The World Below Surface

Chapter 53: Consequences of wishing

The entire city lay dormant in a peaceful slumber, not awakened by the sound of speeding vehicles. Lu Yan turned the steering wheel, driving away from the urban centre, navigating an unfamiliar path.

Curious about their destination, Chu Xiu asked, "Where are we heading?"

"Didn't you plan to play the game at Fourth High School? Let's explore the vicinity today," Lu Yan responded.

The mere mention of the upcoming Seven-Day Supernatural Game silenced Chu Xiu. The first six days had drained him, Shi Yan and Nie Yun Zhen had perished, and the mystery of Wen Qing and Yun Qian's reincarnation vortex remained unresolved. A divine being with omnipotent knowledge had recently surfaced, adding to his exhaustion.

Chu Xiu had never felt as helpless in any task, but he couldn't shirk his responsibility. It all began when he introduced Wen Qing and Yun Qian into the game on the first day.

Yet, a slight feeling, deep within Chu Xiu's core, whispered that even if he hadn't invited Wen Qing, she would have entered for some reason. And wherever she was involved, time and space would inevitably spiral out of control.

As with this time, the game should have concluded, but they were dragged back to the intersection again. Although he had granted Shi Yan and Nie Yun Zhen multiple second chances to live, they still met their demise unexpectedly near the end.

He sensed that an invisible force was pulling the strings behind the scenes. It wasn't Wen Qing's participation but that "god" who was manipulating everything!

That "god" had transformed their mission into a chaotic experience. However, once the mission began, wishes would surface, dragging them deeper into the temporal and spatial vortex.

Chu Xiu expressed his suspicion while observing Lu Yan's demeanour in the rearview mirror, hoping for any indications.

Unknown to him, Lu Yan had already made a deal with the god, trading his faith for survival.

Listening attentively to Chu Xiu's conjectures, Lu Yan believed his choice was correct. Chu Xiu had the ability to deduce without any evidence. When he returned, he would collect more information for him in that world.

Nevertheless, he was uncertain whether his psychological manipulation of Chu Xiu would still work when he returned. Furthermore, it would be challenging to encounter Chu Xiu in another world if he came back.

"I can't conclude anything yet. What's behind everything? It's not a mere ghost or monster," Chu Xiu concluded, "With Shi Yan and Nie Yun Zhen's abilities, they shouldn't have..." Chu Xiu halted, leaving the remainder of his statement unspoken. Nevertheless, he believed Lu Yan understood his unspoken words.

Lu Yan's words resounded in the murky air, "They died in the first round; thus, their fate is already sealed. Even if they were to start over again and again, their end would be the same." He continued. "Their deaths are predetermined, whether it be Wen Qing, Yun Qianan, Shi Yan, or Nie Yun Zhen... even if they are given a chance to live again, they cannot escape their fate. Unless they pay the price and vow to the gods, just like us."

Chu Xiu scratched his chin, bewildered. "But if we survived by making a vow, why did Wen Qing survive without doing so?"

"God is omnipotent," proclaimed Lu Yan suddenly, his eyes alight with a fanatical zeal. "He has the power to bring back the dead, to turn back time, to create anything!"

Lu Yan's sudden transformation took aback Chu Xiu. The man had turned into a raving madman, praising god with an almost frightening fervour.

But then, as suddenly as it had come, Lu Yan's madness was gone. "However," he continued, "God does not resurrect the dead. He merely sends them back to the starting point to walk a new path again."

Real resurrection was impossible. He had searched for such a miracle countless times but always came up empty-handed. Those who believed in resurrection were more likely to be dragged down into the abyss, requiring more and more sacrifices.

"This starting point," Chu Xiu mused.

Lu Yan gestured towards the flow of a river.

"The river of time and space flows endlessly, and like its current, the saying goes that no one can step into the same river twice, not even the gods," Lu Yan began, his voice deep and commanding. "It draws us out of the moment of death and propels us to die once more in that same time and space. And then, it thrusts us into another moment of the river, but that river is no longer the same as before. There may be another version of ourselves, or perhaps not, for we all are mere drifters in this river, and there may be intersections."

Chu Xiu nodded, his eyes fixed on Lu Yan.

"Though the gods may be merciful, their majesty is inviolable. Only those willing to pay the price can be granted a chance to start anew. We have paid the price, and therefore we can change our future, but Shi Yan and Nie Yun Zhen did not pay the price. How can they be worthy of the god's gift?" Lu Yan's voice was heavy with judgement, his eyes ablaze with conviction.

In other words, they had "resurrected" without paying the price, so it was natural that they would die.

The death trap they had just escaped from was meant for them. And while Chu Xiu was also gravely injured, he knew that he would not have survived if the "god" had truly wanted him dead.

But it was Lu Yan's tone that gave Chu Xiu pause. His words were those of a devout believer, yet his expression was cold and distant. It was a contradiction that was hard to reconcile.

Still, Chu Xiu knew whether Lu Yan believed that god had little consequence. He had other things on his mind.

"So, is Wen Qing also doomed to die?" he asked, his voice low and serious. "Even though she made a wish, why did she still die?"

Lu Yan's eyes narrowed as he considered the question. "She is different," he said slowly. "When I said she was destined to die, it was because no matter how many times she starts over, she will always end up on the path of death again and again due to her reasons. She could save herself, but instead, she chooses death over and over because of other people's sacrifices."

The cycle was not eternal, and making a wish came at a cost. But what price could Wen Qing pay for repeatedly starting over?

He couldn't help but wonder what price he would have to pay for making his wish. Mimicking Lu Yan's pious expression, he asked, "The god's gift must be paid for. Otherwise, it will be collected in another form?"

Lu Yan nodded, his face serious.

This way, it made sense. Because of Chu Xiu, Shi Yan and Nie Yun Zhen "came back to life" at the time they were supposed to die, but they didn't pay any price, so the "god" would naturally find a way to take back his "gift."

"I see... It explains why we suddenly found ourselves back at the crossroads. But why did we see a third car?" Chu Xiu asked.

At the intersection, there should have only been two vehicles that collided. However, the trio was confounded by the third phantom car, causing them to overlook the peculiarity.

If the first intersection was part of a game of death, why did the third car appear after the collision? Was it the doing of the task or the "god," or perhaps both?

"On this matter, I can only offer a conjecture," Lu Yan said. "The third car was probably intended to screen our dead ends. We survived by chance. However, if Shi Yan and Nie Yun Zhen hadn't met their untimely demise, they would have had their dead ends in due course."

Otherwise, it's hard to explain how they were all deceived by the third car.

They approached a red light, and Lu Yan halted the vehicle. However, he continued the discussion without pause. A query he posed sent a chill down Chu Xiu's spine. "And furthermore, are you entirely sure that you have successfully passed your dead end?"

Chu Xiu's body grew tense. "What do you mean?"

"Rewards come at a price. How many times have you wished to start over? What toll have you paid?" Lu Yan stated.

In other words, after restarting so many times, were you sure that the price you paid was enough?

Lu Yan didn't know how he broke free from the dream but knew it had something to do with the "god."

"I... " Chu Xiu hesitated, realizing he wasn't certain. He had relied on the "god" to escape the dream.

"Be cautious in tomorrow's game," Lu Yan concluded.

It was the last day of Chu Xiu's mission it was easy to imagine how high the price he would have to pay.

Chu Xiu fell silent for a prolonged period, then nodded and said, "Thank you." Yet, as he gazed ahead, his suspicions were deepening. As the car drove through another traffic light, he asked coldly, "Do you know a man called He Lou?"

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