The Worlds Seeker

Chapter 18 – Many Activities To Do

In the morning, Kai had already packed his things and prepared his training bag. The girls were getting ready in his bedroom while he served breakfast. It was literally buying some sweets and cake from the [Shop].

While looking at the [Shop] and waiting, eating his slice of cake, Kai analyzed what he could buy. Once you have so much capacity at all times, it's hard to know what you should really buy.

He had already bought the right training weights, his training clothes were also ideal and he wasn't going to buy the Pills for the time being, since he hadn't even finished the potions yet.

{What you can do now is buy whatever you can buy. As the points come all the time and there are many, there is no need to think too far ahead. As the need arises, you buy. When everything is already established, you start preparing for the next world.} Sora gave her honest opinion, as she noticed that her husband was starting to get upset with 'I could, but I don't have anything to buy'.

'Alright, it makes sense. I threw away the girls' uniforms and already bought new ones... Yeah, their training clothes!' Kai finally thought of something new to buy and went to [Common Materials], buying two sports bags just like his. The difference is that they were black with pink accents.

By the time the girls had arrived in the kitchen, he had already finished packing their bags, each containing the necessary clothing and training materials.

"Kai, why do the uniforms look a little softer? Where did you wash it?" Aki approached Kai, her graceful figure in the female uniform was a beauty to behold. She pecked him and bit his ear, enjoying his warm embrace.

"New laundry. You know, rich people stuff." Kai sniffed Aki's hair and hugged her tight. After giving a kiss on the cheek and a pat on her ass, he approached Madoka, who was coming down the stairs.

"Hey, handsome. What do you think?" Madoka gracefully descended the stairs and gave him a little spin, which was very well received.

"If I didn't trust myself, I would be very jealous of you right now..." Kai spoke sincerely, as after raising the status of the girls, they actually became much prettier. This news would almost certainly spread, causing envy in girls and desire in boys.

But he wasn't the least bit worried about that. In the first place, he would not put out the eye of every human being who leered at them, and in the second place, as their strength and dexterity stats increased, even though Madoka and Aki didn't have perfect control over it, the danger of something happening without them being able to protect themselves would be minimal. And if that happened, the [Personal Protection Bracelet] would do its job.

"I'm glad you trust." Madoka kissed his lips as she ran her hand over his body. She soon reached for her favorite toy and gave it a little squeeze, "Do you really think we'd trade you for anyone else?"

"I do not think so. I'm sure not!” Kai grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up, sniffing her neck.

After the little banter, they quickly had breakfast and went to the car. On the way, Kai started to take a different direction from school.

"Where are you going?" Madoka asked out of sheer curiosity. She was in the passenger seat, while Aki was in the back seat looking at her cell phone.

"I'm going to pick up two girls from school. I'm giving them a ride." Kai spoke with a smile, not giving too much away.

Madoka and Aki instantly looked at him, a bit of suspicion in their eyes.

"Can we ask who?" Aki asked, turning off her cell phone screen to see perfectly Kai's reactions.

"You know both of them..." He waited a while, and when saw their impatient reaction, decided to speak before he laughed, "One is Kaori Hayami, and you might already know why I'm giving her a ride. While the other was the girl who was with me when you went to talk to me in the terrace the other day."


"W-what-" Madoka got a little distracted and dropped her cell phone on the floor of the car.

"Cough* Did you said 'the other girl you were with'?" Aki coughed a little to remove the gagging, a little shocked by it all.

"Yes that's right. And there she is!" Kai stopped the car in front of a house and in front of it were Kaede and Kaori, waiting together while they talked.

As they lived close to each other without knowing it, they began to wait together. This formed a cool friendship between the two, as they both didn't have any friends at school. Even if it had lessened this kind of problem, because Hayami was blind no one wanted to be her "caregiver", while Kaede seemed too aggressive to form a friendship. After all, when you saw someone all the time frowning and looking like he wanted to hit someone, you don't normally approach that type of person.

The back door opened by itself and Kaori entered first and then Kaede. The atmosphere in the car became strange, when Madoka and Aki looked at the two other girls and they also felt strange about it.

