There is a problem with my spiritism in Naruto

Chapter 63 A murder caused by a kick

The three members of the Hagoromo tribe who were guarding Saburo Hagoromo kicked the clone at the same time without hesitation when they saw Xiao Bai.

When Saburo Hagoromo saw the clone, he felt a vague sense of danger in his heart.

"stop him"

Seeing his guard helping to entangle the clone, Hagoromo Saburo jumped back without hesitation, and then began to quickly form seals in his hands

After a burst of green smoke, they felt something was wrong on their feet. Without hesitation, the three of them turned around and punched behind them.

At this time, the clone that completed its own seal also punched the opponent directly.

wild bite

His left hand deflected the fists from the three people in front of him, and the clone's right fist hit the man directly in the face.

The chakra in the fist quickly invaded along the opponent's face, and exploded out in just an instant.

The scorching flames burned the entire head of the guard in front of the clone in just an instant.

The guard who was hit also covered his face and backed away, trying to extinguish the flames burning on his head.

After punching out, the clone raised his hand to block the attacks from the two people on the left and right.

But at this moment, the two people's hands suddenly held each other's hands.

The clone surrounded by the middle kneed the person in front of him without hesitation, but his knee was suddenly blocked when it was about to contact the opponent.

What's happening here

Controlling the clone, he looked down and saw that the bodies of the two Yuyi clan members were actually covered with a thin film of water.

At the same time, the two feathered guards held each other's hands and began to quickly form seals. The clones surrounded by the center noticed that there were suddenly countless things like water lines on their bodies.

Suddenly, the formed water line suddenly stabbed towards the clone in the middle.

The waterline in high-speed motion suddenly shot towards Xiaobai with a terrifying pressure that could be seen at a glance.

Xiaobai wanted to control his clone to jump away, but he was pushed back by the oncoming water curtain before he could jump very high.

The clone hit by the waterline technique felt a pain in the chest. The waterline that shot itself through completely ignored the armor and strong body on his body.

The intensity of this technique is too high

It's so tall that it looks like a water cutter from a previous life.

Seeing small tentacles similar to water lines emerging from the two of them, Xiao Bai knew that if he didn't resist, he would die here today.

The clone cannot die

Once the clone dies, all of your ideas and your biggest reliance on this world will completely disappear.

Even if Xiaobai's body can escape by chance in this melee, there is no doubt that Xiaobai will not have enough strength to deal with the more difficult scenes in the future.

Damn, I was careless.

But I can't die here

Roaring in his heart, Xiao Bai, who was controlling the clone, suddenly felt that everything around him seemed to slowly slow down, and at the same time, seals began to form in the clone's hands.


too slow too slow

While Xiaobai was forcing the clone to go faster, he was trying to mobilize the chakra in his body, hoping to let it bless his hands so that he could form seals faster.

But the chakra that usually runs freely today seems to have become extremely sticky after adding countless flours.

They moved slowly in the clone's body, but the chakra that moved too slowly quickly accumulated together under the reckless stimulation of the clone.

Hurry up

Feeling that the chakra in his abdomen began to expand more and more, Xiaobai roared and controlled the clone to detonate it.

Suddenly, the world that had been slowed down countless times stopped as if frozen.

But the clone's hand moved quickly.

The breath of white light quickly spread from the clone's body. In this strange state, the clone completed its own seal, and then stayed on the last seal.

The art of water escape from large waterfalls

Everything around him returned to normal speed again, and at the same time, countless water streams rushed towards the clone as the center in all directions as if they were conscious.

The feather-clothed guards surrounding Xiao Bai were immediately hit by the turbulent and violent water flow.

After only resisting for a moment, the ferocious power contained in the water broke through their defenses.

Amid this terrifying impact, the two of them couldn't hold on for even a second and were squeezed and twisted into weird postures like rag dolls.

The burst of water rushed towards the enemy further away unabated.

Whether they are members of the Hyuga family or the Hagoromo family.

Some people with quick reactions gathered chakra at their feet without hesitation and fled away.

After several Hagoromo clan members severely injured the Hyuga clan members in front of them, they heard the warning from their companions.

Without hesitation, they wanted to get out of here.

But he didn't expect that the Hyuga clan members who were seriously injured by him would not know where the strength came from, but they would hug several people tightly with a fierce smile. "Die with me"

"Go to hell!" After kicking the Hyuga clansman in the face and kicking him away, the Hagoromo clansmen were about to leave, but found that they had missed the best opportunity to evacuate.

Similar scenes continue to play out in the surrounding area.

at the same time.

Hagoromo Saburo, who had just completed the seal, also saw the water wave in front of him that contained terrifying power.

Damn my people

Hagoromo Saburo, whose eyes were splitting with tears, pressed his hand on the ground. Countless water flowed out from Hagoromo Saburo's feet, colliding with the clone's Great Waterfall Technique.

true self waters

The two forces collided at the same time.

The moment he collided with the clone's technique, Hagoromo Saburo felt a small amount of chakra surge out of his body.

The excessively rapid extraction of chakra caused the meridians in Hagoromo Saburo's internal organs to be directly squeezed by the surging chakra and burst.


With his mouth full of blood, Hagoromo Saburo roared and continued to increase his chakra output.

However, the power contained in the clone's technique was too terrifying. Even if Saburo Hagoromo tried his best to increase his chakra output, he still could not stop the huge wave slowly rushing toward him.

Finally, when Hagoromo Saburo could no longer hold on, the clone's technique began to slowly weaken.

After there was no external impact, Hagoromo Saburo's technique quickly spread to the battlefield. In just a few breaths, the entire battlefield once again turned into a vast ocean.

The Hyuga clan and the Hagoromo clan, who had withdrawn from the range of the clones' spells, faced off again.

Only this time, their eyes stayed on the same person.

Looking at the clone that was emitting white light but stood there with its head lowered and not knowing what to think, these people all expressed the same thought.

Is he actually the helper on the other side?

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