The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 144 - 1 heavy attack

Japan, Tokyo, Roppongi.

This is one of the most famous high-end residential areas in Japan. It is quiet and elegant. Many domestic celebrities and powerful political and business dignitaries have purchased real estate here, or simply lived here for a long time.

As an old-fashioned underworld force that has been passed down for hundreds of years, the leaders are still old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. Naturally, the Hand Association also has assets here: an aristocratic mansion that imitates the Heian period, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

Recently, there have been hundreds of Shougang members in suits and leather shoes, with ninja swords on their waists, and super soldiers from the United States scattered all over the mansion every day, monitoring every inch of the mansion.

On the opposite side, there is a ten-story building, which was also bought by the Hand Association a while ago, and a security headquarters was set up inside. From the United States and Israel, several security teams were hired with high salaries to work around the clock.

As dusk approached, the afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the glass on the surface of the building, shimmering golden.

It was time to get off work, and the streets in the distance were full of traffic and began to become congested.

But for those who can live in Roppongi, whether they are government officials or businessmen, this is far from the time to go home. Either work overtime or socialize at a bar or nightclub.

But that’s not the case with the people in this building.

In addition to the bodyguards brought by the security team, the agents sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Alexander Pierce, especially the genetically modified super soldiers, are more inclined to use this place as a vacation spot. They even ignored them, let alone obeyed their orders.

What a joke, when will it be the turn of the Japanese gangsters to command the American GIs?

As soon as the five o’clock clock struck, a group of tall and strong Caucasians instantly poured out of the building.

They greeted each other cheerfully and loudly: “Hey, Tom, where are you going to be merry tonight?”

“Jerry, I found a good place yesterday. The girl over there is really passionate. Let’s go and experience it together?”


Standing on the top floor of the building, a certain red-haired woman couldn’t help shaking her head:

“A mob. Several elders in the meeting intend to rely on this group of people to protect their own safety. I am afraid they are thinking too much.”

Beside her, a Jew had some doubts on his face:

“Ms. Taylor, with all due respect. With this level of security, even if the Japanese National Guard wants to get in, it may be difficult to get in. Not to mention you told me that the imaginary enemy is only a few elites. I don’t understand where your nervousness comes from?”

The woman called Taylor hesitated, but in the end she could only scribble an answer: “Even if the enemy is a group of idle gangsters, it’s not the reason for them to be so lax.”

“Don’t worry, ma’am, let alone a group of gangsters, even if an elite team from Delta attacks in, I can make them go back and forth.” The security expert from the United States said confidently.

It’s not that he was deliberately exaggerating to reassure people. It is indeed the resources and power of the Hand Society, even among the employers he has met, it is one of the best.

In addition to hordes of well-trained soldiers, the building was armed to the teeth. At the Yokota base not far away, several F22s and a squadron of Black Hawk helicopters are on standby around the clock.

With this kind of combat readiness, what the hand woman in front of him told him was only to guard against a few “masters with special abilities”.

Joke, no matter how high a master is, can he still be taller than a seven-barrel Gatling cannon?

As Xin’s apprentice, Taylor couldn’t help sighing secretly.

She is also not easy to say clearly that what she wants to guard against is the ‘Watchmen’ organization.

Otherwise, the security experts from Israel are hard to say, and the Americans will definitely run away. Therefore, she could only tell them vaguely that there are several suspicious elements with superpowers who are eyeing several leaders here, wanting to do something wrong, and hope that they will assist in the defense.

But Taylor has no idea whether these defensive measures will be effective.

She once saw Master Xin die in front of her on that transport ship, and she narrowly escaped. Afterwards, she conveyed the murderer’s message to Mrs. Gao, hoping that the unfathomable old man could take revenge for the master.

Then Mrs. Gao died.

When she first received the news of Mrs. Gao’s death, she couldn’t believe it.

But after the confirmation, she fled New York like crazy, came to Japan to seek refuge with her teacher, Mr. Murakami, and informed the watchman of the relevant information. But she did not seek revenge for the master, but persuaded the elders to withdraw all the forces of the Hand Association from the United States.

Since then, she has been paying close attention to the news about the watchmen, and the “Winterfort Daily” even bought it on a regular basis.

Because of this, she is also one of the few people in the Hand who has a deep understanding of the Watchers.

This time, she did not agree with the plan of several elders to cooperate with Hydra to resurrect the ‘beast’. However, after all, she could not influence the decisions of the elders.

But because of her understanding of the watchmen, she was also reused and was promoted to become the external security director of the Hand, responsible for the overall defense of the watchmen.

I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse to be reused by the organization. Thinking of this, Taylor sighed.

At this moment, her specially trained five senses sensed something strange.

There seemed to be a faint sound of the floor being cut in the distance.

“No!” Taylor drank eagerly: “Call the surveillance probe on the roof!”

“There is nothing unusual about the roof.”

Although they were surprised by her unusual reaction, the security experts cut to the top-level surveillance image for the first time. More than a dozen snipers and observers were distributed on the roof, staring at the courtyard opposite. The surveillance probe did not capture any suspicious Taylor squinted.

Did you hear it wrong?

Suddenly, she felt a chill in her neck.

“Is the insight good, girl.” The slender armor was revealed behind her, and a dagger with a strange luster pressed against Taylor’s throat: “Introduce yourself, Watcher, Skye. Commander who will be here, right?”

When the surrounding experts panicked and took out their pistols and aimed them at Skye, Taylor smiled hard:

“Nice to meet you, Miss Skye. I didn’t expect you to come alone, and the watchers don’t take us too seriously.”

“Stop thinking about intelligence, Tyler.” Skye sneered.

“You may think that no one can threaten you without Nolan, right?” She raised the dagger in her hand: “This is a special enchanted dagger, and you should have heard of its effects. It’s called a ‘soul trap’.”

Hearing this term, Taylor’s face changed slightly.

“Yes, it’s the same magic that Nolan used to execute your master, Xin. I know there’s a deadly poison hidden in one of your teeth, but you can try it, whether the poison strikes fast, or mine Daggers are faster.”


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