that I could be here, typing to random people somewhere else and knowing they cared enough for me to check up on me every now and again.

Enough sappy though, back to me. Hahaha, yeah, that's right guys, this whole thing was actually just my secret dastardly plan to make you all listen to me rant on and on! Ok, back to serious mode now. I'll probably be spending the next few months or so continuing to recover and enjoy my break. Going around with family and all. I've also got my court case regarding my accident coming up too, so I probably won't be posting anything.

Of course, that doesn't mean I won't be stocking up on chapters. In fact, while I don't have a specific date to give you guys, I have a (sorta) date and plan about how this is all going to work out. I'll probably be posting again sometime during September, or early October at the latest, provided nothing goes wrong (haha, it's not like I could get in a second car accident, right? <.<).

I'll be going through my stockpiled chapters probably twice a week, maybe three times if I'm feeling it. When I'm finished though, it's probably going to drop down to once a week, on account of me not being able to type as fast as I used to. If I can't do once a week, I guarantee that I'll at least be able to post once every two weeks at worst.

I have so many ideas just bouncing around in my head, and I can't wait to start posting again. Hopefully, because I can take longer writing and all, my writing quality should improve as a result (my chapters so far are trash, lol).

Once again, thank you random strangers from places across the world for caring about me. Thanks for sticking around and checking up on me, if you're reading this. See you guys soon.



Note: This chapter was supposed to come out sometime... June 20? ish. Uh... whoops? I guess I wrote this out, thought I published it, and then totally forgot about it. Minor update, chest stitches no longer hurt, and I haven't gotten into a second car accident... yet. Court case regarding the crash has started, so there's that. Really boring, honestly. Alright, see you guys, have a good one.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.