The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 31 – Kaori Birthday

After taking a shower with Haruka, the same one wanting to wash him thoroughly as if she were a maid, Kai put on his clothes and left with her. When they left, it was time for the students to go practice at the clubs.

"Are you going home now? Do you want me to drop you off there?" Kai asked her, who was following him into the office. After he sat down, she took the liberty of sitting on his lap.

"Will you stick around? If so, then I'll wait for you too..." Haruka was smelling his clothes, a smile plastered on her face. After all, when you managed to be with the person you dreamed about every night, it felt like the universe had given you the best gift ever.

"I will, but I have to make some calls. You can wait in the cafeteria, today dinner can be to your liking. Not to mention Akane could show up at any time. Wouldn't it be nice to catch us like that..." Kai looked at the time on the phone and saw that it was already time for Aoi to be at his family's private hospital. He needed to call to discuss a few things with her.

"All good! I'll wait for you there, I'll be on the computers." The cafeteria actually doubled as a break room, and there were some computers and even video games there.

"OK. See you later."

Kai grabbed Haruka's chin and captured her lips. She was stoked by it, wanting to feel more of him. They didn't kiss much during sex, so it was a new experience for her. But all good things come to an end, and she soon reluctantly parted ways with him.


When Haruka was gone, Kai took out his phone and called Aoi's mother. He had all the student family information in the database, including contact information.

Shortly after the call was answered.

[Mrs. Koshiki: Hello, who's speaking?] The voice carried suspicion, but she answered anyway. The hoarseness from crying had passed, but she still looked haggard.

"Hello Mrs. Koshiki. I'm Kai Nakashima, your daughter's friend. I'm so sorry for what happened, and I feel even more guilty for not knowing about it beforehand." He started sending some emails to Hidetaka asking about the situation while talking to her.

[Mrs. Koshiki: My goodness, so you're the young Nakashima! Thank you so much for everything you are doing for my husband! I don't know how we can repay you, but we'll do our best!] She was thrilled the instant she learned who she had to thank for the treatment her husband was now receiving.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Koshiki. If you want to repay me, have dinner with you when Mr. Koshiki is fine, that would be enough. Just knowing that I can put a smile on Aoi's face is enough to make me feel good." Receiving Hidetaka's report, he didn't know how to react. 'An American boy? Weird notebook?'

[Mrs. Koshiki: It's good to know that my daughter has someone like you looking out for her. Look, she wants to talk to you.] Aoi's mother seemed to hand her the phone when the voice on the caller changed.

[Aoi: Kai-senpai, I'm sorry for the way I treated you today. I didn't know you were clueless about my dad. I was rude, even though you were so kind to me...] She got straight to the point, as she had been brooding the entire time since hearing the good news Kai brought.

"Aoi, I would like to apologize for my neglect of you. I've been so busy lately that I've let something as big as this slide. I have you as someone very dear to me, and know that I would do everything possible and impossible to see your good."

[Aoi: Y-you're being very flattering, K-Kai-senpai!] She seemed to be caught off guard by Kai's words, looking quite nervous as she spoke. Though she was sad, when such good news comes, a great deal is left behind.

"No no, no flattery. Unfortunately I won't be able to visit the hospital today, but tomorrow I will definitely follow up with your dad on all the procedures to make sure he's going to be okay. Your entire family is in my care now. You can stay at the hotel opposite the hospital, and if you want to go home, Hidetaka will take you. And if you're hungry, don't worry about food." Kai talked a lot into the phone, overwhelming Aoi with information that she didn't know whether to be shocked or happy with how careful he was.

[Aoi: Thanks, Kai-senpai! You don't know how happy my family is about all of this. I'm taking up your time now, you must have a lot to do. Bye Bye!] She saw that it was almost time for the elite committee's training to begin, and it was Kai's busiest time.

"Bye bye, Aoi-chan!" It didn't take him long to hang up. There were still a few things to sort out, and he still had to print the billion dollar purchase money. Not to mention that Akane didn't show up at the office anymore, which means she was still very embarrassed.

When he was working on the computer, he looked at the date when a smile appeared on his face.

"I almost forgot that today was her birthday... I think I'll take her home early..."


Entering a room in the training center, Kai walked through the corridors while different musical notes invaded his ears. All of it were of great quality, as they were played by the true prodigies of the school.

Entering a farther room, he heard some piano notes. The melody sounded sad but calm and awakened the listener to something like a love song. When he saw who was playing, a smile spread across his face as he slowly approached.

The teacher who was teaching the student walked away with a smile when she saw Kai ask her to be quiet. Coming up behind Kaori, he placed his hand on the keys she was supposed to press.

When Kaori was about to play the next part, her fingers touched a strong, warm hand that looked very familiar to her. The melody of the song continued to play, sounding much more skillful than she was. A pout formed on her face as she recognized who it was.

"It's not funny when you're showing off so much..." She crossed her arms in front of her boobs, accentuating them.

"What don't I do to show that I would be a good boyfriend?" Kai stopped playing the song when he helped Kaori to get up from her seat in front of the piano. "Professor, excuse my intrusion. But today is someone's special day, and I don't want to miss the chance to celebrate."

