The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 38 – Parental Visit & Psychokinesis

While everyone was deeply asleep in the dream world, every cell in their bodies seemed to be undergoing a shocking transformation.

It was as if the cells were filled with an incredible amount of energy, almost to the point of bursting at the seams. As they slept and the body's metabolic rates decreased, this energy seemed to be slowly consumed by the cells.

And it seemed like it was a natural occurrence, since that was how the girls became stronger and smarter, as well as more beautiful. The Divine Power, which is DP, improved the body through this absorption of energy. But there was always a residue of unused energy, and that was what had been used now.

When the bodies reached 5.0, there was no more room in the cells to store those remnants, so they needed to be either released or absorbed. And since it was too valuable to release, the second option was the answer.

Bones, muscles, tendons, organs. Everything was being bathed and strengthened, beyond their capacities, and the brain was working overtime to unlock more potential. The almost forced evolution was necessary for the human body to adapt to such miraculous energy.

Smoother skin, shinier hair, and brighter eyes. Everything looked more beautiful and flawless on them, their appearances were surpassing the natural scope. It was now necessary for them to wake up and notice their own changes more clearly.


As soon as she opened her eyes, Madoka touched the bed and saw that, as usual, Kai had already woken up. She was feeling lazy to get up and was feeling someone's embrace around her waist.

The pleasant fabric of the pillowcases invaded her senses and she still wanted to process how much her life took a turn after meeting Kai. He was basically the perfect man, full of his incredible achievements. And he was still young, just like she was!

But at the same time full of mysteries, things he didn't want to tell anyone. He didn't reveal Sora to them, and the Goddess herself had to reveal this most important thing. It was as if he was a dome of doubts and uncertainties.

'Did I become more philosophical or is it just my impression?' Madoka chuckled a bit as she realized the kind of thoughts she was having.

After about 30 minutes of hesitation, wondering whether she should get up from the soft bed or not, she decided that it was enough and necessary to wake up. She then pinched everything around her that seemed to belong to one of the girls - hands, legs, cheeks, and anything else she could touch - in an attempt to rouse everyone from sleep.

"Did you pinch me twice... Is this war?" Kaede's voice sounded a little irritated. She rolled over to where she felt Madoka's arm and pinched her butt.

"Hey, that's my butt!" Aki complained when she felt the sting, standing up while pouting.

With the noise, they all began to wake up, opening their eyes to face the rays of light invading the room. They got up one by one to go to the bathroom and wash up, but suddenly Madoka stopped in the middle of the way. Her gaze stopped at Kaede, who was brushing her teeth.

"What the..."


|  {Name: Kaede Kurogawa}

|  {Race: Half-High-Human}

|  {Level: 0}

|  {Job: Botanist}


Her gaze then went to the other girls, who had exactly the same screens appearing in front of them!


|  {Name: Aki Takanaya}

|  {Race: Half-High-Human}

|  {Level: 0}

|  {Job: Jobless/Player}



|  {Name: Kyou Fujibayashi}

|  {Race: Half-High-Human}

|  {Level: 0}

|  {Job: Jobless/Player}



|  {Name: Haruka Sato}

|  {Race: Half-High-Human}

|  {Level: 0}

|  {Job: Jobless/Player}


"Eh... Girls, are you seeing anything on my face now?" Madoka asked as she stood still looking at everything.

"Is it your ugly face? Or your messy hair?" Kaede wanted to retaliate for the two pinches earlier.

Madoka rolled her eyes at that, but didn't continue asking nonsense questions.

I am seeing a screen in front of me right now. It's showing your name, race, level, and profession. Additionally, it's saying that we are half super humans? I think that's it..." She looked at those screens and thought about closing them when they actually closed.

"Well..." They all stopped at the same time, knowing that none of them liked to lie. So it was possible that it was true. Very true.

"Haruka, punch here." Kyou urged her and held out her palm, "Hard, just for testing purposes."

