The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 161 - spaceship

“Good morning!”

Nolan stretched contentedly and stepped into the hot factory.

“Good morning, it’s one o’clock in the afternoon!” Chen Wan rolled her eyes, deliberately bumped him with a stack of documents, and walked to Frank’s side: “Well, here are the latest crime statistics, from the Ministry of State Security. Hope you guys can show up, where crime is on a steep upward trend…”

“It’s already early for him. It’s rare. I thought you would run out in good spirits at night.” Frank took the document and joked at the same time.

Squeeze squeak. “Don’t look at me like this, I’m actually very busy.” Nolan spread his hands. “By the way, how is the progress of building the spaceship?”

“Go ask the guy over there.” Frank pointed from a distance.

Nolan looked in the direction and found that he was talking about an excited Peter Quill.

It seemed that the famous Star-Lord had completely dropped his arrogance and surrendered to Tony’s steel skirt.

Wherever Tony goes, he follows.

“What happened to him? I remember he was quite arrogant?” Nolan asked strangely.

“That guy was really arrogant when he first came. He was a ‘earth native’, and he didn’t look down on our technology.”

There was also a smile under Frank’s stiff face: “In the end, when it came to the design of the spacecraft, the ‘crystals of alien technology’ he proposed were criticized for nothing by Tony, and his face was turned blue.”

“and after?”

“In just one night, Tony came up with a better plan. Since then, that guy has been running around with Tony in the saddle and back, almost calling him Dad.” Frank shrugged.

“It’s too realistic, what’s the difference between a peripheral girl who is willing to sleep for a sports car.”

Nolan patted Star-Lord’s shoulder: “Hey, how do you feel about the technology of our indigenous people on Earth?”

“Uh, buddy, that’s just a joke…” Star-Lord was stubborn, completely ignoring what he had said: “You also know that when we first met, a little bit of precaution is necessary, this is The qualities that everyone who lives in the universe has…”

“Stop. I don’t have time to listen to you, okay? I just want to know when you can take me to that ‘Magrago Star’ and find what I want.”

“I’m a professional, man.” Star-Lord also realized that Nolan didn’t have much patience, and quickly called up a holographic star map.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} “What is this?”

“The standard star map of the Milky Way, the version from four hundred years ago. Only this version of the star map records the ‘Magrago star’ you mentioned. At that time, the planet was not destroyed. To get it This thing is not easy, unless you have professional connections, even if you are a senior cosmic mercenary, you may not be able to find the destination.”

Star-Lord said proudly.

Nolan nodded and admitted that he did have some skills: “Very well, when will we set off?”

Star-Lord: “Of course we have to wait until the spaceship is completed.”

“Isn’t it already finished?” Nolan tapped the aircraft’s smooth outer shell full of cold metal texture: “Tony told me that the power system will be installed today.”

“Dude, you don’t really think that as long as a ship can fly, it’s a spaceship, right?”

Star Lord looked exaggerated: “As a well-known cosmic mercenary, how could the spaceship not be equipped with a weapon system? You must know that the ghost place of Molago is close to the unowned land where the sweepers gather, it is very chaotic. A ship without a weapon system is like a lamb washed up there for the slaughter.”

What he said seemed to make sense, but in front of Nolan, what kind of scavenger could make a plan?

Hu Hu Hu Hu. Not to mention that he himself came out of the sweeper, and is very familiar with that piece.

In fact, when Silver Guard 1 first appeared, the spaceship used by Star-Lord did not have a weapon system, because it was a civilian spaceship. And the price of military spaceships equipped with weapons is much worse.

However, it is clear that the combat effectiveness of the earth against the Qitarui people made his mind live a lot.

At least the quality of Stark Group’s weapons has proved to be excellent. If you miss this village, you will not have this store.

Nolan didn’t mind, just glanced at him without exposing it.

On the one hand, this little money and technology are irrelevant to him; on the other hand, designing a spaceship for Peter Quill is meant to be an experiment. In the end, the experience gained on this ship has to be applied to their own ship.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} If you want to fight against Thanos, even the Kree Empire or Asgard and other cosmic forces, you can’t succeed by fighting alone. Low-level soldiers, mid-level combat power, and spaceships are all necessary.

This is also the reason why Nolan asked Tony Stark to create a robot army and brought in the dragon race from Nairn.

He doesn’t have the appeal of the Avengers in the original plot, and he doesn’t plan to spend time with the closed Wakanda or the new Avengers.

War is destined to kill people. Although he is not a virgin, if he can try his best to avoid it, it would be better to have fewer deaths.

巘舅Vertex Novel Network 舅 Yes. Whatever type of weapon you want, we will try our best to satisfy it. Even if you have only seen it once, as long as you describe it, we will try our best to restore it. “

Nolan took it all: “You have seen Tony’s technical strength. There may not be a better expert than him in this universe.”

“When did you admire me so much?” Tony Stark glanced at the hand he put on his shoulder, with a strange expression: “Although I am indeed so good, it always feels like speaking from your mouth. strange.”

“Really? That must be because you don’t usually spend enough time with me.” Nolan shrugged.

Not to mention, Tony Stark’s technological level can really only be described as open-minded.

At least one person who can successfully create a time machine, in reality, it may be difficult to create one after 10,000 years.


In New York, in an unobtrusive alley, suddenly there were two more sneaky figures.

One of them wore a mask, the other a top hat, and the brim of the hat was lowered very low.

Fortunately, after the Watchers defeated the aliens and saved the earth, there were suddenly more people wearing all kinds of hero masks and even full body tights on the street. Therefore, although these two seem a little strange, they did not attract much attention.

“What’s the name of the company you’re talking about?”

“Hammer Industries. This is a very powerful military-industrial enterprise with connections between the political and business circles. Most importantly, its chairman has been taken over by me.” Alexander Pierce was slightly respectful.

“Very good, take me there.”

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