The World of Naruto is full of maliciousness

Chapter 54 Qing Private Extra (2)

I struggled to lift my mother up and go back to the shabby house made of garbage with her. .1kanshu

I looked back at the ninja. His red eyes were full of despair and fear. He was covering his head in pain and didn't seem to notice our departure.

I didn't know what I was feeling, but I went there and took another look, but I didn't see the ninja except for a pool of blood.

I asked people around me and I heard that the man died on the street and was killed by another ninja. He was very miserable when he died. The boss I described stared at him and was drooling as he talked, with unbearable expression in his eyes. He seemed to be frightened too.

But it has nothing to do with me. Although my mother only had a broken bone this time, it exhausted all her energy. Her body was losing weight as if it was leaking air. She was also in pain, often to the point of coma.

Even if I gave her all the things I picked up and tried every means to ask someone to heal her, it still didn't work. I really felt so helpless.

She was in and out of coma, and her eyes, which were already suffering from eye problems, were even more gray, and her whole body was like a dead tree. But when she was awake later, she was still talking nonsense.

She hugged me and cried bitterly, while rambled on that she was very scared, very scared, and lived in fear every day. After her father died, she felt that the sky was falling. She did not have the courage to live alone, and she had no way to survive in this world. .

But she also blamed me, hated me, blamed me. At this time, her eyes were full of resentment and pain. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. She asked me why I couldn't be upright, why couldn't I hold up a world for her, why couldn't I protect her. .

Hearing these words, I also blamed myself. I have always known that my mother is a fragile woman who can only rely on the twigs and vines of the big tree to survive, but she cannot become strong because of life.

But from the bottom of her heart, she was afraid of the world, and maybe she wouldn't have said these words if it weren't for the fact that she was already delirious.

I never thought she was going through these sufferings. She never told anyone, but she took the responsibility of taking care of me on her own.

In the end, my mother died, and I became completely alone. After burying my mother, I looked at the empty world, but my heart felt incredibly calm.

I didn't stay there. I took my father's notes and begged as I walked. The weather was getting colder and colder, and fewer and fewer people were willing to give me food. I almost froze to death under the bridge.

But Orochimaru found me and gave me food and warm clothes. The person who saved me was a ninja. The ninja left me with nothing. The ninja deprived me of everything, but Orochimaru gave me a chance to live.

Orochimaru took away the notes left by his father and began to ask others to teach me how to do research. This time it was not my father's technology, but a ninja's experiment. I still entered the world of ninjas.

Orochimaru said that I was very talented and gave me more and more resources. At this time, I didn’t know how I felt. I just obeyed his arrangements and studied these crazily. Although I had no fighting ability, I became Orochimaru's "right-hand man".

Until I met a girl.

Her eyes had the shadow of Orochimaru, gloomy and full of indifference. I originally thought she was also a person like Orochimaru, but after getting along with her, I realized that she was a somewhat naive girl.

She is really special. For a child of only a few years old, she is so strong that nothing seems to be able to defeat her belief.

She was obviously afraid of pain every time she was treated, but she had no qualms about being injured, and even fought with injuries, and the reason for doing so was just to improve her own fighting ability.

But I think she is very similar to her mother. Yes, she is a person who pretends to be strong.

This somewhat strange persistence makes her stronger, but I found that she cares about Kimimaro very much. Probably in Orochimaru, worshiping the strong is unquestionable, but there is sympathy and regret in her worship. You can see She always hides things in her heart, and such people always have to bear too much responsibility on themselves.

She is indeed a strange girl.

Unknowingly, I began to pay attention to her and even take care of her. I found that she was still a little different from my mother. Compared with her mother who was depressed every day, she always enjoyed herself in hardship. Even though she was already a tragedy, she could still do something for something. Being happy with the little things and being naughty occasionally is not like those who go through those pains.

I don’t know if he is just taking things as they come, or if he is heartless.

But she was Orochimaru's prized prey, and she had never escaped from Orochimaru's grasp. She was tightly held and dragged into the snake's den step by step, unconsciously and even willingly.

After that experiment, I was transferred and went to other bases to conduct curse seal experiments. The curse seal experiments were quite successful, but I was still developing special curse seals.

It's just that the curse seal I studied during that time was too special. Although there were many successful examples, there were also many failures. It was actually not stable. I, who had only been experimenting on others all my life, proposed to try it.

Time and time again, the curse marks were like maggots on my tarsus, until I was completely assimilated and could no longer control my body.

When I saw her again, she had changed a lot. She was standing outside the cage with a tooth mark on her hand and looking at me. I saw fear and unwillingness in her eyes, as well as pity for me, and a kind of tightness. The loneliness surrounding her seemed to penetrate her completely.

In fact, I didn't understand why she was so close to me at the beginning. She would cry when she was sad, complain when she was in pain, and smile when she was happy.

Looking at that look, I suddenly thought of the answer. It seemed that I was her salvation, the light that she once had, but now I have lost it and turned into a monster.

She was really in pain. She was squatting there and wanted to cry but couldn't. This was probably the reason why she had to be strong.

Not far behind her, Orochimaru stood there quietly looking at her. I seemed to see a giant net covering her, silently, leaving her nowhere to escape, just like me.

But I don't know since when, I vaguely felt that her ending would be different from mine. I hate ninjas, but I have to become one of them.

Although she was dragged into the abyss, she was obsessed with something in her heart, and this obsession was definitely not keeping Orochimaru here.

Just like my mother, she obviously hates me, hates me, and even resents me for not being able to protect her and letting her endure the pain, but she does her best to protect me, find ways to survive, and give me the best things at that time.

Even if she pretends to be strong, what she shows is tenacity. She may be a contradictory person, half true and half false, kind-hearted and cruel, making it difficult for people to distinguish, and even she herself is confused. .

Just like people who live with various masks, it's not that they don't have their own personality, but the mask is them. In the end, you don't know what kind of person she is, but you only remember the mask that impressed you the most.

Orochimaru's calculations can be described as step-by-step. What he knows best is the human heart, so he knows how to make Eyou Ling fall. It may be a tough method, or it may be a tender method, to defeat a person's heart step by step, capture her thinking, and finally Become your own follower.

But I have always felt that Hui Youling is a person who can even deceive himself. Maybe it is such a person who will escape from this trap.

Although it was just a feeling at the beginning, I thought... maybe one day Hui Youling can really escape and become a different ninja. She may be cruel, but she will also be the softest person.

No matter what she became, she shouldn't stay with Orochimaru.


I still regret what happened to my mother, regret that I couldn't protect her, and even more regret that I was powerless.

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