"Madoka and Aki, these are Kaori, my friend, and Kaede, my girlfriend. Kaede and Kaori, these are Madoka and Aki, also my girlfriends. Now that you've met, let's go to school." Kai dropped the bomb as if it had absolutely nothing to do with him and went back to driving.

It wasn't until a kilometer later that the shots started to- kidding. This was what actually happened:

"Were you the girl he was with on Thursday?" Aki asked as she looked at Kaede. Her face looked calm, but she was actually a little angry. More at Kaede than Kai.

"Were you two the ones who got in our way?" Kaede looked indifferently at Madoka and then at Aki. Her years of violence gave her an aura more brutal than the two, who were trying to question her.

"What did you say?" Madoka seemed to have been teased and her eyes became sharp as she looked at Kaede.

Kaori, the poor woman in the middle of the war, was in a cold sweat feeling the tension that was present in the car. Her heart also felt heavy when she heard that Kai had so many girlfriends, but she decided to keep quiet as she never spoke about her feelings to him. And it had started to grow now, thanks to her mom talking about him all the time.

"Didn't hear right, bitch—" Kaede tried to sound tougher, but that just brought what she didn't want.

"You girls can piss off all you want, but the moment any curses come out of your mouths, I'll be done with all three of you. Did you hear?" Kai spoke in the most nonchalant voice possible, but to the three girls it felt like a stab. Because they felt the truth of it, that he wouldn't hesitate the moment there was disrespect.

"Yes!"x3. Despite being upset, they didn't dare to challenge him. Madoka and Aki because they were already very well taken care of and, as they said, they couldn't live without him. The Lovemeter was proof of that, they were almost reaching the maximum possible, so they would kill or die for him. While Kaede simply didn't have the strength to defy him, she knew she needed to be dutiful as a girlfriend. As much as she had that tigress front, she was just a kitten in his lap, and she quite liked the feeling.

The rest of the way was filled with silence as everyone concentrated on doing their own thing. When they arrived in front of the school, each one started to leave. Madoka and Aki kissed Kai on the lips as they left, showing their affection for Kaede to see. She also quickly kissed him on the cheek before getting out of the car with a flushed face, while Kaori had to go right away with Kaede, after waving to Kai.


It was almost the end of lunch and Kai was heading back to the living room. He had to go through the board to settle some bribes with the director for destroying some athletic equipment.

By the way, his cousin had also already picked up the mess on the court and would later do something to 'kill' the three teachers in an accident.

"Kai-san?" When he was passing through an intersection of corridors, an angelic voice called out to him. He thought quickly whose voice it was and found out when he turned around.

"Hi, Kai-senpai!" The speaker was Yuina as she bowed slightly and beside her was Mariko, who had called out to him.

"Mariko-chan, Yuina-chan. How are you?" Kai approached them with a smile and greeted them.

"We were talking about the Elite Committee. The facilities there are wonderful, not to mention the amount of business books there!" Mariko seemed to have a special attachment to entrepreneurship, which is why she stood out to the Committee. When there were school events, she was usually the one at the top when it came to fundraising for the donation.

"The volleyball training facilities are also perfect, not to mention the trainer there. Finding a former national team player must have been tricky." Yuina was more reserved than Mariko, so she didn't sound like a child speaking like her sister.

"It's a lot of investment to make it work. But speaking of important things, how is your brother?" Kai didn't care about that and quickly changed the subject.

"He is great! In fact, that's why we were looking for you! We want to thank you for what you did last week and we didn't get a chance to really say thank you." Mariko remembered why she was there and urged Yuina to speak.

"We would like to invite you to lunch this weekend, if possible. Mitsuru said he wants to see his favorite hero." Yuina gave the most beautiful smile when she remembered her brother and how excited he got when he talked about Kai.

"It would certainly be a pleasure. I'm also looking forward to seeing Mitsuru-kun again."

"All right then. We are going, our room is still a little far. Bye bye, Kai-san!" Mariko soon said goodbye to him when she saw time pass.

"Bye, Kai-senpai." Yuina took one last look at Kai before leaving with her sister. She seemed to have blushed a little, but it would have looked like someone's imagination.

