The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 157 - Meet Peter Quill

Thanos is by nature cautious. In the original timeline, he just sent a small troop of Chitarui to invade the earth to test the strength of the earth and the attitude of the ancient master and others.

The result is obvious, although Iron Man carried a nuclear bomb on his back and destroyed the Chitauri mothership, declaring the invasion a failure;

But the weakness of the earth is also evident. **** snatch

However, the guardian of the earth, Gu Yi also led the mage to fight.

Although she did not leave the gate of the temple, nor did she make any big moves, she just destroyed a few aircraft on the roof. But Thanos still regarded it as a statement, and gave up further plans for Earth, especially the Infinity Stones.

It is precisely because of this that this time the Chitauris brought ten motherships to the earth with great fanfare, and Nolan had to be suspicious.

Could it be that Thanos got the two Infinity Stones from Pierce and the Red Skull, and simply stopped acting, and the showdown was over;

Choose to directly attack the earth with arms, face the ancient hard steel, and **** the time gem?

Nolan didn’t know what was going on.

But he also couldn’t risk letting Thanos gather the gems and snap his fingers.

Especially now, it is still uncertain whether the tyrant of this universe belongs to the director of the Family Planning Office or an extremist who wants to push the universe to re-evolve. Or have other ideas.

Therefore, he must first master a gem and be ready to run away at any time.

“These idiots from Hydra, if they can’t do anything, they will be disgusting.” Nolan couldn’t help scolding in his heart.


The battle on Earth is still fierce.

It is different from the ‘exploratory attack’ command issued by Thanos, especially this time, the Chitauri no longer passed through the opening of the universe cube, and only sent 8,000 trash fish soldiers, but ten motherships came to the earth in person. .

The huge pressure almost didn’t make the earthlings fall into despair. Fortunately, at this time, the watchmen stood up.

The largest number of trash fish army was easily destroyed by the “Iron Watcher” robot soldiers made by Stark Group. The larger, Pippi shrimp-shaped Chitauri battleship was taken over by the giant dragons who had descended on Washington earlier.

The two sides are of the same size, but the giant dragon with flying instinct is far more flexible than the man-controlled Chitauri battleship.

Coupled with the endless dragon roar magic, extremely high temperature flames and extremely low frost breath, the Chitauri battleship was quickly torn into scattered parts.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} The only tricky thing is the Chitauri mothership.

Since the two ships fell in succession, the Chitauri army has also increased its vigilance, erasing the illusion formed by the previous battle with the earth army. They are also aware that Earth has the ability to threaten the Chitauri mothership.

A large number of small fighters are linked together, spread out, and release orange energy lasers, which together form a wall of energy near the Chitauri mothership; this is also one of the common cosmic tactics.

And no matter what means Frank and the others use, it is difficult to break through this barrier.

It was difficult for the Chitauri army to capture the earth, and the watchmen could not break the defense of the Chitauri people, and the two sides were at a stalemate for a while.

Under such a tug-of-war, Tony took off his battle armor, put on a black mage robe, and came to Kama Taj again.

“Great inventor, why do you have time to come here today?”

Gu Yi was still the same, making tea leisurely while teasing.

Rao is thick-skinned, but Tony Stark is still a little ashamed.

Few people know that when he left the Mage Temple, he didn’t come back from an open and honest study, but after he saw the future in the ancient area, he sneaked out under anxiety.

Although Tony Stark is smart, he can think that his reaction should be expected by the ancient one; it may even be intentional.

But it’s a fact that he learned spells and left without saying goodbye.

Seeing Master again, there is still some embarrassment in it.

“Sir, the earth is already in crisis, don’t you plan to lift it? If this continues, I’m afraid the world will be in danger.” Although he was embarrassed, Tony said sternly.

“Aren’t you doing well now?” Gu Yi brewed the tea, stretched out his hand and pushed it, and the tea tray flew to Tony Stark:

“Under the crisis, human beings are united to defend against foreign enemies. The aliens have not been able to invade the earth, so I can retire with confidence.”

“But the alien spaceship is still there…”

“The melon is ripe, and it will come naturally.” Gu shoved a teacup into his mouth and interrupted the next words: “The existence of threats is not necessarily a bad thing, and the absence of a threat is not necessarily a good thing. Just wait and see.”

After speaking, Tony was pushed out of the hall by invisible force, and the two mahogany doors slammed shut.

Standing outside the door, listening to IPOD, Wang shook his head and took off his earphones:

“You were kicked out?”

“Well, maybe.” Tony clicked his tongue and replied unwillingly.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} “By the way, you are famous in the mortal world, right? Can you help me get an autographed photo of Beyonce? I am her fan now.. …”


“Hey, buddy, you really have the vision. You have invited the most famous adventurer in the galaxy, Star-Lord. There are very few people who know people like you, I mean it.”

At this time, Star-Lord was much more immature than he looked in the movie. With the Walkman inserted at his waist, he reached out his hand when they met.

However, Thor coldly rejected him:

“No, I think you’re more of a third-rate punk.”

“Uh,” Peter Quill scratched his head, “well, then you are also very discerning. But then, why did you hire me?”

“It’s not me who hired you, it’s the guy behind you.” Thor pouted, looking down on this ordinary person.

“Nolan Lee, Earthling.” Nolan said succinctly: “We need to find something called.”

“You are also looking for the cosmic spirit ball?” Unexpectedly, Peter Quill frowned: “The requirements of the two sets of employers turned out to be one thing, which is a bit rare.”

Nolan was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately.厎厽 chewing on the book 厎厽

Obviously, although the plot of Silver Protector 1 took place in 2014, the buyer of Xandar Star may not have been the commission released at that time, and it may have been hanging for a long time, but it has not been completed.

It’s just the current Peter Quill, just a pauper who just became independent from the sweepers.

You can’t even buy a spaceship, let alone explore an abandoned planet like Morag.

“Give up your employer, he is not very reliable. Especially the opponents of Xandar, the Kree are also looking for this treasure. Even if you get it, it is difficult to sell it to Xandaar.”

“What about you? Are you very reliable?”

Peter Quill squinted at Nolan: “You just seemed to say, you are an earthman, right? A wild planet like the earth also has the ability to pay for tasks?”

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