The World of Naruto is full of maliciousness

Chapter 62 Trust

Hui Youling jumped in the forest, her speed became faster and faster, and Kimimaro caught up with her. The two were silent for a while, and Kimimaro suddenly said, "Not everyone is willing to give up their original life and embark on a journey full of all kinds of things." An unknown road..."

Hearing Kimimaro's words, Hui Youling frowned slightly and said a little annoyed, "She doesn't trust me, she doesn't trust herself, and she doesn't dare to give her daughter a chance."

Kimimaro glanced at Hui Youling lightly, and then turned back to look forward. "If trust is something like this that is destroyed too many times, you will remain suspicious of many things, and even become timid."

"Your strength did surprise her, but it also scared her. She was afraid of the same outcome because of your hiding, or in other words, deceiving."

"And if you really know homeless people, you know how much they long for a stable place to live, where she is accepted, where she stays and at least has a national identity, and she is not sure of your commitment. Is it another trap?"

Hui Youling lowered her eyes slightly. Although she understood these things, she couldn't understand why women didn't dare to take a gamble regardless of their distrust or scruples. Moreover, she really hoped to do something.

"Doesn't she even have the courage to block it? Doesn't she understand that one day her daughter will be taken to the medical station and turned into a tooth mark making machine, and she will end up like her?"

Kimimaro sighed silently and said slowly, "However, her gamble is meaningless. Without anyone to protect them, they will probably end up in the same ending. Not everyone can get the guidance of Lord Orochimaru like you. Also gain the power to protect yourself.”

"I think you understand the fate of the Uzumaki clan better than I do."

Hui bit her lower lip tightly, with an inexplicable emotion stuck in her heart. She just didn't want to end up like this, so she wanted to strengthen her strength. This kind of ending was really a matter of life and death, and she could only wait helplessly.

"In my opinion, her choice is not that stupid." Kimimaro suddenly said with some appreciation.

"At least she is needed there, that is, she is valuable, and what you give is help without repayment. On the other hand, she is of no value to you. Without value, she cannot Make sure your survival is guaranteed.”

Hui Youling turned to look at him, and probably understood what he meant. Even if she really took them away, she could not completely guarantee that their lives could go on. An insecure life was also another form of despair.

"If you believe me, I..."

"Help them take care of everything?" Kimimaro suddenly interrupted Hui Youling's words, his brows furrowed together, and the disapproval in his eyes was obvious, "Hui Youling, you must first understand your situation. Well, you can't even control your own life. I actually think that woman has already seen this clearly. Since everyone has the same fate, there is no need to drag each other down."

"And you gave her a chance. If she doesn't want to go with you, why should she care?"

Hui Youling's eyes were stunned for a moment, and finally he smiled bitterly and said with some disappointment, "I understand."

The coldness in Kimimaro's eyes finally dissipated, and he withdrew his gaze towards Hui Youling, with a rare reminder: "Hui Youling, excess sympathy will only harm yourself and others, although you are not such a person either. "

Superfluous compassion… Superfluous compassion…

That's not the case, she was just tired of that woman's hysteria, just like herself before, desperate, compromised, and powerless.


She was just tired of the woman's shouting and her defense of her daughter.


The events of that day were like a small episode, and seemed to completely disappear from E Youling's memory. Kimimaro never saw her mention it again, although he had a feeling that she still cared about it.

Kimimaro sighed softly, and his eyes fell on the duel field below, watching the melee turn into a one-on-many battle again. Eyou Ling was always the target of public criticism, fighting alone and struggling to survive.

It seemed that she was not in a good mood today. Although she was besieged in a corner, those who attacked her were hit back harder than usual. She used to save her energy and never made any unnecessary movements. Her chakra The attack was also a precise strike, after all, she could sense it herself.

Hui Youling, who was off the field, was holding a weapon she had snatched from someone's hand, and attacked several people in front of her in succession. Her cold eyes were not moved at all. Those who besieged her frowned, and could only use her unique move once. Throw it out again.

It's just that Hui Youling's evasive movements are all calculated, no more, no less. As long as she can attack any part, she can cause serious damage to them, even if it's just her elbow, she can do it very accurately. It hits the most vulnerable parts of the body, even if the person is a reformed person.

And this guy is like infinite rebirth, recovering from fatal wounds just by biting her arm. The most terrifying thing is that she is the one protected by Orochimaru.


They have begun to doubt the meaning of this kind of battle. Except for the person in front of them, every time the test subjects come here, they seem to die. Wave after wave, this person is still here. Is this guy sent by the God of Death? Why does it always happen? If I can't die, why can I always come back here again?

He stepped back step by step, trying to stay away from Hui Youling. He really didn't want to fight anymore, he would definitely die.

But before he retreated far, he was actually affected by the attack from behind. The wind and waves pushed him away, flying straight in the direction of Hui Youling. Looking at Hui Youling getting closer and closer, there was only fear in his eyes.

Hui Youling glanced at this side, and without hesitation, he threw out the knife in his hand and pierced the man's chest. He also jumped back, his mouth expanded rapidly and blew out a strong wind.

The eyes of the test subject stabbed with a long knife quickly became distracted, and he was blown away by the wind and fell to the ground.

Seeing Hui Youling eliminate someone again, someone yelled angrily, "Asshole! Kill you!!!" When he shouted like this, he rushed forward desperately and used what he thought was the strongest ninjutsu.

But before he could reach Hui Youling, he was hit hard by the person she threw over. The two of them collided and hit each other in the back, and finally fell into the wall. Blood slowly overflowed from the back of his head. come out.

Hui Youling's cold eyes glanced over there, and then quickly glanced around. All the emotions in their eyes were captured, fearful, aggressive, painful, and struggling. As long as they were dominated by certain emotions, they would be so far away. Defeat is no longer far away.

This is a fighting arena. If you lose the ability to think and act according to instinct, the only outcome will be death.

Sympathy here is meaningless and will only kill yourself, so this is why Kimimaro believes that Eyou Ling is not a person with unnecessary sympathy.

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