The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 7 - 1 successful sneak

“According to satellite positioning, we are now at this location. The laboratory is here, the data room is here, and the rest area is here.”

Nolan took out a highlighter and briefly drew the layout of the underground building on the map.

This is not only the information he learned when he used the invisibility technique to follow the gangsters in; after that, he activated the insight technique to investigate the situation of the entire bunker.

“Where should we start?” Xiao Fu asked. After vomiting for five minutes, his complexion was much better.

“It stands to reason that we should start with the rest area. There must be a lot of people who are relaxed and unarmed. Get rid of them first, and then it will be much easier.” Nolan pondered. “But S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously doesn’t think so, right?”

The Punisher snorted: “Of course, of course… How could they not be interested in the method of making super soldiers?”

“So we can only do it from the laboratory and data room. Not only must we quickly destroy the enemies inside, but also protect the experimental data and materials in it.”

“The plan is good.” Uncle Pu looked with admiration: “Let’s get started.”


For Nolan, such a bunker facility can easily give him a sense of sight of the dungeon when he played the ancient 5VR before.

As for the mages in the lower dungeons, the sharpest spells are not the most destructive destruction, but the illusions that can play with people’s hearts and change the state of hostility.

“Chaos” that can make people go crazy and attack teammates, “Hysteria” that can fear others and make them run away involuntarily, and “Harmony” that calms the opponent and treats oneself as an ally…etc. Wait.

However, there is an embarrassing reason why Nolan put a ‘chaos spell’ before he came up to let everyone in the bunker kill each other first, or put a ‘harmonious spell’.

His proficiency in illusion is not high enough.

Because he used to think that all illusionists were too dirty and not “cool” enough, so he didn’t practice any other illusion spells except invisibility, and he only mastered low-level courage, calm, silence, and so on.

In the game, the general scope of courage art is up to level 9, that is, ordinary robbers, gangsters, beasts, etc. In reality, level 9 mental spells don’t know how much willpower it takes to counteract them.

And in this bunker, there are ‘super warriors’.

According to Captain America’s experience, anyone who can become a ‘super soldier’ ​​has absolutely strong willpower, and his illusions may not work.

“The corner ahead is the laboratory. There are four people, three standing and one lying down. It is initially determined that two are researchers and one is a guard. The guard is at eight o’clock, and the researcher handed it over to me.”

After opening the insight technique, Nolan observed the situation behind the wall.

Uncle Pu and Xiao Fu nodded slightly to indicate that they received it, and Nolan then sneaked into the room.

The two researchers were chatting while operating in front of the operating table, unaware that the danger was approaching.

“Will you choose to take vacation this week? Jack?”

“Yes, I’ve made an appointment with my son. When I finish things here, I’ll take him to see his favorite Lakers game.”

He seemed to think of the happy family reunion, and one of the researchers had a happy smile on his face.

There was a dull gunshot, and Frank suddenly probed at the door, killing the guard sitting in the corner dozing off.

“WTF!” The two researchers were taken aback by the sudden change;

However, before they could shout, a blue electric arc flashed, and the two collapsed to the ground in convulsions, with Nolan showing a figure behind them.

The Punisher strode over, probed the necks of the two with his hand, and frowned, “Why did one die?”

Nolan squinted: “Who knows, when I gave Franklin anesthesia, I used the same force. Maybe I stay underground all the year round and don’t exercise. This guy is too weak.”

Xiao Fu also came up: “So you gave me anesthesia like this? Are you the legendary mutant?”

“Take it as this for now.”

Walking to the operating table, Nolan looked at the homeless man who was tied to the table under general anesthesia: “If you die, you will die. Just leave a living mouth for questioning. Anyway, they helped Zhou and abused him, and the death was not wronged.”

“Let’s go, finish your work early, and I can catch up with tonight’s TV series when I go back.”

“Where is next? The data room?” “Correct.”

The three people communicated with each other and continued to rush to the next location, the data room. There are not many guards in the data room.

