The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 9 – Getting the Good Old System

{My coconut sweetie, my strawberry jellybean, my honey bun! Let's wake up, my gift is ready!} Sora spoke in an angelic voice, trying to wake Kai up.


'You know your voice just makes me more relaxed...' With all his mental strength, Kai managed to express a thought before going back to sleep.


{But I spent so much time working on it, you have to wake up and see!} Sora's voice started to get teary, and that did wake up Kai.


"Alright, off you go." He opened his eyes, but didn't move a single muscle afterwards.


{Yay! Let's start!}



[Initializing System...]


[Complete Initialization...]


[Activating Divinity Support System!]


[Enabling User Interface!]


| {Name: Kai Nakashima}

| {Status}

| [Strength: 1.8]

| [Dexterity: 1.9]

| [Constitution: 2.0]

| [Intelligence: 2.5]

| [Charm: MAX]

| {Skill Tree} 

| {Destiny} 

| [DP: 0/1000 (?/M)]

| {Shop} 



After seeing the various notifications appear on his face, Kai yawned lazily.


"A system? Serious? Didn't you have anything more original in your bag?" He rubbed his stomach and got up from the bed, heading towards the bathroom.


{Don't you like it?} With a universal silence, the only thing Kai could hear were sniffles.


"I liked it. I'm being honest. As much as it's cliché, it's the shortest way you've found to make my life easier. Thank you, my love!" He took out his toothpaste and passed on the toothbrush while praising his wife.


{Then fine! I'll start the explanation!}


{Even though I have already explained what statistics are, I have not explained their general, real-life applicability. For the sake of knowledge, the STRONGEST man in the world has a stat of 3, and very famous bodybuilders and powerlifters average 2.3 to 2.5 in Strength. From birth to adulthood, an average human, male or female, has a value of 1.0. That's because each one has forces in different places, but in general it's calculated that way. From 1.0 onwards, each growth is an exponential increase in strength, as this means breaking the limitations of one's own body over and over again and in an increasingly harsh and hellish way.}


{As Dexterity is a game between mind, body and coordination, the highest score holders are always in the army, but the farthest is only 2.5. It works the same way as strength, but it's easier to train than strength. While it's easier, it's also quite brain-demanding.}


{For Constitution, since it's something you build over time with a lot of effort, the person who has the highest score is a 3.2, and that's the same person who has a 3.0 Strength.}


{And since the evolution of man to society they started to use the brain more than the body, the greatest geniuses in the world have an average of 2.5 to 2.7, with an absolutely terrifying being (at human levels) carrying 4.0. Intelligence growth is 30% effort and 70% pure potential. After all, it is the potential that decides how far you go.}


{Charm is a mixture of chemical and physical reactions. Sometimes it is defined by cultural issues, but in general your facial, bone and physical structure influence it a lot, and by chemical reaction I mean how unique your genetics can be and therefore your pheromones are more potent. And your Charm is Maxed because you can effortlessly charm any woman you want, and that's the benefit of having sex with a Divine Ascendant for a long time. Remembering that it is only maximized compared to ordinary humans. Different species interacted in different ways and this cannot be avoided.}


{And the stat limit of each is 10.0, as the human body wouldn't get any further anyway.}


"Your fluids are magic then?" Kai couldn't help but laugh when he heard about the Charm.




{Your Skill Tree is empty, as this is something you can only earn based on the women you date and they give themselves to you. And you will find out later why. And there's also a gift from me inside the Shop that involves this, so you'll be as amazed as I am at my capabilities!}


{Destiny has already been explained, and as you can see, there is the number 1000 there serving as a limit. Just like the stat cap for a human body is 10.0 each, the divinity value cap is 1000, and more of that would cause an overflow and something would definitely go terribly wrong. And the (?/M) is the amount of divine energy you gain per minute, depending on how much Fate you took from the girls. And take is still the wrong word, the more correct would be to say Transfused, something like a bridge that connects you and them. Since you haven't had sex with any targets yet, your value is .}


"Very good. And how do I increase my stat and divinity caps?"