"No problem. Miss Hayami has a spectacular talent for music and it's instruments. I'm already running out of things to teach now!" The teacher smiled, looking at the teenage couple.

"So allow me to kidnap this beautiful girl for a walk today." Kai held her as usual, Kaori giggling at the way he spoke.

"See you tomorrow, teacher!" She bowed slightly and then accompanied Kai out of the training center, and they also went alone in the car today. He would ask Chiaki to come pick up the girls, and he intended to give them each a car to drive. If he had to go back and forth to drop off each of the girls, he would have to buy a bus at the end of the year.


"Happy Birthday for you, sweet! Come on, let me take a picture of you two!" Kaori's mother applauded beside Kai as her daughter stood in front of a birthday cake and some pastries. As it was an event for just the three people, there was nothing but small decorations.

After being pushed to take a lot of pictures, Kai finally got some time with Kaori alone in her bedroom. Her mother was already supportive of this relationship for a long time, so she didn't mind leaving her daughter in the bedroom alone with him.

"Wow, this cake is so yummy!" Kaori exclaimed when she tasted the cake and the amazing taste filled her mouth. Products from the [Shop] are always this amazing.

"Look, you got yourself dirty here..." Kai said when he noticed that there was a bit of frosting on the corner of Kaori's mouth. He ran his finger there and then licked it off.

Despite being blind, Kaori was not deaf and knew what had happened. The very obvious noise of him placing his finger in his mouth could be heard at this distance. Her face blushed a lot at this, and she didn't know what to do.

"Do you want me to give it to you? You know, to avoid getting more messy..." Kai offered, taking advantage of the hot iron to hammer even harder.

"N-no need, I can manage!" Kaori denied in embarrassment, even though she wanted to.

"Come on, let me. Today you are the birthday girl. It has to be handled better than on normal days. Sit here!"

Kai pulled Kaori closer to him, taking the cake in his hand. As the bed was against the wall, Kai took the liberty of leaning his back against the wall and stretching his legs on the bed. Placing Kaori between his legs, the two got into a very cozy position.

"D-Don't you think it's a little i-inappropriate?-" Kaori didn't have many chances to protest as Kai put a spoonful of cake in her mouth, forcing her to chew.

When she tried to say something, he looked for an opening to feed her again and the cycle continued until she was simply still in his arms, lying completely on him.

"Do you want to receive your gift now?" Kai asked after they both finished eating. Kaori was already well behaved in his arms, not refusing the warm embrace he was giving.

"Gift? You didn't have to give me any gifts! Even though it's my birthday, it's just another day for me..." Kaori was surprised by that, but not that much. She already knew Kai would do something, and she was just waiting.

"But I want to give you one today. And I'll give you as many as I want. Here..." He took the present out of his pocket and spoke to her, "Close your eyes - ouch, I was just kidding." Getting a pinch on the thigh for the joke, Kai gave up on it and gave her the present.

She felt her hand caught in his strong hands, and to her shock and surprise, she felt something click into place at the base of her right ring finger. She didn't need to see it to know what it was, and her little mouth fell open in shock.

"K-Kai, th-this is..." She couldn't finish her sentence, stuttering as her face turned completely red.

"Yes, this is a dating proposal. Sorry if I got ahead of you, but I've waited too long."

Without waiting for anything else, Kaori turned to Kai. She was used to it enough to know where his mouth was, and that was her aim. She advanced on him, pressing their lips together tightly.

It looked like she wanted to pour everything she felt for him into that kiss, from the moment they met in that rain. Her ride home, her mother's teasing about their relationship, the late-night calls just to sleep together. All Kai did for her was taking root in her heart and growing into a beautiful tree.

Kai was very gentle with that kiss, but it didn't stop him from being manly in his actions. His hands began to explore Kaori's body, settling on her perfect ass. It was a wide waist, carrying large buttocks.

The two lay down on the bed, lost in kisses. Kaori was on top of him while trying to drink more of the nectar that came out of Kai's mouth, and she didn't even know how sexy she was on top of him. As she experienced the kiss, her body started to turn red and react strangely to Kai's every touch. It was like she was on fire!

"Kai, I love you. I imagined a thousand ways to tell you this every night, I imagined a thousand different scenes, and you still found a way to take me by surprise. I love you, and always will, for all the things you do for me!" Kaori declared her feelings to him, anxious that she couldn't say anything and end up giving herself to him right now.

"I'm sorry if I can't give you the one-of-a-kind love that every woman desires." He was talking about the harem, which Kaori had known about for a long time.

"I love you the way you are, without taking or putting anything. If it's to share you, so be it. As long as I have a piece..." Kaori kissed Kai a few more times, kissing his neck as she said this.

"Why am I feeling like a piece of meat right now?" He wondered if he was spoiling his girls too much right now.

"And you're not?" Kaori bit Kai's lip, showing that he could be bitten like a piece of meat too.

"You naughty girl!" Holding her by the waist and reversing positions, Kai started tickling and kissing her all over the place.

"Hahahahaha, Kai, stop tickling!"

The couple had their happy moment of intimacy, forgetting about time as they were in their own world.

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