The world in the box

Chapter 20

The only way to fight monsters is to fight monsters.

"Only monsters can fight monsters!"

Saint Nightingale firmly believed in the revelation of God.

Unlike the previous three saints, Nightingale never questioned the existence of God and followed God's footsteps unswervingly.

She will never forget who made her regain light when her life lost its color.

"Holy light lasts forever."

Nightingale closed the heavenly book, and according to the revelation of God, a bold idea began to hatch in her heart.

Thinking of this, Nightingale smiled for the first time, but this smile was a bit crazy.


In the 188th year of God's Descent, autumn.

Saint Nightingale suddenly decided to expand the Monster Research Institute.

In the following years, she has been immersed in the study of monsters, and rarely comes out.

Nightingale's whereabouts became more and more mysterious, and what she did became more and more bizarre.

She ordered people to capture a large number of monsters and humans.

These monsters and humans never came out after entering the Monster Research Institute.

Some people said that Saint Nightingale was crazy and was conducting terrible divine experiments.

Others said that Saint Nightingale had died long ago, and now Saint Nightingale was just a monster in human skin.

Those humans who were sent to the Monster Research Institute had already become Saint Nightingale's meal.

Various rumors about Saint Nightingale began to spread in secret.

It was not until a long time later that someone opened the memoirs written by Saint Nightingale and found out what she was doing in those years.


In the 188th year of God's Descent, the month of spring revival.

I will never forget this day. The Wall of Light turned into ruins on this day. It was also on this day that I received the revelation of God.

‘Only monsters can fight monsters.’ The revelation of God made me wake up from a dream.

Yes, compared with monsters, mortal flesh and blood are so fragile, how can they fight monsters?

Only by using monsters to fight monsters can we save the world from this disaster.

God descended 188 years ago, the month of spring reproduction.

I tried to tame monsters, but found out how whimsical I was.

Monsters, such creatures without wisdom and rationality, cannot be tamed at all.

The experiment of taming monsters failed.

God descended 188 years ago, the month of summer flowers.

After the experiment of taming monsters failed, I planned to understand monsters more deeply before making the next plan.

I found a large number of books about monsters left by the brave Ryan in the giant wall fortress, and compiled them into a book.

According to the characteristics of monsters, I divided monsters into six attributes: earth, fire, wind, thunder, light and darkness. They complement and restrain each other, and change endlessly.

Monsters of different attributes have different extraordinary abilities.

Different from the purity of divine arts, and different from the extraordinary ability of divine veins that strengthen the body.

Since this extraordinary magic is performed by monsters.

Then this magic is named [magic].

In the 188th year of God's Descent, the harvest month of autumn.

I hunted many monsters, and after a lot of dissections, I finally found the secret of how monsters can use [magic].

All monsters have a delicate crystal in their bodies, which I call the magic core.

And the magic core is the core secret of how monsters can cast magic.

The magic core is the energy source of monsters, and it contains amazing energy. I named this energy [magic].

Looking at the magic crystal in my hand, I suddenly had a bold idea.

Since the magic of monsters depends on the magic core, can I implant the magic core into the human body?

If successful, perhaps humans can also cast magic.

I call this experiment the "demon seed experiment".

Demon seed, which is the abbreviation of magic seed.

In this way, the demon seed experiment began.

In the 188th year of God's Descent, the Quiet Month of Winter.

After many deductions, I ordered people to bring a prisoner and put a magic core of a flame-calling beast into the prisoner's body.

As expected, the first demon seed experiment failed.

The power of the magic core was released in the prisoner's body, turning it into ashes.

Obviously, the human body cannot digest the magic core, nor can it accommodate the magic core.

In the next month, after many experiments, I came to a new conclusion.

The magic core is equivalent to the heart of the monster, that is, it is actually an organ.

I should use the magic core as an organ, so how to put this organ into the human body?

I thought of a word mentioned by the wise saint Ling in "The Book of Light", that is, "organ transplantation


In many ways, the Wisdom Saint has always been ahead of everyone and has left all humans far behind.

Her thought is so out of tune with this era, even today.

'Organ transplantation' is still difficult to achieve and is still a bold and avant-garde medical knowledge.

Sometimes I wonder if the Wisdom Saint, who has knowledge far beyond the times, will be the 'time traveler' in the story.

Is she actually from the future?

Back to the real topic, I plan to study the medical knowledge left by the Wisdom Saint and start to 'transplant' the magic core into humans.

In the 193rd year of God's Descent, the golden moon of autumn.

Five years have passed in a hurry. In the past five years, I have been doing one thing, that is, transplanting the magic core into humans.

For example, using the magic core to replace the human heart, internal organs, and even using the magic core as a brand new organ, a brand new exoskeleton, etc.

But unfortunately, these experiments all failed.

Fortunately, I found the problem, that is, the human body cannot withstand the huge energy of the magic core.

Even the Divine Vein couldn't bear it.

Just when the Demon Seed Experiment was in a dead end, a message from outside the Black Sand Continent brought a ray of hope to the experiment.

This message came from a place called the Starry Islands.

A long time ago, the Temple of Light knew that there were other intelligent species active outside the Black Sand Continent.

During this demonic calamity, many people fled the Black Sand Continent, which indirectly promoted the exchanges between the Black Sand Continent and other places.

In the 195th year of the God's Descent, the Spring Proliferation Month.

After two years, the messenger from the Starry Islands finally arrived at the Black Sand Continent.

The messenger, as huge as a mountain, was named Ao, a very strange name.

To be honest, when I first saw Ao, I thought it was a monster. If it hadn't been rational, I would have cast a divine spell at the first time.

Ao heard about the existence of monsters. He said that the intelligent creatures of the whole world would prosper together and suffer together. If the Black Sand Continent was occupied by monsters, the next place to be occupied would be the Starry Islands.

In order to save the world, Ao is willing to help me complete the Demon Seed Experiment.

After calculation, I found the most suitable magic core for Ao.

This is a magic core called Nightwing, a dark attribute, flying monster.

In the 196th year of God's Descent, after making all preparations, I transplanted the magic core into Ao's body.

Then Ao's body began to twist constantly, and he kept screaming until one night later, he finally calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

In the rest of the time, his body began to twist and change constantly.

Looking at the constantly changing Ao, I had a hunch that this experiment would succeed.

Two months later, it was the Spring Resurrection Month.

Ao woke up from his sleep, and wings grew on his back, just like Nightwing, and almost all of his hundreds of legs were retracted into his body, leaving only four limbs.

When flames spewed out of Ao's mouth, I knew that the demon seed experiment had succeeded.

The first demon seed was born.

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