The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 32 - batter, duneville

If someone passed by in a helicopter at this time, they would find that a blizzard had already enveloped them within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

“…Experts explained that this is likely to be the ‘Janna phenomenon’ that is rare in 300 years. The main reason for its formation is still unknown. The specific manifestation is the local abnormal blizzard weather…”

The news is playing on the TV, and the so-called meteorological experts are wiping sweat while coining new terms.

Nick Fury looked at the satellite image on the screen next to him and touched the stubble on his chin:

“Call the ‘Mage’ and ask him where he is now.”

“We got in touch right away, and there was no signal. Not only that, but as long as we entered that blizzard area, the signal would disappear. The strange thing is that ordinary people don’t get any damage when they go in, while some of our agents go in and they don’t get any damage. I felt stiff all over and even froze quickly.”

Nick Fury seemed to smell something: “Those agents…?”

Coulson nodded at the side: “It’s under control, and the screening is underway.”

Although they didn’t know the teammate-free damage effect of the ‘Blizzard’ spell, it was not difficult for them to figure out the strange phenomenon that the same agent went in, some people were intact, and some people were injured.


Above the hill, the watchmen team lost their voices as they watched the abandoned processing factory and several mountains covered by snow and wind.

Unlike the gangster gunmen in the processing factory, although they are in the range of the ‘Blizzard’ spell, their line of sight is still as clear as a clear day, and they can clearly see the riots below.

Standing on the side of a loess road with a gentle terrain, he witnessed Skye who was shot by Nolan, and felt that something was broken.

A different emotion emerged from her heart, and she realized again what the ‘watchmen’ were: they were not just a group of good neighbors, but a group of ‘heroes’.

They are also ‘superhumans’.

Her mood suddenly became violent, and a strong unwillingness welled up in her heart:

“Am I really only able to do logistical work? Be a cook who cooks vegetables?”

“No! Since they can do it, so can I!”

This inexplicable sense of anger was so strong that her body seemed to respond to emotional feedback, producing some kind of unknowable change.

As if he suddenly understood something, Skye had a kind of understanding in his heart.

She put her hand gently on the ground, quietly feeling the fluctuations from the center of the earth.

According to a certain geological theory, the earth has its own vibration frequency, but it is usually maintained in a balanced state, which ordinary people cannot detect.

Once an external force intervenes and breaks this balance, an earthquake will occur. That’s what she’s going to do now.

“Where are you… Come on, Shockwave, I found you!”

She closed her eyes abruptly, and then used all her energy to pluck that wonderful ‘string’ that she had just perceived in her mind.

Just as a bird is born to fly, a deer can walk soon after birth;

Under the strong emotion, she awakened some kind of skill about manipulating the ‘shock wave’.


Somewhere in an abstract and silent place, a conceptual ‘string’ was snapped by her ability, and the chaotic shock waves were fed back on the surface, starting to cause irreversible consequences;

“Earthquake! Earthquake!”

A strong earthquake hit this abandoned processing factory, and the gangsters ran outside in a hurry. Behind them, the floors and walls made of reinforced concrete collapsed.

Not far away, a three-story concrete building slammed to the ground, splashing a lot of dust. Originally, the view here was extremely poor, but now it’s even worse.

Just in this wind, snow and dust, a roar of the engine ‘suddenly—’ suddenly sounded, and gradually moved from far to near.

Just as someone was wondering who would dare to drive in such an environment, an off-road vehicle gradually emerged from the wind and snow.

When it was completely exposed in front of everyone, the gangsters standing in various places all froze:


In front of them is a giant steel beast, welded steel plates and bulletproof glass, and a George Button off-road vehicle with its own weapon system.

Franklin sat in the driver’s seat, but Uncle Pu was not in the co-pilot, but sat on the revolving turret above.

He was holding a thick cigar in his mouth, and in front of him was a Gatling gun welded to the car.

“So many people are crowded here, are they having a party? Huh?” Frank tilted the cigar to the side of his mouth and smiled coldly: “Let me put some fireworks for you to cheer up!”

Under the fearful eyes of many gangsters, Gatlin’s six-barreled muzzle gradually began to turn frantically.

The sound of torn cloth and silk resounded through the abandoned processing factory. The tongue of fire from the muzzle almost formed a laser. Wherever it was pointed, flesh and blood flew and vanished.

“Ah, ah, ah—” A strong gang gunman rushed out of the bunker brazenly, pulled the trigger of the AK with a strange cry, and shot a full shuttle of bullets at the off-road vehicle!

However, to his desperation, the bullet hit the windshield in front of Franklin, only causing slight scratches and no signs of shattering.

Not to mention Custer, who was hiding behind a protective steel plate and wearing heavy armor.

“You’re finished? Then it’s my turn!”

The Vulcan Cannon rotated in one direction and aimed it. The gangsters stared blankly at the six black thick muzzles, and the AK in their hands hung weakly.


Taking advantage of the chaos in the processing plant, the little spider climbed all the way.

Nolan’s spells are very effective against these ordinary people. In the game, the 10 points of damage per second of the blizzard spell may not be painful at all; however, in reality, many people have been frozen in less than five minutes. on the ground. UU Reading

Especially except for some steel structure buildings, most of the houses were collapsed by Skye. Being exposed to the cold wind and snow made them freeze into popsicles even faster.

So Spider-Man ran rampant in the processing plant. Just when he was going to find a commanding height and observe where the culprit, Jin Bing, was, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Shooting a cobweb at a surviving small building, he climbed to the top of the building and looked at the place where the sound was just made.

“WTF—” He seemed unable to believe his eyes, and murmured, “Is there really a dragon in this world??”


“Dragonborn, long time no see… This place doesn’t seem to be on Nairn?”

A huge dragon crouched in front of Nolan, his head held high, and he looked around suspiciously.

It is Duneville, the undead dragon from Nirn, who taught the dragonborn in the world of the undead how to summon its roar.

“Yes, this is a planet called ‘Earth’, Duneville. I’m sorry, I need your help again.” Nolan approached it and patted its dragon horn that was corroded by the power of the undead.

“Well…” Duneville breathed softly, but it fell into the ears of mortals like a bellows:

“I taught you to summon my dragon’s roar. Originally, it was just to escape from the plane of the dead, and go to Tamriel to breathe. I didn’t expect you to have the opportunity to reach other planes.”

There was joy in his roar: “Very good. As a thank you for calling me out, come on, come on my back! Let’s destroy all the enemies that stand in your way!”

(Please recommend, please collect! Please, this is really important to newcomers! Bang Bang Bang~!)

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