The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 20 - rescue

“Nolan? Can you hear me? Another group of gunmen opened the hatch and headed towards you!”

After Spider-Man’s unremitting efforts, one after another of the “Gross” gang members were knocked out, then **** with spider silk in circles and hung upside down in the air. Soon there were large and small cocoons hanging in the cabin.

After all, these people are just a group of gangsters with weapons, and they have not undergone formal military training. Their combat effectiveness is vastly different from that of professional soldiers.

Spider-Man also doesn’t take professional fighting or stealth lessons, but the enhancements brought by his spider talent allow him to bring down these opponents with ease.

Nolan watched this scene and pressed the headset to connect to the air team:

“Yes, I saw it. The air team can start. Kill it directly, don’t leave it behind.”

“Received.” Neither Franklin nor Frank were soft-hearted and did not raise any doubts.

The little spider asked worriedly: “Will it be too much to kill them? We can also choose to knock them all unconscious and hand them over to the customs police.”

“Don’t do things that you will regret.” Nolan answered succinctly.

Aware that the effect of the spell was about to disappear, he raised his hand and added another set of buffs to himself:

‘Insights! ’

‘Detect life! ’

‘Stoneskin! ’

‘Stillness! ’

‘Invisibility! ’

The little spider was quite speechless as he watched the halos in his hand one after another, and finally disappeared in front of him:

“Seriously, I feel more and more that we are not playing a tense bandit campaign, but a real-life game?”

“If you think so, you might suffer.”

“Who can do it? With these idiots and the fire sticks in their hands?” Peter Parker kicked the AK47 on the ground.

If it was said that half a month ago, he could only beat up the little gangsters on the street; after this evening, these gunmen are nothing in front of him.

His spider sense became more and more proficient, and he could even predict the bullets shot at him in advance and avoid them; unless many rifles were fired at the same time, he would hardly be shot.

And he became more and more proficient in the control of power, and as the number of battles increased, Peter felt that the potential deep in his body was gradually tapped out:

His movements are getting more and more agile, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, his reaction is getting faster and faster, and even his endurance is getting longer and longer.

“Don’t take it lightly. There aren’t many enemies in the cabin, get rid of them quickly, and then go out to support the air team.”

“Received, sir!”

Peter Parker saluted the air in front of him, then shot a spider silk, pulling himself to the top.


Pushing forward along the downward passage, the two of them soon came to the lowest cabin.

The smell here is already very turbid, and even has an indescribable sour smell, like a plate of rotten eggs fried with spoiled potatoes, and people who smoke it are nauseated.

This was originally a storage room, but now it has been transformed into a dormitory for Eastern European girls, or a prison cell.

The only access from outside to the cell is a stainless steel door with a small window. This door is obviously not the kind of anti-theft door that is sold on the market, with a layer of cardboard sandwiched between the iron sheets on both sides, but is really made of steel.

“Where is the key?”

Spider-Man pressed a gunman who was in charge of guarding against the door, trying to ask how to open the door.


There is no doubt that the guards sent to guard must be the most diehard members of the ‘Gross’ gang.

He had no intention of opening his mouth at all, his face was full of sarcastic smiles, and he mocked Little Spider mercilessly, trying to provoke him.

“It must have taken a lot of effort to get here, right? It’s really hard, but it’s a pity that you can’t open this door. It’s not just you, everyone on the ship can’t open it again!”

Peter Parker looked unwilling: “Why?”

“Because the key has been thrown directly inside by me, and this door can only be opened from the outside! Hahahaha—”

“Hello? Can you hear the people inside? Someone threw a key in here just now, can you pass it to me?”

Peter Parker called in through the small window where the food was delivered, but no one responded.

“It’s useless!” Although his face was smashed with blood by the angry little spider, this diehard was still arrogant. He breathed hard:

“This group of sluts… are all from Bosnia and Herzegovina… They don’t speak English at all… and three days before the landing, we basically gave no food, save They made a fuss when they got off the boat. Save it! Hahahaha-“

‘Click! ’

Before his laughter fell, the lock on the steel door had been picked.

Nolan put the lock pick in his hand into his arms.

“Don’t look at me with such strange eyes. Didn’t I tell you that I’m a master lockpicker?”

Nolan motioned Little Spider to open the door. The situation in the cabin made Peter Parker’s eyes red. The women who lay on the ground occasionally let out two groans, but more He didn’t even have the strength to make a sound.

The whole room was filled with the smell of stomach acid mixed with excrement, and the eyes of those who walked in were irritated with tears.

Peter went in while fanning his hand vigorously in front of him, trying to drive away some unpleasant smells.

“Hey, how are you?”

No one responded. These girls didn’t understand English and didn’t know what they were going to do. They just lay down silently on the ground to save their energy.

“We have to contact the police in New York immediately and ask them to send rescue.”

The enhanced five senses made the little spider especially uncomfortable in a harsh environment. He just wanted to find a ventilated place as soon as possible and take a few good breaths.

“Strange…” Nolan muttered to himself.

According to his understanding, the spell of detecting life is a bit like thermal imaging, and every normal person emits red light in his field of vision.

People with weaker vital signs emit less red light.

In Nolan’s field of vision, although the life fluctuations emitted by a few people are also weak, they are much stronger than those around the women who have been hungry for a few days.

“Something’s wrong! Spider-Man, step back quickly!”

“Ah?” Peter Parker tilted his head in confusion. At this moment, a woman who had been lying on the ground and seemed to be dying suddenly crouched down, and then gave a low voice, with a bright knife light from his body. Flashed by.

Peter Parker looked at his abdomen in disbelief. A wound started from his chest and was neatly drawn all the way to his lower abdomen. The heartbeat was faintly visible at the wound.

“I’m dying?”

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