"Sure. Excuse me!" Haruka smiled and her movements seemed refined as her brain automatically extracted all the potential of her body when throwing the punch.


The wind blew as if it was cut, the impact of the fist with the open palm causing a gust in the area. Even the ground trembled a bit, but the floor was sturdy enough not to break.

Kyou nodded and looked at the palm of her hand, but it was only reddish. She also defended well, but she was sure that if she didn't protect very well from a punch like that, it would be possible for her to have flown.

"Well, Kai has improved us again. Does that make us something better than humans? Something along those lines?" They were too intelligent, and they already started deducing the right path.

"It might be possible. But I can't see mine..." Madoka thought and soon her own screen appeared.


|  {Name: Madoka Hyoga}

|  {Race: Half-High-Human}

|  {Level: 0}

|  {Job: Jobless/Player}


"Now I can. Well, only I can see it, since no one else has said anything. This could mean that either it's just something personal to me, or it's simply because you haven't fulfilled some condition yet."

"Vengeance." x4. They all already knew the only different thing.

"Yes, exactly. And besides Kaede, who has a profession in Botany, none of us have a job or we are 'Players'. This may have to do with our sports, but it's not something important enough to put in our job description." Madoka concluded her speculations about this magical thing she had. And to be honest, with the amount of things they were forced to accept, one of these was still light.

"We have to talk to Kai. He told me he doesn't like secrets..." Knowing she didn't have time to tell the girls, Haruka took the lead to speak. She couldn't take it anymore, the amount of things happening without him being aware.

"Sigh, we know. But we didn't know how to talk about it. I think now it's either do or die." Aki felt sad thinking about it, about how Kai didn't know anything. And he decided to only tell Haruka how he was, which showed that he knew they were keeping secrets and was upset.

After they left the room to have breakfast, they arrived in the kitchen and the table was already filled with delicacies for them to eat. And it was A LOT of food, the right amount for them. Haruka even thought she wouldn't be able to eat much, but realized it was far from the truth. Her body was the one that changed the most at once, and her brain needed a lot of energy to operate such a powerful human.

Their phones rang as the girls were about to put on their uniforms, informing them that there would be no class and the absence would be excused. They were messages from Kai, canceling classes again just because he wanted to. There were also some messages from their parents asking how the "study session" went, out of concern.

Knowing they would spend the day with him, the girls dressed normally and grabbed their iPads, already opening the RPG game they had agreed upon. They were now in the living room, with the extremely comfortable couch and the daylight hitting their faces.

Their account was already at great levels, but they were still far behind in the rankings. The great levels were only due to buying numerous EXP scrolls and leveling up quickly. Their weapons and armor were also of much better quality than they should be for their level. If it weren't for the character Tier limiter, the equipment quality would be even higher.

While they were at it, the doorbell suddenly rang, alerting them that someone had arrived. And they didn't remember ordering any pizza, so it was pretty obvious it was someone else.

"I'll get it!" Madoka stood up as she put down the iPad and went to answer the door.

When she arrived there and opened it, the figure of an imposing man in branded clothes appeared. Behind him were two breathtaking women, and all of this left Madoka a little shocked. And she was even more shocked by the man's question.

"Good morning. Is this my son's apartment?"


Kasumi and Ellanor held back their laughter, knowing that their husband asked this question on purpose to catch the girl, who was beautiful by the way, off guard.

"Are you Kai's father?" Madoka asked, a little shocked. Now that she looked closely, the man really did resemble her boyfriend. Or rather, Kai resembled the man.

"Yes, my name is Ryū Nakashima. And these are my wives, Kasumi Nakashima and Elleanor King. Can we come in?" Even though he was Kai's father, the sense of ownership was strong in the family. They wouldn't invade the house just because it belonged to their son.

"O-Of course, make yourselves comfortable!" She cleared the way as soon as she confirmed the man's identity. Kai had mentioned his parents' names to them a few times, but he didn't usually talk much about it.