{The human would need an IMPOSSIBLE opportunity to achieve ascending to the High Human form, thus increasing his potential limits. But since your wife is amazing, you don't have to look for those opportunities!}


"And why not?" 


{Because you have a SHOOOOP! In this store you can buy materials that will make you stronger, access the available skill trees and buy these ascension opportunities! There are also some weapons, normal materials, sports materials and anything else you want from the world or even the multiverses that you can afford!}


"Wow, that really shocked me. You rock, Sora!" Kai was genuinely shocked by this information. Only if you're rich will you understand the satisfaction of buying ANYTHING at the touch of a finger. No auctions, no thefts or threats, all available for a price you will eventually be able to pay.


{Thanks, Hubby! Now go to the store, there's a gift package I left for you there!}


"Okay, okay." Kai stretched again and went back to bed since it was still early to go to school.




   [Potions/Pills/Genetic Enhancers]

   [Skill Tree]


   [Construction Materials]

   [Common Materials]

   [Daily Needs]



Each category of the Shop had countless items, so many that it would take forever to go through them all. But there were still Filters, so Kai could only see the ones with a price cap of 1000 DP and below. And he put a Current Utility filter.


Each section was self-explanatory, but it was still good to note that the quality of everything inside, even a basketball in [Commom Materials], was Top Quality. And it only cost 3 DP. It had everything anyone would want inside and more.


Focusing on the items Sora pointed out, Kai opened two tabs at the same time.


[Potions/Pills/Genetic Enhancers]

   - Strengthening Potion 1.9 = 19 DP

   - Dexterity Potion 2.0 = 20 DP

   - Constitution Potion 2.1 = 21 DP

   - ETC...

   - Starter Pack = 0 DP



[Skill Tree]

   - Sex God Skill Tree = 0 DP



As soon as Kai bought the two items worth 0 DP, a small portal appeared beside him and a small red cloth bag with gold fell out, looking like it was full of stuff inside. A huge ray of light of purple and gold colors also came out and pierced his forehead, with this light going from his feet to his head.


After a while, Kai opened his eyes again and opened the cloth bag. There it had several vials, looking like Potions.


{Inside that bag I sent you have enough potions for all your stats to reach 3.0, which is when potions become useless. And if you see your Status now, the Skill Tree will already be activated.}


"Will I be able to take these potions now?" Kai thought it was too good to be true, which is why he asked with a raised eyebrow.


{Well... That's yours to decide, but I recommend not. The increase in strength, even a single point, is an abyss of difference and very strong self-control is required. If you drink the Strengthening Potions now, it's quite possible for even a sword to break in your hand with minimal effort. Something similar would happen with the other stats, but I advise drinking the Intelligence Potions. It doesn't have a very big physical change.}


"Okay." Kai picked up five blue bottles, confirming that each one was titled 2.6 through 3.0. They were very nice bottles and the liquid shimmered a little.


He took all five of them one after the other, and it tasted like blueberries with mint. It went down to his stomach and was quickly digested, the effects passing through his entire body, refreshing the nerves and neurons in the gut before going straight to the brain. The brain entered a state of rapid activity before calming down. He just felt his memories clearer and senses sharper, as well as a greater ability to understand things. At the same time he felt reaching an impenetrable barrier, as if from that point his brain would be able to do amazing things.


"What about the Sex God Skill Tree? Are you wanting me to turn into some weird God?" Kai didn't really have a problem with that, but he still wanted to tease Sora.


{Stop teasing me! And this is your fault. This Skill Tree was not planned as a gift, it appeared automatically after the time we indulged in sex. Basically, you've taken the first step and there's nothing I can do about it. I just control things, I can't create or destroy.}


"All good. I'm feeling like I'm going to be late for school if I bother reading all this, so can you sum it up?" Kai opened this Skill Tree and was impressed with the amount of things. It really did look like a tree, and a giant one this time. There were circles that should have been skills, each connected to the other in a straight line, some touching other lines or not. This went from the base of the tree to the top. It also had roots skills.