Continuing on his way after this interlude, Kai soon arrived at his room. Hours passed before it was all over and soon they were getting ready to go to training. Now virtually every student had extra classes or a sport to practice, trying to make to the Committee or stay there.


"I, um, always liked you, so please go out with me!" A slender and messy-haired boy was in front of a very pretty girl, her delicate and refined bearing was what most attracted the attention. That is if one didn't talk about her lovely body.

"Takagi-kun..." The girl in front of him seemed to react strangely. As he lowered his head, all the girl could show on her face was hopelessness and pity, but she couldn't show it to him. They studied together for a while and she was tired of hearing him say that he likes her. At first she agreed to go home with him out of pity and he thought she liked him. It snowballed and she didn't know how to get out.

When she was in this indecision and about to accept the invitation out of pity again, the sound of a basketball bouncing towards her caught the two people's attention and they looked. The ball came slowly and soon stopped in front of the girl's feet.

"Whose is it?" The girl bent down and picked up the ball, feeling a little sweat on it, but it smelled strangely good.

"It's mine!" Kai calmly walked towards the two people and greeted them, "I let it slip."

"Oh, you're Kai Nakashima, right?" Tsukimi Chifuyu looked at Kai and asked as she handed over the ball. She saw that he was still in normal clothes and his path was the same as the one she had been taking before, heading towards the Elite Committee's training ground.

"Yes. And you are Tsukimi Chifuyu. I never forget a pretty girl's name!" He replied with a smile. Paying no attention to Takagi, he continued, "Were you going to the training ground? Let's go together, I'll accompany you!"

"Oh, of course, yes! I'm sorry, Takagi-kun, I'll get back to you later! I'm too late and the teacher is going to torture me!" Tsukimi apologized to Takagi and started to leave with Kai. The poor boy was left like a stick in the wind, a torrent of emotions rushing through his heart.

"What..." His last words...


"I'll spare introductions, since practically the entire school knows me. So it can start with you, besides your name." Kai was walking with Tsukimi and took the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

"I guess that makes sense." Chifuyu covered her mouth while laughing a little and started talking, "I'm Tsukimi Chifuyu, a 3rd year 'C' student and I'm part of the Fashion class in the School Elite Committee. That's enough?"

"So you're in Fashion class! Doesn't it seem amazing to me, you're such a refined girl. Even though we all wear the same uniform, it looks different on you and looks much prettier!"

"Y-You're too kind, Senpai! No need to overdo it." Chifuyu immediately blushed at the compliment and didn't know how to act.

"I am serious! I also understand fashion, in case you think I'm just saying it to compliment you." Kai shrugged as he watched her raise an eyebrow at him.

"Do you understand about fashion? Sounds hard to me." She wanted to see how Kai would get out of the hole he went into.

"So I'll show you how easy it is. Here." He took out two tickets and two permission bracelets from his pocket, "I have tickets to the Fass fashion show with Square & Cloud. Privileged location and a dinner hour with the main designers of the brands."

"Do you have the Fass and Square & Cloud entries!?!?!?" Chifuyu seemed to have been hit in the soft spot as she gripped Kai's hand tightly and looked at him with glowing eyes.

"After tomorrow, 19:00. I will be waiting in front of your house. Give me your number." He eased out of Tsukimi's grip and stretched his arms up there. She was already much smaller than him, now she couldn't catch even if she jumped too high.

"Hmmm..." She seemed to be ruminating inside whether or not to accept it, but her gaze constantly wandered between the tickets and Kai's face, "Okay, you did it!"

"See how easy it is? I convinced you that I understand fashion and even asked you on a date." Kai gave Chifuyu a winning smile, who pouted at it.

"You still need to convince me that you understand fashion." She said when she had collected herself a little. Her cheeks were flushed and she wanted to ignore Kai to get past her embarrassment.

"Don't worry." Kai put the tickets away and looked at her from behind, her figure receding as it seemed to grow even more beautiful.

"I'm a man of goals."



Author Note: Any grammatical errors or wrong spelling, please let me know. Sometimes it passes... :)


Bad Joke#18:

Why do ghosts love elevators?

It lifts their spirits.

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