And now, looking at the giant that his father was, she knew where he got his height too.

The three of them entered the house and immediately came face to face with all the girls playing in the living room, all extremely beautiful and looking very relaxed. But they had already composed themselves and seemed like well-mannered princesses, as they had been listening to the conversation for a long time.

"Hello, Mr. Nakashima, Mrs. Nakashima, Mrs. King." Each one greeted the adults with politeness and perfect posture.

"Wow, look at all these princesses! Kai seems to be quite the ladies' man at his age, even more than you were!" Kasumi was honestly impressed with the number of girls here. And they certainly weren't her son's best friends and tea partners. Looking at the supernatural beauty of each one of them, she couldn't help but think that her son did very well.

"Of course, he's my son!" Ryū seemed proud of his favorite child. With the others, he would obviously make sarcastic comments, but he loved Kai too much to say he could do better.

"It seems like the boy really has no limits..." Eleanor had a smile on her face as she looked at all the girls. 'I wonder what that Bro-con Emily would do if she knew how many girlfriends Kai already has... It's probably better that she doesn't find out!' She thought about her daughter in America, who had a somewhat...strong emotional attachment to Kai.

With that, the girls did their best to please Kai's parents by giving them cakes and delicacies. They all seemed like very diligent wives trying to please their in-laws. And now they knew where Kai's naturalness came from in having a harem, since his own father had one too.

"Where is Kai? Did he leave?" Kasumi asked when she didn't see him and didn't hear any more noise in the house.

"He's training now. We can take you there. But please, try not to make noise. You'll understand when you get there." Aki immediately offered to take them to Kai.

The girls looked for him early in the morning to talk, but they walked a little before arriving at a room with a sign on the door that read:

[Silence, if you come in]

Knowing that it was better to prevent than to cure, they decided to talk to him when he finished the training.

"Yes, of course. He must be doing something super impor-" Elleanor was speaking as she opened the door for everyone to come in, but she was forced to swallow her words with the images she was seeing.

"What..." Ryū was unable to utter any words as he looked at what his son was doing now.

All the girls searched for openings to see what was happening, and were equally shocked.


Sitting in a lotus position, Kai looked like a fully concentrated Buddhist in his deep meditation.

'Full Limit Breaker - 25%,' Kai thought and took a deep breath. The oxygen entering his body filled every corner, with his brain taking in a large part of it.

"Shikaku..." He pronounced it as he wanted to call this phase of the Full Limit Breaker.

The world seemed to have become louder, and the information that was coming in was too much to handle. And at the same time that everything came quickly, everything also started to come slowly. It was a strange feeling of spacing. But in addition to the greater processing capacity, an ability that Kai was able to touch thanks to his evolutions was something that every human has always dreamed of and almost certain had the potential.


But it was just a strange feeling and he could barely control this ability. At first, he felt like he could "touch" his own body, but as his brain understood this capacity, it became easier to interact with other objects.

He took out a Katana from the [Shop] again and started to control it. First, he left it on the ground and slowly began to lift it. After standing up, he started to spin the Katana at high speed, as if he wanted to make a hole in the ground.

His mind concentrated on this activity and forgot everything else, oblivious to the things happening around. He focused on the sword and only on the sword, manipulating it in various ways.

'And if...' Kai thought about a possibility as he rose from his position and grabbed the Katana that floated up to his hand. Getting into a proper stance, he held the weapon and took a deep breath.

And in an instant, his body moved.


The cold gleam of the sword began to tear up the ground beneath him as the blade cut through everything in its path. But what no one expected was that even after the blade had left the reach of the ground, the cut continued to open up to about 1 meter away!

"It seems to work!" Kai finally opened his eyes to contemplate his results. And as soon as he did that, his senses also told him that there were more people there.

Looking to the side, he could only see the shocked expression of his parents and girlfriends.

"Oh. Hi, dad, long time no see!"

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