{No problem! First things first! Skill Trees have certain quality thresholds. Normal human activities such as sports or basic studies are Common. More complex activities such as weapon skills, higher degrees of study or martial arts are Intermediate level. Alchemy, Monster Taming, Magic, and more ethereal things like that are Advanced Skills. And there are also the Supreme and Divine levels. You only have a Divine Skill Tree because you've become involved with a deity. Of course, Skill Trees can evolve, but that depends a lot on the amount of effort you put in, and also on the potential of the activity itself.}


{The higher the Skill Tree threshold, the larger the tree will be and the deeper its roots will be. Explaining about each point of the tree, we will start with the roots. These skills present in the roots are what build the foundation of something, and are extremely necessary to reach higher in the skill. The trunk of the tree is the common abilities you see, active or passive skills that will help you perform great and use the roots to show all your strength. The skills in the Top are called Ultimate Skills, which are the maximum that someone can perform with that Skill Tree. And to ignite an Ultimate Skill, you must ignite all the way to it.}


"And to ignite those skills I need DP, obviously." Kai concluded easily. His attention was then drawn to some abilities lit at the base of the trunk, almost at the point of the roots. "Why do I have some abilities already lit? Is that part of me having sex with you too?"


{Yes! As you consumed my bodily fluids for a long time, yours changed too. This activated the skills [Accelerated Semen Production V3.0], [Fluid Flavoring V.Max] and [Birth Control V1.0]. Your body now produces much more semen than normal, enough to drown a woman and still have enough. Your semen, saliva and sweat, even pee, has an attractive taste for females, as if it were pure nectar of the Gods. And finally [Birth Control V1.0] is an active skill where you release hormones that can nullify the genetic chain in sperm, thus becoming infertile. More advanced levels can make sperm much better. There is also the ability [Monster Size V.Max], but it's pure genetics. You might also notice that the [Size Change] complementary skill isn't lit, so it wasn't something I messed with.}


"Ok, I get it. Enough explaining, I have things to do!" Kai put the remaining bottles of potions in the fridge and went to change. He would drink the rest in training when he got back home.


When he was already dressed and about to get in the car to go get Hayami, Sora gave one more warning.


{I would recommend you go on your feet today. Maybe another easy target will be reached, hehe!}


"Just because I didn't want to walk too much today..." Kai closed the car door and left on foot. He would stop by Hayami's house and take her as agreed. Good thing he chose to leave early today, or else he'd be late.




"Where does he live? I was pretty sure I saw his car on the way home!" A tall, thick-legged girl walked with an annoyed face. She'd been looking for her target since he'd disappeared with the little boy and hadn't had a chance to ask for a fight.


'If I'm late for school on the second day, my mother will definitely call to lecture me. If I don't find him around here then I'll fight him at school!' She constantly walked past the matching houses with a frown. 


She was kicking a pebble when she accidentally kicked it too hard and saw it going far away. When looked up to follow the stone, she finally saw the boy that was looking for, walking slowly through the maze of identical houses, his handsome face yawning.


"Finally, I finally found you!" The girl had stars in the eyes, but soon after, an excited smile appeared on her face, along with the adrenaline being released in her body.


She soon started to run towards this boy, her strong legs making noise on the ground thanks to the shoe. Her huge breasts weren't helping either, but the black and gold school uniform held firm.


She saw that in a matter of a few meters they would meet at the same time on the corner. It would be the perfect opportunity to face him!


But, when they were within a distance of a meter, the overlooked rock that the girl kicked away made its dramatic entrance, causing her to stumble! Thanks to the high speed at which she was running, it wasn't much different from a scene from a comedy movie.




The two bodies meet and go straight to the ground!



Author Note: Any grammatical errors or wrong spelling, please let me know. Sometimes it passes... :)


Bad Joke#9:

Why don´t dinosaurs talk?

Because they're dead.

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