The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 11 - Confrontation with Nick Fury

The next thing is to wait for the NYPD to confirm to the General Administration, and then to repair the car. When everything is over, the time has come to seven or eight in the evening.

The sound of an engine gradually approached a small suburban town.

“There, yes, the blue one in front.”

The car gradually parked in front of an old house, and two young people got out of the car.

“Thank you, I had a great day.”

As if he hadn’t recovered from the thrilling racing, Peter’s face was still red with excitement.

Obviously, the hurricane on the coastal highway aroused the adventure complex in his bones. He smiled shyly: “I can ask, that homeland strategic defense…”

“Strategic, Enforcement and Logistics, just call S.H.I.E.L.D.. Do you want to know what this agency does?”

Peter Parker nodded: “Can you? Because I’ve never heard of this institution anywhere.”

“Of course you have never heard of a secret organization. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a special force dedicated to dealing with various strange events. It is directly under the International Security Council and is a global institution.”

“Secret agency? A strange event?”

These two words are undoubtedly very attractive to young people, just as Nolan was once fascinated by the “Dragon Group”.

Nolan showed a mysterious expression:

“Of course. Somewhere in the corner at this moment, maybe all kinds of changes you can’t imagine are taking place.

Some people can become monsters dozens of meters high; some people can use all kinds of exquisite spells; and maybe tomorrow, the characters from the past myths and legends will appear in front of you. And coordinating and helping these extraordinary beings is the work of S.H.I.E.L.D. “

“Wow, that must be cool.” Peter Parker was stunned and couldn’t help but admire.

“It’s not very accurate to describe it as ‘cool’, Peter.” Nolan patted him on the shoulder: “In short, I am a very capable person. If you find any strange events or changes, you can call me. telephone.”

Peter Parker, who hasn’t calmed down yet, looked blank and didn’t understand what he was talking about. But it doesn’t matter, Nolan is just a shot in the arm for his changes tomorrow.

“Hi, Peter! Is this your car? That’s cool!”

Suddenly, he was woken up by a cheerful cry like an oriole.

The person who came was Mary Jane, a red-haired girl who had been Peter Parker’s neighbor since he was a child and his dream lover. Seeing her excited eyes, Peter blushed and was speechless.

“No, it’s not his at the moment.” Nolan said with a smile.

“However, this car may still be difficult for Parker now. But for him in the future, such a sports car worth tens of thousands may not be worth mentioning. What do you think, Mary?”

“Oh, you know my name?” Mary smiled happily and circled around the sports car: “Yes, Peter works very hard and has good grades. The teacher said he even has a chance to compete for the ‘Science Prize’ Honor, maybe he can become a scientist in the future?”

“Yes, he has always been a very good boy. I should go, maybe the two of you can have a good talk, after all Peter has talked to me a lot about you.”

Nolan smiled, then handed a business card to Peter Parker:

“Don’t forget what I told you, call me if you have anything.”


“Sky blue is waiting for misty rain, and I’m waiting for you…”

Humming a little tune, Nolan parked the car in front of the store.

Just sent an assist to Peter Parker, he is in a good mood.

Speaking of which, this Marvel world doesn’t seem to be a pure Marvel universe. At least he remembers that Peter Parker was just a little boy when Iron Man fought Whiplash in the orthodox Marvel universe for 10 years.

God knows how surprised he was when he met a man named Peter Parker to talk to him when he went to set up a stall at Midtown Tech High School.

“Tomorrow should be the first day of Spider-Man’s birth? I wonder if Peter Parker will contact me because of his change…”

Nolan thought about the future in secret and opened the glass door of the bookstore. However, when he turned on the light and saw the situation in the store, his good mood disappeared in an instant.

A bald man with dark skin is sitting quietly on the bar chair. He wears a blindfold in his left eye and a sharp look in his right eye. He is wearing a long gray trench coat, his hands are crossed on his chest, and a pair of leather gloves is dull.

Speaking of which, it may be for some kind of ritual or mystery. Nick Fury seems to like this dramatic way of appearing.

Nolan did not cooperate with him to pretend, but hung up his coat first, then took out a stack of toast from the refrigerator, tasted it, and put it on the table. Then he took out a can of coffee beans from under the table, poured out a cup and started grinding.

“You seem to be very interested in Eastern things?” Just as he started to make coffee, Nick Fury finally couldn’t help but speak first.

“You mean this? Coffee beans from Yunnan?”

“Everything. You like to go to Chinese stores to buy things, often go to Chinese restaurants, you can speak Chinese, and you hang out with a Chinese girl.”

“Chinese girl?”

“It’s Lilith Chen.” As if by magic, a photo appeared in Nick Fury’s hand.

“Jesus (God). Seriously, if you hadn’t had her photo, I would have really forgotten to know such a person.”

While sighing, he brushed the bread with jam, and Nolan took a bite: “So? What’s the conclusion you brought from such a detailed investigation?”

“Abruptly appeared in New York and mastered a magical ‘spell’. You have the appearance of a Nordic person but stayed in Huaxia for a long time. However, after investigation, Huaxia did not have any records of your life.

You are like a non-existent person, a hermit, appearing in front of us out of thin air.

I’m curious, what exactly do you, or the organization behind you, want to do? “

He stood up, his eyes as sharp as nails:

“Powerful intelligence system, weird ‘magic’, it stands to reason that such an organization cannot be without a trace. However, we rarely find traces of magicians. I guess, your organization is not very staffed? It is because magic is learned. Is it difficult? Who are they? Are they all Chinese or are they of all races? What are your goals for this world? What are your attitudes? What are your values?”

Maybe because he often deals with abnormal events, Nick Fury has a much bigger brain than the average person. He asked many questions that Nolan had yet to think about.

If you answer rashly, there may be flaws. However, instead of following the opponent’s rhythm, he intends to take the lead and keep the topic on his side.

After the coffee was brewed, he took it up and used frost magic to cool down a little, took a sip and asked:

“What happened to Pierce, dead?”

Nick Fury’s pupils shrank suddenly.

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