The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 139 - Tokyo

“What did you say?”

Nolan took out all the bullets and went to the bathroom to rinse.

When he came out, a grim Tony Stark was waiting for him.

“Shortly after we broke into the hotel, Agent Patton led a raid on S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, assassinated Chief Nick Fury, and Alexander Pierce suddenly appeared, declared Nick Fury a traitor, and took over S.H.I.E.L.D. “

The amount of information in Tony Stark’s words was so rich that Nolan couldn’t understand it for a while.

He waved his hand and motioned Tony to pause first: “You said, Alexander Pierce? But he’s been dead for several years!”

“Yes, it should have been resurrected by the Hand.”

Nolan suddenly felt a bit of a smell.

Why does it sound like the plot of Hokage next door?

The characters who died in the past were reincarnated one by one, and then came back against the protagonist?

“So, what about the ‘Avengers’ newly created by SHIELD? During this period, there was not even a splash of water?”

“The specific situation is unclear, but there are hundreds of ‘super soldiers’ among the people brought by Agent Patton. Otherwise, other people in S.H.I.E.L.D. would not be suppressed so quickly.”

Tony Stark then sighed: “I think the worst may be planned: S.H.I.E.L.D. has been wiped out.”


Nolan doubted his ears.

But then he remembered something more important:

“So… Insight plan?”

The Insight Project is one of Hydra’s conspiracies. Like the “Avengers” plan, it has been proposed decades ago when Pierce was still alive.

Originally intended to use SHIELD’s air carrier to monitor and analyze possible criminal activities in the future;

However, it was used by Hydra to analyze and eliminate those who might pose a threat to Hydra in one fell swoop.

Tony Stark’s expression was rather heavy:

“That’s what I’m worried about too. Fortunately, at present, SHIELD has no plans to launch the Helicarrier.”

“It is also possible that Alexander Pierce has just been resurrected, and he has not yet fully grasped SHIELD. After all, his cronies are almost dead. We can’t wait like this, we have to do something.”


Watcher base, in a guest room.

Natasha Romanov closed the window and slowly closed the curtain.

She glanced at the two people beside the bed with a complicated look.

Steve Rogers lay on the bed with his eyes closed; the Winter Soldier stretched out his normal arm and took Captain America’s hand.

“He fell asleep?”

Sister Widow asked softly.

The Winter Soldier squeezed a grunt from his throat.

“Don’t worry. The Mage’s power is mysterious and unpredictable. Since he made a move, Steve will be fine.”

The Winter Soldier put down his good friend’s hand and turned to look at Black Widow: “Clint Barton, is he your friend? I remember that your relationship has always been good.”

Sister Widow smiled unnaturally: “That’s right.”

She seemed to be reminded: “Don’t look at him looking mature and stable, like a little old man. In fact, a few years ago, he was a stunned young man who wanted to be a hero, but he was accidentally wanted by the police. , became a criminal.”

“That’s when I met him. I introduced him to the organization and personally trained him in his spy skills, and he quickly became a great spy. Although he looked calm on the outside, he was actually on fire inside. , you will get burned if you are not careful.”

“I don’t know why he was corrupted by Hydra, but I believe that he must have been confused for a while and took the wrong path.”

The Winter Soldier was silent, not knowing what to say.

Even if he was confused for a while, would this be the reason to forgive his mistakes?

He couldn’t help thinking of himself, and the people who were assassinated when they were controlled by Hydra.


“Would you like me to say, just get fully armed, go to Washington, get rid of all the people who resisted, and then completely disband the **** S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

Franklin stretched out on the chair, looking puzzled: “What are we still discussing here?”

“It’s not a little rich like this, you have to learn and use your brain.”

Frank explained helplessly:

“No matter how capable we are, we are just a group of ‘ordinary people’. And no matter how chaotic S.H.I.E.L.D., they represent the entire United States behind them. It is impossible for us to directly kill an official institution. What does that mean? But it’s different.”

“What’s more,” he glanced at Tony Stark: “We have already disbanded. If someone is interested, we may be charged with ‘illegal assembly’.”

Of course, the illegal assembly is a joke, and no one has the courage to break into the Watchmen’s base to enforce the law.

But what Frank said was right. Although he was bloodthirsty, his overall view was much better than that of a rich street gangster.

Hawkeye can lead people to kill S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as they can control the situation and explain clearly to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s superior, the World Security Council, then there is no big problem.

It can be explained clearly afterwards.

Nick Fury was killed by a justice-minded employee because of his mutiny;

Or maybe Captain America and others are the villains, they killed Chief SHIELD and then nested.

As long as the incident is not enlarged and has the absolute right to speak, Alexander Pierce and others will be allowed to speak up whether it is black or white.

But Nolan and the others can’t.

If they dare to act in S.H.I.E.L.D., then the existing order in the United States may face collapse because of this;

People in the whole country will see that the era of abiding by the law is over.

now practiced. Whoever has the bigger fist will obey the law of the and the worst thing is that the one who takes the lead is the watchman who once severely cracked down on crime, especially superpower crime.

“OK! So what should we do, please give me an answer? My **** is going to get moldy sitting here!”

Nolan looked at Skye, who was still busy in front of the computer:

“How’s it going? Did you find anything suspicious?”

“Local, no. But I took the hack into the Japanese customs, took a look at their entry and exit records, and found some abnormalities.”

Nolan sat up straight: “Be specific.”

“It seems that just recently, there has been a surge in the number of tourists with ex-professional US military experience on flights to Tokyo. This situation has raised suspicions from Japanese customs, who appear to be undercover. Plus, they all seem to share the same characteristics. “


“These people are tall, strong, powerful and emotionally changing, moody and vulnerable to outside influences.”

Skye switched to another computer: “…Yes, the latest report from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department also shows that there has been a surge in crime in recent times, and since most of the crimes are American, plus local bail , in the end, it’s over.”


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