“Stop! What are you doing!” A guard asked nervously, holding a gun to the figure outside the door.

Unlike other places, the lights here are particularly bright, even to the point of dazzling, and Nolan’s invisibility may be revealed here. After all, his invisibility is just an illusion to deceive vision, not true invisibility.

“Relax, brother!” Franklin stood up and pretended to be a member of the gang here. “I just want to come over and check some information.”

“That’s it… No, you’re not one of us!”

Sensing something strange, the guard quickly opened the safety and prepared to shoot;

Suddenly, a sharp dagger flew in the air, and it was accurately inserted into his throat. The guard’s eyes seemed to pop out, and he fell to the ground while clutching his throat.

“Old guy, you’re not bad at all!” Xiao Fu was frightened in a cold sweat and couldn’t help but praise.


Uncle Pu snorted coldly. Connect a device similar to a mobile hard disk to the computer, and type on the keyboard skillfully.

There is a wireless signal on the device, and the data transmitted to the inside is uploaded to the server of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Two months ago, Jin Bing’s biochemical research laboratory finally developed a ‘super soldier’ ​​enhanced potion that can be put into use.

After hearing the news, excited Wilson Fisk (original name Jin Bian) tied the head of the laboratory, Russian biochemical expert Cheko Yankiv to a stone and sank it into the Hudson River.

And announced to others that the number one hero, Chekoyankiv, was rewarded with a family vacation in beautiful Iceland.

A month and a half ago, other researchers in the lab discovered a major flaw in the booster:

Once the ‘super soldier’ ​​turned into after using the potion fluctuates violently, it will produce a powerful self-destruction; a super soldier and 19 guards who stayed with him died as a result.

And because of this danger, in addition to going out to perform tasks, the three ‘super soldiers’ are usually required to stay in a specially-built room, and they can’t even touch video games. They can only play cards when they are bored.

“That is to say, this medicine does not enhance their mental abilities, but weakens them in disguise; and as long as their emotions are disturbed beyond a certain threshold, they will explode on their own, right?”

Listening to the information summed up by SHIELD researchers in the headset, Nolan asked into the microphone.

“Theoretically, that’s true.”

“OK, I shouldn’t have to work overtime today. Inform the ground unit and be ready to enter the venue at any time.”

After all, the plan cannot keep up with the rapid changes. Since these people are not genuine ‘super warriors’, they can do it themselves.

Nolan put his hands together and suddenly a light blue light group appeared in his palms.

He silently felt the loss of mana in his body, and whispered in his mouth, “Wrath Art!!”

The light group suddenly burst, and then a halo enveloped the entire bunker.

Fifty meters away, a guard suddenly felt a nameless fire in his heart, and slapped his companion who was standing guard next to him: “You sand coin, the Lord has long been upset with you!”

His companion was inexplicable, but his inexplicable anger also rose: “You are sick!”

His backhand was a gun **** and smashed it on the opponent’s head.

“Good boy!” The guard fell to the ground, shook his head, and drew a pistol from his waist: “Death to the Lord!”

“Bang bang bang!”

“Da da da da da-!”

Xiao Fu and Frank were startled when they heard the sound of gunfire outside. Just as they were about to ask questions, three deafening explosions sounded one after another.

Obviously, the explosion was not too far away. In a space as big as the bunker, the aftermath of the explosion blew them up and down.

“The ability to change a person’s emotions a little bit.” Nolan explained.

Frank gave him a deep look: “This is not simple, is it a superpower of the mind?”

“No, to be precise, it’s a spell.”

“Spell?” Xiao Fu exclaimed: “Similar to Merlin, or Gandalf?”

“That’s understandable.” Although it may not be as good as them for the time being, Nolan did not deny it.

“Is it possible for ordinary people to learn the spells you mentioned?”

A voice suddenly came from the headset that was in communication with S.H.I.E.L.D.

“I suggest you come and talk to me about this in person, Braised Egg.”


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